Falling Worlds - Exile's Pack

The Writer

Your Doom


Nickname or title:

Age: (Adult, young adult, teen, pup is just fine)





Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example)

Power: (Only one)


Picture or description: (Real or anime is fine)

Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

Eyes color:

Scars or marks:

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Name: Luna

Nickname or title: Moon Daughter

Age: Young adult

Gender: Fae

Crush: None...yet

Mate: None

Pups: None

Profile: I was born into a world of isolation and danger, my father never lived to see me born. Neither did my mother, she was too weak, and my birth killed her. The only wolf in my pack who lived to see me born was my brother, Solra. He was a teen when I was born, and definitely knew nothing about raising a newborn. But he tried, he really did. And he succeeded, well, I'm here now, aren't I? When I was old enough, we had to be on the move constantly, since neither of us were yet strong enough to fight the dangers that lurk within the forests. It wasn't easy, my brother broke one of his feet in a fight before I was born, and he had a slight limp. He died to saving me, much to my regret. Both of us were too careless, if we had saw...we could've...I could've use my powers...then he wouldn't be dead. I wailed in agony over his death, but I couldn't stay, couldn't stay to watch them devour him. I became a rogue then, and trained myself to be stronger, faster in battles. So if anything happened, I could protect the ones I care about... One day, I was starving, and I was desperate, so I wondered out of my bounds and unknowingly into Exile's. When she saw me, I knew there was a fight coming and reached for the shadows, and they snaked towards me, surrounding me. But all she did was growled lowly as she approached, she looked like she was observing me, evaluating. When she open her mouth, it wasn't to lunge forward and tear my neck open, but to ask me to join her pack as a beta. I stared at her, shocked. Was she mad? Or did she mistook me for someone else. I waited for her to realize that I was a stranger, an outsider, but all she did was watch me silently and intently. I never knew why, but I accepted. I'm still kind of new to the pack, and some still stare at me oddly, but I don't mind, I have a home, some place where I can belong, with wolves I will have to protect. Since, I've worked alongside Scar to help Exile's pack grow. These wolves are the only ones I have now, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect them.

Luna is very vague about her brother's death, and the mention of it brings her unbearable guilt. She always thought that if she were strong enough, she could've saved him, but her brother wouldn't have wanted her to dwell on the past. She's very loyal and protective to the ones she care about, and will do anything to keep them out of harm's way. She opens up easily and enjoys the company of others, but is more durable to physical pain than emotional pain. Luna is also sly, smart and cunning, which helps her with battle strategies.

Power: Lunar manipulation, or to simply put in words, she has the power of the moon. She can create constructs out of lunar energy, such as bonds or shields. During a full moon, she can sometimes control tidings and gravity, but she usually doesn't since it drains to much energy, and if over-exerted can lead to death. She can only use her powers during the night.

Rank: Beta female (if I'm allowed, if not I'll change it)

Picture or description:


Detail: She has a white mark down her forehead that fades as it goes down the muzzle.

Eyes color: Pale icy blue

Scars or marks: She has a white crescent-shaped mark at the side of her left back foot.

Other:None<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-18_11-11-52.jpeg.d76b9a9fe0487fdbcfd48d868e0a1885.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/upload_2013-12-18_11-11-52.jpeg.d76b9a9fe0487fdbcfd48d868e0a1885.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Canidae

Nickname or title: Cane

Age: (Adult 3 years old)

Gender: Male Lupe

Crush: None

Mate: None

Pups: None

Profile: This wolf is powerful, with a touch of cunning and intelligent. He's a smooth talker, his Irish accent catches some females, as all accents usually do.. However Cane wants a mate who will be as strong as he is, to ensure their pups will be strong as well.. As for her temperament, he's not picky..

Cane was born in another pack and joined this one at the age of 1, it was a tradition that some of the lupes in his old pack would leave at adult hood.. Too much competition, not enough food.. He was one of the lucky few that were chosen to leave.. He is loyal to his Alphess.. Regardless of what other packs do, which was to over rule an Alpha if he or she were without a mate.

This lupe was born mute, which was seen as a weakness in his old pack. He had been picked on, and abused, so he fought back and became strong. When he turned 2 he developed his sonic bark, and since then has not been mute, just quiet.. Being mute taught him the value of silence. The quieter you are, the easier you hunt..

Power: Sonic bark, basically if he barks really loud it sends a sonic boom in the direction he barked. It's really rough on his throat so he doesn't do it often..

Rank: Beta Guard

Picture or description:


Detail: Cane is quite large for a lupe.

Eyes color: Amber

Scars or marks:


(Let me work on this more later right now my neck is killing me and I cant think)
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@Sarah Ok you can work on him later then. For now you are accepted and beta guard is just fine. He's been put in the ranks. Thank you for joining.
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Japan's Flag


Adult of 4 years.




"Excuse me, but I have a mate."




Pregnant with a litter of three.


I was born surrounded with family, friends, and love. I had three other siblings, I was the runt of the litter, surprise, right? No one knew that such a tragedy would happen. Our pack was attacked a few days later, both my parents were soldiers, so, naturally, they went off to fight. My siblings and I were with the other pups, hiding with the Caretakers. I can barely remember what had happened that day, I was only a newborn, but one thing was for sure; they found us. A lioness peeked her head in and spotted us. The Caretakers tried to keep her away, but they were only Caretakers, they weren't trained to be in the heat of an intense battle. Especially not against a full pride.

We died that day, devoured by lions. Except for me. The runt. They thought me too...scrawny and weak, "not enough meat," to kill. So, there I was, a little pup, surrounded in the blood of my former pack. I tried to make up the lost wolves with my power, newly discovered. Then this wolf came along and saw what had happened. I was taken back to a new pack and raised as if I were one of their own, and it sure felt like it. I had a new family, a new pack. As a pup, I didn't know I was "adopted," but I never bothered me that I never had proper parents. When I was told about what really happened when I was born, I was outraged, of course, but, I dealt with it. It was all in the circle of life, eat or be eaten. It took some time, but I soon got over it. Never did like cats though.

I was always one who was for the heat of the battle, I guess an early exposure to fighting really did effect me. Even if I barely remember it. I can still vividly recall when I first went hunting and I took down my first prey, it was a baby elk. How did a adolescence pup take down a baby elk? Well, you see. With the large supply of food and medical supplies, I grew very healthy and strong. It made me wonder though, would my siblings be giants if they survived?

As I grew up and continued to train, spar with others, and make friends, I continued to urge for the Beta Solider position. Due to my large size and skill, I was able to really hunt with the others at 1 ½ years. I excelled and was praised, but I knew that I had a long way to go. My mentor, the current Beta Soldier of that time, said I potential, if only I worked on it. Then, I turned three years old. A fully fledged adult wolf. I...I was given the Beta Soldier position! They..they said that I earned it.

Then again, becoming an adult also meant another thing....mates. My mate and I had known each other the moment I came to the pack. We hit off with each other immediately, both wanting to become a high ranking soldier. It wasn't soon until we became rivals, wanting to get a higher rank and subconsciously supporting one another through the tough journey.

I had only seen Rowan as a friend, a rival, someone I never thought I would love him in a romantic way. It all started on an average day, Rowan and I went out hunting, you know, just around the camp area. We spotted something rustling in the bushes and immediately began chasing it down. It was fun, the wind blowing against our faces, the sounds of our laughter filling the air. But, we fell into a trap.

It turned out that we were chasing down a lion cub and the mama did not appreciate that. We both knew that we couldn't fight back, after all, lions tended to travel in prides. This was when I was only two and a half years old, Rowan as well. I didn't know that I was going to hate cats this much, but this just increased my hatred for them. I quickly attacked, telling Rowan to run away and get help.

But, he didn't. He didn't leave me like I told him to. I was shocked that he didn't listen, I thought...thought that... In my disbelief, the lioness took the advantage and knocked me down. I saw flashes of red in my eyes. The claws were coming at me when--

The lioness jumped back, no, she was pushed back. Hitting the side of a rock, the lioness groaned in pain and Rowan and I took this time to run as fast as we could, back to the camp. I guess, it was during that time when I saw my dear rival and best friend in a new light. The way the wind ruffled through his fur and the way his eyes sparkled in a...masculine way. I felt my heartbeat speed up, and not just because we were running for our lives.

When we got back to the camp, I turned around to stare at Rowan. "Why didn't you leave? You could've gotten hurt!" As grateful as I was for Rowan to have stayed to help me, what if his power was strong enough that time and after tearing me apart, the lioness went to attack Rowan?

"No," Rowan spoke, his voice unwavering just like how he would say when he made up his mind. "Henna, I can't..." Trailing off, I stared at the wolf with anxious eyes, waiting for what he was going to say. "I'm going to protect you from now on." Silence fell over the two of us.

"Bwahahaha!" I broke the silence with a large laugh. My little Rowan? Protecting me? "You silly, wolf." I nudged him playfully, as if I didn't believe he could do that. But, I was secretly happy. Someone finally took charge and...I found that attractive. "My dear Rowan, what would I do without you?"

"Be torn apart and devoured by a lioness." Rowan answered back and quick as an eagle. Yeah, even his annoying parts like that I loved. The time we spent with one another was absolutely priceless. We didn't have to say anything to confirm out relationship as we both began to see each other in a more...romantic way. When we turned three, Rowan walked up to me and stared into my eyes. He didn't have to say anything else after that.

I didn't choose that time to have pups, saying that I wanted to focus on setting a real and sturdy reputation for myself as the new Beta Soldier. I didn't want the pack to doubt me after all. So, I lead my troops into battles, making sure to choose the perfect landscapes and strategies to win the fight. It wasn't long until I was known as Japan's Flag with my pure white fur which was stained red with blood. Like the human country Japan's flag.

Now, turning four years old, after a talk with Rowan, we decided that it was time. Time to create the next generation of wolves. We mated. Bow chica wow wow! And then a stork-- HAHA! No. The first week was wonderful, everyone was telling me congratulations and everything! Then, the second week came and it was a living hell. All I wanted to do was eat, sleep, pee and cry! It was at that moment when I realized... I have to go through seven more weeks of this until these pups are born!


Henna is fun loving wolf who likes to make things into games, one of her favourites is, "Rip the Head Off the Lion." She's quite cheerful, always able to flash her victims enemies a smile as she ends their lives, some fast and merciful, others...not so fast and merciful. She's very protective of pups and will go to the extremes to keep them safe. In fact, Henna tends to be softer on the children of species, they don't deserve to feel pain, not at that age. Known to have quite the temper, Henna is definitely not the wolf to be played with. That could prove to be fatal. The reason why she's not the Alpha Soldier is because Henna's not very suited to be a leader, she's rather happy with her Beta Soldier rank anyway.


Shadow Cloning: Moving at such a fast rate that you see clones of the user. This is a buff, may or may not be used for attacking. Can be used multiple times, number depends on how many "clones" are made.


Beta Soldier (off duty)




Rather large, not just because she's pregnant but in overall size as well. Henna was built to fight, a sturdy build and strong muscles really helped her in her "glory days" as a soldier. She has a few scars showing her success but not enough to show her failures.

Eyes Color:

Light Brown


A bunch of scars on her pads due to multitudes of accidents as a pup, a few scars on her muzzle and back legs from battle.


She's pregnant!

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Name: Silver

Nickname or title: Sil.

Age: Adult

Gender: Female

Crush: Yeah, no... Even if I did, I won't tell you.

Mate: No.

Pups: NO.

Profile: My father was abusive. He never wanted to have a daughter, he only wanted strong sons. He usually killed any female pups that were born, but my mother... my mother shielded me when he tried to attack, and she was injured, but he gave up the slaughter. However not soon after, he killed her. My poor mother... He killed her slowly, and brutally, right in front of me. Then he blamed me and sent my own brothers on a hunt after me! He was cruel... So cruel...

She was a perky pup when she was born. Not soon after that was simply surpressed by a veil of seriousness. She became a serious, sarcastic, and cynical female. Her perkiness will appear every once in a while, though. You just won't see it often.

Power: She has complete control over fire. She has a tendency to set herself on fire and attack that way.

Rank: Guard

Picture or description:


Detail: N/A

Eyes color: Dark green

Scars or marks: Scars over her eyes, and a scar on her flank.

Other: Her tail may light on fire when angered.

Name: Rowan

Nickname or title: Rowan....

Age: Adult, 4 years of age.

Gender: Male, last I checked.

Crush: Ha. No.

Mate: Henna

Pups: Three unborn.

Profile: Well, I didn't have a hard life. My father was strict and harsh, more of the tough love daddy, you know? My mother was sweet as could be, a little ray of sunshine of the dying world I was born into. It was too bad when she died, and that was when my father went a bit... nuts. Talking to himself, taking stupid risks. That was what got him killed. I miss him sometimes, and I have nightmares about that day... Of course, Henna is there for comfort, so that's good.

He is rather perky and is a goofball most days. He'll be the one to tell a joke to try to cheer everyone up. But when you're breaking down and falling apart, he'll be there for comfort and support. He knows when to be goofy and when not to be goofy. He is loyal and will fight for his friends and Henna with his life.

Power: He his telekinetic. The amount of effort it take depends on how big the object is.

Rank: Soldier.

Picture or description:


Detail: One eye is white and blinded due to an old injury.

Eyes color: Amber/White

Scars or marks: He has a small scar above his white eye.

Other: He is good friends with Silver.

(Work in Progress)

Name: Trip

Nickname or title: ....

Age: Teen

Gender: Male...

Crush: Ha.... haaaa...

Mate: I'm too young for that.

Pups: HA! no.

Profile: WIP

Power: He has super speed, capable of breaking the sound barrier.

Rank: Apprentice

Picture or description:


Detail: He has an oddly short tail.

Eyes color: Light brown

Scars or marks: No scars.

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@explosiveKitten Great! Thanks for joining, your wolves are accepted, I really like them so far. I will update the ranks here soon, feel free to jump in! 
Yeah we're about five pages in. No one was joining fast so I started in hopes to gain more interest. There's nothing important going on right now, other then the fact Blood and Exile had a fight and Blood was demoted to Omega. Anyone can create as many characters as they can handle.




"Mr. Beary" by the pups and Bear by the others because of his size.


Adult (six years)




Haha! No.


Frey (deceased)






Brute Strength: Self explainable. Helped a lot during his soldier days.


Caretaker (ex-soldier)




Dylas is big and fluffy, just a giant furball of love...when it comes to pups. He may seem intimidating at first due to his enormous size, but Dylas really can be aggressive...if you get on his bad side..which is actually pretty hard due to his kind and forgiving nature.

Eyes Colour:

Ash Brown


A large scar on his left leg that causes him to limp, Dylas' body is covered in scars and marks, which makes him look all the more intimidating.









Young Adult (three years)










I was originally born into a different pack, a rather harsh pack that was known to be very strong. As the runt of my litter, I was immediately registered as a weak link, the pack that I was born in stayed strong by advanced and harsh training plus...getting rid of the weak links.

They were generous though, I stayed with that pack for about three months, it seemed that I, along with my brothers and sisters, began training as soon as we could walk. We were trained to survive; hunting, fighting, gathering food, everything that was necessary in this post-apocalyptic world of ours.

It's fine though, I probably would've never survived in that pack. I was only three months when I was abandoned, actually, kicked out. They gave me, a small pup, their best wishes and sent me off with the other runts that were old enough to leave. We all knew that there was an extremely low chance for us to survive. I was scared, we all were. I didn't want to die, none of us did.

Soon, starvation snuck up on us. We weren't able to hunt without risking being hunted ourselves. The pack system didn't work as pups, we could easily be taken down by a single lion. We were forced to do...unimaginable things. Whenever one of us died or was killed, we ate them. Some pups even went so far to actually killing one another for food.

Food. It became the first priority for all of us. We all knew it would be best to separate and leave one another, even being in groups would be dangerous, the temptation to devour. To fill our stomachs with food. I couldn't handle it anymore! I watched many of my comrades of sort starve to death, their weak bodies failing on them. While I....I...

My power of heightened senses helped me through this, but cursed me as well. I could hunt down small prey and catch them to bring back to the camp but it wasn't enough. It never was enough. At night...when one would sleep....I was haunted by the moans of the dying, the stench of death as the wolves around me rotted away, still alive.

I was lucky. I survived. It wasn't long until it was only two of us left. I was only four months and committed homicide. It wasn't like hunting. No, it was the murdering of my own kind...my..my best friend. His name was Baron, he was a runt like me, like all of us. We had been friends ever since we could walk and train. We were close.

But, Baron was like me, he was hungry. Unlike me, he didn't have the power to hunt and eat. He was on the verge of dying from starvation. Baron....he...he attacked me. I could see the hunger in his eyes...and his breath, it smelled like he was rotting from the inside out. The last words he told me was;

"I'm so sorry, Ana." And he was about to dig his canines into me but my survival instincts kicked in. Since I had food in my stomach and the energy to do so, I kicked Baron off of me and something snapped inside of me. Baron too.

Four months old and we were battling for our lives, to take the life of the other. It was a violent battle, but then....I smashed his skull into a rock. I watched as his golden eyes rolled back and the blood stain his once soft brown fur. I killed him...murdered him...! I was a monster.

Then, she found me. Henna. She was out hunting and saw the...horrendous act I had committed. I tried to run away but I was too weak. I was thin, you could see my ribcage completely. Then, everything went black.

Next thing I knew I was in another camp, the wonderful scent of fresh meat overwhelmed me. My eyes shot open and I found the carcass of a rabbit next to me. I quickly devoured it, but the whole corpse was too much for my shrunken stomach. I ended up puking out much of the food.

I tried to find out where I was, but then she stopped me. "Oh, you're awake? Rest more." With a little force, the large white wolf pushed me down, it didn't take much, I could barely stand in the first place. She laid down next to me and circled around, granting me the warmth and comfort of a mother. Hadn't felt that in awhile.

I ended up being taken in by that pack, not by Henna though, she was only a year older than me and she was so large! Then again, I was a malnourished runt. Mr. Beary, a recently retired soldier caretaker took me in instead. He...was the mother I never had. But, Ii could never forget that day...the day where I wasn't a pup...I was a monster that day. But, they changed me. They cared for me and loved...me.

Ana is extremely quiet and shy, she isn't completely sure on how to interact with others. She tends to be very polite and formal, finding things that would be normal to do impolite if she does it to others. She's very jumpy and easily surprised. Ana is actually very talkative if you are able to break that thick layer of ice that she carries. She's a hopeless romantic as well.


Heightened Senses: Ana's senses are extremely heightened to the point of being bothersome, she often lacks sleep because of her power since she can feel, hear and smell things all night. Her sight can zoom in on things at a 100 meter radius, Ana's hearing can go for a mile and can pick up the breathing of a mouse a few meters away, the taste of this wolf is very on point and can even tell the different parts of an animal by its taste. Another thing is that Ana's feeling power is mostly within the pads of her paws and can slightly feel the vibrations of the ground. Last of all, Ana's smell is actually...terrible. Due to her late nights, Ana often has a cold and a stuffy nose that cannot work very well. With her lack of sleep, Ana faces a lot of health problems that counteract against her heightened senses.






Ana is quite small and obviously the runt of her litter, she's extremely light but has strong muscles.

Eyes Colour:

Light Blue





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Name: Raff

Nickname or title: Raffi or Raff

Age: Adult (5 years)

Gender: Male

Crush: Luna

Mate: None.. But searching.

Pups: None.


I have never truly ran with a pack. Besides being born into one, I was born into a pack found Far north into the mountains, But we were attacked, me, only being days old, My eldest sister took me, and my Blind sister Ivy away, to save us from the battle with the white beasts, She took us down to the forest, West of the mountains. She taught me how to hunt and protect myself and Ivy against the elements and other dangers that may cross our path, I never expected her to die as soon as she had... We were attacked by a lone bear, he was larger then expected. She stood before me and Ivy, She fought with the bear to protect us, I watched in horror as the bear gouged her open and tore her apart, My sister was lucky being born blind. Her blood coated the forest floor and anger rose inside of me, That's when I found my power, It burned my pads and stung at my skin, and I attacked the bear, my claws slashed through its thick coat and skin, and the gashed began to burn, his skin bubbling and turning burnt. He let out a furious roar and I bit onto his back, my fangs burned into his skin as well and created large burning gashed in his body. He fled in pain, I then began to cool at the sight of his retreat, I stared at my dead sibling and laid beside her, Ivy did as well, Clearly frightened and unaware that that beast had murdered our sister. My power had drained my energy greatly, We were soon found by Blood (I hope that's okay. If not they can be rouges.) She took us into the pack, We were about Three at this time and i was made into a Soldier by Five years old.

Raff is very passionate and caring towards other wolves, he is very protective of his sister and wolves he cares for, But has a breaking point, to pass his patients level is rare, but cruel, It hurts him to get greatly angered and the other wolf as well, He wouldn't dare betray his pack or Alpha for anything, and would defend them with his own life. He is a average sized male, but with a large muscle mass and strength, He has average stamina and Height, But instead of always looking fluffy, his muscles bulge out every so often, but usually only when he is angry or preparing for a fight. He has abnormally long fangs that tips show even when his mouth is closed.

Power: His Fangs and claws hold a unique poison that burns and decays the flesh of the target when fighting, almost like a fire burn, But he does not possess the fire element.

Rank: Soldier (I kind of wanted him to be Beta male, But not mates with Luna, Just like friends as first, and if they get along maybe more. if that spot is open, if not I'm happy with him being a soldier.)

Picture or description:


Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

Eyes color: A yellowish Amber.

Scars or marks: He has one scar crossing his muzzle in a horizontal way. With dark brown stripes on his right hind leg and paw.


Name: Ivy

Nickname or title: Ivy

Age: Adult (5 years)

Gender: Fae

Crush: Cane

Mate: None

Pups: None

Profile: (History, personality, and physical status. Look at my characters for example)

I was born blind. I have no idea what the world looks like, What other wolves look like, what my siblings look like, or what I even look like. My sense of smell helps me greatly, I never knew that our pack had been attacked and murdered by snow beasts, all I knew was that our oldest sister took us away to keep us safe, She taught Raff how to fight, Not me, I stayed quiet and listened, but I often times wondered off and found herbs and berries, They intrigued me, I loved the scents, and I knew by the scents which were which and which ones were deadly or not. Raff and my Oldest sister would freak out, like I couldn't take care of myself. It was annoying, Until I heard the fight break out, the scent of blood twisted my stomach and I knew our sister was dead, sorrow filled my heart, And Raff protected me, He fought off the bear, Then blood found us, she quickly realized we were no threat and showed us to Exile who listened to our story and brought us in, I could never show exile how grateful I am for her accepting us in the pack. Ivy is quiet and gentle, She loves pups and other wolves in general, she has a hidden temper that is almost impossible to expose due to her kind and gentle nature, She sometimes spars with her brother, but they forget about it cause they love each other, and she could never hate her brother. She is small for a female, But she has long fangs that Her and Raff got from their father, She is strong for a Healer that has never fought in her life.

Power: Healer

Rank: Healer (I hope that is okay, If not she can be a care taker.)

Picture or description:


Detail (Pictures aren't always perfect to fit characters so if there is something you need to add)

Eyes color: A very pale baby blue.

Scars or marks: Her left hind paw is dark gray

Other: She is blind!
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Name: Boon

Nickname or title: True Alpha

Age: 4 year old adult

Gender: Male

Crush: None at the moment

Mate: None at the moment, he lost his mate when he lost his pack

Pups: None

Profile: Boon was born into a different pack, he was the pup of a strong and beloved alpha male and female. Though after his parents stepped down and gave him control, his older, larger brother Dragoon took him down shortly after his rising and exiled him from the pack as punishment for fighting him for to be alpha and in hopes that Boon would die off in the forests alone and never return. Though Boon is already larger and more powerful than the average wolf, even for today's standards, he was not as powerful and large as his older brother. The two brothers are certainly seen as great worriers. Even being given the nick name of a "True Alpha" because of his size, blood line, and ability to control others to a degree. But after fighting Dragoon and loosing with his life at stake, he left the pack with much regret. Leaving his family to find another withing the paws of another pack open to letting him join. He has no mind set of becoming an alpha again, though he was bred and made to become one and would not mind being one once again. Looking for someone to simply take him in is all he searches for now while he walks alone in such a dangerous world. And having been fallowing the scent of other wolves for a few days now, he hopes that this is exactly what he will find.

Power: He has the ability to get others to do as he wishes them to without argument when he gets into a dominant stance and lets out a barking snarl at them.

Rank: none at the moment

Picture or description:


Detail: He is solid muscle and as black as night without a moon. And thick fur that still allows visibility of his muscle tone, protect him from the weather.

Eyes color: Ice blue

Scars or marks: He has scars on his snout and front legs from fighting with his brother.

Other: He is calm male but knows what he wants, Boon does not try to cause confrontation but is not afraid of it.
Name: Haral

Nickname or title: None that she knows of

Age: young adult

Gender: Fae

Crush: None

Mate: None

Pups: None


I was born second in the litter of four, with a caring mother, loving father and playful siblings i was happy and content. That is, until i threw it all away with one of my stupid illusions. i was a teen at that time, a trouble-maker always stirring up trouble in the pack. Once or twice my siblings would join me in my tricks and antics. But as time passed Father and mother soon disapproved of me and my illusions; saying that they caused nothing but trouble and disturbance within the pack and why i couldn't use my power for the greater good. My siblings also thought the same thing. I hated it when my parents talked to me about that, even more when my sibling did in. Filled with indignation i stormed outside pack territory and hatched out a plan that would result in the separation from my pack.

I could make wolves see things that weren't there, i did it all the time. However, i couldn't make them feel what they saw. Despite all my practice I did with my power i could still not make them feel my illusions. So when thought of unleashing a pride of lions on my pack i didn't think anyone would get hurt. My power, fueled by my resentment and self-centered mind did exactly the one thing i didn't think i could ever do. My illusions became tangible. When i came back the pack was gone there was blood on the ground but not much, that's why i didn't think much of it at the time. i waited three suns and moons before realising they weren't coming back. I still hope to this day the pride i unleashed on my pack did not do much damage and that my mother, father and siblings got away safely.

Ever since then i have lived as a loner. hunting for my own meat and seeking out my own shelter. Until that is, i came across Exile's pack. Since then i have been hiding in the outskirts of her territory. I don't know why i have stayed here this long but i have.

Haral is a mischief loving wolf and loves causing trouble with her illusions. She now knows when to stop her mischief making. Mentioning her pack and family gives makes her feel an overwhelming wave of guilt. Due to her days of trouble-making Haral has learnt to be sly, subtle and can get herself out of tight situations

Power: she can create illusions, the illusions can come in contact with the physical world. for example e.g. she can can create the illusion of rain and wolves would feel the water falling on their pelts; but the water would soon disappear if Haral stopped using her Power. She can also make the illusions materialise , however this requires a great deal of concentration and energy, especially if she is trying to materialise a living being. She often ends up feeling drained, worn out and barely capable of walking.

Rank: Rouge (is that ok?)

Picture: (sorry for the bad Photoshop, she doesn't actually look like that it's just an idea of what she looks like )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/rp.png.becff479a04c50cec22a15a9aef600b3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11591" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/rp.png.becff479a04c50cec22a15a9aef600b3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Detail: her pelt is multicoloured. colours: black, brown, cinnamon, cream, gray, white

Eyes color:green

Scars or marks: None




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[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]
@Dreams If you keep his power in check then he looks good to me. Accepted thank you for joining. :)

Not a problem, he doesnt like using his power unless he absolutely has to, and thank you very much. :)
Name: Shadow

Nickname or title: The Dark Warrior

Age: young adult

Gender: male

Crush: Nope (not yet at least :) )

Mate: -

Pups: -

Profile: Born 1st in a litter of four I was the one who had to follow up my father. The litter existed of 3 males and 1 female, she was the youngest. My father completely disappeared when he went hunting, no one ever saw him any more. This happened when I was in my teens, I really wanted to become the Alpha, and I would, but I still had to learn a lot.

I started of as a very bad pack leader. But with some help from my uncle I improved a lot. My uncle has always been there for me, and since the death of my real father I have seen him as the one who was taking care of me as if he was my father.

But, as I grew older I didn't need his help any more, I wanted to lead the pack myself. The friendship between me and my uncle disappeared and my uncle started complaining on almost every decision I made for the pack. He started making suggestions which I didn't want to follow. And then, it happened. My uncle became so mad that I was completely ignoring him that during a dark winter night he killed my sister. I knew my uncle would probably defeat me in a fight, but I became so mad that I couldn't think about that, the only thing my mind was saying was: 'I need to kill my uncle'. So, while knowing my position in the pack was in danger I decided to fight him. I don't really remember how the fight went, all I still know is that I lost and that my uncle was now the Alpha Male. Only after being the leader of my own pack for about half a year I left the pack and fled into the forest. Now, being a young adult, I've been looking for a pack to join for almost 16 months.

When Shadow fled his former pack his younger brother, Spike, wanted to come with him. Up and till the day of today Shadow wants to meet Spike again and take revenge on what Shadow's uncle did to him.

Shadow, not being the smartest in the world, has always been the best hunter and fighter in his former pack, except for his uncle. The combination of his enormous strength and the use of his incredible well developed senses make this wolf very deadly. Shadow is not a wolf who lives to kill others, but if he needs to, he will.

His look and name might make you think different, but Shadow has a very good personality. He is always up for a joke, but he can also be very serious if he needs to. Being very scared of his history repeating, Shadow is also very loyal to the wolves with a higher rank. He doesn't get angry fast, but although he doesn't have any special powers, you don't want his strong claws and sharp teeth fighting against you.

Rank: Fighter/Soldier


Eye color: Bright blue

Scars or marks: Shadow has been in a lot of fights, but marks and scars can't be found.

Other: Shadow will never give up his mission: Find his uncle and kill him.
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]@bridges and @Jack2212 you both are accepted and thank you for joining

Awesome, thnx! 
The character Shadow is from now one played and owned by @Kevinbrechie

He actually created it on my computer.

Sorry for this confusion...
Name: Aaralyn

Nickname or title: Sleep weaver

Age: adult

Gender: Male


Looking at who I am now you would have thought I was a rebel, The black sheep of the family. Well you're wrong. I was the exact opposite of that. I was well obedient, never stepped out of line or challenge authority.

Mother was a beta. Father was a alpha healer, he taught me all he knew on medicinal plants, how to spot and use them. He loved me dearly, told me I could be anything I wanted. Even a alpha healer. I knew that wasn't going to happen, not with a power as useless as mine. But he kept on telling me that I could, eventually I started believing it too. Mother however hated my guts, she hated every fibre of my being. She thought I was a weakling, useless, good for nothing, the sort. Typically Aidan, the first of the litter, was her favourite. She trained Aidan herself, perfecting her every move without a single insult.

My life took a sharp turn when mother became an alpha was the last time I ever got to see father. she threw me out of the pack and from that day on I became a rouge, I had to to care for myself. Hatred for my mother as the days passed increased, so did my power. I could now look into dreams see their fears and deepest darkest secrets. This just came to show how much hatred can do for you.

It wasn't long before I met Morgan, he took me in and aided in enhancing my powers. Not long after I met Morgan my emotions started to fade until they were non-existent, I couldn't feel them any more.

I met my mother soon after and I killed her just before she fell asleep. I looked into her eyes as she died, so that she would see the frozen heart behind them. I relive that moment in my dreams.

I thought I wanted to kill mother, but I really just wanted to be saved from the hate that engulfed me. It's too late now.
or maybe it isn't.

Power: When he howls he produces a beautiful yet eerie melody that puts anyone who hears it into immediate sleep. If he chooses to he can look into your dreams

Rank: Exiled wolf

Picture or description:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beaa08a00_rp2.jpg.2d9703f332e0ea19c6f42912098fce61.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beaa08a00_rp2.jpg.2d9703f332e0ea19c6f42912098fce61.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eyes color: Amber

Other: he voluntarily went into exile



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[QUOTE="Pride&Perfection]May I join?


Fire Of Hearts is kinda busy, so I hope to help you as much as I can.

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