Fangs, Claws, and Technology


Bumblebee Therapist
xx0mittens0xx submitted a new role play. @xx0mittens0xx, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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(You may have up to 2 characters)


Species: (Human, vampire, or werewolf)



Appearance: (human and wolf form for werewolves) (pics can be any form, anime or real, I don't mind)




Theme song for fun, but not required: 
Name: Lupa Garou

Species: Werewolf

Rank: Alpha

Age: In her 200s but she doesn't keep track.

Appearance: (human and wolf form for werewolves) (pics can be any form, anime or real, I don't mind)



Wolf form:


Independent, short-tempered, aggressive. Most believe she doesn't have anything relatively soft about her. Though they knew she'd do anything to protect the pack, completely loyal to them. However, she couldn't exactly go around showing kindness to everyone now could she? They'd be walking all over her like a rug. Only those she allows to be close to her know that she does indeed have a soft side somewhere deep down.

Background: Persian in origin, she was taken as a slave by the Russians when she 15 in the 1800s, sent to work in a brothel for 4 years. She has a mixture of a Persian and Russian accent. She was making her way to get water from a river one evening and was given the werewolf curse, or gift as she likes to call it. At discovering her new found power and freedom she destroyed nearly the entire town who had enslaved her, leaving a trail of blood and death in her wake. She fell in love with a human in the 1900s and chose to change him, not wanting to see mortality end him. He completely freaked out, not knowing how to take it. He did adjust but became ruthless and nearly killed her when she was harmlessly talking to the baker who was flirting with her. She ran at her first chance and hasn't seen him since. She refused to trust another human again, or even get close to one, only killing. She soon found others like her and joined in the ranks instead of being a rogue. She managed to get close to the pack leader, becoming his second-hand before taking his position when a werewolf hunter got the best of him. She's been pack leader for about 75 years now.

Other: She hopes the meeting with the vampires will stay civil and they'll come to a solution rather than widen the gap of their distrust and hate.

Theme song for fun, but not required: "Make Yourself" Incubus


Name: Tobias Theopoles

Species: Vampire

Rank: Other. No particular rank.

Age: In his 300s



Charming and easy to get along with. Always has a smirk on his face as if he knows something you don't. Stubborn but patient.

Unknown, to be revealed in the rp. (may work on this later as well)

Other: Not looking forward to doing business with those....animals...

Theme song for fun, but not required:
"Nightmare" Avenged Sevenfold
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Could I join? I have a character all filled out... so yeah.. ^^

Name: Sirius Krauss

Species: Vampire

Rank: Master

Age: 21 (Appearance) +795 (Actual)



Personality: Intelligent, sly, patient, good-natured, witty, loyal

Background: Sirius was created when a vampire coven killed his entire village. He stood against them alone to try and protect his people. The vampires overwhelmed him and turned him, knowing he would make a good underling. Unfortunately, Sirius had attacked the coven in his new form, and had managed to kill the vampires in vengeance, but he didn't make it out unscathed. He had a curse placed on him by the Coven's leader. The curse mark originally glowed red, and its purpose was to have Sirius to be under the Leader's control. However the curse wasn't completed and Sirius still had some control, with that he killed the Leader, the curse mark fading to black. After, Sirius stayed in solitude, only going into civilization long enough to have a meal and leave again until the next feeding time. He had kept away from all other vampires, and away from the werewolves. He knew by instinct that werewolves and vampires were enemies, so he just stayed clear. That is, he stayed clear until he heard of Vampire and Werewolf hunters, and that humans were starting to hunt them down. Sirius joined the war, and took out as many forces as he could, when he could.

Other: Refused to hunt werewolves, only killed humans when he needed the blood. 'Lived' to disappear

Theme song for fun, but not required: Strength of an Empire ~ Two Steps From Hell
Name: Vivian “Citrine” Dupont

Species: Werewolf

Rank: Other

Age: 40 (looks 24)






Personality: Happy and out going but a bit rigid. Can be a bit moody at times. She finds solice surrounded by other. However clearly has a dislike for vampires despite the new peace between the two races.

Background: Citrine lived in a peaceful farm outside the city in France. Her father a Werewolf hunter and her mother a simple barmaid. One night Citrine and her brother Victor were home alone when a few Vampires stumbled upon her home. She sent Victor out the back door to warn the town. The Vampires tied her up in the kitchen, drinking from the nicks they made with a knife. They laughed at her helplessness, cursing her for her species. As her sight began to blur from lack of blood, a wolf appread fighting the Vampires. They fled and wolf brushed her hair telling her it would be alright. She awoke several days later in her bed. When she walked down the stairs her father handed her a bag. Saying that because she was his daughter, here was her headstart. Citrine never got to say good-bye to her brother or mother. She ran quickly into the woods, like a lost cub. She blames the Vampires for her current situations. After 10 years on the run the leader of the Werewolves, Lupa, took her in on request of another member. She has been apart of the pack for only 6 years.


Loves eating Apples –remind her of her families farm


Theme song for fun, but not required:

Stand in the Rain by Superchick
Name:Aurora Stanfield

Species: Human

Rank:head vampire hunter



Personality:brave,fearless,kind,caring and loyal

Background:Aurora was only 14 when her parents got killed by a couple of vampires front of her. From that day she vowed that she will kill every vampire so the world will be a better place,She went to a boarding school for hunters where she learned everything she need to know to kill a vampires. When she was 20 she became a vampire hunter. After four year she became the head of the vampire hunter. now she feared by vampires


armor body suit:

the body suit is is bullet,fire,freezing proof.helmet is a super computer plus it has supernatural sensor


the gauntlet increases the gauntlet has a electric brass knuckles(which increased strength while hitting ),it has dual hidden blades,flame thrower and holy water sprayer .


with the jack pack she can fly and high speed


dual double barrel pistol :

this pistol fire 2 kinds of bullet: the holy burn: is a normal bullet but in the back it has a tube filled with holy water which when it hit the target it will explode splattering the holy water instead the target: holy sprayer : which is a twisted bullet which when fire it spins around releasing holy water

dual 3 barreled shotgun :

the shot gun haves 1 kind of bullet which are: devils nightmare: is a normal shot gun round but when shot each bullet explodes


she has 4 times of grenades :

  1. exploding grenade :

  2. flash grenade :

  3. holy water grenade :

  4. satchel charge

dual swords :

Theme song :

John Murphy - Sunshine (Adagio in D Minor)
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Name: Maddy Lorr

Species: Human

Rank: Head werewolf hunter

Age: 19

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/1209842063_resoption1.jpg.204608024f2f504b7a09365f8f860479.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/1209842063_resoption1.jpg.204608024f2f504b7a09365f8f860479.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: shy, loving, brave, athletic,

Background: Maddy has no clue where she's from or what she's ment to do. When she was only 3 months, she was attacked by a werewolf when her parents left her in a basket by the lake, giving her the scar above her left eye (which she purposely hides behind her hair). She can't stand to be by herself because of her child hood past.

Other: wont kill the werewolves, but will capture them



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[QUOTE="Rose Pompeii]Name: Maddy Lorr
Species: Human

Rank: Head werewolf hunter

Age: 19

Appearance: View attachment 63507

Personality: shy, loving, brave, athletic,

Background: Maddy has no clue where she's from or what she's ment to do. When she was only 3 months, she was attacked by a werewolf when her parents left her in a basket by the lake, giving her the scar above her left eye (which she purposely hides behind her hair). She can't stand to be by herself because of her child hood past.

Other: wont kill the werewolves, but will capture them

I don't really see her as being a leader of the werewolf hunters. Otherwise my rp would be pointless with the werewolves joining up with the vampires if they weren't being killed. The werewolves would be able to free the other werewolves from capture if that was the case. Plus a leader's characteristics aren't shy or afraid of being by themselves. They have to be able to kill werewolves, have a hatred for them. So I cannot accept this character as head werewolf hunter. You may change it to be a werewolf hunter if you'd like, just not the leader.
Name: Shartheth "The Phantom" Shadowbane.

Gender: M

Age (18+): 29

Species: Human

Appearance (Picture+height, eyecolour...): 6'1" for height, dark brown eyes, wears, light plate armor, weighs 280 pounds(without armor), muscularly fit, lightly tanned skin tone, tattoos on chest and upper arms. Has silver hair and a red beard.

Role: Mercenary

Rebel/Howler: Will work for either side.


The personality of shartheth can only be described as one who is cold hearted save for a cage of warmth in the core he carries with him. He detests immoral acts, carries a noble posture, but is not afraid to fight without honor. Remains loyal to the highest bidder unless they no longer satisfy his interests or contradict his morals. At which point he is likely to turn on them for his own desires. A balanced character who seeks to truly discover more of himself and what was lost to him in the past. Fights with a calm mind is rarely able to be angered. Takes his missions with a measure of strategic and tactical assessment. Takes delight in the crucible of war and combat for it is where he feels at one with himself yet yearns for more.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/ShadowWarrior4.jpg.14162714776a2f6636bacff7202af926.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/ShadowWarrior4.jpg.14162714776a2f6636bacff7202af926.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


In times of past, Shartheth was a noble bastard who gained a title known to many as, "The Spirit of Vengeance". Over the course of the war, his valor and power on the battlefield reached afar and earned him lands, money, freedom, and even a command of troops known to him as "The Worlds Valiants". There were 13 members of his handpicked troops and all excelled in their fields of expertise. Twas during a time of a great war that He and his 13 were called away by the king to fight. During this time, Rebels and kingsmen alike fought in his lands, reducing all that was to rubble and ash while he was away. Such was the report he had heard upon his return to seeing his lands in such a state. Twas later that he found out about how the King ordered his troops to destroy and burn his lands for fear of his influence growing too vast and the people siding with him to be king of a new lands. The King had desired no need for competition or unknown powers next door to him. It was because of this that the Noble Bastard became a mercenary and adopted the way of the Phantom. To strike when unknowing and to vanish as nothing was there. During his time being known as "The Spirit of Vengeance" he wore heavy plate armor with a gargantuan sword known as "The Suns Deliverance" The location of his former weapons and armor are now held within his horde known only to him. The current blade he carries with him is known to him as "Ice Touch" for its blade that freezes whatever it touches and ease of cutting through his targets deftly. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Blade_of_Lost_Gods.jpg.f58762f02165876bec9b5128cee824b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25392" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Blade_of_Lost_Gods.jpg.f58762f02165876bec9b5128cee824b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> However. His mercenary past time was not to last when he found himself now in a land he had only heard stories of. Just how far behind in technology he is has yet to be seen or tested.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Knight654654.png.a14b349f657e5ce79ea232f542f5f375.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Knight654654.png.a14b349f657e5ce79ea232f542f5f375.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Others: (will do the 13 later) Shartheth is known to always be accompanied by a black female panther named Saisha who is extremely protective and loving towards him. He is human whom has not been infected by either side.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/716632238_o.jpg.588b4d80e948bf9b0a8f73ac8bd00abd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/716632238_o.jpg.588b4d80e948bf9b0a8f73ac8bd00abd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Victoria (last name unknown)

Species: Vampire

Rank: second-in command

Age:(looks 23) actually 1,163



Personality: Do not be fooled by her calm and cool demeanor, Victoria is not someone to mess with. Known for her ruthless tactics and sometimes heartless decisions, she is a force to be reckoned with. Intelligent and fearless are also used to describe her.

Background: Victoria is a member of the oldest vampire coven in Romania. She has watched as humanity has become strong enough to over power not only vampires but, werewolves as well. Seeing the need for an alliance to form she was part of the group called 'howls' that formed the alliance between vampires and werewolves. She fights either with dual pistols, a sword, or good old fashioned hand to hand combat

Other: the fabric of her robe deflects UV light, she made it after the humans started using UV guns to fight vampires.


Name: Alexandru Vladimirescu

Species: vampire

Rank: Under orders from the Romanian coven I am to serve as second in command to my mother until someone else shows up.

Age: 541 (looks 22)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/VampireDiaries.jpg.ff819aa59ac86561e0a44ac0711e2db2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/VampireDiaries.jpg.ff819aa59ac86561e0a44ac0711e2db2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He is a lot like his mother except he is known to be nicer then his mom and more pleasant to deal with. He also can be a total mama's boy much to Victoria's dislike. howls

Background: Son of Dracula and Victoria. He was raised by his grandparents until they were killed in 1834 he has lived underground since then.




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Definitely interested, but can we get more of a plot/setting? Working on a CS now though.

Just about done, been gone all day long, I haven't forgotten! Catching up with old HS friends and stuff.
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  • ~ Tyrone Black ~
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divyansh said:
  • ~ Tyrone Black ~

  • Accepted


Lucas Bastien




Other ( Soldier )





Lucas is the sort of person that seems at ease in his line of work to the point of enjoying it. He's quick to get bored and quicker yet to pick a reasonable fight, loving nothing more to rub others into the ground though disappointing opponents will just upset him if he doesn't even break a sweat. Even without fighting he finds ways to entertain himself and in these situations he's rather nice to be around. He has the warm, fun loving air of a red blooded Irish man, loving his drink and a good story. Despite finding it very droll, he can be serious when it requires it, especially when it's required of his pack. He's fiercely loyal and devoted, doing what he's told while almost never questioning his orders.


Born at just the end of the 1890's, Lucas was raised by an Irish American family living in a time where tolerance was sparse for them. He grew up in New York in an Irish heavy community and by the time he was old enough to be getting in trouble in school he was running favors for a local street gang. Into his teens he became a prominent member, helping peddle for money and fighting other gangs in an ever changing territory war. By his twenties he was a prominent head figure for the gang, a regular at the bar they ran and quite the knee buster. One night he walked out of the bar and by the next morning he woke up in an alley with a nasty bite on his arm. He thought nothing of it and got some of his friends to help patch him up but before he knew what was happening they were all dead. Quickly finding himself on the run from the law for a case of quadruple homicide, it didn't take him long to stumble upon the new, secret world sitting right under his feet. He wandered and ran, staying alive by any means he could until he came across a pack of others like him and their at the time recently promoted alpha. He stuck with them when given the chance, begrudgingly at first but it didn't take long for them to take up the voice that losing his friends back in New York. Now he's tied tighter to them than he ever was with his gang, tied to them like they're his own blood.


Despite decades of passing, Lucas still the same thick accent he'd picked up from his family so long ago.

Theme Song:


Warning: Explict Language
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MasterWarlockTyr said:


Lucas Bastien




Other ( Soldier )





Lucas is the sort of person that seems at ease in his line of work to the point of enjoying it. He's quick to get bored and quicker yet to pick a reasonable fight, loving nothing more to rub others into the ground though disappointing opponents will just upset him if he doesn't even break a sweat. Even without fighting he finds ways to entertain himself and in these situations he's rather nice to be around. He has the warm, fun loving air of a red blooded Irish man, loving his drink and a good story. Despite finding it very droll, he can be serious when it requires it, especially when it's required of his pack. He's fiercely loyal and devoted, doing what he's told while almost never questioning his orders.


Born at just the end of the 1890's, Lucas was raised by an Irish American family living in a time where tolerance was sparse for them. He grew up in New York in an Irish heavy community and by the time he was old enough to be getting in trouble in school he was running favors for a local street gang. Into his teens he became a prominent member, helping peddle for money and fighting other gangs in an ever changing territory war. By his twenties he was a prominent head figure for the gang, a regular at the bar they ran and quite the knee buster. One night he walked out of the bar and by the next morning he woke up in an alley with a nasty bite on his arm. He thought nothing of it and got some of his friends to help patch him up but before he knew what was happening they were all dead. Quickly finding himself on the run from the law for a case of quadruple homicide, it didn't take him long to stumble upon the new, secret world sitting right under his feet. He wandered and ran, staying alive by any means he could until he came across a pack of others like him and their at the time recently promoted alpha. He stuck with them when given the chance, begrudgingly at first but it didn't take long for them to take up the voice that losing his friends back in New York. Now he's tied tighter to them than he ever was with his gang, tied to them like they're his own blood.


Despite decades of passing, Lucas still the same thick accent he'd picked up from his family so long ago.

Theme Song:


Warning: Explict Language
Name: Conner McKinley

Species: Werewolf

Rank: 2nd in command

Age: Doesn't like to think about it.


Personality: Prefers to remain quiet, says as few words as possible. Loyal and protective to the alpha may have a small crush on her.

Background: Conner was almost born a werewolf, "infected" only a few months after he was born. He grew quickly and continued to grow until he reached 25 years of age, now he is taller than most people and strong to boot. Due to the long life of a werewolf, he has taken up many hobbies. Will probably expand on the background a bit more in the rp.

Other: When he feels strongly about something, he will make it known to all, either by word or action.

Theme song for fun, but not required: Skrillex and Alvin Risk: Imma try it out (try harder remix).
Beowulf said:
Name: Conner McKinley
Species: Werewolf

Rank: 2nd in command

Age: Doesn't like to think about it.


Personality: Prefers to remain quiet, says as few words as possible. Loyal and protective to the alpha may have a small crush on her.

Background: Conner was almost born a werewolf, "infected" only a few months after he was born. He grew quickly and continued to grow until he reached 25 years of age, now he is taller than most people and strong to boot. Due to the long life of a werewolf, he has taken up many hobbies. Will probably expand on the background a bit more in the rp.

Other: When he feels strongly about something, he will make it known to all, either by word or action.

Theme song for fun, but not required: Skrillex and Alvin Risk: Imma try it out (try harder remix).
(RP has started)


Alice Marigold




Other (Mostly hunts for vampires)




(i dont have a picture i apologize) White hair She ties up in a bun to keep out of her eyes; red eyes; White Tank top and a long red Jacket going past her knees; A brown dirty skirt, Black shorts underneath; Knee high dusty old boots, thin Square glasses


Tomboyish, Likes keeping to herself, Friendly Determined, Optimistic all of the time.


When Alice was a kid She had a nice life and a nice family anyone could ask for in there life. Her father came home from work Tired and sleepy but still made time for her for a few hours left of the day. Her mother was stingy but loved to cook, and clean the house. Being an only child she Longed for a friend or a brother and sister but She was stuck at home most of the time. She was home schooled by her mother who used to be a teacher, while her father Worked a minimum wage job. One night out of the ordinary when she was about ten years old she found her mother lying on the floor staring back at her with dead eyes and blood all over her neck and the front of her blouse. And above her was a man with his teeth clenched tightly to her fathers throat, before he released, ripping the skin and part of the muscle that was keeping him alive. Then with out another word the vampire left out of sight and Alice Became an orphan living at home for girls always preparing for the day she would have a chance to slaughter the one who murdered her parents. And any other person that tilted to the name "vampire"


Weapons to hold is scythe that can shrink to the size of a knife with the press of a button.

Theme song for fun, but not required:

I dont have one Lulz

CleverFox101 said:


Alice Marigold




Other (Mostly hunts for vampires)




(i dont have a picture i apologize) White hair She ties up in a bun to keep out of her eyes; red eyes; White Tank top and a long red Jacket going past her knees; A brown dirty skirt, Black shorts underneath; Knee high dusty old boots, thin Square glasses


Tomboyish, Likes keeping to herself, Friendly Determined, Optimistic all of the time.


When Alice was a kid She had a nice life and a nice family anyone could ask for in there life. Her father came home from work Tired and sleepy but still made time for her for a few hours left of the day. Her mother was stingy but loved to cook, and clean the house. Being an only child she Longed for a friend or a brother and sister but She was stuck at home most of the time. She was home schooled by her mother who used to be a teacher, while her father Worked a minimum wage job. One night out of the ordinary when she was about ten years old she found her mother lying on the floor staring back at her with dead eyes and blood all over her neck and the front of her blouse. And above her was a man with his teeth clenched tightly to her fathers throat, before he released, ripping the skin and part of the muscle that was keeping him alive. Then with out another word the vampire left out of sight and Alice Became an orphan living at home for girls always preparing for the day she would have a chance to slaughter the one who murdered her parents. And any other person that tilted to the name "vampire"


Weapons to hold is scythe that can shrink to the size of a knife with the press of a button.

Theme song for fun, but not required:

I dont have one Lulz

These are the 13 World's Valiants that encompass Shartheth's mercenary group.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/339_realsize.jpg.a8fce584d1a5d8ba29b17204cc23908d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/339_realsize.jpg.a8fce584d1a5d8ba29b17204cc23908d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/000.jpg.e0a50516b1014ccc2de4737a429142ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/000.jpg.e0a50516b1014ccc2de4737a429142ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Farcus "The Whisper" Voldrin

Race: Human/Elve

Class: Swordsman - Light mail

Age: 23

Physic: 180 pounds, 5' 11", Jet Black Hair, Dark Grey Skin, purple pearl sized earrings

Weapon: "Shriek" Longsword

Personality: Cold hearted and minded. Acts only in loyalty to Shartheth. Sees others as unworthy of his presence. Noble and proud.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/297917.jpg.fdb6bb5b606a4e5624832d5f52ebe03b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/297917.jpg.fdb6bb5b606a4e5624832d5f52ebe03b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Volcanos "The Implacable"

Race: Nord/Human

Class: Juggernaut - Tower Plate

Age: 24

Physic: 8' 6", 880 pounds, Body full encased in armor. Internal descriptions unavailable. Armor bound to him.

Personality: Hot blooded, battle hungry, easy to fight, will fight to the death, Holds nothing back.

Weapons: Chain Berserker Axe and Battle Scythe.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/946034_563929440311503_224190236_n.jpg.6c38aea1ebaabfb20e13442974b58410.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/946034_563929440311503_224190236_n.jpg.6c38aea1ebaabfb20e13442974b58410.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Magora "Dragon's Breath"

Race: Human

Class: Dragoon/Lancer

Age: 26

Physic: 6' 0", 145 pounds, light mail armor, tan white skin, dark crimson hair, brown brown eyes, tone body.

Weapons: Dragon Scale lance and Shield

Personality: Holds a hidden love for Shartheth but remains loyal to him as his friend and unit. Compassionate to others until proven wrong or suspicion is thought.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/1484133-bigthumbnail.jpg.b3f004d4acda0bef18e6519e4de51e16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/1484133-bigthumbnail.jpg.b3f004d4acda0bef18e6519e4de51e16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Faranor "Judgement" Harthren

Race: Human/Noble

Class: Paladin

Age: 27

Physic: 6' 2", 270 pounds, Plate Armor, Winged Shield of Balance, Golden Brown Hair, Muscular build, Blue eyes

Weapons: Longsword "Fire Wreath"

Personality: Proud, faithfully serves the balance of light and dark, spreads word of order of balance, feels his loyalty to Shartheth will lead him to influence the world.

((To be continued))

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Name: Jill Davis

Species: Vampire

Rank: (What ever will work best)

Age: 118 (appears 18)




Personality: Quiet and reserved unless provoked. Is very calculating and controlled when it comes to hunting and fighting, often getting to know her prey some before taking them down. Occasionally makes friends or shows some humans mercy for different reasons, but is very slow to trust anyone.

Background: Jill was born in the late 19th century, during her youth she was a quite young farm girl. She had little family, only her mother and father. There were a lot of hired hands to help with the day to day work on the farm. Jill was very intelligent, and had she not been turned may have later become a teacher. She was allowed to devote most of her free time to studying as her father did not want his daughter to have to work as hard as they did.

One night Jill woke to hear the screams of one of the girls that had been hired to help her mother with things in the house. Running down stairs she was meet with the site of the girl and the rest of the people on the farm being attacked by a group of vampires. When she was seen by a newer member of the group, a boy who had not been turned long, she was attack and bitten by him. Soon after she found that she was not dead, but her body was going thought strange changes she could not explain. The boy sat and watched for what seemed to her to be and eternity, but was only an hour or two. He reviled to her that while the others attacked and killed the rest of the ones on her farm, including her parents, he saw her and decided she should be turned like him. When she asked why he had done that, he only replied with some line about thinking had he still been human he would have been interested in having a relationship with her.

At first Jill fought the impulses that run thought her body, she had a great respect for human life and would not hunt anything but animals for a long time. After her 20th year as an immortal this changed. One night she was walking thought a small town and heard a sound that brought back memories of what happened on her family farm. She went to see what was happening to find girl about 17 being attacked by a man in a mask, she attacked the man. As the girl ran from the attack, Jill got her first taste of human blood. She was so taken by how much she enjoyed the taste and the thrill of the hunt that she drained him to the point of his death before she even knew what had happened. Jill then became a loner, staying to herself and moving around from place to place a lot. She would not hunt when she did not have to, but she no longer had the same hesitation toward seeing humans as prey. Over the years she has from time to time befriended a human or two, mostly if they remind her of her life before she was turned into a creature of the night.

Other: N/A

Theme song for fun, but not required: [media]

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[QUOTE="Jill_Davis]Name: Jill Davis
Species: Vampire

Rank: (What ever will work best)

Age: 118 (appears 18)




Personality: Quiet and reserved unless provoked. Is very calculating and controlled when it comes to hunting and fighting, often getting to know her prey some before taking them down. Occasionally makes friends or shows some humans mercy for different reasons, but is very slow to trust anyone.

Background: Jill was born in the late 19th century, during her youth she was a quite young farm girl. She had little family, only her mother and father. There were a lot of hired hands to help with the day to day work on the farm. Jill was very intelligent, and had she not been turned may have later become a teacher. She was allowed to devote most of her free time to studying as her father did not want his daughter to have to work as hard as they did.

One night Jill woke to hear the screams of one of the girls that had been hired to help her mother with things in the house. Running down stairs she was meet with the site of the girl and the rest of the people on the farm being attacked by a group of vampires. When she was seen by a newer member of the group, a boy who had not been turned long, she was attack and bitten by him. Soon after she found that she was not dead, but her body was going thought strange changes she could not explain. The boy sat and watched for what seemed to her to be and eternity, but was only an hour or two. He reviled to her that while the others attacked and killed the rest of the ones on her farm, including her parents, he saw her and decided she should be turned like him. When she asked why he had done that, he only replied with some line about thinking had he still been human he would have been interested in having a relationship with her.

At first Jill fought the impulses that run thought her body, she had a great respect for human life and would not hunt anything but animals for a long time. After her 20th year as an immortal this changed. One night she was walking thought a small town and heard a sound that brought back memories of what happened on her family farm. She went to see what was happening to find girl about 17 being attacked by a man in a mask, she attacked the man. As the girl ran from the attack, Jill got her first taste of human blood. She was so taken by how much she enjoyed the taste and the thrill of the hunt that she drained him to the point of his death before she even knew what had happened. Jill then became a loner, staying to herself and moving around from place to place a lot. She would not hunt when she did not have to, but she no longer had the same hesitation toward seeing humans as prey. Over the years she has from time to time befriended a human or two, mostly if they remind her of her life before she was turned into a creature of the night.

Other: N/A

Theme song for fun, but not required: [media]

(The 13 Continued)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/1337023661429.jpg.bf79d7d199c8b9c37d2c6b0bc8709d1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/1337023661429.jpg.bf79d7d199c8b9c37d2c6b0bc8709d1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Nervoro "The Tainted" Farlask

Race: Human

Class: Dark Paladin

Age: 29

Physic: 260 pounds, 6' 3", Scaled Plate Armour, Blood Red Eyes, Muscular Build

Weapons: Spike Greatsword "Soul Render"

Personality: Eccentric, revels in pleasure when available, enjoys inflicting pain upon his foes and those who "intrigue" his curiosity,

Follows Shartheth because wherever Shartheth goes, conflict is bound to happen.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff4229e8_heavyarmor5.jpg.c10b35f5604ebfba814895a16acb4c45.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff4229e8_heavyarmor5.jpg.c10b35f5604ebfba814895a16acb4c45.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kranos "The Feral"

Race: Human

Class: Tactical Assault Marine

Age: 31

Physic: 220 pounds, muscular, Plate Armour, Dull Blue eyes, great hair under helm, ebony silver armor

Weapons: Roundshield with weightstone in center that protrudes. Shortsword "Lions Tooth"

Personality: Paranoid, Battle lust, Unmerciful, wild with how he fights but does so with a knowing of what he is doing, loves to party, enjoys drinks with his closest, will be the first to fight.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/hero-thief.jpg.65c052f020f3fed0cb0b2735b084144f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/hero-thief.jpg.65c052f020f3fed0cb0b2735b084144f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Valen "The Dredge" Gandro

Race: Human

Class: Assassin

Age: 25

Physic: 200 pounds, 5' 8", Fit build, Leather armor with metal splints, Greene eyes, Golden Blonde Hair, pale skin

Weapons: One straight knife, curved dagger, throwing knives, wire rolls, and a pouch of bombs

Personality: Sensitive to lying, deceit, or other falsehoods having grown up around them and trained to find the faults in others. Always at the ready to find new information for the group. Will seem at times as though he is playing for the enemy until he gets the info he needs and puts a blade into the back of the enemy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.0bc6269d7fce271c4c7974b542f134ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.0bc6269d7fce271c4c7974b542f134ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Zengram "Plague" Nortom

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Age: 22

Physic:180 pounds, Slim Build, cloth armour

Weapons: Necronomicon, Ability to manipulate the unliving, Ironwood Staff with emerald orb for focusing

Personality: Curious of all that is around him, Studies how to better other beings by genetically manipulating their physical attributes or combining "parts" of what he finds to form new abominations for his own use. Prefers not to drink and seeks to raise claim to all that fall. His knowledge of the unliving and how to make life into unlife has grown vastly in his time with shartheth due to the immense exposure to a variety of living specimens to manipulate.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff42f569_magefantasyartbooksartworkrealisticdiabloiiiswords1920x1440wallpaper_www.wall321.com_2.jpg.360a18960c57dbd6ea3d0f31157d115a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25170" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff42f569_magefantasyartbooksartworkrealisticdiabloiiiswords1920x1440wallpaper_www.wall321.com_2.jpg.360a18960c57dbd6ea3d0f31157d115a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Rogthar "Dragon Slayer" Deathgate

Race: Human

Class: Battle Mage

Age: 32

Physic: 230 pounds, 5' 11", hazlenut eyes, dark brown hair, muscular build, scale armour

Weapons: 6' Custom Greatsword "Ivans pick", vast knowledge of destructive spells

Personality: Explorative, Curious , outgoing, creative, cool headed, bipolar, dark minded

(next post is last 4)



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Name: Marcus Areali

Species: Human

Rank: Hunter

Age: 23

Appearance: Pics/Anime Guys/Sonnet_vampire_2.jpg

Personality: Unpredictable, playful, sometimes serious

Background: From the time he was young Marcus had always been interested in the storys of the supernatural. When his storys came to life in the most dramatic way possible with the discovery of vampires and werewolfs he went to hunt them. Even among hunters he is unique in his fighting style in the way he rejects most of the heavier and more advanced pieces of tech on his hunt instead relying on skill and the cold edge of his blade. However he is not dedicated to their destruction and even has let a vampire or werewolf escape from him some time or another if it suited his fancy. Has even fought other hunters before when they chased his prey. Once something interest him he will never let it go until it no longer does. He is called a unprecedented genius because despite his way of hunting he hasent lost a battle yet and seems to have no trouble matching blades with even those with centenary's more experience.

Other: His only armor is a modified version of Kevlar that fits snugly under his cloths and around his body. Its thick enough and strong enough enough to deflect bullets but thin enough and elastic enough to catch and snare claws and teeth in glancing blows.

His weapon is a long silver edged katana (though has been known to sometimes carry a spear, both weapons seemingly have the power to pierce and cut threw even the thickest armor with ease) and two smaller pistols with both types of ammo and armor piercing rounds and several throwing daggers. The most advanced weapon in his arsenal is a modified version of brass knuckles that can let out different levels of electric shock on contact.
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Akio said:
Name: Marcus Areali
Species: Human

Rank: Hunter

Age: 23

Appearance: Pics/Anime Guys/Sonnet_vampire_2.jpg

Personality: Unpredictable, playful, sometimes serious

Background: From the time he was young Marcus had always been interested in the storys of the supernatural. When his storys came to life in the most dramatic way possible with the discovery of vampires and werewolfs he went to hunt them. Even among hunters he is unique in his fighting style in the way he rejects most of the heavier and more advanced pieces of tech on his hunt instead relying on skill and the cold edge of his blade. However he is not dedicated to their destruction and even has let a vampire or werewolf escape from him some time or another if it suited his fancy. Has even fought other hunters before when they chased his prey. Once something interest him he will never let it go until it no longer does. He is called a unprecedented genius because despite his way of hunting he hasent lost a battle yet and seems to have no trouble matching blades with even those with centenary's more experience.

Other: His only armor is a modified version of Kevlar that fits snugly under his cloths and around his body. Its thick enough and strong enough enough to deflect bullets but thin enough and elastic enough to catch and snare claws and teeth in glancing blows.

His weapon is a long silver edged katana (though has been known to sometimes carry a spear) and two smaller pistols with both types of ammo and armor piercing rounds and several throwing daggers. The most advanced weapon in his arsenal is a modified version of brass knuckles that can let out different levels of electric shock on contact.

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