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Realistic or Modern Family

"Alright, lets just rinse the blood off then and then you can get dressed, I have food when your done plenty of spaghetti. Befoer we do what tho lets get that nose to stop... I have things here somewhere" he opend a cabinet under the sink and dug thew a first aid kit then pulled out a package and handed it to her "here put one of these in each nostril and it will stop the bleeding ok".
She took the first aid package and shakily tended to her nose. She looked down and whimpered then, "Th-there's blood everywhere... I'm so sorry!" She felt a lump rise in her throat as she tried not to sob again but it hurt to hold it in. "I slipped- I'm sorry.." She kept apologizing in fear and tried picking up her wings again. More feathers molted off of them, falling heavily to the floor and sticking to the water. Her hair, that seemed to be a dark teal color, clung to her face and neck as it had started to air dry. As she continued to cry she leaned forward and clutched the towel around her. Her head was low to the floor, revealing more of her back. Shaky wings tried once more to hide her once more but ultimately failed. Her back and shoulders were exposed now, showcasing the cost of those wings..

Down her spine was a large, surgical scar extending midway to her back. Around the base of each wing, slimmer, curved scars wrapped around where they feathers started to meet skin.
"Shhhh, shhhh, here" Lawrance said and stared the shower again making shre it was warm then set it to spray right in front if her. Wash yourself off and use more soap if you want or need, make shire you've used conditioner in your hair. Then dry off as best you can, I'll give you a new towel and you can just leave that one here in the tub. Then I have cloths you can sort thru and take from right next door, the white one, get dresses and comfortable then we can eat. Your not in trouble hunny. And your safe now, no more pain I promise. We can given get you some pain medication if anything still hurts ok?" He said and set another towel within reach then he kissed her head and left the room closing the door behind himself.
The young woman watched him leave, somewhat stunned at his gestures. After a couple of minutes, she collected herself enough to rinse the blood of of her again. Now her head was starting to hurt and her nose was already incredibly sore. How on earth could she fall asleep in the tub? She couldn't even remember falling asleep! Her thoughts started to wander as she watched the blood rinse down the drain.

That man.. He didn't seem to care about her secret. In a way it scared her even more but he had helped her so much just now.. The water was luke-warm now so she stepped out to dry off.
As promised there where two boxes of clothing siting in the bed in the room with the wite door, the inside was full of wite paint, some lace, and floral patterns there were small and elegant. There was also a window seat
Lawrance was down stairs reading on the sofa in the living room giving the girl time and space.
His guest tiredly searched through the boxes, trying to find something to fit over her wings. They were fairly small, having lost a lot of their feathers before they even met. The room she was in was spacious and open.. it felt really nice. She found a large t shirt and sweatpants to put on. They were comfortable and smelled a little dusty with a hint of cardboard. She sat down on the bed and felt herself relax some more. Once more she found herself dozing off and falling asleep on the bed with the nosebleed fix still in her nose.
After a while Lawrance whent back up to check on her and saw her asleep. He stains and moved the boxed then tucked her in amd kissed her head gently then he whent and fixed a bowl of spaghetti a apple, a banana, a cup of pudding, a slave of crakers, a slave of cookies a bottle of water, a bottle of Diet Coke, a spoon, a fork, and a cupple napkins on a tray then brought it all up to the room and set it on the nightstand with a not that said "Window locked dint worry, eat if your hungry, I'll be down stairs, you can stay in here as long as you want tho, I'll bring more food in the morning if you don't come out befoer that. PS. The door locks from the inside." Then left closing the door softly behind himself and going back to his book in the living room.
She didn't move at all when he tucked her in. There was no movement from her at all, even when the food was set down on the nightstand. A peaceful expression was on her face now and she looked so much better than before despite her bruised nose. It would be less than an hour before she woke up again to the smell of food. She didn't hesitate at all and picked up the spaghetti. The noodles were shoveled into her mouth quickly and the drinks chugged. As she ate she found the note and read it. With a large bite in her mouth, she got up and trudged to the windows. Her fingers gripped the bottom of the window pain to try and pull it up but he had told the truth. The window didn't budge. Relief came over her some more now.
The windows had blackout current she cound draw and there was a lightweight next to the door that turned on a small shameless ans farm lights to bight the room.
Lawrance didn't move even when he hurd her moving upstarts. He ment it about giving her space, he remembered his own post battle days and the war hit him now he was out of it.
She walked around the room some before returning to her food and sitting back down. The food had been good and the water felt good on her throat.. She had no idea what the dark bubbly drink was so she left it there. Shortly after sitting, she laid back down and fell asleep once more. This time she wouldn't wake up until the morning.

The blackout curtains were helpful in keeping her asleep for so long. Yesterday had been long and terrifying.. She found herself hearing something new as she woke up now. It was a chirping sound.. from outside? Slowly and sorely, she made her way to a window and peeked between the curtains. On the window sill a small, brown bird sat and chirped as the sun came through the trees.
A little while later there was a knock on her door and then a note was slipped under saying "Breakfast on the other side, I'll be down stairs, I'll bring lunch about 12 of you arnt ready yet. Do me a favor and leave the trays when your done" on the floor on the other side of the door was a tray with a glass of milk, a glass of orange juce and a cup of coffee. There was also a plate with 4 pleaces of French toast, three Muffins, a cup of yogurt and a banana. Also a fork, a spoon. And some napkins. Aditinaly there was a bowl full of Hershey kisses".
The TV was on downstairs as Lawrance was watching the news.
After a few minutes she opened the white door and saw the breakfast tray on the floor with another note. It was a surprise for sure.. a pleasant one. The smell wafted in causing her to pick it up quickly and shut the door. This didn't look real to her! There was so much and it all looked delicious! She sat down on the bed and grabbed a piece of the french toast. It was soft and sticky which made her change her mind on how she'd pick it up. The fork was picked up after she licked her finger tips and dug in. With a stuffed cheek she plucked a Hershey's kiss up and peeled the foil off. It went in her mouth too along with the toast.

What a lovely combination that was!
Lawrance left her alone and kept watching the news releved there was nothing about yesterday on. He watched for a while longer then whent to eat his own breakfast happily.
Every bit of food was gone within 10 minutes by the young woman upstairs. Everything was so sweet and tasty! She'd eaten so much that her stomach distended slightly and she felt full pretty quickly. Once the food was gone she looked at her tray and read the note. It would probably be better if she brought the trays to him?.. As much as her mind was telling her to stay in the room.. she wanted to investigate this new place. And what if this man got upset about the trays?.. Yeah it would be a good idea to bring them to him. She tucked her hair back and carefully carried one of the trays outside her room. The floor beneath her creaked slightly. Her foot hesitantly settled as there was no avoiding it now.

Now she looked ahead down the hall and recalled what happened last night. Down the hall... stairs, then right? Was the man even here? It sounded quiet to her until she reached the top of the stairs. There were voices now, ones she hadn't heard yet, and hopefully weren't bad..

With a swallow she started to tip toe her way down until she saw the television screen. The voices were coming from there? What a relief!
Lawrance was in the kitchen sipping a glass if Orange Juice when he herd her move but he didn't go invastigat. When he herd her down states the stairs he said "Good morning, I'm in the kitchen, you still hungry?" But didn't move to aprice her just siped in his OJ some mor.e
“N-no!” She didn’t want to sound greedy. “Where can I put th-this?” She raised the tray up slightly and stopped before reaching the table. There was a slight clinking sound of the plates as her hands shook a moment.
"Next to the sink, I'll wash them later, if you are still hungry, the pantry next to the fridge and lower drawer of the fridge are all snacks for the taking" he said "you can change the change the channel on the TV if you want or I have some books" he added them whent to finish his orangejuce.
“Oh.. thank you.” She said before quickly placing the tray down. “...” as she walked back out of the kitchen she couldn’t help but look around now and take in everything. There was a lot of sunlight coming through and the television was something she’d barely seen before. At least it wasn’t playing what he had on it. How strange.. Her wings were tucked in under her shirt which made her top half look twice as big as before. She had found a large t shirt that didn’t have holes on the back but it still covered everything. The tips of her wings poked out of the bottom however.
Lawrance finsied his juce then began washing the dishes trying to be a little quiet so she could watch TV. He did hum as he worked to occupy his mind, he wished wolf was here.
The TV was still on the news and Lawrance had left the remote on the coffee table next to his book.
She made her way to the couch and slowly sat down. The couch was so comfortable.. She sank into it and sighed with relief almost. As for the TV, she had no knowledge on how to change channels. Her curiosity was held by the current program however.
The chanel was showing a car accident, there was a large black van that had been completely distorted and the news anger was explaining there where no survivors in ether the van or the truck that had hit it. Lawrance came on near the end and said "wow"
“What happened?” She looked over at him with worry before going’s back to the screen. She could see what happened but she couldn’t make sense of it.
"The van hit the Semi truck, clearly it wasn't a normal van tho because while it was destroyed it also wreked the Semi. There are no survivors meaning no one in either vehicle is still alive...it looks like they where ok fire to because you can see the char marks... hey that van was at the mall yesterday, I recognize the Licase plate..." he said then looked closer.
"Oh.. " That was sad to hear. When he said he recognized the plate she looked back at him confused. How could he know that? She became a bit confused now. "You can remember that?"
"Its left over from my days in the military, I used to have to remember and recite vast amounts of Information, now who my brain just kinda picked random things to remember like License plates, or price tags...that sort of thing...also it was a weird looking one, not normal, it had a weird official look to it but it wasn't somthing I recognized"

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