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Realistic or Modern Fallout Alley Youth Zone


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome to the FAYZ.

based on the "Gone" series


Here is a  summary, after it will be all the details needed.

Something evil and unknown has been lurking in the small coastal town in the abandoned mine shaft. After the accident at the nuclear plant some years ago, a lot of strange occurrences have happened. Some kids have had weird abilities surface. Small things, like warming up a cold cup of tea or holding their breath for insanely long periods of time. But nothing prepared them for what happened next and all that followed. Everyone over the age of 18 vanished. Gone, just like that. When kids rushed outside, they found the sun to be weird and unfocused. They were surrounded by an opaque wall, that burned when you touched it and was completely encasing the town like a bubble. There was panic of course, but soon kids grew wild at the prospect of no adults. Stores were broken into and ice cream and cookies were shoveled down and left to melt on the sidewalks. 

When the food ran out, problems arose. Kids with dangerous abilities started popping up. Normal kids were threatened, and violence got frequent everyday. Finally, a strong mutant who everyone respected assumed the position as a type of leader.

However, there are all kinds of danger in the FAYZ. Kids from the Coates Academy further inland, the troubled kids, have eyes on the town as well. Animals have mutated just like the humans, and somewhere, deep in the mine shaft, is a growing evil consciousness trying to use animals and mutants alike to help it get its power back. It's a dangerous world, but maybe these kids can get to the bottom of it and free themselves. Or maybe the FAYZ will consume them.


Here are the needed details o have separated into known and unknown parts. Unknown means the kids will have to do some digging as the rp progresses to know about. Known means they already know it as the rp starts.


*Abilities come in bars. One being weak, or basically a normal human, and four being quite strong. A two bar usually has the ability to simply read bars when coming in contact with someone. A four bar would have powers like telekenesis, and would be able to rip a oak tree out of the ground.

*Animals have mutated and are usually dangerous, but some seem to be still normal, like deer. These animals include types of worms that are territorial and can eat through flesh and bone in a matter of minutes, winged snakes, cayotes capable of speech, and a few others. They stay away from the town usually.

*Abilities are usually focused through the hands. If the hands are covered or encased, the powers usually won't work. 

*Coates kids are the ones who are "troubled." The school is basically a reform school, so the kids attending are usually aggressive, sadistic, etc. They too have a leader, but follow them out of fear instead of respect. (This position is open, as well as henchmen to this leader position). Coates kids will end up in the town, so prepare for trouble and make it double.

*There are still frozen McDonald's patties in the freezer, canned goods, and some crackers etc available. There are farms, but some are guarded by the worms. Fish are plentiful as well, and deer can be hunted as well.


*The consciousness in the abandoned mine shaft is unknown the everyone except the only 5 bar mutant on the island, Petey. The kid is autistic and only 5 years old. He sensed the creature and made the wall to protect the rest of the area. The adults vanishing is a mystery as well as everything else, and Petey couldn't explain even if he wanted to. His abilities aren't exactly known. His sister is his caretaker. Her name is Artemis, and she is a regular human but is respected in the town because she's smart and figures out things, like the mutant animals. Both of these siblings are NPC's.

*The leader of Coates and the town are half-siblings.

*The mutant coyotes are being controlled by the evil consciousness, and it will eventually get some Coates kids to do it's bidding, which is bring nuclear waste from the plant to it so it can feed and get strong enough to get a flesh body and wreak havoc when it gets out of the FAYZ Petey has created.

*When your birthday comes and youre 18, you see someone you love beckoning you to come with them. If you do, you will end up outside the FAYZ. If you don't, the person you love turns into a weird monster and then you snap out of it and stay in the FAYZ. It happens in a split second but feels like a long time for the person.

I'm really excited for this and hope it works out!

|| @boyguro @Veyd Sahvoz
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Normally don't check links posted in status updates but...

omg, I've been looking for something like this for a while lasjnclkanscoihqlskncka

Yis plz

Edit: Might tag more peeps later, but for now...

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Normally don't check links posted in status updates but...

omg, I've been looking for something like this for a while lasjnclkanscoihqlskncka

Yis plz

If you know someone who might be interested as well, tag them! I want a bunch if people to make this really interesting 
hey, i've only read the first three books but i'm still super interested. definitely want to be coates academy because troubled-and-dangerous is my shit
Sounds interesting!! (Is it based on a book?~ :3)

Ello~ @Nano
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This seems very interesting  :)  I've never read the books but this reminds me of the TV Show Dome/Sparticle Mystery , I'd like to join if possible :)
Interested! But quick question, I see that it's based off a book. Would we have to know any information about the book to participate?
Interested! But quick question, I see that it's based off a book. Would we have to know any information about the book to participate?

All information is given right here, so no

would it be possible to have an ability based on an element? (an example would be pyrokinesis)

Actually, someone in the book had that power, so sure! (She ended up dying but hey, its the FAYZ)

@Chrysalism I don't even care if you say some smart ass shit to me right (joking of course), but this is actually not a bad idea.

I was gonna ask you if you wanted to join but I expected some smart ass comment so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alright guys, the hostesd project will be up soon and I'll invite everyone who has shown interest.

Before we start, I'd like to also inform you that there will be a lot of deaths because its the FAYZ, so if you are focused on a single character and want them to see it to the end, just make another character (you don't have to put too much detail into it) and put the words "extra" on that CS. if you don't think you can make another character but want your main character to stay alive bc you put a lot of work into it, just put the words "keep alive" on your CS. There will be NPC deaths to lessen our characters deaths as well.

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