Fantastical Island


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xXxAnimeBellxXx submitted a new role play. @xXxAnimeBellxXx, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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xXxAnimeBellxXx said:
xXxAnimeBellxXx submitted a new role play. @xXxAnimeBellxXx, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.
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CHARACTER SIGN-UP SHEET (Basis of which is mostly borrowed from Rai-Chan)


Nickname (if applicable):




Appearance (picture preferred):

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable):




History (optional):



Name: Isa (pronounced "eyes-ah")

Nickname (if applicable): N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire

Appearance (picture preferred): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/AnimeSchoolGirl.jpg.8da3720166ce71da77722d8daf5bb7ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/AnimeSchoolGirl.jpg.8da3720166ce71da77722d8daf5bb7ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/wires_flyingfox.jpg.53c449401c2e4ee840fe2fe3335aa3f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/wires_flyingfox.jpg.53c449401c2e4ee840fe2fe3335aa3f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable): Glowing red eyes

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 126 lbs

Personality: Quiet, shy when meeting new people, though her shyness is usually mistaken for being bored and aloof, or even rude.

History (optional): Lived a fairly ordinary life, having been on the island since birth. Has always an interest in human culture, and has wanted to meet a human ever since she was little.

Likes: Reading, writing, flying, learning about humans

Dislikes: The colour pink, shopping (unless it's for books)

Other: Can turn into a bat. Waffles~

Name: Luke Bell

Nickname (if applicable): N/A

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance (picture preferred): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/3159443_1361375524817.67res_313_300.jpg.5eea3c2099295b3f4be3d951d966a8a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19460" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/3159443_1361375524817.67res_313_300.jpg.5eea3c2099295b3f4be3d951d966a8a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable): Usually wears jeans and a t-shirt

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 137 lbs

Personality: Pretty happy with his life as it is now, a bit of a nervous wreck around people he doesn't know, but can become pretty crazy around close friends

History (optional): The only child in a reasonably wealthy family, he usually got anything he wanted. Except his parents' time. He was practically raised by a line of nannies before his parents deemed him old enough to look after himself when he was 15.

Likes: Video games, music, anime/manga

Dislikes: Shopping, most sports, spiders

Other: Was diagnosed with Tourette's when he was a small child, but has had it pretty much under control for five years. Waffles~



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Name: Ayrenn Dracoseir

Nickname (if applicable): Just Ayrenn is fine.

Age: 20 years old.

Gender: Female

Race: High Elf (Meaning she comes from royalty.)

Appearance (picture preferred):



Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable):
Usually has a golden bow slung across her back, along with a black and brown arrow quiver with Elven designs written all over it. Also, wears a royal crown lined with gold and gems of all sorts (

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 128

Personality: A bit secluded from other people, Ayrenn is used to living a royal life. But she tries to get away as much as possible. She craves for adventure and exploring, and her wild heart is hard to tame by even the fieriest of people. However, Ayrenn is very sensitive, and angers easily. Despite her impulsiveness and short tempered nature, Ayrenn can keep a calm head in a dangerous situation, and is often seen as a leader among others. She is a very brave, bold, daring, courageous, stubborn, rebellious and headstrong girl who does not fit the stereotypical princess role. Rather than being a damsel in distress, like the customs, traditions, and social restrictions people expect her to follow, Ayrenn openly rebels and defies her heritage as an elven princess and would like for nothing more than to be a normal girl. She is very athletic and enjoys riding her horse Atticus and practicing her archery.

History (optional): Ayrenn comes from the royal family known as the Dracoseir's. They are famous throughout the island, and own a large, brilliant marble castle far out into the island's forest. It is guarded by thick brambles and heavy forest, making it hard to get to. Ayrenn is heir to the throne, having no siblings for competition. Her family has lived on the island for generations, and has created a small, wealthy community of elves among the forest.

Likes: Being free, archery, handpicked berries, storytelling, taking care of Atticus, adventurous people.

Dislikes: Being told what to do, small spaces, loud people, nighttime.

Other: Her horse, Atticus-

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Emilia Lu Nyx

Nickname (if applicable):

Em, Emi, Vixen, and any other nicknames she might recieve


18 (I know she does not look this age, please just imagine it)




Pixie Fox Shifter (A mix of a pixie (mom's side) and a fox shifter (dad's side)

Appearance (picture preferred):



Design and art by LunarEden/LunarAdopts on DA. I bought her, so she is mine. Don't use for your own purposes please.

And here is a cute pixel picture by anyab on Chicken Smoothie.




108 pounds


Emilia is a very quiet girl, rarely shouting (unless very angered of course), and not really talking that much unless among people she likes. Her speech is pretty choppy at times because she had spent years pretty much completely silent and so how she talks might not flow as well as others'. She also can not read or write very well.

Despite Emilia's lack of book-smarts, she has an endless supply of street-smarts. Or, more like forest-smarts. She knows how to survive on her own and can access a situation pretty quickly. For her, failure is never an option, because from living in the forest if she failed at something she could die from it. So, if she knows she can not win or absolutely can not do something, she will not do it. Emilia is like an extreme perfectionist and is very stubborn about it. When she does make mistakes she tends to become defensive about it and upset.

Despite all of that, Emilia is still a pretty sweet girl. She likes socializing with others, but is shy because of her years of solitude. But, when she opens up Emilia can be very nice and kind of fun really. She enjoys going on adventures and is affectionate towards her friends, often hugging them. Emilia is not flirty. She is actually very innocent when it comes to relationships. Although when she does manage to get in one (which has not yet happened), she is very loyal towards that person.

History (optional):

Emilia is the result of a female pixie and male fox shifter falling in love. She was born on the island. Her ears and tail in her humanoid form is a sort of glitch because her father does not have them. Anyways, Emilia was loved by her parents and had a good childhood deep in the forest up until the age of five. A fire had broken out in their house. Her parents had not made it, but she did. They had taught their young daughter the basics of survival in case of a situation like that, so Emilia began to fend for herself, and has been ever since.

The tears in her wings were a result from the fire. They had been burned. They still work, but they often hurt too much to use them.


Salty and sweet foods, bunnies, hunting small animals (other than bunnies).


Getting wet, strangers, fire (unless cooking, but she still does not like it).


Waffles! Also she is Pansexual.

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Name: Lilith Alexander

Nickname (if applicable): Lil, Lily

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human Cat Hybrid

Appearance (picture preferred): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.72355cb23fbba7ce70ba2114a882f109.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.72355cb23fbba7ce70ba2114a882f109.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable): Wouldn't be caught dead in a skirt.

Height: 5'7

Weight: 90 pounds (light for cat-like movements)

Personality: Lilith has always been an exploring trouble maker. She is described as tough, thick-headed, strong-willed, and difficult to control. Being curious by nature, she loved things she doesn't understand completely. All around, she is kind, calm when she needs to be, and a curious person who loves to fight. She is the complete opposite of girly, but on occasion you'll catch her off guard and she will show a cute side.

Likes: The ocean, trees, exploring, her brother, and night time.

Dislikes: Pointless arguments, mean people, her father, and dangerous situations.

Other: Waffles~

Name: Drake Alexander

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human Cat Hybrid

Appearance (picture preferred): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0fa7a7ae795dc0a9576d4e0e34e6392f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0fa7a7ae795dc0a9576d4e0e34e6392f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable):

Height: 6'4

Weight: 110 pounds (light for cat-like movements)

Personality: He is a bit of a show off. He enjoys chasing after girls constantly and hits on anything with a pulse. Drake is very cocky and likes any girl who is challenging to him. He may act like an idiot a lot of times but he is actually very smart. Though he is very playful, when it comes to his sister he is strict and protective.

Likes: Girls, games, anything interesting, his sister, and pranks.

Dislikes: People who can't take a joke, liars, girl's who are too easy, and vegetables.

Other: Waffles~ 
Name: Matthew Alexander

Nickname (if applicable): Matt

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Race: Human Cat Hybrid

Appearance (picture preferred): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.7a3149ac95beef924635cde50f039e2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.7a3149ac95beef924635cde50f039e2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable): He doesn't smile, ever. Has cat ears and tail.

Height: 6'4

Weight: 120 pounds (lighter for cat-like movements)

Personality: He's a cruel man. If there is something new he hates it. Matt thinks of humans as "lesser beings" and "disgusting". He does not believe his children should be anywhere near them and will not hesitate to hurt them. He is considered an alpha and strikes down anyone who challenges him.

Likes: His kind, pride, protecting his blood line, and stealth.

Dislikes: Humans, being questioned, being reminded of bad things, and anyone who goes near his kids against his will.

Other: Waffles~



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Hikaru Sat?

Nickname (if applicable): Oshoku (It means corruption)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Werepyre:
Werepyre is a race of Vampire/Lycan crossbreeds. This race is very rare but is possible, by having both vampire and lycan traits recessive in the DNA it allow the human to live, during the full moon before that human's 16th birthday they both traits become dominant and start to destroy each other & the host however there is a rare chance that the host will release a set of hormones that will create a bridge between both traits and allow them to fuse, bringing the body temperature, during the night, to 1,000,000 degrees C however the heat stays inside the body and doesn't affect the outside, the host feels nothing until his/her first change after that they can change at will. After that night has passed the body temperature returns to normal.

Appearance (picture preferred):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/vampire.jpg.983d8ec2211f78717bee388a7afb1de6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/vampire.jpg.983d8ec2211f78717bee388a7afb1de6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable): None

Height: 7'0

Weight: 250 lbs

Personality: Lonely, Smart, Friendly and Kind. He keeps to himself most of the time and when around anyone he never reviles his true feelings

History (optional):
When Hikaru was born his family abandoned him and his twin brother in the forests. He grew up fending for himself and his brother, he was always the strongest of them. He was found with his brother and put in a home where they grew up and learned, they were put in this home around the age of seven. During their 16th birthday, which was on a full moon, Hikaru managed to survive the transformation but his brother didn't, his brother was burned to death from the inside out. Hikaru, saddened by this decided to help others how he couldn't help his brother, to save them and to survive.

Likes: Vampires, Werewolfs, Werepyres, Swords, Magic, Spears..... more

Dislikes: Angels & Demons

Other: (I live in the UK and have a few Exams plus 2-3 hours of school a day, just a warning so it's ok) 'Waffles'



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Name: Mimi Winters

Nickname (if applicable): Yamineko

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height: 5'2''

Weight: 94 Ibs

Personality: Mimi is a gothic girl. She dresses in black dresses almost all the time and is constantly using an olden days Englsh style of speech. She claims herself to be a child of demons, though that's not really true. Despite the dark things she's into, she does often smile and is a happy person. Once you see past her laughable behaviour you find that she is a loyal and kindhearted soul who is just a little lost in her dark fantasies.

History (optional):

Likes: religion, beings with friends, reading, writing

Dislikes: bullies, stupidity, boy bands

Others: Waffles

| Name |

"Nice to meet you."

Her name's Elsieth (el-seeth) Leaton.

| Nickname |

"It ranges from El to what you would call me."

She doesn't really mind what people choose to call her.

| Age |

"I'm 16 years old."

Many would say that it's not obvious.

It may be because of her physique and personality.

| Gender |

"I'm a female, if you don't know."

| Race |

"I'm just human; sometimes hoped I wasn't."

She would sometimes wonder how life would be as someone else.

| Appearance |


| Any differences in appearance from picture |

Never would she want to wear such girly clothes.
Most of the time, she's seen around with either hoods, or clothing that would make people question her gender.

| Height |

She towers 5'7 ft.

| Weight |

She weighs about 110 lbs.

| Personality |

Due to her calm and reserved appearance, most would think that she is unsocial and cold. However, that's not the case. Elsieth can at times be uncertain of what to say or respond to others, being that she wasn't raised to communicate with people not related to her and her use to their family whatsoever. Even though, she really tries, struggles even (even though it's not obvious that she's having a hard time) with having to be with others. When one would dare to approach her, that is. Most people return her seemingly-blank gaze with a confused and scared expression, that she'd barely care anymore. She's very curious about things, ending up in fatal and dangerous events most of the time. Not that she'd hate that.

| History |

"Is this really necessary?"

Born and raised by a clan of families who are known world-wide for their businesses, mafias, and knack for combat, Elsieth was never one to be a free girl, just like the other -- normal ones. She was always stuck in her family's mansion with her teachers, being trained in many to all aspects of what each and every member of her family had and would. She proved her loyalty (even though she didn't intend to do so) to her parents who saw that she seemed good enough to at least not be fully trapped in their house, and let her become a little more public and with mere freedom, specifically when she was to reach high school. Although they still make her do things related to the places she go to (missions and whatnot), at least, she was free. Kind of.

| Likes |

eating food

felines, cats


new discoveries


danger and thrill


scars and marks

and being in pain.

| Dislikes |

dullness and boredom

people who complain a lot

being stuck in one place

not being trusted with something

anything that is too sweet

being trapped and caged


and negativity.

| Other |


Name: Eden Taskar

Age: 25 (roughly- won't tell anyone her real age)

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance (picture preferred):

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable):
She likes wearing protective gear and/or weaponry, so she's more likely to be caught in a kevlar vest.

Height: 5'5

Weight: Won't tell

Personality: Eden is a hard person. She is suffering some PTSD from her tour of duty, and she copes by trying to be as tough as she can. It still haunts her, though. She also calms herself down with art, and she's rather good at it. She sometimes gets panic attacks, usually because either a situation reminded her of a trauma in her past, or she just doesn't know what to do with something. Is very chivalrous, and became so as another result of PTSD. She really likes knowing how to solve situations, and as a result packs a lot of 'might be useful' items, although this method is hit-and-miss, and spends a lot of time reading about different things. This includes training herself to think on her feet, although that doesn't always work. Most likely has a touch of OCD. Is a bit paranoid.

History (optional): Was in the military. This is very important to her, although she didn't rise to any powerful position or gain a medal or anything, and only served in one tour of duty. Due to the mental strain placed upon her as a result of this, she has latched on to her term in the military as a thing of honor, and by always thinking of it as that, and placing it in that place of importance, she can ignore the toll it took on her.

Likes: Orderly things, weaponry, art, pretty things, and being calm

Dislikes: Chaos, injustice, being defenseless, people making fun of her at her expense (she does not get sarcasm, although she does claim that she's a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater (or something more situationally appropriate) if anyone makes an observation about her that she considers obvious).

Other: Due to her military training, Eden is quite good with multiple weapons (mostly guns, although she also packs blades), and has some very good reflexes (you need them in battles/ordinary army life in a danger zone).

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Name:Фима Семён Орлов

Name in English: Fima Semyon Orlov

Nickname: Simon

Age: 36


Race: Human

Appearance: Brown hair and green eyes, with somewhat thick eyebrows. Wears a white Button-up shirt and black sweatpants with moderate pocket space and 2 pockets. He has a somewhat thick frame and has bland brown boots that are slightly worn down.

Height: 6'1". Tall, But normal by Russian standards.

Weight: 140 lbs.

Personality: A Simple man. Somewhat shy and timid, but has a good soul.

History (optional):

Fima Can't seem to quite remember, you know, Before the storm. He can remember these things:

A. His name is Fima Semyon Orlov (Фима Семён Орлов)

B. He was a librarian

C. He was Going to study overboard at the time of the storm

D. Skills relating to being a librarian and high-school education

E. He was born in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and moved to Miami to study overboard

F. He is an Atheist

Likes: Books, Russia, Spring, Fall

Dislikes: Summer, Winter, When people put "waffles" in their 'other' section :banghead:

Other: Pankakes. :rolleyes:
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Dark Agonian Wyvern

Appearance Details

Hind legs: 15ft.

Reg.: 6ft.



Senthuriax isn't a bright one.... he is cryptid... Corrupted and his soul shattered by powerful entities. He doesn't like visitors, and when he gets them... They're gone in a matter of seconds. Senthuriax is aggressive, dominant, and full of anger and hatred. The rest of his kin shouldn't have underestimated him...




Absorbing souls



Bright lights

Every source of life

the Entities that shattered his race

Anything that trespasses into his cave


Senthuriax possesses a power magic possessed only by his race. Since everyone died off, he is the most powerful weilding it. This magic grants Senthuriax to fire an explosive bolt of magic from his throat to anything, shattering it to pieces, depending how tough it is. He also has the ability to absorb one's soul... If their will is weak.

Since he is subterranean, he has the ability to dive in and out of the Earth beneath him at any time.

CHARACTER SIGN-UP SHEET (Basis of which is mostly borrowed from Rai-Chan)

Rowan Anderson

Nickname (if applicable): None- so far

Age: Eighteen years of age, going on nineteen. Born on June 5th 1995

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance (picture preferred):

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable):

Rowan is an average height of 5'9.

Weight: (Is this important? I literally have no idea how weight works in pounds since we don't measure it in pounds over here. xD ) Rowan is slim, being quite active, and not the slightest bit overweight. Although she had suffered from slight anorexia as a younger teen, but has gotten over that for the most part.

Personality: Rowan can come across as abrupt and standoffish in the beginning, depending on who it is she's speaking to. Although overall, Rowan is more of a mischievous and conniving character, but rather sweet after opening up.

History (optional): I'll update this in a while; for now I want to get this out there before it's too late for more humans.

Likes: Rowan loves red meat, pizza, rock music and reading her fantasy novels in quiet spots. Being more of a 'lone-wolf', she prefers solitude and her own company.

Dislikes: Will update with these too. xD

**Forgot to add in 'waffles', sorry. xP
Nyctophilic said:
CHARACTER SIGN-UP SHEET (Basis of which is mostly borrowed from Rai-Chan)
Rowan Anderson

Nickname (if applicable): None- so far

Age: Eighteen years of age, going on nineteen. Born on June 5th 1995

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance (picture preferred):

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable):

Rowan is an average height of 5'9.

Weight: (Is this important? I literally have no idea how weight works in pounds since we don't measure it in pounds over here. xD ) Rowan is slim, being quite active, and not the slightest bit overweight. Although she had suffered from slight anorexia as a younger teen, but has gotten over that for the most part.

Personality: Rowan can come across as abrupt and standoffish in the beginning, depending on who it is she's speaking to. Although overall, Rowan is more of a mischievous and conniving character, but rather sweet after opening up.

History (optional): I'll update this in a while; for now I want to get this out there before it's too late for more humans.

Likes: Rowan loves red meat, pizza, rock music and reading her fantasy novels in quiet spots. Being more of a 'lone-wolf', she prefers solitude and her own company.

Dislikes: Will update with these too. xD

**Forgot to add in 'waffles', sorry. xP
>mfw i saw the picture

Name: Petia Petya

Nickname (if applicable): N/A "And I swear to god if you give me one"

Age: 19

Gender: Male "...really?"

Race: Naga "If you don't know, that's what books are for, now leave me alone before I have to beat some brains into you"

Appearance (picture preferred):

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable): human side is more tan and hair is black

Basic anatomy: stomach is in the middle of the tail, heart and lungs are in the human spots, tongue can come out to 10 inches, posterior is at the end of the tail and mouth can stretch the same way a snake's can

Height: 5'4 usually but can stand to 12' (shakily) and is about 15' long

Weight: "Alot, does it really matter? I am freaking huge"

Personality: "Let me put it this way, if I like you I will only hit you kinda hard when you piss me off" More of an asshole than a meathead

History (optional): Completely clueless to how he got here and can only remember the last few months. He couldn't have come from somewhere off of the island without a boat since he is cold blooded, but has no recollection of the island whatsoever

Likes: Warm places, improvised weaponry, winning, screwing about

Dislikes: Being cold, boredom, not winning, stupid people

Other: Waffles
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Name: Katamni Draxon

Nickname (if applicable): Kayta

Age: 143 (looks like a woman in her 20's)



Appearance (picture preferred):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-5_18-33-53.jpeg.e1d17fc9619415043d4aee23a5539e47.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19934" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-5_18-33-53.jpeg.e1d17fc9619415043d4aee23a5539e47.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable): her hair is blonde, and her dragon is a more aqua shade of blue. She carries A sleek black bow and a quiver of arrows

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 150lbs

Personality: Fierce, strong, loyal, but also kind to the ridiculed, the outcast, and the injured. Nice to all creatures.

History (optional):

Likes: Dragons, creatures of all sorts (unless they're evil)

Dislikes: Intruders, poachers (but she likes poached eggs!), theives

Other: Can tame any dragon (is that too powerful, like godmoding it? If it is, she can tame dragons. Not ANY dragon. )




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CHARACTER SIGN-UP SHEET(Basis of which is mostly borrowed from Rai-Chan)

Name: Nicole Wift

Nickname (if applicable): NA

Age: a few centuries old but she looks 16

Gender: female

Race: human vampire hybrid

Appearance (picture preferred):

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable):


Height: 5'5

Weight: 105.5

Personality: Nicole loves to talk and hates being alone because she was basically alone for centuries. Nicole is very outgoing and fun and active.

History (optional): a few centuries ago, a ship had wrecked on the island. Her father, a human, was a passenger on the ship. Her mother, a vampire, lived on the island. Her parents met on the island and they died together on the island. Her father died of a disease and no matter how much her mother begged, he wouldn't let her convert him. A few days after her father's death, her mother committed suicide by stabbing herself in the heart with a stake. Nicole was only 6 (actually 6 years old.) when her parents died.

Likes: the beach, the sun(although she can't get tan.), heights, people, talking.

Dislikes: human blood, being alone, quiet.

Other: Nicole cannot change into a bat due to her human half. Nicole also doesn't have a thirst for human blood. Everyonce in a while she will get a thirst for animal blood but will only take a small sip or two, careful not to kill the animal. The castaways think that Nicole is just another human that lives on the island. Nicole loved her mother very much but she is slightly ashamed of her vampire side and won't reveal it easily.

Nicole can sometimes see into people's minds if their emotions are very strong.
Name: Michaela Lilith Demorentez

"You may call me Supreme-Force-Who-Crushes-Her-Enemies!"

Nickname: N/A

"People call me Empress of Everything."

Age: Unknown

"I'm not telling!"

Race: Ghost



Differences from Picture: She looks a little older than that.

"I'll have you know that I died as a teenager, not a little kid!"

Personality: Michaela is quite rude and loves poking fun at people, especially people she perceives as deserving it. She may not be a little kid, but she sure acts like one sometimes. She loves cute things, and really wishes that she could eat cotton candy as a ghost. She does have a conscience, and if she perceives that someone is being genuinely hurt by her sarcasm, she'll stop. She does have a low opinion of people who can't take a joke, however.

"I am completely flawless."

History: She doesn't like to talk about it.

"I was the queen of Sheba."

Likes: Cute things, sarcasm, pranking people

Dislikes: People with no sense of humor, jerks

Other: Waffles!
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Name: Jamie Stevens

Nickname (if applicable): Stutter Stevens (by bullies and such)

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Race: Faery

Appearance (picture preferred): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/littlewatercolorfairy.jpg.2f6f065f4e4cf1925a9aa82def3bddd2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/littlewatercolorfairy.jpg.2f6f065f4e4cf1925a9aa82def3bddd2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Any differences in appearance from picture (if applicable): N/A

Height: Tiny: 0'4", Regular: 4'1"

Weight: Tiny: 4 grams, Regular: 46 lbs

Personality: Shy, quiet, easily flustered, afraid to speak to anyone because of the stutter that the kids in school tease her about.

History (optional): Like most of her kind, Jamie is a generally happy and generous girl with a gift for healing, though her power is still developing, but she seems more advanced than most healers her age, but only because she gets more practice. She goes to one of the public schools on the island where the other kids (besides the faery children she grew up with) tease and bully her because of her speech impediment. After nearly two years of this treatment, Jamie rarely speaks anymore due to embarrassment and fear. She can't control her stutter, and faeries are a generally poor race, so her family wouldn't be able to afford a professional speech therapist. She met Isa one day when the black haired vampire scared off some kids that were picking on her, and she instantly looked up to the older girl as her role model. They visit each other at least twice a week, but Jamie has still never spoken a word to Isa, afraid that she wouldn't want to hang out with her anymore, even though she knows Isa as a kind, if somewhat blunt and a bit intimidating, girl and that she thought of the brown haired faery as a little sister.

Likes: Plants, animals, candy, Isa, her mama and papa, nice people

Dislikes: Bullies, make-up, perfume, pesticides, pretty much anything that kills anything, heavy machinery

Other: Waffles~



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