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Fandom Fandoms Galore!!!


Hi all! Thank you for taking your time to look at my post! It’s greatly appreciated!

Let me tell you a bit about myself, you can call me Rinne. I am over the age of 18 and have been writing ever since I was a child. While watching shows, cartoons, anime, anything, my brain always rushed to different ideas or scenarios that I wanted the show to delve into. I wrote down the way I wanted the show to go and excitedly watched to see if I was right, I normally wasn’t, but that was what started my love for writing. Specifically, fandom writing. I absolutely love taking an already made world and changing it into something more personalized. I love doing that! It makes the experience so much fun for me! Recently, as of a few years ago, I learned that I have even more fun doing it with someone else which is probably why you’re here.

Before I list off the fandoms I was hoping that we could roleplay in, let me tell you a bit about how I roleplay and what I am expecting from a potential partner:

About Me:

I tend to match the length of writing my partner gives but I personally really enjoy writing some lengthy posts, perhaps around 4-7 paragraphs ideally but you certainly don’t need to write this much. This is just preference.

I enjoy writing in the third person because I don’t want to put myself in the scenarios and basically enjoy when it’s like we’re writing a book together.

I have quite the amount of free time on my hands so you can expect multiple posts a day!

I prefer to write original male characters, however, I won’t be dissuaded from writing a canon depending on the connection I have towards the canon.

All characters that will be written MUST be at least 18, this cannot be negotiated.

I enjoy talking OOC! I find that to be a ton of fun! I do know that some people enjoy it and some don’t. For those who do, awesome! Can’t wait to talk with you more! For those who don’t, that is perfectly fine! Just let me know!

Final thing, if I ever feel like I’m losing interest in the roleplay, I will let you know so we have a chance to talk and hopefully resolve whatever the issue is.

Some Things I’m Looking For From a Partner:

Please have proper grammar and punctuation. This means being able to capitalize, have commas, periods, all that jazz. It’s just a massive pet peeve of mine when someone writes with improper grammar.

Please be able to write in the third person.

Please be consistent with posts. I perfectly understand that you will not be able to post everyday but please don’t like post once a week and then all of a sudden don’t post for another a month. Please let me know if you need some time, I am very understanding of that and will never force you to post right away.

Please be open to writing a female canon character. I’m not the biggest fan of doubling. I am really sorry but I will do everything I can to make up for that.

Please be communicative. If you ever have any problems, you can always talk to me about any issues you’re having and we can hopefully work through it.


So, I will be giving you the list of fandoms I am looking to write in. The ones on top are the ones I really want to do and the ones near the bottom, I still would love to do them but I’m not looking for them as much as the ones near the top. Here are the fandoms:

Stranger Things


Legend of Zelda


Dragonball Z/Super






Fire Emblem

Harry Potter

There’s my list! If you happen to be interested please send me a DM! If we had happened to be partners before but are no longer, please don’t allow that to push you away! We can always work things out! With all that said, I can’t wait to hear from you! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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