Falling From The Edge

Jasper winked slyly at Margaret, and looked back at Gavin and Asher. Asher's wound was dressed, but there was a tain of bright crimson on his shirt. Jasper shifted his weight from foot to foot, feeling slightly nauseated. Stupid red stains....

"Okay, we can go if you quit whining," Gavin said to Odile, not even bothering to hide his irritation. "Come on..." He started walking, his sword slapping his leg as he walked. Gavin was in a bad mood, Jasper could tell. By the way Asher held his head and shuffled his feet, he was in an unpleasant mood as well.....However, that was nothing new. He looked at the Reynards and rolled his eyes, expressing his mix of anxiety and irrtation, and started walking.

(Crap post....I'll get over my blocm eventually, I'm sorry >.<)
Ulric laughed, but none of them were sure why and they assumed that he was just drunk. "We'll make a quick stop at town for you, m'lady." He said. "And then, off to the woods!"

"Please don't tell me it's crawling with Elves." Odile muttered, and Ulric offered a sly smile.

"With elves, indeed!"

(that's alright. I've got to go:)))
(Okay, later =))

Gavin blinked and looked at Ulric, extremely irritated. "This is ridiculas, elves just tried to kill us and now - "

"No - you're wrong!" Ulric said with a drunken-sounding chuckle. "Reptillian beasts just tried to kill you."

"At the hand of an elf!"

Ulric shook his head again, and Gavin knew for certain what his problem was. The man drunk himself stupid.

Ulric smiled a gap-toothed smile and shook his head, pointing ahead of them. "Don't be such a brat. Move your feet!" he ordered, a look towards Asher and Odile when he said "brat".

Gavin rolled his eyes, but kept walking. Asher grumbled something foul and walked anyway. He was in no mood at all to argue with a drunk moron. Ulric, drunk and sober, was even worse then Jasper.....
It was a long walk, especially with everyone in such a foul mood. Odile was constantly complaining, while Margaret looked ready to slap her sister across the face at any moment. By the time they reached town, it was past noon.

"Here we are!" Ulric shouted. "I haven't been to town in years. More merchants here, I see. And taverns!"

Margaret grimaced at Ulric. "I'm going to get us food." Her tone made it clear that 'us' did not include the Bolbecs. Or Ulric, for that matter. "Ivan, find a place where you can properly wrap up your wound; these clothes are soaked already. And Odile, go with him and make sure he does just that, will you?'

With that said, she walked off towards the market, not bothering to wait for an answer. Odile rolled her eyes and mimicked Margaret's "yapping" to Ivan, who shook his head but smiled a little.

"Taverns!" Ulric yelled happily, and Ivan watched as he stumbled out of sight.
"Oh - Get me a bottle of ale!" Jasper called after Ulric as the old man rushed and stumbled away to his precious taverns. Asher, who was so irrate he could hardly even see straight, punched Jasper hard in the shoulder. "Ow! Wha....What the hell, Ash?!"

"Jas, unless you want to get hit again," Gavin warned, lightly shoving Jasper away from Asher, "don't call him 'Ash'."

"You call him Ash all the time. Just to spite him!"

"Well, yes....." Gavin paused, and looked Asher up and down. "But he's dangerous when he's like this."

Asher rolled his eyes, and tore a piece of fabric from his shirt. "Whatever...I'm re-wrapping my wound...Thanks for the worst dress
ever, Gavin...."

"Hey - you were fighting me!" Gavin argued, pointing a finger.

Jasper giggled. "Careful, Gavin - He's dangerous when he's like this!"

Gavin looked at him, looking ready to punch Jasper himself. Asher rolled his eyes and walked away, calling, "That Reynard brat isn't getting us anything. Go buy some food, Jasper. Come back with ale and cheese, and I
will kill you....."

Jasper realeased a sigh. "He is dangerous, isn't he? Gosh...." He looked at Ivan."Uh....Asher was kidding. Margaret is a very nice lady who just has some issues that apparently only Asher can see, and likes to- "

"Jasper, shut up and do what Asher told you to do."

Margaret stared at the cheese, squinted, then frowned. The cheese was no good, and the bread was stale. If there was one thing she missed about the Reynard residence, it was the food.

Margaret smiled grimly. She didn't seem to miss anything else, though. This was the first time she was able to get away for such a long period of time, without Father, without her trainer, without people watching her.

Funny how she didn't miss being the good daughter that everyone loved; back home, it was all she ever wanted. To be loved and accepted.

She was just enjoying the extra dose of freedom, she thought. Once she gets back, she will be that Margaret Reynard again. The one that acts like a lady and doesn't snap or roll eyes at people. It's all good and peachy.
Jasper brushed his hand along the wood of the table, looking at the meat and cheese that was to eb sold. What he wanted was a drink...But Asher would - What did he say again? Come back with ale and cheese and I will kill you. Yup, very Asher. Jasper was getting sick of his attitude. Stupid brothers....

WIth a sigh and a ruffle of his hair, Jasper decided on a bit of a lunch platter. He bought small slices of different cheeses, sweet meats, bread and grapes. He would have loved eating it with some ale, but noooo....That would piss poor Asher off. Asher didn't deserve a drink.

(Spazz boy, this character...)
"Jasper, aren't you?" Margaret said, not looking up from her meat. "Jasper Bolbec. The youngest one?" She's heard about him. Fast, agile. He didn't look all that dangerous, but she knew he was fast on his feet. She didn't know much else, though, and she would need more information if she really were to kill him.
Jasper jumped when he heard his name. Did they think he was stealing the food? He wouldn't do that - Gavin and Asher would murder him. He spun around - it the Reynard girl. "Oh, heh....Yup, that's me. And you're Margaret - the perfect one," he said, slightly embarassed. This girl wasn't dangerous. She was adorable. Like a...Like a bird. Cute, but not completely innocent.
Margaret scoffed. "Perfect? What's that supposed to mean?" Jasper was just a boy, she thought. He acts and thinks like one; doesn't seem like a bad person. Too bad he's a Bolbec; it's a shame she'll have to kill someone like this.
Jasper decided to let Asher take care of this one. Ash hated people who were just like him, it was perfect. Too bad Asher couldn't see the perfect resemblance between him and Margaret Reynard. "I meant nothing by it, Miss," Jasper said to her, his infamous smirk sliding across his face. "If you would prefer, I could call you the pretty sister. The spoilt Reynard. Ooh, how about the so-brave-she's-an-idiot girl?"

(He said spasmodically....)
(I haven't posted forever. Um, how was New Year? xD )

Margaret crossed her arms, obviously infuriated. She huffed. "Spoilt? Idiot?" She flipped a piece of her hair over her shoulder exasperatedly and began to march off, but not before giving Jasper a glare. "Watch your mouth, Bolbec. You don't get to mess with me."

Maybe this was a good time to start thinking of ways to slit his throat.
(Don't worry about it...My New year was awesome, I had a girl's night. We watched Water For Elephant, blasted music, and just spazzed out... xD How about you?)

Jasper put his hands up in faux surrendor as she stormed offin a huff. "Whoa, I was only messing with you. And, I threw pretty in, remember?" he said, fighting off a sly smirk. That wouldn't help him at all. He rolled his eyes as she left, wondering how it was that girls had such short tempers. Forget Asher - Margaret was a hot head.

With a sigh, Jasper took the food and left the store, trotting back to the camp. Margaret Reynard....The perfect girl....But, perhaps, she was a little too perfect?

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