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Fantasy Fantasy About Handsome Adventurers Who Have Admirers They Don't Want [High Fantasy/Comedy]


Cuddly enby auntcle
"Mr. A...Adventurer. I... I have been thinking for a while now. I think... I like you. M... more than like you. D... do you have a girl... friend?" A shy girl asks you. You are smitten with her and are overjoyed. But when you want to answer, she continues: "If you do, I can get rid of her, so we can be together." Her smile warps and she is suddenly holding a long knife.

Just then you wake up from your dream turned nightmare. You are happy it was only a nightmare and not real. Or was it? Maybe it was foreshadowing, as there is really an admirer out there who has something about her (or him) that is undesirable. You may try to convince yourself that it can't be that bad. But it is pretty bad. Worse yet, the guild wants your party to cooperate with other adventurers among which your admirer is.

Or rather every time you meet someone who seems halfway normal, they turn out being just as bad or worse than your admirer.


You've followed the call to the frontier nation known as Kachasia in it's local language or Silver Mountains in the common language, after finding a pamphlet on you local adventurer guild's wall. The pamphlet read "Tired of running menial errands, doing manual labor and fighting weak pests when you expected more out of adventuring? Come to Kachasia to help build a nation. We offer adventuring parties a plot of land for a party base after they complete a trial quest. Warning: Be prepared that you might get severely injured or even die if you accept quests beyond your skill grade."

You are excited and seek to go there. Your current party isn't too excited and you end up going on your own. You end up finding others to team up with and after a trial quest, you are allocated a plot of land and start building your base.

However, soon after things start taking a bad turn as you end up finding an admirer or admirers you'd rather not have. Even worse, you occasionally may have to team up with their parties. You try finding other friends, but a number of people are equally as unhinged as your admirer. It is almost like people with nothing to lose among other things have mostly come here.

Ultimately, you can't go back. Or rather if you went back, you'd be penniless. The only things that can eventually keep you at spirits are the exciting quests such as battling orcs or the rumors of a demon lord beyond the mountains and the few sane friends you managed to find.

Reverse side of the story (perspective of the admirers):

You've had a troubled life so far and you saw a pamphlet at the adventurer guild. It gives you a chance to start anew. There is a cute guy at the board who also read the pamphlet. You are too nervous to speak to him. He accidentally bumps into you, apologizes and asks if you are okay. You blush and nervously nod. In your head, you ask yourself: "Is he flirting with me? He might be flirting with me. He could be the one. Yes, he could be the one. I will dedicate my life to this handsome man I just met and gave me kind words. I will follow him to the frontier. Yes! Follow him! We can be together. Take the chance before another bitch tries to steal him away. Yes. Be together. Together forever."

However while blushing, you just say: "Hello. I'm fine." In your mind, you are beating yourself up for not taking the initiative. You will follow him. And eventually get the chance of confessing your love. He could accept you. He should accept you. He will accept you. Refusal is not an option.

Setting: Kachasia (Silver Mountains), a frontier nation. Developmentally far behind the rest of the world, but potentially much larger than the other world nations. One of your fellow adventurers said: "What a dump. It's even worse than a rural area 500 years ago." Kachasia has so much potential though. Your base of operations is in a rather newly established settlement named Abenteuer (which is basically just "adventure" in another language. Known locations in the settlement are an adventurer guild, a bathhouse, a guard's barracks, a small central square for markets and stuff, shops and a number of taverns.

Kachasia itself is at first towards the adventurer's settlement a green steppe but the terrain gets mountainous with dense forests. Old ruins from a lost civilization dot the landscape. The locals of Kachasia are a semi-nomadic people who live mostly in the flatter areas of the nation. They warn that there are ogres, demons and dragons in the mountains.

Playable species:

Humans, elves, half-orcs, half-ogres, halflings (similar to hobbits, basically about the size of dwarves but normal proportions), wolfkin (males look more like bipedal wolves, woman look like humans with wolf ears and tails), foxkin (similarly gender differences to wolfkin), catkin (here too), dragon kin (both male and female are rather human looking but with lizard eyes, short horns and scaly tails).

Magic types:
Elemental (fire, water, air, earth/ combos: water + air = ice or electric, earth + fire = metal/lava), light/healing magic, druidism (shapeshifting, communicating with lesser animals), summoning, combat enhancing magic, illusion. Taboo magics: Death magic (robbing lifeforces, curses), necromancy (summoning the dead), abyssal magic (demonic shapeshifting, black flame, blindness by darkness).

Taboo magic users need to be careful, because depending on what they use the consequences can vary from a shop refusing service to having a bounty on one's head.


No exceptions in regards to species.
Post regularly. If you can't post within three days or within a few days of your posting turn, please notify everyone else or you will be skipped.
Don't be overly dramatic. Despite psycho characters, it is suppose to still have comedic elements.
No setting breaking things like machine guns or motor vehicles. Potentially, magical smartphone/PDA like devices could exist. But tech will mostly be more medieval fantasy.
Since there are at least two who are interested and like ten people spectating this thread right now. I will go on ahead and make the roleplay, OOC and character threads.

I will probably play an admirer or at least a childhood friend who is a bit nuts. We would need at least one handsome dude who is at least somewhat normal.
Since there are at least two who are interested and like ten people spectating this thread right now. I will go on ahead and make the roleplay, OOC and character threads.

I will probably play an admirer or at least a childhood friend who is a bit nuts. We would need at least one handsome dude who is at least somewhat normal.
how many oc's can we play?
I am naming it "I Went To The Frontier For Real Adventuring, But My Admirers Are Nuts". I know it is not exactly creative but damn, it is hard to find titles on some roleplays.
For starters, a manageable amount. So maybe three or four. If you want to play multiple characters, maybe make a handsome normal dude in the mix. But dont have your characters only interacting with each other.
Oh yeah, with character appearances. Please no face claims of real people. Description or illustration (doesnt matter if it is anime style, dnd style or what not) are fine.
I admit, I have been eyeing this post for a bit. I'm interested!
I honestly cannot believe i didn't make this or something similar.
It's comedic brilliance pushed into the medium of role-playing...

I'd like to join if possible.

The idea of a Hobbit Hero being stalked by races capable of kidnapping him due to being a normal height makes me giggle
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I honestly cannot believe i didn't make this or something similar.

It's comedic brilliance pushed into the medium of role-playing...

I'd like to join if possible
honestly, I seen all your mass worded interesting roleplays so I'm surprised someone beat you, lol!
Dear Tante!
This old bloke might be interested in making one handsome although morally questionable [grey area] ikemen, and one seemingly Kichidere gal.
Though having to make a morally good necromancer which is a taboo magic is the take I'm gonna try for, for the Ikemen.
You know like "Ooh, you're dying, and your family is poor... What if I pay you some money so your family has some money to survive on for some time, while I get the right to your dead body? Here's the contract just sign right here~."
now to find my ikemen art and off to character creation.

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