Experiences Fandom roleplayers, how many rp in the same fandom can you handle? And what about playing the same Canon characters over and over?


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Looking back at my rp history, I realized that there were a couple fandoms where I had been doing roleplays for several years. And some of those rps were even simultaneous. And in most of them I was playing the same Canon characters... And it wasn't boring. That was how much I loved those fandoms. 🤣

So I'm curious what your experiences are with fandom roleplays.
Do you usually pick many roleplays in the same fandom or try to have one at a time? If you have multiple roleplays in the same fandom, do you play the same character or different characters there? And if it's the same character, how long have you been playing that same character in the same fandom and why? Was it a Canon character or OC?

Basically, how consistent (or maybe stubborn lol) you are in fandom roleplays? :)
Looking back at my rp history, I realized that there were a couple fandoms where I had been doing roleplays for several years. And some of those rps were even simultaneous. And in most of them I was playing the same Canon characters... And it wasn't boring. That was how much I loved those fandoms. 🤣

So I'm curious what your experiences are with fandom roleplays.
Do you usually pick many roleplays in the same fandom or try to have one at a time? If you have multiple roleplays in the same fandom, do you play the same character or different characters there? And if it's the same character, how long have you been playing that same character in the same fandom and why? Was it a Canon character or OC?

Basically, how consistent (or maybe stubborn lol) you are in fandom roleplays? :)
I tend to do a looooottttt of Harry Potter rps because I love them so much . I gravitate towards either mauraders era characters or my ocs
Harry Potter was one of those fandoms I was able to stick with for a few years. I played either OCs or Voldemort. I was at my villain phase back then XD
Also in my Harry Potter phase. I think it’s the easiest to find partners for of my various interests.

I tend to make new characters for each new plot, although I do have a handful of canons I like to throw into plots when applicable,
Been sticking with my love for Marvel RPs for so long now and it still never gets old

These days I try not to use the same OC for most of the RPs I join, I like creating brand new characters and just branching out the types of characters I usually play as but every now and then I end up coming back to him because he's just so damn fun

I haven't done multiple RPs in the same fandom as of late but if time is friendly with me I think I could manage to do that again
When I was younger I would join Naruto roleplays left and right. Not only because they had a tendency to die out but because I just loved that IP so much.

Nowadays I think it would be difficult for me to participate in more than one of the same fandom at a time because I desire variety within the number of roleplays that I limit myself to. If I were to join multiple roleplays of the same media I would likely use different characters to keep the experience fresh.
I'm pretty much exclusively a fandom roleplayer at the moment, so this is an exciting thread to discuss!

Do you usually pick many roleplays in the same fandom or try to have one at a time?

I tend to do many roleplays within the same fandom- which fandom it is depends on my current interest/craving, but I tend to have one idea for a roleplay that spins off into many other ideas- think a main thread and then three or four other "alternative universe" threads from the initial idea. I tend to be very in depth with my character interactions, so forging inter-relationships with other people's canon characters or OCs is integral to the process for me and part of the reason why I tend to think of so many alternate threads.

If you have multiple roleplays in the same fandom, do you play the same character or different characters there?

I tend to play the same characters over and over! I have a very complex and interwoven characterization for the characters I play and it makes it very easy and fun to see how they would react to different scenarios in different roleplay setups.

And if it's the same character, how long have you been playing that same character in the same fandom and why? Was it a Canon character or OC?

To take from my current interest and a longtime beloved fandom of mine, I've been playing GLaDOS, the main antagonist of the Portal franchise, for over eleven years now. She was one of the first characters I ever roleplayed as. At first I just felt sorry for her because her story was so tragic, but as I've explored her character over the years I've had a wonderful experience of seeing how she grows and develops as a person, and how she tends to be extremely analytical of everything, whether that be her own internal struggles or her strategic methods of interacting with others. She will always be fun to play for me- I doubt I'll ever get tired of her. ^^
Probably three or four or so? Maybe more. I often play the same Canon characters over and over again cause I love them dearly, but I have to be careful when the plots are the same
RPs in the same fandom over time so far I haven’t had one that lasted enough to really be enough in the first place, let alone too much, except where I came to realize the fandom wasn’t working for me as roleplay material at all. If we’re talking at the same time, then I’d say it’s about the same as doing the same plot, two, maybe three if I really push it for whatever reason. Either way I do generally try to diversify the kinds of roleplays I go into, but if a roleplay of a certain kind/topic I really liked died on me, I will be more inclined to try to go for it again soon. Many of my related attempts at certain fandoms or plots were a result of this.

As for characters, fandoms are one of the few places where I re-use characters I make on a regular basis as they are made for that setting (though I will still vary if the differences in premise for as much). In that sense, I’ll re-using the same character for many roleplays, or until I find a concept I like more that replaces it. That’s OCs though… I actively avoid fandom RPs with cannon characters, barring the exception of brief use as necessary NPCs.
Pokemon, Digimon, Final Fantasy, and Super Smash Bros. are the only Fandom RPs I tend to play in, and SSB RPs are the only ones where I play as canon characters. In SSB RPs, I've always RPed as Pit and Toon Link. Kid Icarus is my favorite NES game (I was a Pit fan before his inclusion into Brawl and the release of Uprising, I'm old lol) and Wind Waker is my favorite LoZ game. Also, Toon Link is never taken in these RPs, and using cartoon logic for him is a lot of fun! They have been my mains since Brawl, too, which may also have something to do with my choices.

The reason I only RP canon characters in SSB RPs is because it's not a SSB RP if none of the official roster is present in the game. Final Fantasy RPs tend to combine all the games together which creates a vast world that's very OC friendly, and Pokemon and Digimon games were meant to put you, the player, as the protagonist.

The only reason I'm not in more Fandom RPs, or RPs in general, is because my offline life is busy, and I'm the GM for the one Fandom RP I'm in. That leaves me little time to join other games.
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I love fandoms and am nearly fandom exclusive. Realistic RPs don’t appeal to me because I’m living in real life already, and fantasy doesn’t appeal to me because it’s hard to create a thorough and consistent world from scratch. So super-powered fandoms are the only answer.

Onto your question, I only play one RP from a fandom. If it’s terrible, I’ll try again, but I leave a fandom alone after having one decent experience with it. I never play a character twice. It limits the fun I can potentially have, treating fandoms this way, but I prefer to explore than stick to one thing.
As for myself, I've been roleplaying Pokemon for years -- mostly as OCs depending on the RP's setting. The only canon characters I've ever played are members of the Expedition Society from Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon (minus Swirlix because one of my RP-ing partners dibbed her in particular) and that's as NPCs.

As for other fandoms, I once tried Harry Potter and Final Fantasy but didn't work out as well as I do with Pokemon. Also, Fire Emblem caught my interest too, but the only Fire Emblem RP I've actually hooked up with is a modern high school AU of FE Awakening where both genders of Robin are present somehow.
I usually don't roleplay characters until I've solidified some sort of personality I can easily type out and respond with related to them, usually through rewatching media, and reading fanfic and accumulate my own headcanons and portrayals of characters. And, that being said, they usually tend to be very few in numbers !! Usually 1-2, maybe 3 but it's quite rare, so I'm more than fine with roleplaying the same characters over and over. In fact, I find it interesting to plop them into new situations they haven't been in before, and it gives me a chance to flesh out my portrayal.

And if I'm particularly motived, I can handle around 5 or 6 active rps in a single fandom. Though I usually cut it down to 3 by defualt, energy is hard to manage, even if I have the inspiration.
I do OC's only. I won't do fandom RP's at all if they involve canons. As for how often I do them, I don't know. I just seek out whatever I happen to be craving at any given time.
I'm a fansom chatacter RPer. Mostly Final Fantasy and Demon Slayer. In tge latter,I always RP'ed as Zenitsu Agatsuna. He's my favorite character from tge anime and manga. The reason is because he is relatable. I'm an anxious person but I want to improve. It's fun to RP him as he faces different situations and faces his fears head on.

I also enjoy crossover fandom RPs. It's always fun to see a character from a fandom in a different world that is not his/her own.
Honestly depends on the fandom? If the fandom has some good people with good knowledge of the content then it isn't too bad! If people are insufferable? Then it's a bit hard to get into.
I think I can’t really get sick of playing a character over and over again or doing multiple fandom roleplays because everybody has different replies and thoughts, and that’s one thing i love to see in those roleplays. It also gets me used to thinking in that canon characters head, but sometimes it gets to the point where I get hyper fixated and start saying stuff the canon character would say or think in their head.. jeez. But I do get scared of being out of character on accident, because everybody does have their own interpretations of a canon character sometimes.
i dont mind having multiples of the same fandom, even if im playing the same characters. to me, there are tiers of types of fandoms that im in and the tier determines how quickly ill tire of those roleplays

god tier: ones ill do without hardly any convincing. ill play the same character a hundred and one times, or ill hand craft a new oc that same day. im very (too) familiar with the lore, can adapt my writing to different perspectives and views of the same characters and my ideas are endless. im willing to do things ive never done before and am more adaptive
examples (for me personally): harry potter, the last of us games, and marvel movies, especially where characters such as loki, thor, tony, steve, james and natasha are concerned

treat tier: its like a reward playing these ones. i very rarely need a good plot, and there might be certain characters i wont want to write or write against, but i can still be convinced
examples (for me personally): most animes and a few comedy shows

wtf tier: these are typically fandoms i forgot existed but ones i still enjoy. im not as familiar with every little world building detail or know the characters like the back of my hand, but if i reread the book or watched a few episodes, i could do it. id need a good plot and some sweet talking though if its a fandom i havent touched in years or just gave up on/stopped consuming
examples (for me personally): i cant think of any but that goes with the descriptor lol

meh tier: i know of the fandom, ive been in the fandom, but nothing excites me. im far less likely to write characters i dont want to, im less likely to pitch ideas and get excited. these are the ones i normally turn away or ask if we can make an au with ocs. even then, theres a 50/50 shot i wont be excited during the plotting phase. i will say, one of my best roleplays was in a fandom i considered meh tier, but we made ocs, tweaked the universe, and it really improved my writing
examples (for me personally): hunger games, twilight, fallout, skyrim, ohshc. all games and books i enjoy but just dont have the muse to write in

now, to the other questions. god tier i will play any character in any circumstance, and for the most part ill play most of a cast in treat tier, but the other two ill have selective characters that im willing to write as, and dont stray from those. similarly, the top tiers ill write as them over and over again and not get as bored. ive been writing as harry potter and neville longbottom for years and still have plenty of muse for them. but tamaki or the hitachiin twins? i can embody them (i am an irl drama queen and little shit) but without a good plot, my muse is shot no matter how well or how much i enjoy writing a character. and ALL of this can be said for ocs in all those fandoms, regardless of if they are each new ocs or recycled ones ive improved over the years

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