

Welcome to the Character sheet ^·^






Weapon of Choice:




Name: Ruby Del Toro

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Affiliation: Pirate (Captain)

Weapon of Choice: Sword

Personality: Ruby comes from a long line of piracy, from her great grandfather Hook to now, she has never lost a battle with the royal navy. She is stubborn, cocky, a bit of a show off with her ship The Red Gem, and has an itchy trigger finger for her pistol. With her crew they are family to her, treated with respect and honor, but when threatened she will act as a serial killer thus making her and her crew known as the Red Demons from Hell for destroying an entire port; solely on the search for an opposing enemy.

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Name: Magnus "Rockbeard" Yuurdum

Age: 53 (About adulthood for a dwarf.)

Gender: (Strong and independent Nordic) Male

Race: Dwarf

Affliction: Paladin for the dwarven god Torag

Weapon of Choice: Battle Axe

Personality: Magnus is a trusty fellow, always staying to his word, although he can be hard to get to know, and therefore gain his trust. But once gained, it will never fade. He loves gold, insanely, and booze, almost as much.

He has an iron will, forged by countless hours spent mining in the deep dark of the rock he was born in.

Magnus is not a "Talking-Person" but rather more of a "Strike evil first, think later." person. He loves all good, and will try and protect the innocent and righteous.




Blazen is most common, but gladly takes nicknames from anyone.






Estimated to be around 6 to 10 years in human years.


independent dragon

(Who don't need no man/woman)

Weapon of Choice:

Blazen will use his claws, wings, tail, mouth/teeth. And his weak breath attacks.

But his strongest weapon?

Being adorable as fudge.


Curious, wild, adventuring and most of all goofy and relaxed.

Blazen is the dragon that hardly gets angry. He would rather study anything new by getting all close and touchy.

He gladly steals food and objects from anyone as if it were a game and of course he'd take their place if they ever moved (Such as beds.)

Still, he is young and have much to learn from the world, Blazen is ready to accompany any adventuring person or people and he would gladly create mischief while on the road. For Blazen? Life is just a very big playground.


He is around 18-20 inches. (Smaller than a German shepard which is 25 for adult male, for comparison.)


He is around 66 lb But growing!





Food, toys, people, adventure, shiny things, edible things.

Nature, Freedom, flying, sleeping, friendship, warmth.

And the list goes on.


Angry people, food that tastes bad, unedible things, being locked up, boredom (Unless it's sleeping.)

Not being allowed to do stuff/eat stuff/tear stuff apart for fun.

People taking his stuff, unless it's for more stuff.

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Name: Briny Stillwater

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Mermaid

Affiliation: Navigator of the Seas

Weapon of Choice: Pike and Shield, She has a cutlass too, but uses it in case her Pike is damaged or ineffective

Personality: Having a heart as cold as the sea, Briny is cold and calculating. She is always focused on the task at hand, she understands that she comes off as too serious some times, but that's only how she is above water. When submerged, her childish more youthful personality come into play and she is much more cheerful. She prefers to take the less physical approach using wit and manipulation to get out of problems. To those she trust she is warm, protective (sometimes over protective) and kind.




But with the same outfit and gloves above
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Name:Yurko Solvic



Race:Half Human/Half Demon

Affiliation:Master Mage Of Conjuration/Fire and Alquemist

Weapon of Choice:Wen it comes too wepons Yurko dose not use swords or maces.he only uses Books or Stafs really and 2 of his Most Trusted wepons are:

  • "Black Book" real name:Book of black soul=This Thin Book looks like it has not much of pages but each page pass a new one is reveald as it has a Total of 1,629 Pages in it contaning Most of Known Conjuration magick like Sumoning,Wepon Sumoning,Healing magick,Revival,soul harvest and so on as its a very old book.But his most Important magick in the book is Dark Shift as it can turn the wielder in too a Dark Monster,as that the reson for the marking on Yurko,s Forhead.
  • Staff of Black Flames=this dark staff can only do flame magick like fireballs,streams of Fire and so on as this staff aswell can be use for close combat as it is made of metal.

Personality:He is a Serius man really,Kinda Overwork full on his stuff and Reserch,He is Polite and nice wen he is not working or looking for Ingridients and artifacts,he is Kinda Grumpy somtimes but not much really,aswell he likes too help others in there task wen he is not doing anything.But wen he is Busy on Alquemi or on his Reserch or anything that has too do with Magick Related he is very serius and silent as he mostly consentrates on his work.

Extra:He has a small little companion that helps him out in most things and it can Communicate telepathically






Aswell his tower were he lives

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Name: Al'thuzar Kraan

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Orc

Affiliation: The highest bidder

Weapon of Choice: Axe and Shield

Personality: He is blunt and straight forward, both with his words and fists. He can be brash and arrogant, something all orcs have in common, but honor is still held in high regard. He is proud of his skills, and rightfully so. Though his patience his short and his anger easy to fire up, it is also quick to die down. While he may succumb to the same rage and blood lust orcs have, his is more controlled, being only half orc. While he has many flaws, he is loyal and honest, for a true warrior never fights with lies and backstabs.



Name: Umiko Tukiko


Gender: Female

Race: Mermaid

Affiliation: Siren of the sea

Weapon of Choice:

Personality: On land Umiko is a very shy, strong willed and peaceful girl, she lives to please everyone. When she is asked to do a task she never refuses and does it to her best effort. She has the ability to talk to marine life. But if you make her angry she will turn on a dime and become your worst nightmare. But in the water she has a bubble personality. She comes out of her shell and is extremely friendly. She is a very adventures character and loves to find new things.

Name: Kevin Dobson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human wizardnin

Affiliation: None

Weapon of Choice: Blades (no matter the size)

Personality: Kevin is a selfless ninja whose only goal is to protect others and build a family.





Affiliation:sirens of the sea

Weapon of Choice:

Personality: Kikya is a very mischievous happy boy with a heart of gold. He is very curious about everything and loves to explore and find new things. He is very loyal affectionate and loves to make friends. He can shy around new people but will warm up to you quickly especially if you give him something shiny. He is friends with many of the sea creatures and usually never goes anywhere without one by his side.

Name: Kukulkan Jiram (or simply "Jiram")

Age: 45 (Young adult for his species)

Gender: Male

Race: Zaraank (Lizardman)

Affiliation: The Zaraank

Weapon of Choice: Two of the sword in the picture. 5 javelins.

Personality: Honor-bound, and honest, Jiram is a honest warrior. he does not back stab, and does not conspire. His people are known for their prowess in hunting, and combat. And as such, he is an expert hunter and warrior. He is helpful, loyal, and kind at times to his friends, if he makes any. He is always in search of a worthy opponent. He is the Goorak of his clan, the leader. He seeks to protect his clan before all else.



The Kukulkan Clan:

The Kukulkan Clan consists of 15 males and 12 females, all combat-capable. There are 4 children, who are still being taught the ways of the Hunt. The Clan is skilled in architecture, so their stone houses are highly resistant to the jungle's tough monsoon season. They are untrusting of outsiders.

The Clan has one Ziodon,


Two Terradons,


and 5 JioRaptors

Name: Roxus ???



Race: Vampire

Affiliation:Son of fairy

Weapon of Choice: Katana

Personality:Nice and Caring

Image:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/wings-vampire-blackandorange.jpg.dba59158eefad8cc6314e380362b6331.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/wings-vampire-blackandorange.jpg.dba59158eefad8cc6314e380362b6331.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Unlike humans, which classify age by years, the Blood Flower Dragons prefer age to be grouped into several into stages:


Recently emerged from the shell and nearly defenceless, they are easy prey to most predators and human trappers.

The dragon hatchling lives with it's siblings under the protective care of it's parents, though it never sees the father.

*The dragon is completely bare of scales or horns and have only a single barb on the end of it's tail. It's wings are small and can't support it for very long— the dragon can only glide short distances.*


Having survived it's first two years, the dragon is now a capable hunter and better at defending itself— it's even learned how to disable some of the simpler traps left by the humans.

The juvenile Blood Flower is now left to fend for it's own, though it still occupies it's parents territory and sometimes sees them in the distance.

*Dark black scales are starting emerge and it's wings have grown larger— it can now fly short distances*

Adolescent Drake

Having reached the age of ten, the dragon is capable of defending itself from most predators and isn't fooled by regular traps anymore.

Driven away by it's father, the Adolescent Drake fights to survive on the edge of another dragon's territory. When food is scarce it steals from the older dragons kills.

*The dragon is now completely covered in dark black scales, while small spikes and additional barbs are beginning to develop. The dragon's wings are still growing and can now support it for longer periods of time.*


Eighteen years old, the Blood Flower drake is a formidable opponent and fears only the larger members of it's species. Most humans don't bother with traps for a dragon of this age.

Having grown quite large, the surrounding area that is it's birth place cannot support so many dragons and it, along with other drakes band together in search of new hunting grounds.

*The dragon is almost fully developed, and it can cover great distances by air, land or sea.*

Mature Drake

At thirty years old, the dragon is close to adulthood. The rough years have made it strong and resourceful—capable of surviving in almost any environment.

The Mature Drake has travelled a great distance from the place of it's birth— it is likely to never return, or see its family again. But having reached plentiful hunting ground it will soon claim a territory for itself.

*Already it's horns are starting to grow and there is a slight change in the colouring of its scales.*


Having reached thirty-eight years, the dragon is a tried survivalist ready to claim his territory.

The Sub-Adult dragon, has finally claimed his own territory and is likely to never leave again. He will perfect it over the years until he is ready to attract a mate and start his own family.

* Full grown horns, and new crimson colours mark him as a territorial male.*


Past his thirty-ninth year, this dragon is a battle scarred veteran with his own claim on the land, and likely a family to return to.

The adult male is aggressive—chasing away other dragons that threaten his claim and family, as he patrols his borders for the longer duration of the day. However fighting doesn't stop all his problems, and after years of harassment the human traders still refuse to find a new route—So striking a bargain the dragon promises them safe passage through his lands... For a small fee of course.

Soon he has a hoard.

*More scars are seen in his body, and a new light shines in his eyes*






(Blood Flower)

The Blood Flower is a relatively mid-size dragon found in both arid and humid climates with little preference for any particular land type. Classified as a "venom" or "poison" class dragon, the Blood Flower is notable for its unique venom(s) produced by two specialized glands (each containing one of two venoms) on the roof of its mouth. The dragon mixes one, or both of the gland's secretions with its own saliva before applying thin layers of the deadly mixture on it's talons, tail barbs and wing tips.

*they are immune to their own venom, but may experience a 24 hour sickness if exposed to another blood flowers venom.)

The Right Gland, produces a Hemotoxic Venom:

This attacks the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, and muscle tissues, thus directly leading to heart failure. The crotalus atrox, notoriously known as the western diamondback rattlesnake, uses this deadly venom to make its prey more pliable. This venom leads to blood poisoning and affects the blood clotting mechanism to such a grave extent that the victim can die of internal bleeding. Usually, no pain nor any other symptoms can be observed for almost 1 - 3 hours (sometimes even 8). This makes it deadlier, as the victim is usually beyond medical help by the time the cause is even ascertained. The symptoms are lethargy, headaches, nausea, vomiting, etc. Some of the scariest symptoms of a snakebite of this kind are bruising or blood spots beneath the victim's skin. In worst cases, blood is known to ooze out from all possible bodily openings. It is these venoms that usually cause excessive (and hideous) scarring, gangrene, and permanent or temporary loss of motor skills. It can even result in the amputation of the affected limb.

Read more at Buzzle:

This venom CAN be lethal, however it is possible to survive with lesser injuries.

The left produces Cytotoxic Venom:

This is a milder form that generally causes only localized symptoms (at the location of the bite). It is a cell destroying poison that eradicates everything in its path - blood vessels, cells, and tissues. The symptoms of the invasion of this venom are generally seen around 10-15 minutes after the bite. The symptoms are generally a localized pain accompanied by severe swelling and bleeding. One can easily spot the formation of red blisters near the bite area. This venom causes blue/black spotting due to limited blood circulation. The body often revolts against the invasion of this venom by causing nausea and vomiting. If not treated within four hours, it generally needs an amputation.

Read more at Buzzle:

This venom is NOT lethal.

Combined they create a Myotoxic Venom:

It is known to cause muscular necrosis, its symptoms are a thickened-tongue sensation, dry throat, thirst, muscular spasms, and convulsions. It also causes a stiffness of the jaw, neck, trunk, and limbs, along with severe pain in movement. The symptoms often start with drooping eyelids and then turn to more austere results like loss of breath and blackish brown urine discharge. This venom contains peptides that destroy the muscle fiber proteins and result in myonecrosis (muscle destruction). In the very later stages (when treatment is delayed), the muscle proteins enter the blood stream. The kidney overworks in trying to filter out this junk and often gives up trying. Kidney failure is the reason for the dark coloration of urine.

Read more at Buzzle:

This venom IS lethal


There are two flowers which when used together in a specific fashion will draw out the poison within an hour.

The "Goodwill" shrub is a common low bodied plant found in both arid and humid climates, typically near small bodies of water. It can be dried and boiled into tea, or crushed and mixed with saltwater to create a thick paste, capable of drawing out poisons and infections, sterilizing wounds and soothing joint pain.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.ef51740d2f4044ea2a7ab97c3e2fdcbb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32371" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.ef51740d2f4044ea2a7ab97c3e2fdcbb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The "Moonbud" is a rare, luminous flower that reveals itself only on clear, moonlit nights. It can be found in high altitude areas (the higher the altitude the larger the Moonbud population) but during the day is magically disguised as a bare, thorn bush.

To extract the correct properties, the flower must be crushed, and the liquid extracted, then mixed with blood and ash and like water, given to the sick as a drink. The Moonbud has many uses depending on how it is prepared, small amounts of the finished product are also sold (in clear liquid form) for a high price in some markets.


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The extracted poisons are magically imbued and when extracted take the form of a "blood flower". The bruising around the injection cite also appear as "blooming flowers" (which may, or may not, disappear over time.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.21ab2006ea954cddfc1f822fbea6dc3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.21ab2006ea954cddfc1f822fbea6dc3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Today, we examined the extracted cells introduced with Blood Flower venom. Their liquid form withered and wriggled like a small, ruby scaled snake. Even when confined in solitude, inside the vial placed on the table—If it wasn't impossible, I'd say it looked alive.

- Witherspoon, The Wicked

The extracted blood is a powerful ingredient that can be used in magic based products, potions and spells, but has a habit of staining them red.



Weapon of choice:

Tooth and Claw

*For a Blood Flower to use it's venom during territorial disputes, is to admit defeat— shaming the dragon, and weakening it's reputation in addition to losing its claim.*


RyūKhan, is nearing full maturity , and has already earned his reputation as "Blood Scales" —the infamous drake who's prominent, deep-red scales glimmer, like blood in the heat of battle—and currently finds himself searching for the "perfect claim". He is a stubborn and sometimes reckless dragon when it comes to pursuing his goals, but oddly thoughtful when he settles down.


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Character #2

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Name: Unknown

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Psion

Affiliation: None

Weapon of Choice: Rifle, upgraded.

Personality: He usually has no feelings, but defends others. If he is involved, he will show how he feels.

Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-5_10-34-54.jpeg.7fdc99a2801b383b8fb03dcee53eefa6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33698" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-5_10-34-54.jpeg.7fdc99a2801b383b8fb03dcee53eefa6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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