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Fandom Fallout: Battles For Cleveland

Quick question: I'm going to make basically my character from Fallout: LA, but with a few large tweaks. Can I create a small faction in doing so?
jole875 said:
Just depends what the faction is.
The faction would be a company not unlike GR; it would be a manufacturing/production/industrial faction with the goal of bringing industry back to the good ol' US of A. Maybe the company would give support to a particular faction at some point.

Also, what year does this take place?
Dose you're character need to belong to certain faction and decided which to join later, or need to belong to a respective faction in the beginning?
Also, we should have SPECIAL stats as an anti-godmode system, so we can have our characters excel at some things and be bad at others.

"no leader roles"

(crumples up scratch paper and throws in the trash)

I'm sorry to be that guy, but I suggest you edit your starter, since it's a starter it needs to be fairly long to explain the current situation you're in, and also, the thread is listed as detailed, which means you need to post at least like, 2 paragraphs or more per post and be detailed somewhat.... Just trying to help you avoid getting in 'trouble'.

Detailed - Detailed Roleplays are games for people who are interested in improving both their roleplaying abilities and their writing abilities. These games expect posts that are at least three plus (3+) paragraphs long. Players within a detailed roleplay are expected to develop the roleplay’s plot, add details to their character and the setting regularly throughout their posts, as well as pay close attention to their own individual writing/grammar in their posts.

~ Found that in the prefix details...
Don't worry Captain is a squadron leader. All characters are aloud to have explained NPC followers.
Yeey, we're in here now, ya'll need to throw up ye starterz

So from what I can read of the timeline and such, you say it's an alternate timeline, so does that mean the oil rig is still destroyed and Navarro is messed up?
Oil rig is still intact and Navarro was never fully invested in so it is a very small base surrounded by hoards of hostiles. It wouldn't be worth it sending an army there to die.

Go to the character sign up tab, then copy the clean character template and fill it out. You can use the rest of ours for reference to understand how to fill it out.

Btw, if I see another Liberty Prime, I will shit my pants if we have to face it, things a walking death machine. And at the same time, it plays patriotic messages while it blows your face off.

I got it....

Frank Horrigan Vs. Liberty Prime Vs. Helios One



Frank Horrigan is the Enclave's finest instrument of warfare, the final boss, and main antagonist of Fallout 2.

Described as a kind of "ultra
super mutant in power armor", having been witnessed laughing off plasma rifle fire and ripping deathclawsand armored humans in half with his bare hands, he is one of the deadliest entities to have walked the Wasteland.

Liberty Prime


Liberty Prime is a formidable combat robot that is being tinkered with in the Brotherhood of Steel's laboratory. Its original intent was toliberateAnchorage, Alaska, from the Red Chinese during the Sino-American War of 2072. It is programmed to deliver a mixture of patriotic propaganda messages and incredible firepower to ensure victory.

Helios One


Helios One is a Poseidon Energy concentrated solar power plant that used to, and potentially still can, generate and provide power to the Las Vegas Strip and regional power grid. It also contains the control system for two experimental satellite weapon systems, the self defensive system Archimedes I and the offensive system Archimedes II.

Theoretically, since this RP is an alternate timeline, all three of these can exist to each of the three factions, Enclave, BoS and NCR. Which will and can make the RP interesting in it's own way, we would have to limit these to make it fair and have the RP last without them being overused and abused.

Get Pumped..






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