Falling From The Edge


Junior Member
It's not close, but it's there. On the edge of the world, but they're willing to run and get it.

The Reynards and the Bolbecs' rivalry was not unknown. So when rumors of The Stone broke out, it wasn't a surprise that both clans began searching the world for clues, if only to outdo the other. What the rumors did not tell, however, is the destructive power The Stone carries; both of the clans knew of it, but neither of them would tell. Their mission is to find The Stone and eliminate their enemy with its power. But it wasn't easy.

Try as they might, they found nothing useful. That was until they found a drunk, old man in an Elven woods.

"On the edge of the world." That's what he said.

know that. But where exactly is the edge of the world?"

"Young lads like you are stupid."

As it turns out, he kno ws more than any of them did. With a promise of gold and alcohol, they begin their journey towards the Edge.

"Meanwhile, try not to kill each other," is what he said. And they kind of hate him.

(This is a one on one rp between WalkingDisaster and Pleba. Heck yeah.)







Combat skills:

Appearance (going for descriptions):


The Reynard Family

Ever since the downfall of the most famed family of knights, the Reynard took that place and began its rise to glory. A decade from that faithful day, the Reynard knights still stand by the King and fight for his rule. They are renowned and respected, not to mention prosperous, for all the good deeds they have done. The people favored and admired them, for the Reynards breed not only the brave and strong, but also the beauties of the land. Hidden behind their famous green eyes, however, are omnious secrets and dark history that they would never so much as acknowledge. The Reynards treasure their pride and glory above all, and would never let any of their filthy secrets leak into public.

Name: Margaret Reynard

Age: 21

Gender: female

Personality: Margaret is as close as perfect as she could get, and she tries. She is the firstborn child of Tristan and Laila Reynard, and she strives for perfection as to not disappoint them. On the outside, she is charming and friendly and outgoing and just enough. Inwardly, though, she can be bitter and sarcastic (because she tries so hard not to be all those things and it isn't healthy.)

History: as the Reynards firstborn, Margaret doesn't disappoint. She smiles like a happy young lady and trains diligently like a good soldier . Her parents love her in such a way that she stopped regretting being born a girl. Everyone else likes and admires her, too, and she's glad but there aren't many people whom she can be entirely herself with, with the exception of her siblings.

Combat skills: although she's spent her entire life in the comfort of the Reynard residence, she trains vigorously in hand-to-hand combat as well as specialized training. Margaret has control over fire element; she is able to create small fires to use in combat and is handy with a knife.

Appearance: she looks just like any Reynard daughter would: pretty, with bright emerald eyes and light blond hair, tanned skin and blushed cheeks

Other: none

Name: Odile Reynard

Age: 20

Gender: female

Personality: Odile is not nearly as loved or adored as her sister; she is too inderpendent, blunt and hot-tempered to be lady-like. Stubborn, she never backs down from an argument or gives up on something she's had her mind on. What she doesn't realize, however, is that she's much more honest than Margaret could ever be.

History: as a child, Odile is carefree and doesn't hesitate to speak her mind, even if it means angering the adults. She plays by her own rules and no one is allowed to tell her she is wrong. Odile has conflicting feelings for her sister, for while they understand each other in a way no one else does, Odile has always been jealous of Margaret and the way everyone loves her.

Combat skills: unlike her sister, Odile hates studying under her trainers, so she is not nearly as good as Margaret in physical combat. At young age, she liked to sneak out to the lower part of the twon, exploring until one of her father's men found her. She was never harmed, strangely, and eventually her trainer discovered her ability to go unnoticed by people. Since then, Odile has been practicing her invisibility, which was shortly followed by temporary statis (freezing one or more opponents) and barrier. This kind of power is easily disrupted , for all one has to do is distract the user. Odile, however, is gifted with a stronger mind than other and is able to specialize in it. (She deems her power as "useless" though, since she couldn't hit anyone with it.) Appearance: she looks similar to her sister, with the same skin, hair and eyes. Her face feature is noticeably sharper though.

Other: none

Name: Ivan Reynard

Age: 25

Gender: male

Personality: Ivan is the most mature of the three; he is calmer than his sisters and much more reasonable. He doesn't care about much unless he has to -- and unless it comes to his girls. He is extremely protective of his sisters, and often scares away men who show interests in them, much to the girls' dismay.

History: Ivan was adopted by Tristan when he was eight. His real mother died of a sickness that they didn't have the money to cure, and his father was caught stealing and arrested. Left on the street, Ivan was found by Tristan, who ended up adopting him. Ever since that day, he swore to stand by Tristan's side and fight for the man, no matter at what cost. Ivan now has a wife, Lauren, and a five-year-old son, Jack, back at home.

Combat skills: Ivan is skilled in many things because of the work he does for Tristan; even the dark, dirty ones. He is an exceptional fighter and is known for wielding a sword that can cut through steel (which isn't entirely true, but it's close enough.) He doesn't practice in specialized training, because he doesn't have the power that runs in the Reynard blood.

Appearance: Ivan looks nothing like a Reynard, with his dark brown hair and matching eyes; he looks just like any ordinary citizen and would be ridiculously easy to miss if not for the sword strapped on his back.

Other: none.
The Bolbec clan is a widely-known, proud group known fro bravery, strength and guilt. The Bolbec stamp is blue eyes and a shock of dark curly hair, almost always with a pale complexion - a sign of noble blood.

Gavin Bolbec

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Gavin is very big-headed. He was a prodigy as a child, and he is convinced this makes him of very, very high status - and he isn't afraid to wave this fact around. Although he can be mature at times, he enjoys getting on people's nerves - mostly Asher's.

As a prodigy, he was given plenty of pressure, just enough to match his parents' high hopes for him. His trainer had the same idea - be the one to teach the future's greatest. Not wanting to dissapoint anyone, Gavin trained hard and long, and became a great fighter and equestrian. Some where along the way, he grew a love for irritating people - particularliy Asher.

Combat skills: Gavin is strong and fast, and is not easy to defeat in battle. When and if he is brought to his knees, he will only come back twice as hard.

Appearance: When it comes to his appearance, Gavin is the odd-ball of the trio, taking after his grandmother in body, opposite in spirit. His hair is a sandy blonde color, and his eyes are a pale green. He is tall and muscled, and his skin is slightly tanned from working outside.


Name: Asher Bolbec

Age: 24


Personality: Asher isn't very pleasant. He is of noble blood, and he believes that everyone oughtta know that, and respect him for it. Being so egotistic can be bittersweet. Bitter, in that he can underestimate people. Sweet, because it gives him In his best mood, he is pleasent and polite. In his worst, he is rude and judgemental.

Asher was rather spoiled. By his friends, parents and trainer. However, not his siblings. He never cared - as the eldest son, he looked down on them, and still does. Although he thinks of himself as a superior, he knows when he needs to back down and show respect. The man who trained him and his brothers worked hard to try to bring Asher's ego down, but has never managed more then a temorary let-down. He still tries, and thinks that this quest could break Asher's stallion of an ego.

Combat skills: Asher's ability doesn't lie in offense, but in defense. He is quick and swift, and can dodge and come out with ease.

Appearance: Asher, being the eldest, is taller then his brothers. His hair is the same color as Jasper's, a common brown with a slight curl. His eyes are the same shade of rich blue, as well, but are far glassier, and can be compared to a cat's eyes - concentrated, glassy and peircing.


Jasper Bolbec

Age: 19


Personality: His friendly face and kind endeavor have fooled many. However, Jasper is a sneaky, conniving pest. He can be described as immature and goofy, and it is hard for him to take anything seriously. Under his seeming-thick shell, lies broken peices. Jasper will watch everything he does very closely, and works hard not to say or do anything too stupid. Despite this, it is hard not to love Jasper's kind and cool temperment. As long as he is in a good mood. Most people look at him and assume he is hiding something by his stance and general expression.

History: While his brothers were all training to be something great, Jasper was a bit more rebellious. He usually skipped his own training sessions, and this nearly ruined his fighting potential and gift.

Combat skills:
Jasper is quick and light on his feet. He can disarm an enemy in moments, and sometimes uses this to rob people. He can rob some one blind, and they never even know he was there.

Appearance: Jasper is one of the more classic Bolbec specimens. His hair is choppy, and a brown color. Under thick brown eyebrows are gemstone-blue eyes, like two raw sapphires cut into two. He is tall and skinny, but muscled and strong. Most people look at him and assume he is hiding something by his stance and general expression.


(Almost done =))
( I want to apologize for my failure to fill in the rest of my forms. I am still working on it, and I want to take the risk of promising that my forms and my family intro will be done before Monday =) )
(Gah ah....I'll try to finish up soon. If you're not totally pissed off with me, you can start, and I'll finish later. I have been so busy XP)
(Guess what. I'm insanely busy here too. Sorry. Seems like we're both living a chaos. I'll try to start if I have time. When you're ready, tell me. xD )
Odile counted to ten. Very, very slowly.

When Father said 'find the Stone and kill the Bolbecs', she had expected a 'kill on sight and get it over with' kind of mission. Obviously, things did not go quite as planned.

Instead of a great adventure through the perilous forests and a glorious confrontation with their enemies, she was stuck in a barely-standing shack with the Bolbecs, agreeing that they continue their journey together. Oh, and there's this alcoholic old man who lived in a forest and happened to be important. Apparently, he was the only one who could lead them to The Stone, and he refused to side with either of them (even thought the Reynard is obviously a better choice. What is wrong with this hermit?)

After a short discussion (and the glares exchanged between the two clans), they agreed to rest for the night and set out immediately once the sun rises. Odile made sure to sleep at the farthest corner; this house reeked of alcohol, or worse yet, of the Bolbecs' presence.
Asher wasn't very happy.

Actually...He wasn't very happy at all. He was standing in a house that reaked of Gavin's breath - sorry,
alchohol - with his parent's enemies' disfigured offspring. When he stood in the study with his brothers listening to the plans, he hoped and dreamt that it wouldn't be what he expected...And it was, which was somehow not the worst factor of it.

No. No, no, no - The worst part of his day was his horse-less hike through the forest with these morons - and the Reynards. This most certainly was not how he wanted to spend his time, and the mere prescence of these people made him crinkle his nose and turn his head away....Why couldn't he be studying? Or reading? Or training? Or riding? Or.....Shoving his dagger through his foot?
"Enough with the moping, Odile," Margaret rolled her eyes as she sat down beside her sister. "We know how you feel; it's not like any of us want to be around these lowlifes either. But you're just getting really annoying." It wasn't like her, really. She was that perfect daughter with the perfect smile, the one that talks perfect and walks perfect. But she was on a mission (with the Bolbecs, no less) and there was no one to really behave for, now was there?

"Be nice, you two. There will be more than enough fighting in near time." Ivan said, half of his mind on his sisters, the other half back with his wife and son, while his eyes kept watching the Bolbecs like a hawk. That haughty one - Gavin, was it? - was definitely to look out for. Ivan has heard of him before; he does have a fair reason to be arrogant. The other two he did not have nearly as much record on, but they were all Bolbec sons. Dangerous, all the same.

Odile huffed at Ivan's words, but remained silent. Earlier when it was decided that they cooperate with the Bolbecs (at least for now) she practically threw a tantrum ("with them? These lowlifes -- you've got to be joking.") Ivan silenced her, of course, and he seemed extremely unhappy when he did so. Told her to keep her thoughts to herself and not cause any troubles. Like she ever would!
Asher pressed his weight against the wall, watching the Reynards. He made eye contact with the elder one...Ivan, was it? He didn't approve of how closely Ivan was watching them. At all. It made him nervous.

Gavin punched Asher's shoulder with half his strength, almost knocking his brother over. "Perk up, Ash! Your moping is making me -"

"Damn it, Gavin!" Asher snapped, rubbing his shoulder while Jasper cackled in the corner. Jasper was fiddling with who-knows-what, turning what-ever-it-was around in his hands. Asher sighed, and looked at Gavin. "Touch me again, and I swear -"

Gavin smirked and clapped Asher's back. Asher's eyes lit up with something wicked, boring into Gavin's. This was possibly Asher's scariest way of warning his brothers away. Gavin put his hands up in surrendor, not saying anything.

Asher rolled his eyes, and ressumed his position on the wall. What was he doing? Right, the Reynards....

(I love and hate this post at the same time...
xD )
"Alright, lads, bed time." Ulric slurred, collapsing onto a thin sheet on the floor. "We'll be out at sunrise, and walking for a whole day." He frowned at his own words, his hand touching his back. "Very bad for an old man's back. You kids better pay me good."

With a roll of her eyes, Odile went to sleep. Margaret followed the suit. Ivan took one last glance at the Bolbecs before lying down. Ulric blew the candle and the day went black.

(don't forget, you play Ulric too :D )
Asher sighed, and lay down. He still wasn't happy, and his shoulder still hurt. If it hurt tomorrow, Gavin would be the one in pain. That crazy old hag of a man blew out the candle, and Asher's vision seemed to turn off.

He noticed that the Reynard girls were just as unhappy as he was. Ivan didn't seem to feel anything. Jasper was playing with Ulric's things and being immature - as usual. Gavin was....What was he doing? Oh, right - punching Asher. Asher sighed and closed his eyes, random thoughts carrying him to sleep.


Ulric dat on his chair, watching the children sleep. He had just woken up, and now it was their turn. The older man cleared his throat and banged some pots togethor. The blonde Blbec warrior snapped his head up, looking around frantically. The hyper Bolbec boy sat up in bed, screaming, "I didn't do it!" The eldest, the one who must have thought he was some sort of Prince, groaned and flipped over.
"Oh, for the love of God..." Margaret muttered, running a hand over her closed eyes. Sighing, she slowly propped herself up on he elbow. Odile was still soundly asleep; the noise that Ulric was making didn't seem to affect her whatsoever. "Odile," she hissed, shaking her frame. "Odile, it's light out."

Odile stirred, but didn't respond. Margaret made a noise that could have been a groan and said, "Ivan, wake her up, will you?" She has never been really respectful to Ivan, not in a way she would her real brother. He was adopted, after all, and ever since she can remember Ivan has treated her like a master rather than a sister.

Ivan, already wide awake, nodded and began shaking Odile's shoulders.

"Old man," Margaret said, untangling her long hair with her hands. None of them even bothered to hide their annoyance with Ulric, the moment he announced the two clans must cooperate because he said so. "Stop it with the pots, will you?" She said, the same moment that Jasper shot up and yelled something.

Ulric stopped, laughing loudly. Odile was up. "Alright, lads. Time to head off."
Jasper rubbed the back of his head, looking at the old guy. "You're more obnoxious than I am...."

"How impressive," Gavin muttered, ruffling his blonde hair. He looked at Asher, who hadn't moved but was clearly awake. "Asher, get up, you bum."

Asher groaned, but didn't move. "How typical!" Jasper exclaimed, and slapped his brother hard on the back. Asher shot up and grabbed Jasper's wrist, pulling him closer and hissing something low but harsh. Jasper clearly undertood every word, as he now looked extremely....Nervous. He took his wrist back and stood up, stretching his arms but keeping an eye on Asher. Gavin blinked, and looked at his crazy older brother.

"What did you
do to him?" Gavin asked as Asher stood up and stretched.

"I just wished him a good morning," Asher said with a wave of his hand while Ulric laughed even harder.

Gavin looked at the Reynards. "Every. Single. Morning. I'm serious."

"What part of 'time to head off'aren't you boys getting?" Ulric shouted, now perfectly calm. "Move it!"
The forest was thick, and not exactly safe. It's an elven woods and those stray elves don't like it when humans come into their territory, especially the King's men. Ivan kept his grip on his sword and wondered how the old man managed to live here.

Odile was hungry. When she had asked Ulric about breakfast, he had shook his head and said, "what, do you see food in here?" And, indeed, there was no food. Odile groaned and kicked at the dirt.

There was a sound to Margaret's right. She didn't know what, but there was something. She glanced at Ivan and saw that he, too, had noticed.

An arrow emerged from the thick trees, missing Odile by an inch, and flew towards Ivan. Metal clashed as he parried the arrow away with his sword.
Jasper dragged his feet, kicking clouds of dirt that swirled by his feet. He was exhausted. What did that Ulric dude have against sleep, anyway? Gavin didn't look too tired at all, but that was probably because the guy woke up way too early every single morning to....Do what ever it was Gavins do.

Suddenly, Jasper felt the air thicken. An arrow missed the Reynard girl, Odile, by just an inch, and would have pierced his chest if he hadn't had his sword.

"Are you alright?" Gavin asked quietly, drawing his sword. Asher drew his dagger - which was stupid of him - and Jasper put a hand on hsi sword's hilt. Gavin, being the Bolbec better trained in abushes by a landslide, looked around and kept quiet. Anotehr arrow landed at Asher's foot, coming from the same direction as the first arrow.
Ivan stared at the arrow warily. "Elves," he muttered. Another arrow flew towards them, but Odile, exasperated and determined to save her face, threw it off with her barrier.

A branch broke. Ivan turned around just in time to see lizard-like creatures, about two meters of length, emerged from the trees with a disturbing silence. Behind Ivan, Odile let out a strange, squeaking noise ("What on earth-!") The things (ten of them, he counted) crawled towards them with a surprising speed. Ivan brought his sword down to its neck, creating a pool of dark blood on the grass, and was about to pull his sword out when an arrow struck his forearm.

Margaret's eyes widened. "I'm getting that sniper," she said, dodging the lizard-thing's teeth, then made her way into the trees where the arrow came from.

"Margaret!" Ivan called. "Margaret, don't-" but she was gone. Ivan dropped his sword and began attacking the things with a knife in his left hand.
Gavin planted his sword in one of the creatures' chest, unnaturally dark blood spilling from the wound. He yanked his sword out to Jasper asking, "Is your sister always that stupid?" Gavin was about to ask what she did, when one of the little monsters came running towards him, using his distraction. Gavin, however, never let his guard down to begin with.


"Hey! You alright?" Jasper found himself aking the Reynard boy. His dumb sister was racing towards the trees.....Idiot! The dark-headed boy slashed at another lizard-beast, delaying an attack on himself. Jasper was tuck on defense; he couldn't find a good -


Jasper looked around, lazily blocking his own opponent. He hoped that it was one of the Reynards, he couldn't handle it if Gavin or...Asher's side was bleeding. Oh, why was Asher's side bleeding? Asher can't
bleed! Asher was still fighting fine....Jasper hoped it was just a graze. As he thought this, his scaly opponent struck out, snatching Jasper's attention back. Jasper just barely managed to block, and swung hi knife back and struck lizard-boy's heart.
Just as the lizard went down, Ivan turned and pushed Jasper into a tree. "Margaret knows what she's doing. So keep your mouth shut." Margaret was good and she knew it, and although he was worried, he was sure she can handle herself. Odile, on the other hand... not so much.

Odile grimaced as yet another giant lizard collapsed, spilling blood everywhere. Ugh. I need a shower. Margaret has gone into the trees to get that sniper, hogging the big target yet again. it's always Margaret this, Margaret that. Margaret fights better and Margaret takes down the elf while Odile slashes some lizards. Odile huffed, dodging a blow as she did so.

The elf didn't stand a chance, Margaret thought. He was young and apparently inexperienced, the way he ran and moved and held his knife. Too jumpy, Margaret told herself. He actually reminded her quite a bit of Odile.

Lying on the ground now, he looked so helpless Margaret wanted to laugh. There was a fresh scorch mark on his arms, Margaret's own handiwork, and he was writhing on the grass like a fallen, little deer. Margaret took a deep breath and lunged the knife into his heart.
Jasper blinked, a bit shocked at this new turn of events. "Uh, okay....I guess I'm sorry.....Please stop acting like my brother and get off me." He lightly shoved Ivan off of him, and just in time to see Gavin kill the last lizard. Typical Gavin.....

Gavin knit his eyebrows at Ivan, probably a silent warning to leave Jasper alone. Jasper, though, was worried about Asher, who was cleaning off his sword. He
looked fine, but he wasn't. Asher was bleeding. "Is everyone okay?" Gavin asked, dragging his sword through the grass to clean it off.

"Ash, what caused you to bleed?!" Jasper blurted out stupidly. Oh, Asher was going to get him for that later, he just knew it....

"Don't call me Ash, Jasper," Asher snapped, his hand going immedietley to the cut on his ribs. "Really, I'm fine....Where's what's-her-face, uh....Margaret?"

(Ugh, block...)

"She'll be back soon enough," Ivan said, inspecting the wound on his forearm. Odile rushed to him, worried, and began wrapping clothes around it. "Margaret can take care of herself. She-"

"Can we stop talking for Margaret for one minute?" Odile hissed in Ivan's ear. "And maybe pay more attention to your injury?"

Ivan looked at Odile evenly. "Alright," he said. "I'm fine, mostly. It doesn't hurt too much; I just need to wait a little, for it to heal. Meanwhile, I'm alright with using my left hand."

Odile opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted when Margaret emerged from the trees, unscathed. She calmly walked to Ivan and looked at wound, nodded, and exhaled loudly. Odile crossed her arms and looked away, stopping to stare at Asher's cut. What's-her-face, Margaret, huh. She couldn't help but smiled a little at the thought. Normally, people don't talk about Margaret like that. It was nice to get away from that place where everyone practically worshiped the ground Margaret Reynard walked on.

(block here, too xD )
Gavin rolled his eyes at Asher. "Come here," he ordered his older brother, strong arms folded. Asher was about to protest he was fine, that he could dress his cut himself, blah, blah, blah....Nope. Not happening. "Come here, you jack ass." Asher only rolled his eyes, but walked over anyway.

"Gavin, you're an idiot," Jasper snapped. "He's hurt, he can't walk all the way -"

"Shut it, Jasper. Ow!" Asher winced as Gavin pressed a shred of his shirt against the wound, soaking up the blood and stopping any further bleeding. Jasper didn't want to look at it....So he looked at Ivan's arm, instead. Odile seemed happy about Asher's
what's her face...Margaret comment. This somehow amused Jasper. Margaret must have been the Gavin of the Reynard family.
"Can you maybe, oh I don't know, speed up a little? It just happens that none of us has had breakfast yet; I'm starving, but not enough to eat that thing," Odile narrowed her eyes at the corpses of the lizards. She hated staying in one place for long, especially where there's no food and she's hungry, and the men squabbling like little girls wasn't helping.

"Odile," Ivan warned. His little sister caused him way more trouble than anyone (nobles, knights, thieves, giant-lizards-but-not-really) could ever dream to. They were always trying to get her to speak like a lady, walk like one, talk like one, but of course Odile would run (litterally, sometimes) and it was his job to catch her. The girl never listened to anyone.

Margaret noticed the way Jasper was looking at her, mildly amused, like he knew something. She crossed her arms, irritated. Teenagers.

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