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Nation Building Fallout New Days OCC

General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch I updated the map just now. I also thought it would be a little rediculuous to use modern real-world state boundries for two-hundred years after the apocalypse. It seemed unrealistic. Also, I made it in paint, so. If you want a better looking one I could make it, but I'd need some more information regarding certain places in order to make it.
General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch I updated the map just now. I also thought it would be a little rediculuous to use modern real-world state boundries for two-hundred years after the apocalypse. It seemed unrealistic. Also, I made it in paint, so. If you want a better looking one I could make it, but I'd need some more information regarding certain places in order to make it.
While I agree about the use of historic British/American 'lets just draw a line' boundaries, which I can pull of a whole group of people who hate how obsessive I got over them, in areas, particularly the east coast and locations like the Mississippi there are very real geographical obstacles to many of those state boundaries.
General Deth Glitch, TheIrradiatedWaffle, on this computer I only have paint. As such, I can't do very much.
Anyone: If you can make a map that fixes the problems of mine (Sloppy lines, geographical inaccuracy, ill-defined borders, ect.) please do. But I made my take on it and that's all I can do.
Also, the OCC is here for a reason.
Two of the twenty caravan cars from Hellfire Caravan were currently on their way to the Reich. Will arrive in 20 days. 500 Militia members, along with a load of excess weaponry, have been sent north towards Kentucky. Will arrive at Enclave bases in 50 days. As such, the city of Savannah is largely undefended, so Power Armor troops are stationed in a perimeter of the city limits, evenly spaced. The following caravan routes are continuing as normal:

Two cars headed up to New York carrying 10,000 caps worth of guns and ammo.
Three cars headed to Texas carrying 50,000 caps worth of books, 20,000 caps worth of guns and ammo, and a heavily broken X-01 power armor suit worth 100 caps.
Eight boats to head up the east coast, stopping in Maryland, DC, New York, and Boston, then turning around, carrying 5,000 caps worth of rad medicine, 10 lightly used protectrons each worth 200 caps, and free books on treating radiation poisoning.

It was a good day to be king of trade, thought John Hellfire. A damn good day.
/me is left out XD
lol nwf doesn't actually have much contact with the outside yet anyway XD
guul66 guul66 (The other nations made trade deals with me or are rich. If you want to make a trade deal, make it.)
Consider a company of my soldiers to be at your service for now. Backed up by a handful of Sentry Bots and Duraframe Eyebots and Mr. Gutsys. Additionally, three vertibirds.
Ok before I get into any action I'm going to establish some extra info about my faction.

NWF soldiers have multiple small categorizations outside of ranks. Somewhat like the rangers in NCR, any NWF soldiers that show off better talent, skill etc, than the rest will put into a separate, slightly different training program. These will be trained into scouts. Scouts are mostly like normal soldiers, for example equipment is in most cases exactly the same, but they have a lot of extra training. For example, a normal scout can repair or even build up a radio on their own, they know how to hack and lockpick, at least to some extent. Scouts often also have specialists, based on what talents they might posses. Some specialist scouts, like medics and engineers, are used on the battlefield, while others, like infiltrators, computer specialists, heavy-duty engineers and field "scientists", are only used in scout squads sent out.
Oh also, might be inactive for a few days, I'm going to be visiting a friend and probs will b2busy being cool to be a nerd.
*me uses "trying to get into the action of the rp"*
*it isn't very effective*

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