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Fandom Fallout 2318: Neo's Path

Clover remained in a heap on the ground as shivers raked her disabled body. Her vision became blurry and her mind was dazed, so that all she could focus on was the pain, the pain, the pain... A blurred figure that she recognized as Alice rushed to Clovers side, and there were some background noises as medical supplies scatter around her. Clover moaned in pain as Alice placed a large, uncomfortable amount of pressure on her foot. "It's going to be okay, don't worry," Clover heard Alice say, her voice shaky, but assuring.
Neo teared up under his helmet. "At least nothing will happen to them there..." It killed him inside to hurt his friends like that, but he had to keep them from messing up the trade in Rivet City. If anything were to happen, he would never be able to forgive himself.

Arriving at the bridge, he spoke to the intercom then walked over the small bridge and into the metal coffin.
Alice lifted the cloth up off of Clover's wound, examining it. Blood dripped out of the hole, but the flow had slowed down a little. She dabbed the cloth at it, cleaning the blood off of the skin around it. However, it stained the creases in her skin. "I'm going to clean it, okay?" Alice said, a soft tone in her voice. "It's going to hurt... a lot, but..." She trailed off, looking back at the memorial. "I'm going to be right back, apply pressure to that." She got up from her sitting position and ran off to the memorial to find a doctor's bag.
Clover knew that Alice was speaking to her, but the words were muffled and as hard as she tried to listen, the words didn't come through. Alices blurred figure got up and walked away, probably in the direction of the Memorial. Clover knew Alice well, and even in all of this chaos, Clover could predict Alices moves. Moving out of the fetal position, Clover sat up to examine her foot. She knew she had to put pressure on it, but the pain was unbearable, and at the sight of the open wound on both sides of her foot, she fell to the ground once more; losing consciousness.

Before anyone could rush to clover to see if she was ok a tall figure walked up to clover and bent down on one knee he seemed to be seeing if she was ok and asking if any of her friends were near at all what so ever.then when they started to rush forward toward the stranger he stood up and look at all of them and a floating robot stood in between them and him plus clover "state your business" the figure said

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