- One on One
- Group
The Big Apple; Harlem, Midnight
The sound of boots rushing through water puddles echoed through back alley's, a lone figure running for their very life in the dead of midnight. She had to get away, she just had to reach the docks and it'd be fine! She could reach the island, plead a case of some kind, tell a lie...anything! She'd be safe there! Her pocket felt heavy, even with just a simple holotape stowed there it felt like it weight tons. She'd risked everything for this little stunt, and she couldn't fall short now! How long had she spent gaining trust? How many vows and promises did she break? It didn't matter, people had to know! This was too far, even by her standards! She rounded a corner ahead of her, she was almost there. Just this corner and...wham. She ran face first into a solid figure in a large metal suit, eyes going wide in terror. She didn't even have a chance to scream before she felt a gauntlet clad fist collide with her temple, sending her sprawling to the ground with a whimper. "Oh, Rebecca. This is just sad, you know that?" The figure's voice was a gruff male voice, leaking with malice through power armor. The woman tried to scramble away, only to be pinned down by a metal boot on her stomach. "You can't do this...you know this is wrong!" she barked. "Entirely a subjective view. You should know better to have your opinion sully your work, doctor. You're such a brilliant mind...where did it fall short?"
Behind the massive figure came a soft 'tut tut', a woman dressed in a beige uniform strolling up from behind him. "Take your foot off of her. You're not a savage, and she's not a bug you're meant to squash." Kneeling down beside the bruised woman she slowly pat her down, removing a holotape with a Cheshire Cat smile. "There we are. You know better than to run off with these things, don't you?" The woman on the ground gulped as a metal foot was removed from her stomach, a laser rifle trained on her from the power-armored male. "What...what are you going to do to me?" The fear in the woman's voice was evident, eyes wide, only to blink in surprise as a gloved hand was offered to her. "Why, we're taking you home, doctor. You'll find a lovely new assignment there, you know...on project Clear Mind." The woman quickly back peddled, shaking her head frantically. "No...no no no, you can't do that to me! I don't want to!" The uniformed woman clicked her tongue, standing upright and dusting herself off, knees dirtied from filthy water. "That's going to take forever to wash out...Anderson? Take her in. Alive." There was a nod from the figure as the woman turned around, quickly standing upright as she started to sprint away. "I'll give her a head start..."
She'd failed. Everything on that tape...they had it again. All of this for nothing. She had nothing left, she just had to run. Maybe she could head towards the Capitol...nowhere in New York would be able to hide her now. Such thoughts were in vain before the heavy thud of metal feet on the ground came up behind her, hydraulics huffing with each step. She managed a scream of terror as she looked behind her, a metal fist meeting her face and sending her down. But such was the nature of the wastes that a scream was common...and no one would want to risk running into whatever caused it.
The Big Apple; Central Park, 10 am
It'd been approximately half a month since the NCR trade caravan had arrived in New York, guarded by troopers lead by Colonel Wither, and a detachment of rangers headed by an old Veteran. The caravan itself had set up shop in in Central Park, the massive collection of smaller settlements and camps making it a natural trade hub. From corner to corner, and even to abandoned buildings around the park, it buzzed with life. Shop keeps barking deals and haggling with other wastelanders and children running about in play. The military aid to the convoy had taken up post in a small highrise that had been recently vacated by a group of settlers who had journeyed to a new location nearby, searching for greener pastures in an old bank, the recently uncovered bank vault inside proving to house a plethora of old world medicine and preserved food...and a few skeletons. Well, first come first serve, as they say. Patrols of guards walked about Central Park, with a handful of the NCR troopers having 'volunteered' to help in the patrols. 'Building positive relations' Wither called it. Near old taxi posts and signs, cleanly dressed individuals could be found grinning wide and laughing, gossiping amongst each other and cracking jokes about those in the park behind their back. Cabbies, the only faction in New York who had a fleet of repaired and mantained old world vehicles...and the only faction who'd work with anyone provided they had the caps.
It was an odd sight, perhaps, to anyone unfamiliar with New York. Dead center of the park, a large bazaar could be found, rumored to sell anything the heart could desire. Weapons, armor, chems, even a night of passion if you knew how to ask. Stranger still was the collection of faces...Ghouls, Humans, even a few Super Mutants clad in a patchwork of NCR armor that had traveled with the caravan who earned more stares than anyone. There was a unique kind of buzz in the bazaar today, news of some kind of auction to take place within a few hours. What the auction was about, it wasn't clear, but it had been so hyped up over the past month everyone was interested to at least see what this astonishing whatever was that was being sold. The seller was rumored to be some figure from the Capitol Wasteland with a life changing gift to offer. Being it was the only known waste with genuinely pure, clean water...who'd want to run the chance of not seeing if it'd be something of such good fortune?
Posted against a wooden wall that had been erected was a veteran ranger, the red eyes of that black armor surveying the surroundings and keeping track of faces. He reached up, a hand going to the small headset integrated into the antenna of the helmet, the likes of which keyed into short range comms. "Alright. We're two hours from this miracle auction. I'm taking bets on what it's going to be." It was a special kind of privilege for veterans to have radio in the helmet, most NCR troopers needed a ham radio or a clunky handheld. Be that as it may, a few jokes and genuine bets could be heard over the comms, some more static filled than others. Well, at least until a stern male's voice could be heard to interject, "Gardner, as much as I adore your commentary while in the field, could we keep communication clear? If my troops have the time to crack jokes, they have the time to do their jobs."
Lady Moldoma
The sound of boots rushing through water puddles echoed through back alley's, a lone figure running for their very life in the dead of midnight. She had to get away, she just had to reach the docks and it'd be fine! She could reach the island, plead a case of some kind, tell a lie...anything! She'd be safe there! Her pocket felt heavy, even with just a simple holotape stowed there it felt like it weight tons. She'd risked everything for this little stunt, and she couldn't fall short now! How long had she spent gaining trust? How many vows and promises did she break? It didn't matter, people had to know! This was too far, even by her standards! She rounded a corner ahead of her, she was almost there. Just this corner and...wham. She ran face first into a solid figure in a large metal suit, eyes going wide in terror. She didn't even have a chance to scream before she felt a gauntlet clad fist collide with her temple, sending her sprawling to the ground with a whimper. "Oh, Rebecca. This is just sad, you know that?" The figure's voice was a gruff male voice, leaking with malice through power armor. The woman tried to scramble away, only to be pinned down by a metal boot on her stomach. "You can't do this...you know this is wrong!" she barked. "Entirely a subjective view. You should know better to have your opinion sully your work, doctor. You're such a brilliant mind...where did it fall short?"
Behind the massive figure came a soft 'tut tut', a woman dressed in a beige uniform strolling up from behind him. "Take your foot off of her. You're not a savage, and she's not a bug you're meant to squash." Kneeling down beside the bruised woman she slowly pat her down, removing a holotape with a Cheshire Cat smile. "There we are. You know better than to run off with these things, don't you?" The woman on the ground gulped as a metal foot was removed from her stomach, a laser rifle trained on her from the power-armored male. "What...what are you going to do to me?" The fear in the woman's voice was evident, eyes wide, only to blink in surprise as a gloved hand was offered to her. "Why, we're taking you home, doctor. You'll find a lovely new assignment there, you know...on project Clear Mind." The woman quickly back peddled, shaking her head frantically. "No...no no no, you can't do that to me! I don't want to!" The uniformed woman clicked her tongue, standing upright and dusting herself off, knees dirtied from filthy water. "That's going to take forever to wash out...Anderson? Take her in. Alive." There was a nod from the figure as the woman turned around, quickly standing upright as she started to sprint away. "I'll give her a head start..."
She'd failed. Everything on that tape...they had it again. All of this for nothing. She had nothing left, she just had to run. Maybe she could head towards the Capitol...nowhere in New York would be able to hide her now. Such thoughts were in vain before the heavy thud of metal feet on the ground came up behind her, hydraulics huffing with each step. She managed a scream of terror as she looked behind her, a metal fist meeting her face and sending her down. But such was the nature of the wastes that a scream was common...and no one would want to risk running into whatever caused it.
The Big Apple; Central Park, 10 am
It'd been approximately half a month since the NCR trade caravan had arrived in New York, guarded by troopers lead by Colonel Wither, and a detachment of rangers headed by an old Veteran. The caravan itself had set up shop in in Central Park, the massive collection of smaller settlements and camps making it a natural trade hub. From corner to corner, and even to abandoned buildings around the park, it buzzed with life. Shop keeps barking deals and haggling with other wastelanders and children running about in play. The military aid to the convoy had taken up post in a small highrise that had been recently vacated by a group of settlers who had journeyed to a new location nearby, searching for greener pastures in an old bank, the recently uncovered bank vault inside proving to house a plethora of old world medicine and preserved food...and a few skeletons. Well, first come first serve, as they say. Patrols of guards walked about Central Park, with a handful of the NCR troopers having 'volunteered' to help in the patrols. 'Building positive relations' Wither called it. Near old taxi posts and signs, cleanly dressed individuals could be found grinning wide and laughing, gossiping amongst each other and cracking jokes about those in the park behind their back. Cabbies, the only faction in New York who had a fleet of repaired and mantained old world vehicles...and the only faction who'd work with anyone provided they had the caps.
It was an odd sight, perhaps, to anyone unfamiliar with New York. Dead center of the park, a large bazaar could be found, rumored to sell anything the heart could desire. Weapons, armor, chems, even a night of passion if you knew how to ask. Stranger still was the collection of faces...Ghouls, Humans, even a few Super Mutants clad in a patchwork of NCR armor that had traveled with the caravan who earned more stares than anyone. There was a unique kind of buzz in the bazaar today, news of some kind of auction to take place within a few hours. What the auction was about, it wasn't clear, but it had been so hyped up over the past month everyone was interested to at least see what this astonishing whatever was that was being sold. The seller was rumored to be some figure from the Capitol Wasteland with a life changing gift to offer. Being it was the only known waste with genuinely pure, clean water...who'd want to run the chance of not seeing if it'd be something of such good fortune?
Posted against a wooden wall that had been erected was a veteran ranger, the red eyes of that black armor surveying the surroundings and keeping track of faces. He reached up, a hand going to the small headset integrated into the antenna of the helmet, the likes of which keyed into short range comms. "Alright. We're two hours from this miracle auction. I'm taking bets on what it's going to be." It was a special kind of privilege for veterans to have radio in the helmet, most NCR troopers needed a ham radio or a clunky handheld. Be that as it may, a few jokes and genuine bets could be heard over the comms, some more static filled than others. Well, at least until a stern male's voice could be heard to interject, "Gardner, as much as I adore your commentary while in the field, could we keep communication clear? If my troops have the time to crack jokes, they have the time to do their jobs."

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