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Fantasy False World (Character Archive)


Senior Member



Please wait for me to make the first post, in character, so I may set the scene. Afterwards, go at it. Please ask any questions at OCC, I will do my best to answer them.

Sheet Setup

[Will Like post to accept Character]


(may use picture; cartoon or realistic, but stay consistent with the group. It'll be easier envision each character together)

Traits: (How do you act? What makes you tick?)


Magical Ability:
(don't have to choose, but come to me if you are skeptical on being able to have specific abilities.)

Natural Abilities: (smart, strong, deductive reasoning, etc.)

Equipment: (pocket knife, pistol, vanity items of any kind, something story implemented, etc.)

Affiliation: (what do you or your parents do? Are you part of a rich family? Son/daughter of a notorious mobster? Why would someone trap you in a False World?)

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(Edit: Forgot my name, whoops)
(Edit 2: Gave Zee a different kind of I-Pod, and a more solid connection with organized crime)

Zee Milo

Zee is a 6'1", thinly built man. His shaggy, bleach-blonde hair is poorly kept, though he tries to keep it slicked back rather than let it fall over his eyes, which are tinted a cloudy grey. Zee's attire usually consists of any number of plain jean pants, and sleeveless white shirts. When he's at the Crowfoot, he wears a tattered blindfold for show, as a sort of calling card.

Traits: Zee is, almost at all times, listening to music, though never with headphones. He has a small speaker on his person at most times. If he's not listening to music, he's whistling or talking to himself. This paints the picture of a restless man, which is not the case at all. He is a laid back person a good chunk of the time, though he is prone to occasional outbursts of both childish and eccentric nature.


Magical Ability: Zee's ability is essentially the ability to see in pitch black, along with, in some cases, through obstructions such as walls or doors.

Natural Abilities: Aware of patterns, acutely aware in hearing.

Equipment: He carries with him at all times an old I-pod micro with a couple dozen songs on it.

Affiliation: Zee is a DJ in city-central, but is mostly small time. The club he usually works, "Crowfoot", isn't what one would call a 'high class establishment' but it suits him just fine. Zee also is close friends with "Lemming", a bagman for the city's worst.

Bio: Zee Milo is a small-time DJ in the central area of the city. He effectively doesn't keep in contact with family, and only confides in the few friends he's gained over his last couple of years in the city. His love life has been nothing spectacular either, most of them resulting in disaster and broken furniture. His past is a bit of a blurry subject. His parents weren't super involved people, always working and such. He had a sister who he enjoyed to be around though. She was a few years older than him, but they were on pretty good terms as far as siblings go. Nothing really happened to her, he just didn't didn't talk to her and he didn't talk to him. He never cared much, "These things happen" he'd always think. People enter and leave his life at whatever whim the universe decides they do.
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Ned Walker


5'10". Wears a tan trench coat with a plain, grey shirt underneath. Also wears black pants and boots. Usually has a somber look on his face. Has a pale skin tone and balanced build.

Traits: Prefers things quiet. Likes to keep to himself. Darker everything is better, easier on the eyes. Hates loud sounds like car horns or music. Can't stand people with loud voices and will tell them so. Prefers getting things done instead of talking about it. Doesn't work well with other people and hard to talk to due to his lack of speaking. He's also a perfectionist and can't stand things being out of place.


Magical Ability:

Hyper Sensetivity: all his senses are on overdrive; sometimes even when he isn't conscious (while sleeping).

Natural Abilities:

Deductive: can easily put two-and-two together. Good at connecting information.


Digital Journal: has a smart phone solely used as his own journal of random information.

Affiliation: Does a lot of freelance crime solving. Mainly small stuff for people who know about him, but has worked with the police once or twice.

Bio: After moving to the City, Ned got a job working as a therapist at a nearby hospital. He was fired after telling the manager of the hospital that his work was slobby and only slowed down the progression of patience and the growth of the hospital. He was also a terrible a therapist... So he worked, reluctantly, at a local restraunt and became a supervisor. His coworkers hate him still. One day, while getting the mail, he found that he had been called for jury duty. He ended up sending the man, who was trailed with 3rd degree murder, to prison for life, using only the information given in court. Through some miracle, he was able to sway the other jurors into believing him, and the man was found guilty of all crimes. After that, Ned found himself helping people solve their own mysteries. Mainly home invasions or something of the sort, but there are very few cases he has yet to figure out.
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Name: Lee Mistfield.

Appearance: 5'9'', average build, usually seen in a black and blue jacket and black jeans. He doesn't really stand out much to the average person, though people who has interacted with him before will definitely notice him if he passes them by.

Traits: Talkative, often found checking his phone for e-mails from potential clients. Has a habit of listening to other's people conversations. Despite what he does for a living, he hates it when others try to pry into his life.


Magical Ability: None

Natural Abilities: Has a lot of insider knowledge on stuff that many people may not know about.

Equipment: A small pocket knife, Smartphone.

As much as they don't like to contact him him, the police do sometimes inquire him to dig up some information on potential convicts, or even information on certain gangs that may appear around the city. Of course, this means that these gangs can also contact him for information about the police. Anyone that he has dealt with in the past may want to remove Lee to silence him, ensuring their secret is safe.

Bio: From a very young age, Lee has always been interested in people, more specifically, controlling them and making them do what he wants them to do. It started from rather trivial things, such as crying in front of class to make the teacher give him candy, eventually building up to selling out the location of a murderer to the victim's family, allowing them to have their way with him before the police is notified. As long as he gets what he wants out of it, everything is fair game.

Currently, Lee is an information broker. Someone who sell secrets to other people in exchange of cash and information of equal importance as the one the client inquires. It can be something as simple as finding out if a man's wife is cheating on him, to giving out locations of drug dens to the police. He doesn't care who or where the information end up in the hands of, as long as he can make a few bucks from it and learn new, potentially interesting information about people; it makes him feel powerful, godly almost, as he can easily changes the fate of those around him as he sees fit, often by just uttering a few words.
Name: Roya Saam

170 cm height. 60 kg weight. Dark hair. Dark green eyes. Light tan skin. Got cheek bones and roman nose. Rather thick pink lips. Slightly athletic form.

Traits: She shows cold shoulder to most strangers, specialty guys but once getting friendly she becomes too warm and sister like. She can't take insults, pranks, idiocy but tries to not pay back. On the other hand, if annoyances passes her limits she is all out like a wild cat. Likes to discuss matters a lot.

Age: 27

Magical Ability:
A little gift of affecting people's minds but is afraid of using it because the final result is unknown to her. And she keeps it a secret as most people are afraid of being touch by this kind of abilities.

Natural Abilities: A little athletic an a deep thinker. She also can understand others' feelings and perspectives.

Equipment: Smartphone

Affiliation: Roya is totally an average person except for her gift that might be the reason she has been trapped. She is also a social activist but isn't an important piece so it can't be a reason to kidnap her. The other thing that might has caused her trouble is the guy she has gone out recently with. He was a mysterious boy who claimed to be rich and important but she felt nothing for him and they never got together. Or it might be the chemistry lab she works in that is hiding secrets.

An active girl with chemistry mastery working in a lab. Her father is an engineer and her mother is a therapist. She has been a social activist since high school. The girl has met many guys but never felt like having a partner and still believes in searching for true love. She found out about her ability at age 19 but decided to hide it from everyone fearing that they might treat her like a dangerous freak who tries to manipulate their minds. She likes martial arts and is a black belt kata ka. Her latest activities have been; taking part in a parade against producing of mass murdering weapons, writing for a moral defending newspaper and joining a human chain to protect forest.Apart from her personal interests, as her job she is part of a team that works on new substances to make better and cheaper solar cells.
(This isn't going to be my main character by any stretch of the imagination, he's just a good plot piece to put into play)

Vinnie "Lemming" T.

Appearance: 5'11", Thinly built, with blonde hair and blue eyes on a triangular face. He might be 130lb. soaking wet, max.

Traits: Lemming is a generally slippery kind of guy. He has a relatively heavy New York accent, and gives of an air of trustworthiness. He's also quite the lady killer, and by that I mean most women would rather die than be around him for any stretch of time whilst he attempts to flirt. Even so, his affiliations and money can attract the odd lady. Past that, he's actually rather good at making acquaintances, and comes off as an almost over-the-top personality of a person in his line of work.


Magical Ability: None, but if you ask him he'll respond with something like "stunning good looks".

Natural Abilities: His skill set isn't a particularly physical one, apart from a decent ability to keep quiet. His true talents lie in his ability to persuade.

Equipment: He almost always carries around his wallet and phone, along with a moderately ornate butterfly knife.

Affiliation: Lemming's past is pretty vague, though he seems to have gotten around quite an amazing amount. He can be traced back to several business, (some more legitimate than others,) pioneering technologies, criminal organization, and even a few high-ranking members of government.

Bio: Lemming currently works as a bagman for multiple criminal factions around the city. Before that, he's done (usually) legitimate business as a messenger of sorts, whether with money or message that people don't want to be intercepted by any rogue internet presences.

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