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Fandom (Plots available, need people)

I would love to do a Winx RP with you! I'm a little bit rusty on the fandom, but my knowledge is still pretty close to a textbook (I know you've been asking for PM's, but my account is brand new and unfortunately, it won't let me PM people for a set amount of time after making my account. Sorry.)
NecroKnight said:
Well, we can discuss it here
@The Succubi Queen

What would you like to play as?
Well, I could basically do any of the main girls, though I would likely prefer Musa, Stella, or Techna, and I can do any of the Witches! Really, whatever floats your boat if you already have an idea in mind. :)
I got an AU RP...with a redeemed Witch, joining the WInx CLub (Not as an actual WInx, maybe as an ally)
Whom do you think, has the most promise for redemption? Icy or Darcy? Darcy is usually depicted as more clever and likely the daughter of the head of Cloud Tower. While Icy, well she has more character and possibility.
NecroKnight said:
Whom do you think, has the most promise for redemption? Icy or Darcy? Darcy is usually depicted as more clever and likely the daughter of the head of Cloud Tower. While Icy, well she has more character and possibility.
I feel like it would be a lot more interesting to see Icy! I could play Stella and that would have some great moments. lol
Well, I got a similar idea. On her having been with somebody - some Dark Wizard like guy; but one whom isn't trying to get power. Just using the power, to stop a really, evil beast - whom has an army of skeletons...
NecroKnight said:
Well, I got a similar idea. On her having been with somebody - some Dark Wizard like guy; but one whom isn't trying to get power. Just using the power, to stop a really, evil beast - whom has an army of skeletons...
I mean, really, I'm down for anything, I just want to play as one of my favourite fairy teenagers. xD
NecroKnight said:
If you got the interest, it might as old as the net for all I care, =P
Nice to know. I would hate for the fact that I joined this site just to rp Winx with you on a whim to mess up my chances
Hello there!

I have some interest in a Ben 10 or Generator Rex RP (Though I might be rusty).

Just a very small question: Is there a posting limit?

(One liners are a definite no, don't worry.)
Greetings! I'd love to do a roleplay.

I enjoy many fandoms. The ones you listed are as follows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Mass Effect, Skyrim, and Left 4 Dead. I am also a big fan of Silent Hill.

Maybe we can plan on one of those.

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