[Fanart] Needs Moar Mew Cai (and Misho) - now with color!


New Member
Or perhaps they Need Moar fanart, but this way it's the fanart's fault!


So I drawed a thing. plz 2 forgive the artistic license taken with Mew's ruff; I am of the more fluff = better school of drawing fluffy things. :I

Once I tweak the lines a little more to my satisfaction I will likely attempt color. But for now, sleep.

oh hai, color nao:

Huge image is pretty big.
Re: [Fanart] Needs Moar Mew Cai (and Misho)

That's awesome. :D

I am of the opinion that a character should be able to change their anima to reflect some huge personal change in their personality/outlook/whatever. Sadly, Misho hasn't been through any such big change yet. :P
Re: [Fanart] Needs Moar Mew Cai (and Misho)

*bow* Thanks. <3

And I dunno, having Mew Cai as his totemic anima banner would be a little strange, for a Solar. The one Solar I know of who has a fire dragon as a part of his banner is also desperately pretending to be a Fire-Aspected DB on pain of death.

I know some weird Exalts. :]

Edit to add: ...also, a question that's been plaguing me, Jukashi. Is Misho's epithet of "Thrice-Radiant" a reference to Hermes Trimegestus, i.e., Hermes the Thrice-Majestic?

'cuz if it is, that's the most awesome thing ever, may I have your babies?
Re: [Fanart] Needs Moar Mew Cai (and Misho)

Jukashi said:
That's awesome. :D
I am of the opinion that a character should be able to change their anima to reflect some huge personal change in their personality/outlook/whatever. Sadly, Misho hasn't been through any such big change yet. :P
I dunno, I could see it as a form of adopting someone or something dearly beloved, especially something not normally entangled in the reincarnation cycle and thus, lost to Void if they die...

It would be nifty. But we've sen him go totemic after Mew Cai's loss, and he hasn't. Oh well.
Re: [Fanart] Needs Moar Mew Cai (and Misho)

ShadowDragon8685 said:
I dunno, I could see it as a form of adopting someone or something dearly beloved, especially something not normally entangled in the reincarnation cycle and thus, lost to Void if they die...
It would be nifty. But we've sen him go totemic after Mew Cai's loss, and he hasn't. Oh well.
Bbbbb--but! Mew's in machine heaven, with the toasters!

Re: [Fanart] Needs Moar Mew Cai (and Misho)

Feverfew said:
Edit to add: ...also, a question that's been plaguing me, Jukashi. Is Misho's epithet of "Thrice-Radiant" a reference to Hermes Trimegestus, i.e., Hermes the Thrice-Majestic?
Wow, that is awesome. Sadly, I'm afraid, that's not the case. I just made it up. :S

May I put this fanart on the website and, if so, should Il ink to your gallery and, if so, should I refer to you as Feverfew or Coronaviridae?
Re: [Fanart] Needs Moar Mew Cai (and Misho)

Jukashi said:
Wow, that is awesome. Sadly, I'm afraid, that's not the case. I just made it up. :S
May I put this fanart on the website and, if so, should Il ink to your gallery and, if so, should I refer to you as Feverfew or Coronaviridae?
Sometimes I am in fact too much of a dork for my own good. xD Still, it is an excellent epithet, however you came up with it. ...yes, i am ttly a misho fanthing.

Absolutely you may! And a gallery link is fine; Coronaviridae is my usual internet handle, so that works too. :) I just sometimes register other handles for my own, obscure reasons.

...mostly to do with laziness and my own propensity for typoing my own screennames.
pff, not unintentional (to my reading), just an unintentional parallel to a relatively obscure snippit of near-eastern religious lore.

Okay, NOT relatively obscure if you play Mage. but relatively obscure otherwise!!

(...but I second wanting to know how Misho came by Thrice-Radiant within the Keychain story.)
I wish I had the authority to nominate you the author of the best Keychain fanart ever.

Well, at least I can nominate that a Funky Picture.


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