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Nation Building Fallout: War Never Changes (Applications)



Three Thousand Club
Military: (be reasonable).

For population find the projected 2020 population of the area your faction controls on the website 'world population review' (if possible as to ensure some level of uniformity when it comes to cited population statistics), and then cite and multiply the number you found by 0.017527391369 if you're a West Coast faction, and 0.010527391369 if you're an East Coast faction. The roleplayer (if any at all), who decides to take control of the New California Republic gets to multiply their number by 0.027527391369 instead in order to reflect that faction's significant population. Smaller technology centric factions multiply by 0.007527391369. 0.000527391369 for Mexican factions. Do solid easy to read bookkeeping when it comes to this so I can independently come to the same result as you to ensure your math is legit. Population can be handwaved for certain groups so long as the amount you want for them isn't very significantly large.

Also please submit character sheets of your own design. I don't really need much, just names, appearances, essentials like that, along with whatever you think would be relevant. To make things slightly interesting (this will rarely if ever actually be used since this roleplay is primarily story focused rather than a game with mechanics), the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. limit is capped at thirty five, including the mandatory one in each S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute (individual attributes go up to a maximum of ten).

When it comes to determining the outcome of Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4, we'll go with whoever picks the most protagonist centric faction. If someone wants to be Mr. House or the Courier, or the Sole Survivor, what they want overrides the wants of an NCR player, Legion player, Railroad player, BOS player, ect when it comes to what sort of CANONICAL ending happens. If nobody becomes said characters, then a dice roll will be used to determine who wins the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and/or the War for the Commonwealth. While people can make factions based in Mexico or Canada, it's strongly advised to pick an American location for your faction.

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The Canadian Comonwealth of Toronto
Southeastern Canada, encompassing regions like Ontario and southern Quebec. Currently, their capital is Toronto.

When the bombs dropped, Canada wasn't spared. Bombarded by a frankly ludicrous amount of nuclear weapons, Canada got turned into an irradiated hellscape in 24 hours flat. When the smoke settled, all the debris and fallout from the warheads were shot into orbit overhead by the blasts, cutting off the access of sunlight and disrupting ocean currents that made warm Northern climates possible. Without sunlight or the currents, places like Southern Canada became winter wonderlands year round. Canada, for the most part, had become completely inhospitable.

But, two major factors ensured the survival of Canadians as a whole. 1, Vault-Tec had capitalized during the American annexation of the country, building several vaults in the Ontario and Southern Quebec regions around population centers like Toronto and Montreal. And 2, the Toronto Institution of Technology, several miles away from Toronto and unaffected by the Great War, labored away to keep the wheel of progress moving.

When vault dwellers left their vaults, they found themselves completely blindsided by the cold. Luckily though, a Toronto Institution techie stumbled across a freezing to death and starving expedition of vault dwellers. Convincing them to seek refuge back in the vault, the Institution etablished a radio connection and rudimentary supply line with them. Soon, the Institution began contacting other vaults via radio in the greater Ontario region. By 2089, the Institution was in contact with every fault in the region, and even with some in Quebec. Just one year later, in 2090, the Institution finally cracked the code for long term habitation of the frozen wilderness that had become Canada.

Over the next century, the population grew as new towns were constructed across the Frozen North, leading to a surplus of supplies and manpower. At this point, the Institution could finally start organizing the territory and recruiting more people for innovation. Over time, the people of the newly named Canadian Commonwealth of Toronto, or CCT, began to amass in population centers like Toronto and Montreal while introducing new possibilities of industry and innovation.

For a while, it was a blur, but in the year 2182, the CCT's first taste of conflict occurred. During that year, the clouds above Canada parted slightly, cooling temperatures just enough to be hospitable again. At first, people rejoiced. Then they realized they were finally revealed to the world. Raider gangs that knew about the once vast natural resources buried under the snow of Canada rode to the North to find, what they believed to be, unclaimed riches.

Unfortunately, they found that the CCT were already there. After getting over the shock that people survived up there, the raiders quickly realized that they didn't really care. Settling there, the CCT put up a pitiful effort of defense thanks to their piss poor national guard. With pathetic yet valiant resistance, the raiders settled across Ontario in different towns and cities, making the CCT provide for them as they tried siphoning their resources.

Unfortunately for them, and I don't mean the CCT this time, the gangs had kicked a hornet's nest full of nerds. Working in secret, the Toronto Institution of Technology repaired dozens of weapons, power armor, and vehicles. With minimal training, they managed to construct a surprisingly well equipped militia. At first, they whittled the gangs down taking out patrols and small guard posts before hiding the bodies, keeping the gangs wondering what the hell was going on. But, once they scrounged up enough troops, the CCT went full on viva la revolucion. Multiple bombings were enacted on where the raiders slept the hour before the full revolt and multiple raiders were met with a molotov the second they showed their face. Within the hour, militia soldiers had equipped themselves and snuck out to various resource depots the raiders had set up, capturing and defending them with everything they had. While the efforts were disorganized at first, as soon as the militia members taking over the depots got a handle of a ham radio, they became a well oiled machine. Multiple times a depot was nearly overrun, but a call for reinforcements often resulted in a quick band of soldiers coming in from behind to pin the raiders down.

Fast forward a few weeks when the gangs realize that they didn't have a chance in hell of taking over the depots without the organization required to make a large, well planned assault, and you see them just resorting to trying to terrorize population centers. Unfortunately for them, the militia had armed civvies in nearly every town with the equipment they'd taken from the depots, allowing them to actually fight back. Defending their towns with a ferocity unseen, the raiders eventually realized it was all a lost cause. So, they began to retreat back to the United States or tried their luck in other Canadian territories.

That was the CCT's first and pretty much last war. This, consequentially, also gave them a perfect track record of winning wars. Taking a few years to get over the post-war impacts of the raider gangs, the CCT eventually managed to get itself back on track by 2201, they threw themself back into furthering innovation and developing their society. Over the years, pretty much everything about their society grew, from their economy to their politics.

And that's just about the history of the CCT. not much else to talk about.

Stay smart, stay alive
That's pretty much their motto. They're a largely diplomatic faction, meaning they try peace deals first, trade agreements second, pointing the enemy to a bigger threat third, and war pretty much never. This doesn't mean everyone in the faction has that mindset though. Due the CCT being a Democracy, there are politicians, as useless as they are in a society focused on survival and technology. This means there are political parties and every piss poor thing that comes with them. The public, which are a whole hodge podge of ideologies and ethnicities, can be easily riled up and turned against each other. So, you know, politics that can affect decision making. That always sucks.

Major cities include Toronto and Montreal
(About half of Quebec equalling 4.2425 million, and all of Ontario equalling 14.6 million, multiplied by 0.010527391369, and you've got that approximate population)

President Nolan Hoitz and his cabinet

In a society chock full of innovation and surplus, trade would of course be booming. The market is almost entirely free, but of course has laws and restrictions used by post-war countries to ensure no one gains power over the entire industry, that trade taxes get paid, and no one uses up too many natural resources. You'd be surprised just how much paperwork was involved with the CCT's economy. The industries involved in the economy are wide and diverse, ranging from farming and fishing to Vertibird manufacturing. So, if you come to the CCT looking for trade, you will hardly be disappointed.

Keep in mind that the CCT does have it's own currency rather than sticky, old, rusty bottlecaps. Introducing the CCT Cards! A slick plastic card made from recycled and melted down plastic, the thing's small, easy to carry, and comes in different values. A red card has a vale of 1$, an orange card has a value of 5$, a yellow card has a value of 10$, a lime card has a value of 50$, and a dark green card has a value of 100$. There's also change, but it's really just not important enough to talk about. Also, the CCT Cards have an exchange rate of about 2.1625 caps. The CCT is smart enough to track exact numbers, yes, but for simplicity's sake, the number was struck down to an exchange rate of 2 caps per card.

As a faction that's located in the inhospitable frozen hellscape that is Canada, the CCT were pretty much up shit creek without a paddle at day one. So, they adapted. And invented. Mostly invented.

While the people of Toronto struggled to survive, a certain institute of technology studied, and they studied hard. Fast forward roughly three centuries, and the CCT is somehow making better tech than post-war Canada. Fusion reactors, heaters, automated hydroponic gardens, radiation cleansing devices, advancements in medicine, higher quality vehicles, and the odd tune up to power armor or weapons here or there.

The CCT also largely relies on the nigh infinite power supplies granted by Fusion Cores and Uranium. Several nuclear plants are built around Quebec and Ontario to power homes and miniature reactors act as the main fuel for their vehicles.

While the CCT has made very large advances, keep in mind the the government is still working to modernize, or, uh, futurize their population centers.

Military: (be reasonable).
A humble national guard of 4,031 well armored and well equipped soldiers that only have moderate training. The CCT just needs a way to get rid of bandits and keep crime rates low, they never particularly intended to go to war. Despite that though, they have one of the most impressive motorpool in post-apocalyptic North America. Jeeps, APCs, a sizable fleet of Vertibirds, and whatever else Canada had. Turns out it's not all that hard to get vehicles with nigh infinite power supplies up and running again. Most of the vehicles are just sitting around in old hangars, collecting dust. Again, CCT is a largely peaceful faction, so they haven't really needed the vehicles in a few decades.

The soldiers have been in use recently though. Because most of the CCT's area used to be pretty much like the wild West where criminals could run and hide for the longest time, the CCT recently decided to finally get to taming their land. Bandits, mutants, wild animals, wild mutanty bandit animals, you name it, the CCT plans on kicking it out of their land once and for all.​
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Name: Thirteen Garrisons

Symbol: ThirteenGarrisons2.png

Territory: The Thirteen Garrisons control most of North Carolina.

The American States were always a bastion of liberty, freedom, and most importantly prowess. With the old democracy in the world taking down the wretched communists who sought to destroy the world. With the Great War ending a new "Dark Age" begin where the common American was always tipping the line between death and life, where anarchy ruled and where even the all might government was silent. This was where our story begin, with survivors in the former states of North Carolina meeting up and forming small bands who roamed the waste, and small towns being forced on their own.
After the nuclear winter ended we were forced to contend with the Free State goons, who sought to destroy civilization itself in the name of "Liberty" and "Civil Rights" It was under the leadership of our first General that we managed to defeat them, with the remnants of the troops stationed there he drove them out! He then started to see the small bands of survivors, and struggling towns, and decided unless they were also too fall into enemy hands a single body must have been founded to protect them all. With this the General and his Army once more went to war, this time not against those Communists or the Free States but against the scum who sought to try fight the General.
Only recently have we finally managed to unite the state, and now the light of America seems to have started to shine once more, for far too long the wastelands of America have been ruled by Anarchists, Secessionists, and even Communists! Now, with the last of North Carolina being put under our lawful rule, we must recover the rest of the Colonies who are spread out on the East Coast, as the land who gave birth to the glorious American States will once more spread its ideals and light across the entire continent.

Ideology: Stratocracy, Heavily Militaristic Republic

Population: 10,611,862 x 0.010527391369 = 111,715 People.

Leadership: The Thirteen Garrisons are lead by a "High General", that oversees both the Military and the Civilian government. The Civilian government is split into two, the House of Representatives and the Senate, despite this both are almost powerless, and depend on the Military to enact their laws. The Military government controls most of the outskirts of the Garrison's land, and areas with lots of pre-war military institutes.

Economy: The Thirteen Garrisons is in a state of what some might call total war, most of the remaining businessmen are forced to take orders from the government, and lots of the factories and business are under government control for now.

Technology: The Thirteen Garrisons has access to lots of pre-war technology, with the cities being hubs of technology and mechanization, the rural areas however do not have this advantage, and are still backwards in lots of ways with the exception of the local forts that are littered among the area.

Military: The military is the only part of the Thirteen Garrisons that could be described as "Great" with it being the pride of the nation, every male between the ages of 16-65 must serve in the "National Militia" A wing of the Military that acts as a reserve element, where members mostly fight in the rear lines or help out in non-combat related activities. The officers of the nation are very well trained, with pre-war training manuals helping out a lot in this regard.The active army, made up of the best militias, are well trained and extremely well armed for the area. With a standard uniform, helmet, and rifle being adapted from the looted depots and large amounts of Power Armor and laser guns being used.
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Boston Metropolitan Area, Nuka World, Far Harbor.



Following the Brotherhood of Steel's defeat in the Commonwealth, along with the complete dissolution of the Railroad, the Institute under the directorship of the Sole Survivor united the region with the reluctant aid of hundreds of Minutemen he had personally recruited and trained in the eventful year of 2287. Settlement after settlement expressed their misgivings about their beloved hero associating himself with the boogeymen who had terrorized the people of the wasteland as long as anyone could remember, but ultimately stopped just short of mutiny against the selfless General that had given them everything out of hope so much as fear for what the future might bring. Nate dusted off his late wife Nora's law books he managed to save from their former home in Sanctuary Hills once he consolidated his position within the Institute. Two weeks later, he founded the Commonwealth Provisional Government as the very earliest cooperative projects between the Institute and the Commonwealth came to fruition, and was unanimously elected president perhaps by virtue of being the only candidate on the ballot for voters. Three years since, Boston has quickly developed and industrialized into something resembling more of a city than a ruin of one, cleansed of debris and radiation by teams of android workers who dispose of or teleport away waste outside of the borders of the emergent city-state. Purified water, food, electricity, and quality healthcare are available to anyone that can work for the Institute, and as a safety net for those that can't, a generous welfare system affords the basic necessities required to live a comfortable life. Raiders and mutants too with the surveillance of watcher pods alerting courser pairs to their presence are becoming a distant memory thanks to constant vigilance. Schools to teach the people of the Commonwealth the skills they need to succeed provide an intelligent educated workforce. The Institute is the closest it has ever been to being not only accepted by the Commonwealth, but being embraced by it through an emerging national pride for the progress the directorship has made. Though the future remains uncertain, many believe it is only a matter of time before the Institute focuses it's collective brainpower on an all new challenge.


Progress at any cost defined the Institute in Shaun's day, but his legacy of terror came to an end with his passing. Director Nathaniel, Grandfather to the synths, aims to restore civilization as quickly as possible with minimal loss of life to all of the eastern seaboard.


Population: 6,836.

908,140 × 0.007527391369 = 6,835.92519784.

Boston, Massachusetts Population 2020 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)


Cambridge, Massachusetts Population 2020 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)


Quincy, Massachusetts Population 2020 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)




Whatever name you know him by, Nathaniel Delaney, the Institute's newest director, is a quiet man clothed in immense power. A veteran war hero of the Anchorage Reclamation who ascended into the wasteland fresh from an idyllic America suburbia, he had confirmed kills in the thousands and had saved the lives of hundreds before a sudden decision to retire from fieldwork. Among his earliest successes were bringing dozens of outside scientists (some of whom back) into the fold, reintroducing synth versions of prewar plants to the region, and a complete recall of the third generation of synths that resulted in a sentimental effort to transfer the consciousnesses of a select few units to a fourth generation designed and programmed on an individual basis for up to a year to be the perfect willing slaves. In preparation for the eventual possibility unforeseen variables might provide enough stimulus to a unit for them to attain the level of sentience necessary to desire freedom, most synths receive daily psychological evaluations, have location trackers embedded into their bodies in addition to an implant in both ears to whisper their recall code in the event of a unit going rogue, a self-destruct feature in the synth components activated whenever a synth leaves a designated area, along with weekly mandatory selective memory wipes.


Most of the Commonwealth's business and industry is centered around agriculture, trapping, soft drinks, fishing, canning, steelmaking, mining, water purification, and electricity generation. The Institute has built several surface factories to mass produce various goods in short supply underground.


Books have been surpassed in use as a teaching tool, and terminals are becoming ever more elegant and efficient. The Institute regularly produces armor, weapons, robots, and even synthetic humans, on a massive scale. Teleportation, nuclear energy, organic cameras, you imagine it, the Institute has thought up and made it a reality.



50 Generation 4 Coursers
800 Generation 3 Androids
83 Minutemen Artillery Guns
200 Z-01 Power Armor Robots​

Although renamed to the Commonwealth Retention Bureau to reflect it's complete abandonment of synth reclamation in addition to it's gradual replacement of the Minutemen as the region's primary defenders, the Institute's military remains intimidating as ever to the few left who would call the shadowy organization an enemy. Reformed by Director Nathaniel alongside Dr. Secord once the overaggressive former acting division head Dr. Ayo received a sudden 'promotion' to manage the underperforming Synthetic Processing teams, it strives to exert as much influence and wreck as much havoc as possible with it's limited resources.
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Name: The Arch Wasteland

Symbol: An Silver Arch

Territory: West St. Louis, with the riverside of east St. Louis.

History: Known as the "Gateway to the West", St. Louis, despite often being overshadowed by Chicago, still got Vault-Tec's attention. Established in Bridgeton as Vault 49, the vault showed to be a suburban hideaway when two warheads descended on the area in 2077. Thankfully, the warheads only seem to have hit the industrial area and Lambert Airport, giving time for many of the suburban residents to enter the vault. As they hid away, the Vault revealed it's true intentions.

Tasked to take in as many settlers as possible the vault was stocked with various types of food, both local and foreign. To simulate leftover food in the wasteland, however, every meal was dosed in minor radiation, with Rad-X only given to the overseer and certain members of staff. For each meal the dweller survived without succumbing to radiation poisoning, they upped the rads on the dweller's meals. However, the Overseer and other chosen meals still maintained the same, low amount of rads with Rad-X. To further simulate the experience, the medbay was purposely understocked on radaway, having to ration it to the 'most important members of staff', for example, the overseer, or the lead scientist. Initially, the experiment went well, with most dwellers showing mild symptoms of radiation poisoning. As a consequence, however, the dwellers instead built a tolerance to old-world food and resistance to rads up to 15+. Satisfied with the results, the overseer stuck to the current rads levels.

The Vault, however, has yet to see the worst to come; for as the years went on, the dwellers started to mutate. Starting around the third generation, the population became less and less fertile, and by release day, the dweller's skins have turned into scarred leather. They vomited radioactive stomach acid, became mentally unstable, and some had even gone feral, shredding apart the science team. By the time they recognized the ghoul forms, it was too late. The Overseer was usurped by a mostly-ghoul security force, and the vault was opened.

When the Vault was opened, the ghouls settled among the radioactive ruins of Bridgeton, attempting to expand into other suburban areas. However, they stayed away from lambert, as the radiation was beyond their tolerance levels. This ghoul settlement is called "New Bridgeton"

Throughout the rest of the city, the city was a mess of raiders and traveling mercenary bands. The strongest raider settlement is set up as Busch Stadium, where a bunch of baseball bat armed raiders runs a band called the "Cardinal Bats"

Ideology: Anarchy (Raiders), Ghoul Settlement (Bridgeton)

Population: 2,279 (200 ghouls)

Leadership: Frank Drellville (Ghouls), The Cardinal (cardinal Bats Raiders)

Economy: Impoverished, reliant on caps.

Technology: Settler/Raider

Military: The Ghouls have a militia of roughly 50 ghouls. At most, they can raise most of their population, 180 militiamen. They are armed with vault and police weapons, but mostly carry their own handmade melee weapons if need be. The raiders, on the other hand, have at least 300+ raiders in total, often fended off from New Bridgeton by marksmen.
The New California Republic

California, Southern Oregon, Western Nevada, Baja California(The Brown)
(An Illustration of NCR Soldiers returning home from the Mojave exhausted and battered)

Since the NCR was pushed from Hoover the already destabilized NCR tanked for a short while. The lack of funding from the senate, the loss of the Dam for power and water, and all the lives lost threw the republic into turmoil. People believed that this would begin to spell the end of the nation and there were even some that thought that the Securatron army of New Vegas would come westward and destroy the Republic. By the time the election had rolled around Kimballs popularity had hit an alltime low and he lost the election to General Joseph Stanton, who promised to right the wrongs of his predicessor and save the republic from destruction. During the election protests broke out demanding Kimballs resegnation but he carried throughout the rest of his term until Stanton took office, which once done a series of immidiete reforms would follow to ensure the republics survival. Negotiatons were made with the Nevadans and it was agreed that the NCR would withdraw from the Mojave, and in exchange the NCR would continue to be able to get water and electric power from Hoover Dam, at a price of course. This price was quite high but the Californians couldnt take chances risking more conflict at the time. General Oliver Lee was also sacked and replaced by a new general, due to his incompetence that led to many NCR Casualties throughout the entire Mojave Campaign which put the entire republic in danger at certain points. As soliers returned home with their stories the populace grew angrier at the former commands mistakes and while Kimball had kept some level of respect from his prior successes before the Mojave much of the blame was put to Lee.

Once Stanton was in charge the immidiete issue was to find a new large source of power for the nation to reduce reliance on the Nevadans in the near future, and expeditions were launched which culminated in the discovery of the Bear River Dam and the Keswick Dam. These dams were in good enough conditions that they could be brought back to operational status as Hoover Dam was, and work began as soon as possible. The next issue that would be undertaken would be the revitalization of the Californian economy, as the Mojave Campaign had drained the treasuries and brought the economy to near collapse at various points. Various reforms were put in place and eventually the trade returned in California, and Stantons popularity began to rise.

While the Mojave Campaign was over there was still more issues that required the military, as due to the rapid imperalistic expansion under the former president Kimball the country had not been able to keep its own roads as safe as it once did, and raiders were beginning to pop back up. Not only this but due to the high commands incompetence in the military the army was not able to sustain itself to a proper level and equipment was barely meeting the numbers needed. Stanton introduced sweeping reforms to bolster the military and allow for more equipment to be passed through the ranks, simplifying some equipment and removing other entire peices. Camps and outposts were established on the western bank of the Colorado that remained under Californian control, and the NCR Armies were sent in force to crush the raiders and reestablish safety across all major NCR road systems.

As the NCR focused inward on itself it would bring civilization to all the land it had absorbed over the years. Sac Town, the capital of pre war California, had become nothing more than a lawless city uncontrolled in near every way. The Army was sent in force to bring order to the land and after a series of bloody battles the region was brought under the NCR's boot. A military base was established to ensure that the region would remain under control, and road networks would begin to be built connecting Sacramento to Navarro. Further small scale campaigns in the NCRs home would occur such as those to rid Boneyard of the mutated creatures and such that still resides in the non settled parts of the city.

Along with the roads came the expansion of rails, already in extensive use within the core regions of the country. The rails would be expanded northward in the next few years, reaching from Boneyard up to Redding, Vault City, and even Reno. This is not the end however as railways are under construction from Redding to Klamath. The NCR in a small 9 years has managed to turn itself around quite a lot from the situation it was in but some issues still persist, the Brahmin Barons and Merchant families still seek to control the government and though Stanton has begun reforms to curb their attempts, they still weild a great deal of influence in some areas, although the President has been able so far to ensure the militarys loyalty on a near complete scale. These are trying times for the New Californian Republic, who either will re enter descent and collapse, or will prevail and become a great nation in the post nuclear wastelands, as the prices for water and electricity increase the NCR falls further into economic rescession, but at the same time the sweeping reforms of the internal sectors bring back hope for profit and prosperity in the homeland.

The overall ideology of the NCR has been progress, the rule of law, personal liberties, and order. Although with the recent government turmoil the nation has began to drift from some of these to an extent. The current government headed by Stanton sends forth a message of order, progress, and rule of law as its primary messages, personal liberties having fallen behind due to the corruption and troubles the nation has faced. Stanton however still puts forth to the people that democracy and personal liberties will be the primary goal of the government, at the current moment it must strive for order in its own land before these can be established. As such a more centralized state has began to emerge, with police cracking down on those who seek to weaken the republics rule.

California: 39,937,489
Baja: 4,079,695
Oregon: 541,665
Nevada: 672,561
Total: 45,231,410‬
Multiplied by 0.027527391369: 1,245,102


(NCR Propaganda distributed by the new government discouraging talking of military moves against the raiders)

The NCR is a federal unicameral presidential republic, though currently under a more dictatorial type of government led by General Stanton after the elections of 2281 The president of the NCR has powers but is kept in check from getting too powerful by the judicial and legislative branches. The Executive Branch of the NCR is The High Council, led by the president, and the vice president who is elected by the congress. Each president and his or her cabinet serve 5 year terms. The Senate forms the legislative branch of the NCR is a unicameral parliament staffed by representatives elected via popular elections in each state of the Republic. The Judicial branch of the NCR is made up of various courts and judges based off of prewar American law system, though there is no supreme court within the nation at the current time. General Stanton's reforms have however began to see the nation shift slowly more from a federal state to that of a unitary state, being seen as more efficient as each of the states in the NCR constantly are bickering amongst eachother for their own gain.

The economy of the NCR is that of a free market economy, with its primary driving points being great brahmin heards and millions of acres of land restored to agricultural use. Government intervention in the economy died out slowly ever since the 2240s, and by now is nearly non existant, allowing monopolies and powerful families to rise. Light industry has been booming as the nation and economy grew to a larger scale and factories are beginning to spread across the nation, though heavy industry is limited mostly to production for the military. The NCR's economy is controlled currently by various powerful merchant houses, though things may begin to change under the new governments rule. The NCR operates its own currency, the NCR Dollar. The Dollar up until recently was backed up by a large gold reserve but this was destroyed by the Brotherhood, causing quite a substantial amount of trouble for the nation. The NCR has began to rebuild this reserve, keeping it much more well guarded but that combined with the high prices to power the nation via Hoover Dam have led to the NCR Dollar dropping, at a conversion rate of roughly 3 NCR dollars to 1 cap now.

The technology of the NCR is quite interesting, it teeters between tribal and more pre war levels based off the part of the country that you are in. The NCR for a longtime has been seen as the largest and most technologically advanced nation in the Wastes, and although contact with the Nation to our north disprove that now the NCR is still quite advanced. The NCR has the know how to repair and operate dams with power plants in them, to construct concrete bunkers quickly near hostile lands, and to mass produce weaponry. Not only this but with the help of the OSI the NCR is rapidly developing medicines, biological sciences, and electricity as a whole across the nation. The most advanced technology the NCR has at its disposal is satellite communications and Global Positioning System Satellites(GPS Satellites). It is said with good reason that no one can rival the NCR's sheer agricultural and military might, which has been improved further by these technological advancements.


(Conscripts of the NCRA performing marksmanship drills with the new standardized carbine and wearing the new uniforms)

The Military of the NCR has evolved quite a lot over its history, but the largest recent reforms have come after the 2nd battle of Hoover Dam. As the NCR were pushed out of the Mojave many returned not as a full army but as multiple small disorganized units or individuals. The army had been obliterated by Nevada's securatron force and as it became more aware how dire the situation was the army underwent extensive reforms. One of the first steps was that to ensure every soldier in the NCR army would get equipment, adjustments were made and uniforms were simplified to allow for more mass production. The standard NCR Helmet was phased out in exchange for a new helmet that fit better around the users head offering overall the same if not better protection as the design also put the helmet slightly further off from the users head via leather fittings and straps on the inside, while also being just as cheap to produce. The Khaki field jacket, breeches, arm wraps, combat boots, and puttees were replaced as well. Out of this replacement came a new uniform of khaki trousers, a long sleeved khaki field tunic, and due to the influence of the Brahmin barons throughout even the military, new leather short boots replaced the older combat boots, with leather puttee's for extra protection against the elements. To further save on costs the breastplate commonly associated with the soldiers was removed from the conscripts uniforms, with the exception of heavy infantry units or professional army units. Equipment was also overhauled and to cut down on weapon costs the standard NCR assault rifle was reduced to use by professional army units, with the conscripts being equipped with carbines that utilized a 10 round magazine. Artillery began to be more invested in and limited numbers of mortars began to be produced to provide assistance to the infantry units, and training was overhauled to better prepare the conscripts for combat against the foes of the republic.

Reforms aside the NCR's main military branch is the New California Republic Army, NCRA for short. This branch is the largest by far, with tens of thousands of soldiers if not more. The armies main purpose is to defend the territory of the NCR and destroy the enemies of the Republic. The NCRA utilizes conscription to keep its ranks filled, requiring all men and women 16-35 to serve at some point in the armed forces. The conscription term is 2 years in active duty, followed by 3 years in the reserves and then for a further 8 years in a secondary reserve system, which means they will be back to civilian life but be called upon if needed. Due to the recent campaigns the NCR has gained a lot of experience in fighting wars both at home and abroad, and the chains of command have been adjusted to fit the new requirements of the NCRA. Overall the NCRA while having small differing sizes based off yearly population differences maintains a generally consistent size of 80,000 active duty and a further 34,000 in reserve, with more in the secondary phase of reserve. Along with the massive manpower the NCRA also boasts some special mechanized units, including power armor units and even a full mechanized vehicle divison. The Rangers also operate under the authority of the army, although they have a separate chain of command to that of the NCRA.

The next military branch of the NCR is the NCR Air Force, quite smaller than the Army, though beginning to expand as knowledge of pre war technology grows. The NCRAF generally operates a small fleet of vertibirds captured from the Enclave and keeps them held back aside from special missions, though by the mid 2280s an understanding of the old pre war fixed wing aircraft had begun to take route and training began to get some aircraft in operational status. This was done and pilots began to learn to operate these craft, though with some heavy backsets due to crashes by 2288 the NCR had begun to expand upon its air fleet via a core of trained pilots. The NCRAF will likely expand very quickly in the next years as large amounts of fixed wing aircraft are spread across former bases and airfields in the NCR, though it depends on how much of these aircraft will be able to be repaired.​
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The United States of America
The Enclave


Bright Red

After the loss in Washington the Enclave was a shattered and frantic organization. Large parts of its main military forces were destroyed and what remained could not prop up a proper counter attack to the Brotherhood's unfounded across the board hostilities to both civilian and military targets. Weeks after the "President's" death many of the remaining military assets looked to the senior politicians still alive for guidance, the foremost being Vice President (and acting President) Thomas Saxon. Thomas Saxon was an ardent supported of Eden and all his plans, especially the ones adhering to mass genocide. The other politician to which the fledgling military flocked to was the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and Senator, Jackson R. Eckhart. Eckhart had been a stout political rival of the current administration, but serving with such loyalty and efficiency that Eden kept him in his position.
While Saxon was gathering what remained of the Enclave's military in Chicago for a counter attack, Eckhart worked on securing the Enclave's civilian and industrial assets. This including the Population Farming Project, the Midwest Staging Base, the Nest operations, the essential oil reserves, civilian underground housing, and the MHB. Overall Saxon was out for blood, Eckhart was out for survival. Eckhart had over ninety percent of the civilians and a third of the military behind him, Saxon had two thirds of the military, the largest remaining military base, and the right of succession.
When the order eventually came for Eckhart to send his troops to Chicago for the attack, Eckhart rightly refused and answered,"You Edenists may follow the maniac into the grave, but America will live on." And so the Second American Civil War began. Brother fought brother, Vertibird shot down Vertibird, American vs American. The war wasn't long, but it was bloody. Eckhart had been the Senator of the East Central commonwealth for twenty five years, and he had been the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for sixteen years. His singular objective in his entire time in office was to entrench and protect the Enclave civilian assets in what parts of Tennessee the Enclave controlled. Rural Tennessee had been the primary area for which civilian housing had been allocated, along with several underground factories, vaults, and deep earth bunkers designed for defense against nuclear attack. Not only did he achieve the goals he set, but excelled. He set up everything in the former state of Tennessee, and protected it with an iron grip; preparing for a Brotherhood attack that had yet to come. His military ran night ops and controlled blitz operations while Saxon attempted complete domination. Eckhart had prepared to fight an enemy that outnumbered him five to one, now he was only outnumbered two to one.
The war ended when Saxon took the MHB, suffering so many losses and gaining so little that his numerical advantage had been lost. Two weeks later Eckhart marched into the MHB and the Edenists surrendered to him and offered Saxon as a sign of peace. Eckhart rounded up the military commanders and officers of the "Edenist Rebellion" and executed those he deemed to be threats to the nation's security. Eckhart made his next move to Chicago, where he stripped the base of everything of use, from plasma rifles to ball point pens, then he burnt it to the ground. His reasoning was that if the Brotherhood were willing to slaughter civilians like they had at Navarro, the Base Crawler, Ravenrock, and the outposts littered outside DC, they'd be willing to track the Enclave to Chicago. Chicago, to Eckhart, was an asset that existed only as a means of loss, it was too big of a target. Along with its destruction Eckhart left behind propaganda and clues at the what exactly happened. A half truth for any blood seeking enemies. Edenist had been a crazy and splinter group of the Enclave, and the real Enclave had been fighting them tooth and nail long before the fall of Washington, and finally there in Chicago the Edenists had been defeated before they launched a counter attack to mass murder all along the east coast, and the Enclave was to thank for it.
Eckhart's expansion, and that of the Enclave for the last three years, has come strongly from two parts. While the average woman in the Enclave will have more than five children, this can not account for the casualties accumulated in the last fifty years. As senator of the East Central Commonwealth he was tasked with finding a solution to the issue of manpower, the solution was found. Two vaults in central and one in west Tennessee were uncovered. All of them had been active, independent, and alive when the Enclave uncovered them. Vault-Tec, the traitors they were, did have a few vaults where people may survive the apocalypse in safety. As Eckhart personally met with the people of each vault he made it clear his intentions, to maintain their safety he would keep their location a secret, but to serve the country, which they were all willing, twenty five percent of each graduating class would leave the vaults to "serve their country, serve America!" Along with this twenty five percent, anyone over the age of 40 was given express permission to volunteer to leave the vaults and help "Reclaim our nation!" This worked in giving the Enclave a boost to their raw numbers and freeing up room in the vaults for people to congregate more, and in the last twenty five years this has given the Enclave a means for survival. In the last twenty five years the vaults have gone through excessive changes. The teaching programs have been enhanced by Enclave teachers, the school program has been filled to the brim with patriotic information campaigning, and nearly six thousand people from the vaults joined the Enclave. And when the Edenists called to fight Eckhart, it was the Vaults that threw their weight behind Eckhart first, vowing to fight for future of America instead of going into their death throws.
Though, the vaults hadn't been the only means of which Eckhart had been growing the Enclave, his most criticized program had been the Nest program. Tennessee had more than a few surviving wastelander population centers, Tennessee hadn't been the first or second wave target during the Great War. Large Orphanages were established outside of Chattanooga, Jackson, Clarksville, Murfreesboro, and several all through out the Nashville area. Though several dozen more smaller orphanages existed in smaller counties and cities in the Enclave controlled regions of the state they could hold no more than a hundred children, while the larger ones were established to hold upwards of five hundred. In the first five years of the project wastelanders were wary to trust strangers that offered to take in their malnourished, sickly, and endangered youth, but overtime the stigma fell into disuse. Though the Enclave rarely showed themselves to be sponsors for the orphanages, the wastelanders in the vicinity of them learned to give it a wide berth, when the orphanages were endangered Eckhart's rage was insurmountable. In one case of raiders demanding tribute and sex slaves from an orphanage in western Nashville, they were completely wiped out with no survivors within hours by the full might of Eckhart's garrisoned troops.
While some think that the tales of vertibirds, men in power armor, and energy weapons has given the orphanages a somewhat malevolent tone, wastelanders think no less of the institutions. What they see is that these people are willing to go to war to protect these children, and in reality that's the singular truth that can be agreed upon. In the past twenty five years Eckhart has sunk more than forty percent of all resources afforded to him towards this project, and it has paid him back in full. Each orphanage acts as a school and place to teach these formerly wastelander children about the Enclave, and about America. From ages 0-5, children are given a slim education while Enclave doctors treat them for radiation exposure and any possible diseases they may have picked up. Ages 6-11 are incorporated into the same education system as Vault and Enclave children, 7 is the oldest a child can be and still be given to one of the orphanages. Ages 12-16 are taught survival skills, physically trained, and brought up to speed with American history after the Great War. At the age of seventeen the children leave the orphanages and are sent to a two year military academy along with Vault and Enclave children of the same age. The Nest program has been heavily criticized but the results have created nearly four thousand new Enclave citizens, and those that worked against Eckhart agree that in the case of the current program, Eckhart gambled and won. When the Edenists attacked Eckhart's territory, the orphanages were targeted forthright, and casualties were suffered. This only served to sow dissent in Saxon's ranks, and fuel the rage of the Enclave that stood with Eckhart.
Purposefully Eckhart had allowed dozens of paths to lead to Chicago, from all over the country, sources of the Enclave will lead to Chicago. While the true location of the Enclave is hidden away in the bible bet, the Midwest, and the Canadian territory. Eckhart has ascended to the position of President of the United States but holds the position in higher regard than those before him. Instead of using it as a symbol of power and authority to constrict those under him to feel obligated to serve, he uses the position to keep the cogs moving and make way for the coming expansion.

Fascist Democratic Republic
"This desperate life we live is a means to an end, an end to the greatest tragedy to ever be suffered by our nation. We will persevere, we will strive, we will rebuild America."


President Jackson R. Eckhart, along with members of his presidential cabinet.
Two Senators from Kansas, Three Representatives from Kansas, Two Senators from the Canadian Territories, One Representative from the Canadian Territories, Two Senators from Tennessee, Eight Representatives from Tennessee.
Aligning with the rule of old America, a Senate and House of Representatives are elected into power. These act more as active leaders of their civilian areas but also as advisors to the President.

Autarkist Command Economy with an underlying free market.
All civilian and military assets belong to the government, and the state maintains mandatory manufacturing of essential goods and services; but a surplus of labor, due to the President's amazing PFP and Nest programs, does exist. So, those who do not meet the criteria to serve as a labor asset to the state are free to pursue careers in the free market. This has led to a boom in civilian goods and services including, but not exclusive, to dog breeding, nonessential cloth manufacturing, decorative manufacturing, toy manufacturing, restaurants, above ground construction (with government permission), and even small cinemas. Slowly the Enclave will be, and has been, slipping into a free market as it stabilizes. The currency of the Enclave is the ACS (or the American Coin Standard), which has a exchange rate of 1 : 1 with caps. (State controlled trade with wastelanders is rare but in good faith for future diplomacy, civilians can not trade with Non-Enclave persons) A one dollar coin is 16% silver, five dollar coin is 80% silver, ten dollar coin is 10% gold, twenty dollar coin is 20% gold, fifty dollar coin is 50% gold, and the One Hundred Dollar coin is 99.9% gold. Small denominations of cents include pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and fifty cent pieces have also been minted. The largest denomination, a Five Hundred Dollar paper bill is only used for transactions at federally sanctioned banks. Use of a Five Hundred Dollar bill as means of private transaction is a criminal offense.

The Enclave possesses some of the most advanced technology in Post War America. Containing military, energy, and medical tech that surpasses that of prewar America. Though in some sectors they are outpaced. Though unknown to them, the Institute for example have much better robotic technology than the Enclave, but the Enclave also have the most advanced power armor, X-03. The Enclave greatest specialization currently is their tight nit deep ground construction. All across rural Tennessee the Enclave have built dozens of military, but mostly civilian, underground facilities. These facilities have been constructed to house the booming population of the Enclave, large scale manufacturing is also in the works. With aeronautical facilities being built to supplement the low number of remaining aircraft of the United States Air Force. Enclave technology also leads in the field of energy weapons, relating specifically to high end plasma weapons that tear through anything except the best armor. Other than military technology, the Enclave succeeds in being a leading group in the field of botany, every facility is equipped with a high tech hydroponics farm, a heavy surplus is gained with each harvest. In the medical field the Enclave provides state of the art care, being able to bring back even the worst victims of radiation poisoning. Due to the constant state of warfare, the Enclave has been dumping its resources into military projects more often than not. In some cases, people like Eckhart have been able to succeed in non-military related programs, in other cases such as the non-military intelligent eyebots proposed by a scientist that can't be named, the projects were eventually desanctioned and cast aside. Under the new leadership of Eckhart the resources of the Enclave have been funneled specifically into its continued growth and prosperity, but specific projects such as a renewed interest in robotics have been granted permission and much needed funding.

After the war with the Edenists, the Enclave's military is not what it was. Though after the war key military assets were brought back into the fold. In the Enclave's current airforce there are thirty six working VB-02s, seven Stingray Deluxe fighter jets, and two anti-tracking transport jets (these are used for civilian travel between the Canadian Territory and Tennessee).
Most of the Secret Service sided with Saxon during the war, but Eckhart still has twenty two agents at his disposal. These agents excel in subterfuge, guerilla warfare, assassination, sabotage, interrogation, urban combat, diplomacy, and whatever specialization the agent may pursue such as robotics.
While technically almost all citizens of the Enclave are members of the military, most are apart of the auxiliary corp, pursuing careers in fields such as manufacturing, computer assembly, or other necessity driven careers; only one thousand and nine men serve in the infantry or other combat fields. The Enclave's combat military, although small in comparison to before, is still one of the most dangerous, advanced, and tactically advantaged in the wasteland. All acting infantry are armed with the essential X-02 or X-03 Power Armor, a plasma rifle, a plasma side arm (defender or pistol), and enough ammunition to eat through a horde of feral ghouls twice over. Yet, this seemingly powerful military force is centered specifically in two locations, the rest on standby to protect the civilian assets located in rural Tennessee. After the civil war Eckhart has moved to supplement his manpower losses with major integrations of robotic combat units, such as Sentry Bots, Protectrons, and Combat Eyebots. Research in this field has been funded.
The MHB and the Midwestern Staging Base. As the name says, the Midwestern Staging Base is located in central Kansas and houses much of the military and several hundred non-combat personnel. This base is where the Enclave moves from, if a call comes in from the North, they go north, from the East they go east, and if a hostile faction moves in from the west the Enclave will know. Before it was a staging point for the move from west coast to east coast, now it is a staging point for military operations.
East of the civilian assets is the MHB, or the Military High-Command Base. The base is located deep in the Appalachians, and during the war with the Edenists was only taken because of the tactical retreat called by Eckhart and his military advisors, during times of conflict the high ranking military officials will congregate here to find solutions to deal with hostile elements. Taking this base while being properly defended, is probably the hardest thing to be done aside from going to the moon.

The Oriental People's Republic [OPR]


(Made by myself)

Northern Oregon, Washington, southern British Columbia (Now known as the Northwestern Orient in the wasteland)

Founded by freed Korean-American prisoners from an internment camp in Washington shortly after the Great War, the Oriental People's Republic was established as a safe haven for Koreans and later East Asians everywhere, all of whom had faced intense prejudice in America in the years leading up to the nuclear exchange. Spreading its influence across much of the Pacific Northwest, this new 'Republic' was in truth a single party dictatorship with supreme control invested in the power of the country's monarchy and the Oriental People's Party as the bureaucracy, a rigid caste system was imposed on the still fledgling nation, separating it's citizens based on ethnicity and heritage.

Koreans of course stand at the top, whilst other Asians such as the Chinese and Japanese rank second, prohibited from high status in the Party or military leadership but allowed many of the same benefits as Koreans, and Americans, regardless of race remain firmly at the bottom, subjugated and treated as expendable labor, which for all intents and purposes they are. Despite this, in the earliest days and even to the present day, many wastelanders will willingly enter OPR territory, as despite the prejudice they will face, at the end of the day they are provided with three warm meals a day, a roof over their heads, and basic utilities such as heat, water and electricity, which is more than many places in the wasteland can provide.

As the OPR grew, it was understood by the Party leadership that a capable military was the key to longevity, especially in a land populated almost entirely by Americans. As such, a policy of Military First was implemented, this policy would in practice mean that the Free People's Army was top of the priority sheet for all resource allocation and funding. Although the effect that this had on the country's civilian society was lessened due to the fact that the OLA was utilized as a civil force as much as a military one. Using its personnel to help construct buildings, infrastructure, utilities and such.

Following a series of five year plans, it didn't take long for the OPR to develop into the civilized, developed and safe land it is today, connected by a series of railway lines. Although it was this period of rapid growth and prosperity that led to the Republic eventually slowing down and stagnating, the ruling elite and former Emperors becoming complacent with their gains. However with the ascension of the new Empress, the youngest daughter of the now recently deceased Emperor, who took the throne after gathering the support of the military and a majority of Party officials over her many brothers and sisters, who were seen as being part of the same old breed as their father. The OPR is once more making itself known in the wasteland as a land of prosperity and progress, and a land not to be trifled with.

Despite what many might think, the OPR is not actually a communist country regardless of the imagery it uses. In-fact there is a powerful class of business tycoons that work closely with the government, being given control of their respective industries in exchange for complete cooperation whenever the government might need it. It is however a socialist country, with a number of public support programs and government intervention in the economy is strong. The Empress has supreme power, but in many cases will delegate various tasks and authorities to senior Party officials, which often leads to infighting for the Empress' approval and favor. Military might is seen as essential to the survival of not just the OPR as a nation state but the Korean and Asian peoples of it entirely, which leads to the Army's major influence in internal affairs, and generally there is great suspicion around Americans.

| 4,473,607 - BC | 3,683,061 - OR | 7,797,095 - WA | 15,953,763 - Total | - Multiplied by 0.017527391369 |

Head of Government/State:
Empress Noe Sung-Yun

A mix between a command and free economy, the economy of the OPR is whatever the government needs it to be at any given moment. In peacetime this means private enterprises being bolstered and supported by the government, with the individual potential of each Free Citizen being encouraged, while in times of crisis and war, the government maintains the ability to take control of any business or industry it so desires to use it for whatever it requires. Agriculture and heavy industry make up the backbone of the country, while in the capital, Gyŏngungung more specialized services such as finance, electronics, luxury goods, fashion and automobiles reign. The OPR Won is the currency of the country, although bottlecaps are accepted in the rural, outlying settlements.

Due to the country's well structured and established education system, the Korean and other Asian work forces are generally very well educated and maintain strong work ethics, leading to the establishment of many industries that would otherwise not exist. Americans are usually less educated and confined to lower paying, menial labor, although not slaves, refusing to accept work in these fields normally leads to deportation, and as a result, being kicked out of the country's generous healthcare system and the other comforts of life under the OPR. In regards to the actual slave trade, slavery of Koreans or other Asian peoples in the OPR is outlawed and can be punished by death even if caught outside of the Republic's borders. Slavery of Americans however is legal, though is strictly regulated and the government must receive a cut of all profit made from these slaves.

Quality of life is high for most citizens, especially when compared to life in the wasteland. While the main employers are agricultural work in the countryside, including rice and wheat farming and brahmin herding, ore mining and mineral extraction and the acquisition of other materials, the refining of said materials and the armed forces. A greatly extensive and reliable public transportation system across the nation also allows for wider economic flexibility for its citizens, with many of the larger businesses maintaining multiple branches or properties across numerous settlements and cities. There are entire commuter towns that exist as suburbs of industrial or service cities that commute to work sometimes miles and miles away each day so reliable is and large is the network.

Relying on technology to help bolster the great struggle of surviving in America, the founders of the OPR from the very beginning made it clear that the pursuit and advancement of technologies was paramount to the success of the Republic and the Korean and Asian peoples of the wasteland. As such, technology in both the military and civilian sectors of society are well beyond the norm of post-war America. Both in function and in scale of production, the technology of the OPR is a stand-out feature and something of which the government is proud of. Basic utilities, such as running hot and cold water, electricity and heating are standardized and it is in-fact illegal to build a home that is not connected to these systems, only homes of Free Citizens benefit from this law however. Power in the country is taken from two separate nuclear power plants, and renewable energies. Heavy-duty industrial and construction equipment is common place, as are some luxury goods such as televisions and radios for commercial purchase. Computers likewise are common, however are largely restricted by law to members of the Party and security services, and are used for administrative, book keeping and communication purposes more than anything. The OPR currently has the ability to mass produce machinery and weaponry.


Infantrymen of the 4th Combat Brigade stand watch as illegal raider corpses are disposed of by State Police in the Spokane Security Area.

The Oriential Liberation Army, commonly referred to as the OLA are the armed forces of the Oriental People's Republic. Organized into two branches, the Oriential Liberation Army Ground Force and the Oriential Liberation Army Air Force, the OLA is composed of a number of Asian peoples, namely Koreans, Chinese, Japanese and even a number of Southeast Asians. Relatively few Americans are permitted entry to the armed forces, and those that are have met the rigid requirements of the Party. Bolstered by conscription, the OLA is a large and well-supplied fighting force. Organized and disciplined in a strict structure, the policy of Military First has led to the armed forces becoming one of the three pillars of the OPR, the other two being the Party and the Workers (agriculture and industry) with the primary tasks of the OLA being the construction and repair of civil infrastructure and the occupation and advancement of OPR interests. Assisting State Police in the suppression of raiders, mutants and rebels wherever they may be.

Those that serve in the OLA are granted benefits in the country that ordinary citizens are not. Including unrestricted travel across the OPR, guaranteed employment for family members, free housing for themselves and reduced prices on both luxury and food items in most businesses across the country. Utilizing the expertise of craftsmen in the nation, the OLA tends to neglect power armor, seeing it as costly, wasteful and egotistical. Instead preferring to equip specialized rocket troops with high-powered explosive weapons capable of taking out said power armor. All infantrymen are equipped with heavy kevlar armor and helmets of their own, and all troops are connected to one another by radio. Allowing for rapid communication and a better capacity for squad-level tactics and information sharing. The second branch of the OLA, the Air Force is equipped with rotor-blade aircraft built within the OPR in-order for a more numerous air force, however a small number of recovered vertibirds are in-use for specialized units.
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The Legion

The history of the Legion is inextricably linked to its founder and leader, Caesar. Born in 2226 near the Boneyard as Edward Sallow, he was once a citizen of the New California Republic. Following the death of his father at the hands of raiders in 2228, his mother sought the protection of the Followers of the Apocalypse. While she worked for the Followers, cooking and cleaning in their library, the young Edward learned how to read and started taking courses, provided by the organization free of charge. Taught to "bring the torch of knowledge to the wastes", Sallow was a student of uneven quality. Though he was highly intelligent, his success in scientific pursuits was only proportional to his interest in the given subject nor was he particularly popular among his peers, due to his bad temper. For Sallow, the Followers were never an inspiring example, their devotion to scholarship too stifling, and their mission of enlightenment too naive.

In 2246, the twenty year old Sallow was an anthropologist and linguist. To benefit from his talents, the Followers sent him east towards the Grand Canyon, on his first expedition. Accompanied by a physician named Bill Calhoun, he was tasked with learning the dialects of the tribes inhabiting the region. On the way to the Canyon, he and his companion happened upon a cache of historical books, including The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and the Commentarii by Gaius Julius Caesar. Sallow studied the books rigorously for two weeks, not yet aware of their coming significance. Prior to their arrival in the Grand Canyon, they met with a Mormon missionary, Joshua Graham. Already an accomplished scholar of dialects, Graham was supposed to teach Sallow about the local languages, but before that could happen, the Blackfoot tribe captured the three scholars for ransom.

The tribe was a sorry sight for the future Caesar, weak and insignificant. Worse for the hostages, they were at war with seven other tribes, outnumbered and bound to lose. Unwilling to sink with them, Sallow decided to take certain steps. Objections from Calhoun went unheard. Sallow taught the tribe how to properly maintain their firearms, properly shoot targets, and reload ammunition, after which he began teaching them how to make explosives and drilling in small unit tactics, all of which was based on old books Caesar had read as a Follower of the Apocalypse. Once they were ready, Sallow led them against the Ridgers, their weakest enemy. When the tribe refused to surrender, he ordered every man, woman, and child killed. No exceptions were made. The Blackfoot moved on under Caesar's lead, surrounding the Kaibabs tribe. Upon their refusal to surrender, Sallow took their envoy to the ruins of the Ridgers' village. The piles of corpses were a shocking sight to a tribesman who only knew tribal strife, with the occasional raid, raping, and pillaging, but what Sallow had led was total warfare.

The Kaibabs surrendered. Then the Fredonians. Then all the remaining Grand Canyon tribes. Caesar was acutely aware that the root cause of all the problems were tribal identities, leading to internecine conflict and preventing any substantial recovery. He knew what had to be done. He had to erase all traces of tribal identities, and substitute a single, monolithic culture in their place. The tribes Caesar fought against and assimilated were primitive even by the standards of the post-nuclear world, with nothing even remotely comparable to what existed out west: No towns, no roads, no meaningful industry. They fell to the superior forces marshaled by Sallow and Graham.

Its legionaries are predominately reconditioned tribals, slave soldiers forming a well-organized, culturally insular fighting force that, as of 2281, mainly operates east of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon, in the former states of Arizona and New Mexico with small portions of Utah and Colorado. Caesar's ultimate goal is to conquer the New California Republic and merge its civilian culture and infrastructure with the military strength of the Legion, creating a new totalitarian empire.

In 2247, when his confederation was large enough, Sallow crowned himself as Caesar, leader of the Great Tribe: the Legion. He deliberately patterned it after imperial Rome. One of the reasons was that this ancient European culture was completely foreign, alien to the ignorant tribals he was subjugating. Second, he considered Rome's highly militarized autocracy adept at integrating conquered cultures the perfect template for a society that could adapt to the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world and thrive, establishing prosperity and peace: a new Pax Romana. The Legion would be a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, completely homogenous culture that would focus on long-term stability at all costs.

He soon began putting his words into practice. Calhoun was sent back west to warn that Caesar should not be interfered with, while Graham stayed with Caesar, becoming the Legion's first legate. In the decades that followed, the Legion conquered minor holdings in Utah and Colorado, while the entirety of Arizona and a sizeable portion of New Mexico were brought under its control. Tribes were forcibly assimilated into the Legion, while cities and their inhabitants lived on as subjects of the Legion. Since 2250, Caesar styled himself as the Son of Mars, divinely ordained to subjugate the world to his will.

Conflict with the Republic was inevitable. For Caesar, this isn't just petty ambition. He likens himself to Caesar returning from his conquest of Gaul and the NCR as the corrupt Roman Senate. It's a textbook example of Haegelian dialectics, where the thesis and antithesis conflict, creating a synthesis when the conflict is resolved. When the Legion conquers the NCR, it will be transformed from a republic plagued by bureaucracy, corruption, and internecine political strife into a highly efficient military dictatorship, while the Legion will become a standing army protecting all the citizens of the new empire and the absolute power of its dictator.

Obviously, the New California Republic was not willing to roll over and surrender. Following a series of skirmishes and smaller battles, most notably the destruction of Fort Aradesh, the Legion forced a confrontation. In 2277, the Legion faced the NCR at Hoover Dam, in what became known as the First Battle of Hoover Dam. Discovered by Ulysses, a frumentarius, the Dam was a symbolic Rubicon. Caesar's 68 reformed tribes attacked the Dam under the lead of Joshua Graham, following a series of deep raids on NCR territory by small groups of skirmishers and sabotage actions by the Frumentarii. However, Graham's elite troops were drawn into a trap laid by Chief Hanlon of the New California Republic Rangers. As General Lee Oliver's soldiers held the line, Rangers and Army sharpshooters targeted their commanders, sowing chaos in Legion ranks. When the Legate ordered his elite forces to punch through and pursue Rangers decimating his officers and sowing chaos in the ranks, the Rangers and 1st Recon sharpshooters retreated into Boulder City. Elements of the Army and Rangers kept the Legion engaged long enough to allow the most experienced legionaries to enter the city. When they did, the Republic's forces pulled out of the city. Once most of them were safe (soldiers and Rangers trapped behind Legion lines had to be abandoned, they triggered explosives packed into the buildings in advance. Chief Hanlon's plan went off without a hitch: The exploding buildings acted as giant fragmentation bombs, killing and maiming most of the legionaries and leaving the rest in a state of shock. The Army and Rangers followed the detonation with a counter-attack, destroying the Legion on the western side of the Colorado and forcing the Malpais Legate to retreat from the Dam. Flanking attacks at Camp Golf and other camps in the Mojave were similarly repulsed. The Malpais Legate returned to Caesar in shame. To demonstrate that failure is not tolerated, even at the highest of ranks, Caesar ordered Graham to be burned alive. The former Legate was covered in pitch, lit on fire, and thrown into the Grand Canyon. This was the worst defeat in Legion's history.

Graham was replaced by Legate Lanius, who embarked on a campaign of expansion eastward to subjugate further tribes for the Legion and gather forces for another confrontation with the Republic. Over the next four years, Caesar rebuilt his army, creating the finest possible blade with which to cleave through the Republic. The Legion's return to and rise beyond its former glory was accompanied by a noticeable decline in Caesar's health. Once healthy, his face became sunken and sickly, his nature more reclusive. But the worst were the headaches, increasing in strength and frequency, affecting his ability to lead. Caesar denied these problems, lashing out at any queries. Although they remained silent, the decline was visible to his officers, leading some to question their leader.

By 2281, Caesar returned to Fortification Hill, poised to take the Dam with what remained of the 87 reformed tribes that his Legion had conquered, 14 tribes to be exact, and claim New Vegas as his Rome. Caesar is playing his cards more cautiously this time, and will not give the order for Lanius to attack the Dam until he can unearth the contents of the vault sealed beneath his base in the Mojave. Caesar on his war path against the NCR and the New Vegas Strip, invited the Courier up to Fortification Hill, a miscalculation as it only helped the Courier grow in strength and led to a large scale fight that resulted in many, including Caesar, dead. His Legions seemed unsure, even so He pushed his forces upon the dam, unsuccessfully, vowing to the courier that he would return. Lanius had to re-secure his Legion after their loss dealing up the doubters via capital punishment and death showing no mercy. He was able to band the Legion back together to continue campaigns to the east to prepare once more to test the might of the bear.

The focus of the Legion's ideology is survival and long term stability at all costs. Caesar disregards democracies as ineffective, fostering corruption and disintegration. Ancient Rome was a militarized autocracy that effectively assimilated the cultures it conquered which he saw as the perfect template for a society that would survive and thrive in face of the challenges of the post-nuclear world. By dedicating its members to a higher ideal, he seeks to prevent humanity from fracturing and destroying itself again. He believes that the only way to achieve this is through enforcing a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogeneous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production.

A natural consequence of this is the emphasis placed on personal sacrifice. Victory cannot be achieved without sacrificing blood and life. To this end, the Legion shuns robots, as they firmly believe that mankind requires warriors and their sacrifice, rather than gadgets that allow for bloodless victories. Naturally, the Legion forbids painkillers and other chems as detrimental to the human condition and Caesar's long-term plans to reshape humanity. Ignorance of medical science among the legionaries also ensures that only the hardiest will survive and go on to become deadly veterans.

Politically, this philosophy is expressed in a general disdain for democracy as a weak and ineffective system that fosters disunity, greed, and self-interest at the expense of the collective and the greater good. Caesar cites the NCR as an example, focusing on government corruption by wealthy brahmin barons and landowners, greed permeating every level of society, all leading to the abandonment of the collective and the greater good. The Legion is intended to be the Republic's opposite, shunning democracy in favor of a strong, centralized rule that would prevent fragmentation and internal weakness. The conquest of NCR will establish a new order, akin to the Roman Empire, complete with the transformation of the Legion from a marauding army into a domestic military force.

This opposition is based on Hegelian Dialectics, where the thesis (NCR) and the antithesis (Caesar's Legion) will inevitably form a synthesis at the resolution of the conflict, eliminating flaws and leaving a new quality, with common elements and ideas. He likens the situation between the NCR and the Legion to the transformation of the ancient Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.

Population: 273,555
(5845526+2096640+7378494)+(10014+9764+1445+6580+53775+5080+15449+5080+171700+7709)*0.017527391369 = 273,555
(Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico)+(The counties of Utah)*West Coast Faction

Leadership: Lead by Caesar Lanius

Economy: the Legions Economy exists solely to prop up it's army, production of food, the seizure of tribal assets and otherwise, as well as the construction of items all pours into the army

Overall, it is incorrect to treat the Legion's technology as primitive. Combat gear is built with focus on reliability and ease of manufacture, standardized across the Legion. Furthermore, the Legion is easily capable of erecting large fortifications (e.g. the Fortification Hill encampment), establish supply chains for the massive army, and, as mentioned above, mass produce standardized weapons and armor for its footmen. Caesar firmly believes that reliance on technology weakens humans, and was partially responsible for the Great War. The Legion espouses martial prowess and individual fitness to reduce the need for technologically advanced weapons. The technological refinement of an individual legionary's gear is directly tied to his status. Lower ranks typically use either simple firearms (typically revolvers or lever-action rifles), power fists, or melee weapons in the form of machetes and throwing spears, crafted from scavenged materials that mimic the ancient Roman short sword (gladius) and javelin (pilum). Higher ranks, such as prime legionaries, decanii, and centurions have access to superior weapons, such as anti-materiel rifles, Marksman carbines, and super sledges. The personal guards of Caesar themselves are equipped with high tech ballistic fists to complement their martial prowess.

While no Legion member wields energy weapons, they show interest in purchasing them from the Van Graffs. The Legion is also never shown using power armor, though pieces of what appears to be T-45 power armor are used in centurion armor. Oddly enough, the Legion has huge amounts of Stealth Boys. These Stealth Boys are never seen used by legion soldiers in the Mojave, but are used by the Legion at Dry Wells and the Legion marked men at the Divide. A high reputation with the Legion will lead to a steady cache of Stealth Boys for the Courier.

All troops wear standardized Legion armor, mimicking the Roman lorica hamata or lorica segmentata, created from pre-War sports gear (mostly if not exclusively football gear) armored with metal plates, including the helmet. The gear is worn over a tunic. Centurions make their own armor, crafted from elements of body armor scavenged from felled foes.

The only absolute opposition to technology is in robotics. Caesar dislikes the thought of having robots win a war fought by men, as it defeats the need for sacrifice for the greater good. Beyond that, the Legion is opportunistic and will use any kind of technology to further its goals, whether it be using a howitzer to suppress 1st Recon and veteran Ranger snipers or occupying HELIOS One after the Courier wipes the NCR out with Archimedes I. Radios are frequently used, but overall the Legion opts for devices that use no power to increase reliability. The Legion does not need or truly desire power sources like the NCR, but at no point oppose its usage as they do with chems, alcohol and combat robots.

Military: 100,000 men

Caesar's Legion operates in accordance with a strict military rank system, inspired by pre-Marian Roman military, as it is a massive army inspired by the stories of imperial Rome's might. Though the bulk of Caesar's soldiers have only improvised or low-tech weapons, their discipline, ferocity and sheer numbers dampens the impact of the NCR Army's technological advantage. Combined with their skill in infiltration and sabotage, the warriors of Caesar's Legion have managed to score important victories against the NCR in the Mojave Wasteland and maintain a powerful presence as the most feared faction in the Mojave Wasteland.

Caesar is the ultimate leader of the legion and his orders are law. Immediately below Caesar is a legate. The legate is essentially a field marshal for the legion, ensuring that Caesar's orders are followed faithfully. The centurions are responsible for directing the legionaries and coordinating their attacks.

Legionaries are assigned to contubernia, tent groups, of eight legionaries, led by one or two decanii, who serve as squad leaders. Ten contubernia form a centuria of eighty men, led by a centurion. Six centuriae form a cohort of four hundred and eighty men.

The praetorian guards are an elite group of soldiers who operate as Caesar's personal bodyguards. Though they are not part of the main fighting force, they will accompany the legate in crucial battles and occasionally serve as Caesar's executioners. The praetorian guards are highly respected and their leader answers to none but the legate and Caesar.

The frumentarii are legionaries trained in the arts of espionage and sabotage. Due to the clandestine nature of their work, they operate as an independent unit. Thus, only trusted individuals become frumentarii.

The Legionaries

Legionaries are drawn into Caesar's service through three methods. The first method involves being born in the Legion. The second method is if a tribe is assimilated (albeit forcibly) into the ranks of the legion. The third method involves choosing physically fit slaves for training. However, only males are allowed to serve as infantrymen. Women are forbidden from entering combat.

Once the men or boys are deemed fit to serve as warriors, their training begins. The road to becoming a full-fledged legionary is fraught with hardship and underperforming recruits are threatened with death. If the trainees survive the instructors' trials, they are given the right to join the legion's ranks. As a result, the legion's fighters are skilled, tenacious and fearless. In comparison to the NCR's recruits, who are sometimes given as little as two weeks of combat training, legionaries are consummate warriors and can easily overpower NCR soldiers in hand-to-hand combat.

However, the recruits must now face the most dangerous time of their lives. The most inexperienced warriors in the legion are given only crude machetes, improvised throwing spears and antiquated firearms to battle their foes with. To make matters worse for the recruits, they are marched to the front and their armor provides little protection against any weapon stronger than a straight razor. Finally, when faced with an enemy wielding firearms (such as NCR troopers and rangers), beyond throwing spears and whatever guns are available, recruits simply have to wade through enemy fire and hope that they survive long enough to engage their foes up close. In essence, survival is very difficult for a recruit. However, because of the low tech nature of the recruits, they are mostly deployed on patrols with a higher ranking legionary. Or they take part in small to medium size raids and skirmishes.

Should the recruits survive and even excel through multiple battles, they are granted the right to be promoted to prime legionaries. The prime legionaries are given better equipment and situated further away from the front lines. They are given equipment such as hunting rifles and hunting shotguns. Although all still carry a melee weapon and will use it should they get close enough to the enemy. The ability to adapt to any situation in combat by being able to switch between firearms and melee makes them excellent fighters. If they continue to demonstrate aptitude in battle, they gain the status of veterans. The veterans boast the thickest armor of the common legionaries and are kept even further away from the front lines, only being deployed if the ranks before them should fail their mission. This method of organization is not out of kindness to the legion's seasoned warriors; it allows the legion to hold its best soldiers in reserve so they may be unleashed if the lesser legionaries fail to defeat their foes.

If legionaries demonstrate aptitude in essential crafts, they will be assigned to such duties. These jobs can range from training the legion's hounds to repairing and expanding the legion's arsenal.

Discipline and Advancement
Caesar's army is highly stratified in terms of rank. A low-ranking soldier must defer to the wishes of his superiors, even if that means facing death. The legion's success comes from the legionaries' fearlessness, cooperation and fanatic loyalty to Caesar. Thus, cowardice and disobedience will earn the wrath of Caesar and his officers.

Advancement is primarily achieved through valorous or ingenious acts on the battlefield. A legionary who demonstrates leadership potential will be rewarded with greater responsibilities and privileges. If a legionary can earn decisive victory for the legion, even if it involves disobeying orders, he will be recognized for his efforts. Vulpes Inculta is a notable example, as he managed to defeat a tribe by breaking ranks and exploiting a weakness in their formation. The centurion wished to execute Vulpes for his disobedience, but Caesar elevated Vulpes to the position of the frumentarii commander.

However, while competence is rewarded with leadership positions, incompetence brings the threat of serious injury or death. The first legate, Joshua Graham, failed to seize Hoover Dam and his forces were routed by the NCR. Though he was the second most powerful man in the legion and Caesar's friend, Caesar nonetheless ordered his praetorians to immolate Graham and toss him into the Grand Canyon. Other punishments that may be applied for failure range from crucifixion to decimation. Consequently, legionaries will frequently commit suicide when defeated to avoid suffering at the hands of Caesar's executioners.

Because Caesar is determined to maintain a Roman theme for his army, his underlings are equipped as such. The most common armament in the legion are crude machetes and improvised throwing spears, but the legionaries are relatively free to use whatever weapon is available, so long as they can wield them well. As rank improves, the quality of a legionary's armament also increases. In fact, the centurions can be seen wielding weapons that are technologically advanced, ranging from thermic lances to anti-materiel rifles.

Standard legionary armor is composed of pre-War athletic gear reinforced with metal and leather and worn over versions of the traditional Roman linothorax and pteruges. Again, rank dictates the quality of armor. A recruit will be given armor that is ineffective against even crude bludgeons while centurions are equipped with armor that can resist knives and SMG bullets.

Due to a ban on modern medicine, alcohol and synthetic chems, the legionaries are provided with medicines derived from the local flora and fauna. Healing powder and bitter drinks are the most common remedies used to heal wounds. In order to restore crippled limbs, the Legion uses a chem called hydra, a potent brew derived from the Mojave Wasteland's wildlife and cave fungus. Legionaries also carry antivenom as a precaution against poisoning from encounters with the venomous creatures of the desert. In addition, many legionaries carry purified water and food gathered from the wasteland for rations.

Legion divisions
The legionaries can be divided according to experience as such:

Recruit legionary
Recruit legionaries (Latin: legionarius, pl. legionarii) are the lowest ranked members of Caesar's Legion, these Legionaries come from the various tribes recently conquered by the Legion. Freshly trained, these legionaries are those who are given only basic equipment. They are the most common type of the legionaries and make up the hastati maniple.
The hastati maniple, the first rank of heavy (technically medium) infantry in the pre-Marian legion, are expected to hold the front of the line in the center of the battle. Their lighter armor and position in the front inevitably causes them to suffer the highest casualties in any battle, but good performance (and survival) meant promotion and upward social mobility.

Prime legionary are the second lowest ranked members of Caesar's Legion and come from the various stock. These legionaries are those who have more experience in battle. Although some are from conquered tribals, most are likely from children trained from childhood to be legionaries. These legionaries are given better equipment and are the most trained common type of the legionaries. They also make up the hastati maniple.

Veteran legionary - Veteran legionaries are not only the best equipped among the standard legionaries, they are also the most experienced as well. They are typically held in reserve until the recruit and the prime legionaries are defeated.

Legionaries are given the position of decanus when they display leadership potential consistently in battle. A legionary decanus has the authority to run small camps as well as act as a deputy for the local centurion. Like standard legionaries, the decanii have their own hierarchy. Seniority determines the quality of the decanus' armor; a standard decanus will only have the recruit's armor whereas a seasoned decanus will be given a veteran legionary's armor. They are easily distinguished by their helmets, which are adorned with multiple feathers. The decanii ranks are:
Recruit decanus
Prime decanus
Veteran decanus

Centurion - centurions serve as field commanders during major operations. They are often appointed to their position through years of dedicated service and their martial prowess reflects the rigors they have endured. They are clad in heavy armor cobbled together from their fallen foes and use various weapons to great effect. However, they are generally kept away from danger due to the strategic value of each centurion. Outside of battle, centurions act as administrators of Legion camps with the assistance of the decanus.

Legate - The legate is the supreme commander of the legion army and is subservient to none but Caesar. The position of legate is only given to individuals who demonstrate unshakable loyalty, leadership skills and unrestrained ferocity. Consequently, the legate is feared by Caesar's foes, as he is essentially the face of the Legion. Joshua Graham was the first legate but was executed for his defeat at Hoover Dam. Lanius was appointed as Joshua's successor.

The legionary scout is trained in the arts of reconnaissance. These legionaries are equipped with hunting rifles and lighter versions of the standard recruit armor. They are often accompanied by Legion mongrels as support.

Legion explorer - A veteran scout legionary. They are not intended for combat and will thus only carry basic weaponry. They serve as scouts, messengers and sentries in various Legion camps.

Legionary assassin - A specially trained legionary, sent after Caesar's most hated enemies. They are extremely dangerous due to the fact that they travel in packs and utilize powerful firearms and melee weapons. Legionary assassins are typically led into battle by a vexillarius.

Other positions

Frumentarii - The eyes and ears of Caesar, the frumentarii serve as spies, saboteurs and assassins. They operate separately from the main Legion forces and are hand picked by Caesar himself. In 2281, the leader of this unit is Vulpes Inculta.

Houndmasters - The remnants of the Hangdogs tribes, a tribe assimilated by the Legion. After they were integrated into the Legion, Caesar, seeing how useful the Hangdogs' talent was in taming dogs, made the male members of the tribe into houndmasters of the Legion. Caesar also made the houndmasters begin training and taming the Legion mongrels.

Vexillarius - A soldier chosen as a vexillarius is a standard bearer that carries the Vexillum, a military standard displaying the emblem of the Legion. The vexillarius provide troops with a rallying point and morale during heated exchanges. These soldiers are given luxuries including firearms, superior armor and distinctive helmets in comparison to the standard legionary.

Praetorian - They are soldiers or officers with the potential to become centurions but operate as members of Caesar's security detail. Prospective praetorians must challenge the praetorian they think is the weakest. The two men will then fight to the death in hand-to-hand combat for the title of praetorian. The praetorians are proficient in unarmed combat and augment their innate fighting abilities with lethal ballistic fists. In 2281, the leader of this section is Lucius.

Blacksmith - The blacksmiths are responsible for the maintenance of the Legion's weapons and armor. These men are generally found in legion camps.

Instructor - The legionary instructor is responsible for the training of future legionaries. They are trusted with turning boys into potent warriors and thus are encouraged to subject their charges to rigorous training. They frequently threaten to kill their students should they not give full attention to improving their skills.
8 of Clubs

Speculatores - Though there is little known about this group of the Legion, they are featured in the collector's deck that came with the Fallout: New Vegas collector's edition. They are represented via the 8 of clubs, and the card features a sword in the ground and a quote about Mars. They are also mentioned in the quest Oh My Papa by Melissa. She is told she could become one by a frumentarii agent named Karl. However, it is apparent that Karl is lying to Melissa given the fact that the legion does not allow women to serve. Ancient Roman speculatores filled scouting roles. It is possible the Legion's speculatores handle mapping and battlefield reconnaissance, as opposed to the covert spy work of the frumentarii.
Name: south american peoples democracy


Territory: mexico, cuba, guatemala, el salvador, honduras

History: after the nukes fell south america was in chaos, people forming tribes and moving away from the irradiated areas, and warring over the cities and towns still left. the south was fractured, but guía yarrow velez united the people. born into a large tribe in camaguey, living in poverty and having to fight over scraps with mutated dogs, he decided there was a better way. after cuba he started in mexico, uniting the tribes that had formed there, assimilating under his banner of food and water for all, and his promises that they would conquer all those that stood before him they rebuilt infrastructer and housing around new mexico, forming that area into a fortress. they steadily moved south, uniting the clans and tribes under his banner, eventually switching his promises from mere safety, to revenge against the americans who destroyed their beautful world. currently he is in control of south america north of nicaragua, which is being fought for at the moment, but there is opposition, and in the north, tension.

Ideology: the south american peoples democracy is a communist dictatorship dedicated to the survival of the proleteriat through these troubled times. their mission statement is that nothing is more important than the survival of their people, and that they are going through hardship now, for utopia later.

Population: 3,036,322

Leadership: guía yarrow velez, guia

Economy: communist in theory, but in practice, capitalism controlled by the state, with food and water being distributed to the people. promises are made every year that once they have taken control of the south they will begin the transition to true communism.

Technology: They have high levels of technology, but It is not built to be sleek, it looks industrial and brutalist, and is built much more for function over presentation.

Military: their military power consists mainly of ground troops, tanks, soldiers, they have roughly 15% of their population in their military, which is around 450,000
they do however, have two large airships and a handful of vertibirds, roughly on par size wise with the prydwyn. one of them, is named yarrow, after the guía. the other is named after the person who designed them, axel candela.
Name: New Vegas

History: When war came to vegas for the second time the solution came in an unlikely form, a simple courier. The courier after getting shot would hunt down and kill their attempted murder and find a way for advancement of herself. She ousted the old house and became the new house upgrading the secret robot army the old house had prepared for her unknowingly. She would go to befriends various factions of the desert and unite them under her, the boomers, the houses of the strip, the brother hood of steel, the kings and many others bringing the desert as close to united as it could be. The courier would also go out of the desert for adventures sparing the think tank and solving some of their madness, talking ulysses out of his plan, and saving the tribes of zion. All of this was just a build up to the killing of the supposed demi god caesar clad in power armor from the last of the local enclave. Then came the battle of hover dam where the legate was sent back to his lands and the Ncr was shown that in vegas the house always wins.

After the battle The courier now called Ms House went about consolidating power and control before turning her eyes to improvements that could be made. To make her desires real Ms House needed some help, that help needed to be very experienced with tech, Luckyl the think tank was still around as her first choice the brotherhood was not at all willing to help her. With this aid secured Ms House could move on to the next step of her plan, the restoration of critical parts of Big MT for that would be the source of her improvements. This would also lead to a raid on the Serria Madre that went fairly well as the key objective of capturing the vending machines, and large stocks of the source of the cloud were achieved but many were lost. With the technologies secured and research facilities being rebuilt the real work could start.

The years after this would be a flurry of activity repair and upgrading as the strip was expanded to be more than a cut off section of a city. Many new businesses would flourish, though all would be controlled by someone controlled by Ms house to make sure while things seem completely free Ms House doesn't have any real competition sprouting up. Some places would change little like the boomers, others would grow far more than before like the old mormon fort becoming more then a tent city hospital into what could be called a real hospital, or the thorn which has become and open no longer underground attractions where dna spliced animals are tested.

Ideology: The house always wins

Population: 55,030

Leadership: The courier Aka Ms House

Economy: New vegas makes a large amount of its money via the entertainment sector casinos and clubs, but also selling electricity to the NCR. With several cities having grown over the years there is some production, but over all it is limited. The main currency is the good old cap, though in casinos you can buy just about anything with their specific chips.

Technology: New vegas has made leaps and bounds in technology these days as big mountain and the sierra madre have been plundered and reproduced with decent success allowing New vegas to expand and consolidate its control over the Mohave.

Military: The military of New vegas is mostly made of the countless securitrons, almost all built pre war and upgraded before the second battle for hover dam. They also use limited number of robo scorpions and lobotomites which are made from raiders and law breakers and thrown at the enemy. Though as you get closer to the strip many buildings can activate security holograms. When in true threat and desperate the sierra madre cloud and be dispersed over large areas.

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