Keeper of Secrets
War of the Ancients
War of the Ancients
The War of the Ancients was a major conflict which constituted the first coming of the demonic Burning Legion to Azeroth some 10,000 years prior to the events of the First War. One of the largest and most costly wars in Azeroth's history, the War of the Ancients decided the fate of all life on the planet for millennia to come. The conflict ultimately led to the Great Sundering, a cataclysmic event which tore the planet's landmass apart, thus altering its history permanently.
As part of its relentless crusade to extinguish all life in the universe, as well as the demon lord Sargeras' desire to access the planet's world soul, the Burning Legion set its sights on distant Azeroth. Seducing the highest caste of the Kaldorei Empire (which dominated the planet) with promises of paradise and power, the Legion gradually, but successfully, began to enter planet through a trans-dimensional portal. With the aid of Queen Azshara and her Highborne, the demons launched a campaign to wipe out the major group resisting the Legion's coming - the Kaldorei Resistance.
This is a WarCraft fandom game in which the players will play as members of the Kal'dorei Resistance in fighting against the mighty Burning Legion. We will start within a night elf city not far from the Kal'dorei Empire's capital city. The city will come under attack from the Burning Legion suddenly and brutally. The story will take place over the course of five acts, all of which will involve combat, politics, and problem solving. There will be much struggle as the adventurers strive to protect their people and keep the Burning Legion from decimating all that they hold dear.
This game will be accepting a maximum of 8 players and a minimum of 4. The required 4 roles for the story will be the following general classes: Unique (1); Warrior (1); Ranger, Rogue, and / or Mage (2). Additional information and about this story, game, these general classes and their specific classes - all will be provided in the official thread. Any inquiries or suggestions are encouraged! Find me on this thread or send me a PM - or wait for the official release of the thread - whichever is more convenient!
This will be a dice game, using d20 primarily but ocassionally using a d4 and a d6 under proper circumstances.
Dice rolling will be done via https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm
If you think you would be interested, please post below! Thank you!