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hello how are you =) I love everything you wrote in your interest check =)
but i dont understand "doubling" maybe im old lol XD but i have no idea what this means =) either way i am an original OC roleplayer who can use influence from fandoms such as races from fandoms =)
so id love to talk more here and on discord. Feel free to send me a note if your interested =)
hopefully you trust me enough to discord talk but if not i am happy to talk on messages in the mean time and plan things out =)
Hey I noticed Harry Potter is one of your fandoms. I’m not sure if you’re still looking but I think we’d click well. (:

If you’d like to plot something HP, I’ll send you a DM if that’s ok. It’s alright if you’re not looking for that tho, just thought I’d ask.
Hello, if you're still open, I'd be down for some original work! I love worldbuidling fantasy and sci-fi

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