Fan art!


New Member
Ta da.

If anyone likes this, I might put more KoC fanart up.

kawaiiryu242 said:
Misha & Ten Winds in progress.
When did he get an 'a' in his name?

Or is this a female version?

And those are nice looking.

I suck at art.
Yes, in a manner speaking. When weight is on the foot, it spreads out around the pinky toe, like so.


If that's not emphasized just a little bit, the foot has no depth and looks too flat in the toes, like so.

These are absolutely astounding! And in some things, oddly prophetic. I feel proud to have helped bring them into existence (and slightly bad for the continued hiatus). Was the first pic based on Marena to begin with, or just coincidental opportunity seized?
Kyeudo said:
kawaiiryu242 said:
Secret. After gaining more than a few levels of badass.
I have one thing to say to this:

"Hiho Zabimaru!"
I hope Secret doesn't wind up looking like that, Kyeudo.

That Secret looks... Entirely too happy being an avatar of death, devastation and destruction to be the Secret I know and like. :P

(I hope Jukashi was referring to the Marena dancing pic as being prophetic. Or the Ten Winds pic from the other thread, though it's a given that Ten Winds will look all dramatically important and smoke his pipe.)

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