• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Fandom FANDOM search thread (Dune, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Bridgerton, and more)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


^literally me, I have no excuse

Hey, hi, hello! I am Lily, a 24-year-old Master's student (lit & linguistics). I used to be greatly active on here in my younger years, but, unfortunately, after university and the general academic field swallowed me whole and brought me into the worst burnout period of my life, I stopped roleplaying as a whole and only watched from the shadows. Due to some recent changes in my life (changes for the better, I hope), I have decided to return to one of my old, beloved hobbies – roleplaying. I started roleplaying because I wanted to actively partake in the fandoms I loved, and I am looking to get back into the hang of things through them 💙

I have just one request from you, through this journey: read my rules before contacting me. That is all. Respect me and I will respect you.


  • Patience/posting schedule – I am what RPNation’s community would consider a slow writer. As of now, what I can promise is 1-3 replies per week. However, this may change, as my schedule fluctuates.
    (THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO OOC chat – I am very active OOC)
  • The Age talk – I don't like to measure one’s maturity or ability to write extraordinary replies by age. However, no matter the context, age differences are and can become an issue along the way. As I am 24, I would prefer someone who is 18+.
  • Writing style – I can write anywhere from 500 words to 3.000 words, depending on the scene and the number of characters involved. I don't have a requirement that my partners match the length of my replies, but, considering my posting schedule, I do feel that more descriptive, lengthier replies fit my style more than quick, action-oriented ones. However, as I am adjusting to roleplaying once again, I may be more open to shorter replies for the time being.
  • Genders I play, doubling and romance – I do love romance and it is a genre that I usually like to include in my roleplays; considering that this is also a fandom-oriented search, I do have to mention that I mostly double and I am open to playing all genders and all sexualities. However, on my side, I would prefer having at least one female character involved in a FxM/non-binary pairing.
  • Limits – I do not have many limits outside those that RPNation has already taken care of for me and I am comfortable with most things IC-wise. However, please, do mention yours beforehand, as I would not want to trigger my partner by any means, IC or OOC.
  • Where I roleplay, where I can be contactedPMs or threads are the same to me. I have an email I use for roleplaying, so, if that is your preference, that is more than all right! I have Discord as well, but I will only use it for OOC discussions.
  • God-Mod – Just refrain from controlling my characters’ actions unless you have asked for my permission beforehand and given me some context.
  • Leaving the roleplay/abandonment – Speak freely to me about such things. If you are bored or find yourself uninspired to continue, let me know. I have restarted roleplays or just started new ones with the same partners to keep the spark alive.

    So I can see that you have gone through all my rules, please contact me through PM (I will accept a response on this thread in case you are a new member, but, otherwise, it will be ignored) and introduce yourself. A writing sample would be greatly appreciated if it isn't too much of a bother 🦋

Fandoms I am INTERESTED in

:bishiesparklesl: (vaguely books knowledgeable, more cinematic oriented in terms of the canon itself)
:bishiesparklesr: I feel utterly defeated by the lore of this universe, but there is something that attracts me to it, especially in terms of its approach to the existing religious systems; I am looking for more expansive, canon-divergent stories, and OC x OC pairings (that can be based on existing dynamics between the canon characters, I would enjoy to delve deeper into a relationship such as that Jessica Nerus/Harkonnen x Leto Atreides I)

:bishiesparklesl: I am also interested in roleplaying in a world inspired by GoT's Known World, where we can make our continents, houses, and so on
:bishiesparklesr: I am VERY open to roleplaying in a pre-show period, during the Targaryens' rule (excluding the period of House of the Dragon)
Characters I am looking for: Robb Stark, Arthur Dayne, Oberyn Martell, Trystane Martell, Daario Naharis, Khal Drogo, Dickon Tarly (etc.)
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesl: VERY open to OC x OC, especially to Dothraki OC x OC
:bishiesparklesr: I would like to indulge in something that involves Essos and its politics

Characters I am looking for: Harwin Strong, Criston Cole, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesl: open to OC x OC and canon divergence, as well as using the political plot as the skeleton of an OC character map of our own

:bishiesparklesr:open to creating our trilogy and characters
:bishiesparklesl: for roleplays concerning the period of the prequels/the original trio, I am more prone to do OC x OC than Canon x OC, as I do not necessarily want to intervene in the preexisting relationships of these timelines (though I could be persuaded otherwise, depending on the pairing and the OCs themselves)
Characters I am looking for: Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesr: currently, more interested in canon divergence and periods pre-the Original Trio; I would also like to explore and expand other school systems, such as the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic or the Durmstrang Institute, as well as "post-school" settings
:bishiesparklesl: very much open to OC x OC
Characters I am looking for: the Weasley brothers (Fred, George, or Charlie), James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black (the Marauders Era)
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesr: open to OC x OC and creating our individual storylines
Characters I am looking for: Benedict Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

OTHER fandoms

Castlevania/Castlevania: Nocturne
The Wheel of Time (more interested in the plot's skeleton and the lore itself)
Elden Ring (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Baldur's Gate (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
The Witcher/The Witcher: Blood Origin
Until Dawn
Shadow and Bone
The Alienist
The White Queen/The White Princess/The Spanish Princess
The Tudors
I Medici
Black Sails
The Borgias​

Mobile-friendly version, as my coding is fucked up on smartphones:
  • Patience/posting schedule – I am what RPNation’s community would consider a slow writer. As of now, what I can promise is 1-3 replies per week. However, this may change, as my schedule fluctuates.
    (THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO OOC chat – I am very active OOC)
  • The Age talk – I don't like to measure one’s maturity or ability to write extraordinary replies by age. However, no matter the context, age differences are and can become an issue along the way. As I am 24, I would prefer someone who is 18+.
  • Writing style – I can write anywhere from 500 words to 3.000 words, depending on the scene and the number of characters involved. I don't have a requirement that my partners match the length of my replies, but, considering my posting schedule, I do feel that more descriptive, lengthier replies fit my style more than quick, action-oriented ones. However, as I am adjusting to roleplaying once again, I may be more open to shorter replies for the time being.
  • Genders I play, doubling and romance – I do love romance and it is a genre that I usually like to include in my roleplays; considering this is also a fandom-oriented search, I do have to mention that I mostly double and I am open to playing all genders and all sexualities. However, on my side, I would prefer having at least one female character involved in a FxM/non-binary pairing.
  • Limits – I do not have many limits outside those that RPNation has already taken care of for me and I am comfortable with most things IC-wise. However, please, do mention yours beforehand, as I would not want to trigger my partner by any means, IC or OOC.
  • Where I roleplay, where I can be contactedPMs or threads are the same to me. I have an email I use for roleplaying, so, if that is your preference, that is more than all right! I have Discord as well, but I will only use it for OOC discussions.
  • God-Mod – Just refrain from controlling my characters’ actions unless you have asked for my permission beforehand and given me some context.
  • Leaving the roleplay/abandonment – Speak freely to me about such things. If you are bored or find yourself uninspired to continue, let me know. I have restarted roleplays or just started new ones with the same partners to keep the spark alive.

    So I can see that you have gone through all my rules, please contact me through PM (I will accept a response on this thread in case you are a new member, but, otherwise, it will be ignored) and introduce yourself. A writing sample would be greatly appreciated if it isn't too much of a bother 🦋

:bishiesparklesl: (vaguely books knowledgeable, more cinematic oriented in terms of the canon itself)
:bishiesparklesr: I feel utterly defeated by the lore of this universe, but there is something that attracts me to it, especially in terms of its approach to the existing religious systems; I am looking for more expansive, canon-divergent stories, and OC x OC pairings (that can be based on existing dynamics between the canon characters, I would enjoy to delve deeper into a relationship such as that Jessica Nerus/Harkonnen x Leto Atreides I)

:bishiesparklesl: I am also interested in roleplaying in a world inspired by GoT's Known World, where we can make our continents, houses, and so on
:bishiesparklesr: I am VERY open to roleplaying in a pre-show period, during the Targaryens' rule (excluding the period of House of the Dragon)
Characters I am looking for: Robb Stark, Arthur Dayne, Oberyn Martell, Trystane Martell, Daario Naharis, Khal Drogo, Dickon Tarly (etc.)
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesl: VERY open to OC x OC, especially to Dothraki OC x OC
:bishiesparklesr: I would like to indulge in something that involves Essos and its politics

Characters I am looking for: Harwin Strong, Criston Cole, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesl: open to OC x OC and canon divergence, as well as using the political plot as the skeleton of an OC character map of our own

:bishiesparklesr:open to creating our trilogy and characters
:bishiesparklesl: for roleplays concerning the period of the prequels/the original trio, I am more prone to do OC x OC than Canon x OC, as I do not necessarily want to intervene in the preexisting relationships of these timelines (though I could be persuaded otherwise, depending on the pairing and the OCs themselves)
Characters I am looking for: Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesr: currently, more interested in canon divergence and periods pre-the Original Trio; I would also like to explore and expand other school systems, such as the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic or the Durmstrang Institute, as well as "post-school" settings
:bishiesparklesl: very much open to OC x OC
Characters I am looking for: the Weasley brothers (Fred, George, or Charlie), James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black (the Marauders Era)
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesr: open to OC x OC and creating our individual storylines
Characters I am looking for: Benedict Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

Castlevania/Castlevania: Nocturne
The Wheel of Time (more interested in the plot skeleton and the lore itself)
Elden Ring (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Baldur's Gate (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Until Dawn
The Witcher/The Witcher: Blood Origin
Shadow and Bone
The Alienist
The White Queen/The White Princess/The Spanish Princess
The Tudors
I Medici
Black Sails
The Borgias
Last edited:
Hello!! Would be super interested in a Harry Potter oc x oc roleplay!


^literally me, I have no excuse

Hey, hi, hello! I am Lily, a 24-year-old Master's student (lit & linguistics). I used to be greatly active on here in my younger years, but, unfortunately, after university and the general academic field swallowed me whole and brought me into the worst burnout period of my life, I stopped roleplaying as a whole and only watched from the shadows. Due to some recent changes in my life (changes for the better, I hope), I have decided to return to one of my old, beloved hobbies – roleplaying. I started roleplaying because I wanted to actively partake in the fandoms I loved, and I am looking to get back into the hang of things through them 💙

I have just one request from you, through this journey: read my rules before contacting me. That is all. Respect me and I will respect you.


  • Patience/posting schedule – I am what RPNation’s community would consider a slow writer. As of now, what I can promise is 1-3 replies per week. However, this may change, as my schedule fluctuates.
    (THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO OOC chat – I am very active OOC)
  • The Age talk – I don't like to measure one’s maturity or ability to write extraordinary replies by age. However, no matter the context, age differences are and can become an issue along the way. As I am 24, I would prefer someone who is 18+.
  • Writing style – I can write anywhere from 500 words to 3.000 words, depending on the scene and the number of characters involved. I don't have a requirement that my partners match the length of my replies, but, considering my posting schedule, I do feel that more descriptive, lengthier replies fit my style more than quick, action-oriented ones. However, as I am adjusting to roleplaying once again, I may be more open to shorter replies for the time being.
  • Genders I play, doubling and romance – I do love romance and it is a genre that I usually like to include in my roleplays; considering that this is also a fandom-oriented search, I do have to mention that I mostly double and I am open to playing all genders and all sexualities. However, on my side, I would prefer having at least one female character involved in a FxM/non-binary pairing.
  • Limits – I do not have many limits outside those that RPNation has already taken care of for me and I am comfortable with most things IC-wise. However, please, do mention yours beforehand, as I would not want to trigger my partner by any means, IC or OOC.
  • Where I roleplay, where I can be contactedPMs or threads are the same to me. I have an email I use for roleplaying, so, if that is your preference, that is more than all right! I have Discord as well, but I will only use it for OOC discussions.
  • God-Mod – Just refrain from controlling my characters’ actions unless you have asked for my permission beforehand and given me some context.
  • Leaving the roleplay/abandonment – Speak freely to me about such things. If you are bored or find yourself uninspired to continue, let me know. I have restarted roleplays or just started new ones with the same partners to keep the spark alive.

    So I can see that you have gone through all my rules, please contact me through PM (I will accept a response on this thread in case you are a new member, but, otherwise, it will be ignored) and introduce yourself. A writing sample would be greatly appreciated if it isn't too much of a bother 🦋

Fandoms I am INTERESTED in

:bishiesparklesl: (vaguely books knowledgeable, more cinematic oriented in terms of the canon itself)
:bishiesparklesr: I feel utterly defeated by the lore of this universe, but there is something that attracts me to it, especially in terms of its approach to the existing religious systems; I am looking for more expansive, canon-divergent stories, and OC x OC pairings (that can be based on existing dynamics between the canon characters, I would enjoy to delve deeper into a relationship such as that Jessica Nerus/Harkonnen x Leto Atreides I)

:bishiesparklesl: I am also interested in roleplaying in a world inspired by GoT's Known World, where we can make our continents, houses, and so on
:bishiesparklesr: I am VERY open to roleplaying in a pre-show period, during the Targaryens' rule (excluding the period of House of the Dragon)
Characters I am looking for: Robb Stark, Arthur Dayne, Oberyn Martell, Trystane Martell, Daario Naharis, Khal Drogo, Dickon Tarly (etc.)
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesl: VERY open to OC x OC, especially to Dothraki OC x OC
:bishiesparklesr: I would like to indulge in something that involves Essos and its politics

Characters I am looking for: Harwin Strong, Criston Cole, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesl: open to OC x OC and canon divergence, as well as using the political plot as the skeleton of an OC character map of our own

:bishiesparklesr:open to creating our trilogy and characters
:bishiesparklesl: for roleplays concerning the period of the prequels/the original trio, I am more prone to do OC x OC than Canon x OC, as I do not necessarily want to intervene in the preexisting relationships of these timelines (though I could be persuaded otherwise, depending on the pairing and the OCs themselves)
Characters I am looking for: Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesr: currently, more interested in canon divergence and periods pre-the Original Trio; I would also like to explore and expand other school systems, such as the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic or the Durmstrang Institute, as well as "post-school" settings
:bishiesparklesl: very much open to OC x OC
Characters I am looking for: the Weasley brothers (Fred, George, or Charlie), James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black (the Marauders Era)
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesr: open to OC x OC and creating our individual storylines
Characters I am looking for: Benedict Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

OTHER fandoms

Castlevania/Castlevania: Nocturne
The Wheel of Time (more interested in the plot's skeleton and the lore itself)
Elden Ring (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Baldur's Gate (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
The Witcher/The Witcher: Blood Origin
Until Dawn
Shadow and Bone
The Alienist
The White Queen/The White Princess/The Spanish Princess
The Tudors
I Medici
Black Sails
The Borgias​

Mobile-friendly version, as my coding is fucked up on smartphones:
  • Patience/posting schedule – I am what RPNation’s community would consider a slow writer. As of now, what I can promise is 1-3 replies per week. However, this may change, as my schedule fluctuates.
    (THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO OOC chat – I am very active OOC)
  • The Age talk – I don't like to measure one’s maturity or ability to write extraordinary replies by age. However, no matter the context, age differences are and can become an issue along the way. As I am 24, I would prefer someone who is 18+.
  • Writing style – I can write anywhere from 500 words to 3.000 words, depending on the scene and the number of characters involved. I don't have a requirement that my partners match the length of my replies, but, considering my posting schedule, I do feel that more descriptive, lengthier replies fit my style more than quick, action-oriented ones. However, as I am adjusting to roleplaying once again, I may be more open to shorter replies for the time being.
  • Genders I play, doubling and romance – I do love romance and it is a genre that I usually like to include in my roleplays; considering this is also a fandom-oriented search, I do have to mention that I mostly double and I am open to playing all genders and all sexualities. However, on my side, I would prefer having at least one female character involved in a FxM/non-binary pairing.
  • Limits – I do not have many limits outside those that RPNation has already taken care of for me and I am comfortable with most things IC-wise. However, please, do mention yours beforehand, as I would not want to trigger my partner by any means, IC or OOC.
  • Where I roleplay, where I can be contactedPMs or threads are the same to me. I have an email I use for roleplaying, so, if that is your preference, that is more than all right! I have Discord as well, but I will only use it for OOC discussions.
  • God-Mod – Just refrain from controlling my characters’ actions unless you have asked for my permission beforehand and given me some context.
  • Leaving the roleplay/abandonment – Speak freely to me about such things. If you are bored or find yourself uninspired to continue, let me know. I have restarted roleplays or just started new ones with the same partners to keep the spark alive.

    So I can see that you have gone through all my rules, please contact me through PM (I will accept a response on this thread in case you are a new member, but, otherwise, it will be ignored) and introduce yourself. A writing sample would be greatly appreciated if it isn't too much of a bother 🦋

:bishiesparklesl: (vaguely books knowledgeable, more cinematic oriented in terms of the canon itself)
:bishiesparklesr: I feel utterly defeated by the lore of this universe, but there is something that attracts me to it, especially in terms of its approach to the existing religious systems; I am looking for more expansive, canon-divergent stories, and OC x OC pairings (that can be based on existing dynamics between the canon characters, I would enjoy to delve deeper into a relationship such as that Jessica Nerus/Harkonnen x Leto Atreides I)

:bishiesparklesl: I am also interested in roleplaying in a world inspired by GoT's Known World, where we can make our continents, houses, and so on
:bishiesparklesr: I am VERY open to roleplaying in a pre-show period, during the Targaryens' rule (excluding the period of House of the Dragon)
Characters I am looking for: Robb Stark, Arthur Dayne, Oberyn Martell, Trystane Martell, Daario Naharis, Khal Drogo, Dickon Tarly (etc.)
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesl: VERY open to OC x OC, especially to Dothraki OC x OC
:bishiesparklesr: I would like to indulge in something that involves Essos and its politics

Characters I am looking for: Harwin Strong, Criston Cole, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesl: open to OC x OC and canon divergence, as well as using the political plot as the skeleton of an OC character map of our own

:bishiesparklesr:open to creating our trilogy and characters
:bishiesparklesl: for roleplays concerning the period of the prequels/the original trio, I am more prone to do OC x OC than Canon x OC, as I do not necessarily want to intervene in the preexisting relationships of these timelines (though I could be persuaded otherwise, depending on the pairing and the OCs themselves)
Characters I am looking for: Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesr: currently, more interested in canon divergence and periods pre-the Original Trio; I would also like to explore and expand other school systems, such as the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic or the Durmstrang Institute, as well as "post-school" settings
:bishiesparklesl: very much open to OC x OC
Characters I am looking for: the Weasley brothers (Fred, George, or Charlie), James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black (the Marauders Era)
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

:bishiesparklesr: open to OC x OC and creating our individual storylines
Characters I am looking for: Benedict Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton
Characters I can play: anyone, just ask

Castlevania/Castlevania: Nocturne
The Wheel of Time (more interested in the plot skeleton and the lore itself)
Elden Ring (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Baldur's Gate (not as knowledgeable in terms of lore)
Until Dawn
The Witcher/The Witcher: Blood Origin
Shadow and Bone
The Alienist
The White Queen/The White Princess/The Spanish Princess
The Tudors
I Medici
Black Sails
The Borgias
Hello! I'd love to do a Game of Thrones plot, preferably a romantic one. However, my own ideas are all set during or around the time period of the show.
I can play Robb, Arthur, Darrio or Khal Drogo. All have potential, and I can already think of some taboo affairs that these gentlemen could have 😁.

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