
Misho has the Eidetic Recall Merit, as described in the 1E Player's Guide. He remembers everything.

EDIT: Well, not everything. Everything he's experienced. And he wouldn't remember the things wiped from existence by She Who Lives In Her Name, even though Thrice-Radiant Misho was a primordial war survivor.
SWLIHN - the Deus Ex Machina to explain why there's no concepts in Exalted that we can't grasp at least a hare-theory of ourselves.

Frankly unnessessary, IMO, but there you have it.
Jukashi said:
Misho has the Eidetic Recall Merit, as described in the 1E Player's Guide. He remembers everything.
So he would only read new books? Anything he's read before he could just play back in his head?

That would be very useful for a travelling Solar Sorcerer/Technician. Not having to lug heavy books FTW. And medicine.
Jukashi said:
Misho has the Eidetic Recall Merit, as described in the 1E Player's Guide. He remembers everything.
EDIT: Well, not everything. Everything he's experienced. And he wouldn't remember the things wiped from existence by She Who Lives In Her Name, even though Thrice-Radiant Misho was a primordial war survivor.
Thank you, Jukashi, I don't have that book.

Wait - He remember EVERYTHING and gave up the ability to dream good dreams, AND took a look of the loom of fate for THAT other purpose too?! Awww, poor Misho... :(

Probably you can't answer me yet, because it's related with the plot, but I'll try: Misho fought in the War, so he remember the Ochre fountain as we see in the flashback/Marena's story. How far since that era his memory goes? Does he remember Aftershock War? Cascading Years? I AM? The original form of Ma-Ha-Suchi?

ps: oh, and how we should spell the "e" in "marena"? like "east" or "entEr"?

ps: I'm the guy who lead the little group that translate your awesome comic in Italian. Don't worry 'cause my poor writing-fu, my translating-fu is far better. :) And I've excellent collegues, though a bit slow in writing the test in the balloons...

You've a surprising number of fan in my blasted country, by the way. :D And surely not because of my work. :wink:
Thrice-Radiant Misho (I use the full title to distinguish him from the lesser, modern Misho) was one of the original Copper Spiders Chosen by the Unconquered Sun, and was trained by that deity and by Autocthon to serve as a medic and a mechanic leading the Jadeborn in building, maintaining and repairing the weapons provided to the Exalted by that primordial. He managed to survive the primordial war and return for a brief period to Rathess, where he had lived as a mortal, before departing to rule a nation in the northeast. In time, he became a member of the Deliberative. He continued to live through the entire First Age.
It occurs to me...

If Juk is going under the notion that the First Age operated under First Ed rules...

Misho's definately Compassion High, and he dosn't seem the "Red Rage" type. More like him to have the one where you break down crying.

He might have memories of watching the usurpation and being so overcome that he just stood there while they cut him down.

That must suck. I wonder if that's how it went down, though? It seems plausable, but since we've never seen him Limit, we don't know. Maybe he does go Red Rage of Compassion.
1: His second-age incarnation's Limit is not nessessarily the same as his First-Age incarnation's. Likely, but not nessessarily.

2: Good points, though. I figured the faerie thing was just him getting Really Pissed Off, though.
None of the characters have broken into full-on limit break yet.

Except for that Dragon-Blooded lady Ten Winds had in his flashback, way back when.
Jukashi said:
Thrice-Radiant Misho (I use the full title to distinguish him from the lesser, modern Misho) was one of the original Copper Spiders Chosen by the Unconquered Sun, and was trained by that deity and by Autocthon to serve as a medic and a mechanic leading the Jadeborn in building, maintaining and repairing the weapons provided to the Exalted by that primordial. He managed to survive the primordial war and return for a brief period to Rathess, where he had lived as a mortal, before departing to rule a nation in the northeast. In time, he became a member of the Deliberative. He continued to live through the entire First Age.
I really appreciate your efforts in answering me without spoilers. :)

So, as I thought, modern Misho is a skillfull "new Solar" but he has the "mind" (personality/memory) that the previous host oh his solar shard had in a definite moment somewhere between the crowning of Merela and the Usurpation, probably after 121 OEG, since he was shocked when Nova mentioned Autocton. A moment that you have not told us yet. :mrgreen:

Jukashi said:
None of the characters have broken into full-on limit break yet.
Except for that Dragon-Blooded lady Ten Winds had in his flashback, way back when.

Some people like to roleplay the effects of the Great Curse beyond what the game's mechanics require.
Oh, I thought that misho's hysterical crying when he was hit by a bleeding corpse was a limit break. Anyway we can assume that he has Heart of Tears.
Jukashi said:
Brickwall said:
So Misho is just a crybaby? :?
Some people like to roleplay the effects of the Great Curse beyond what the game's mechanics require.
I find that the arrogance of being a Solar dovetails perfectly with the arrogance of being a Player Character, so I'm always getting praised for appropriately RPing the Great Curse when I do something like push an NPC around and tell him he dosn't want to feel lucky today, punk.
Jukashi said:
None of the characters have broken into full-on limit break yet.
Except for that Dragon-Blooded lady Ten Winds had in his flashback, way back when.
That was a lady!?


...huh. That is a lady. Umm...okay then. Carry on.
Ophion said:
Jukashi said:
Thrice-Radiant Misho (I use the full title to distinguish him from the lesser, modern Misho) was one of the original Copper Spiders Chosen by the Unconquered Sun, and was trained by that deity and by Autocthon to serve as a medic and a mechanic leading the Jadeborn in building, maintaining and repairing the weapons provided to the Exalted by that primordial. He managed to survive the primordial war and return for a brief period to Rathess, where he had lived as a mortal, before departing to rule a nation in the northeast. In time, he became a member of the Deliberative. He continued to live through the entire First Age.
I really appreciate your efforts in answering me without spoilers. :)

So, as I thought, modern Misho is a skillfull "new Solar" but he has the "mind" (personality/memory) that the previous host oh his solar shard had in a definite moment somewhere between the crowning of Merela and the Usurpation, probably after 121 OEG, since he was shocked when Nova mentioned Autocton. A moment that you have not told us yet. :mrgreen:

Jukashi said:
None of the characters have broken into full-on limit break yet.
Except for that Dragon-Blooded lady Ten Winds had in his flashback, way back when.

Some people like to roleplay the effects of the Great Curse beyond what the game's mechanics require.
Oh, I thought that misho's hysterical crying when he was hit by a bleeding corpse was a limit break. Anyway we can assume that he has Heart of Tears.
I don't know if I'd go into full-on hysterical crying, but come on...he's got compassion in a big way, and an eidetic memory, AND a really long lifespan. It just makes sense for him to be sensitive to violence and bloodshed if he's managed to go that long without becoming hardened.

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