Fallen University



Gender: female

Age: 17

Species/Power: werewolf

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/1312909820_nina-dobrev-402.jpg.5bde4cde724a6e1866780896878308c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1235" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/1312909820_nina-dobrev-402.jpg.5bde4cde724a6e1866780896878308c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: I am very outgoing, and can be a complete brat at times. I talk a lot and can get to be very annoying at times. I enjoy partying a lot, and can tend to get into a lot of trouble if no one stops me.

History: I have a troubled past and don't like sharing

Other: i only turn on a full moon 
there I edited my skelly. can I please start



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Tigergirl2013, OK, one problem with your character. The problem is that your person can only be one monster. You are half hybrid half were-wolf. And we don't have hybrids, only people who can fly, and it is optional to have wings. They're called Fly boys/girls. So, if you don't change this, I must ask you to leave. Thank you.
Name: Jayce Marlowe

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species/Power: Vampire

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdad59261_punkboy.jpg.9ab963da7cadb96494ade16455444992.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1247" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdad59261_punkboy.jpg.9ab963da7cadb96494ade16455444992.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Jayce is a person who is mistrustful, and selfish. He really only sticks out for himself, and would leave someone in a heartbeat if it benefited him.

History: Jayce was raised in a very old, very well-to-do family. They were rich and powerful; providing a selfish vampire everything he needed. He never wanted for anything, and had people to do his bidding whenever he wanted. It wasn't long before he wanted more. He had everything, but it wasn't enough. He began to get himself into trouble that worried his parents. He would get many tattoos, piercings, do drugs, drink to the point of uncontrollable rage, take human girls home at night only to eat them in the morning, and simply cause chaos. They didn't try and stop him; they didn't want him unhappy. They decided the best thing for him would be to send him to schools. He was sent to many different places, and was almost always sent back within a month. He stayed in only one place for longer than 6 months; a small private school off the coast of England. It was there that he met a girl who changed him, but when the time came he left her. Simply because there were new parties to go to in other places.

Eventually, his parents grew tired of finding new entertainment for him, so they sent him here, against his will. For once they threatened him and demanded he went somewhere to "straighten him out". So here he is, ready to be made into a real vampire.

Other: Jayce is not a friendly person in general, he is cruel and sadistic. But if you by chance get let in, you will find that there is more to him than most people consider possible.

Name: Sebastian (Bass) Cavendish

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species/Power: Elf

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdad55e6a_blackhairboy2.jpg.80f10df2bda759f199481858153c4fe8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bdad55e6a_blackhairboy2.jpg.80f10df2bda759f199481858153c4fe8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Sebastian is a real gentleman. He is polite: always. He has impeccable manners, and is a wonderful student. He excels in sports, does his homework, and helps others when they need it. Seemingly "perfect", Sebastian took a turn for the worse when his younger sister died. He was only 16 years old when it happened, and in only the course of one year Sebastian has fallen. He stopped going to school. He didn't go to practice. He kidnapped his longtime girlfriend and locked her in his closet for three days, just because she said she didn't want to go to the movies with him that night. He grew cold and ugly inside, while his shell was delicate and beautiful. His parents sent him to this academy in hopes that he would heal, and perhaps even meet someone who would fix him.

They are frightened of what he's become, and what he will do if he isn't fixed.

Personality: While he used to be a gentleman, Bass is now a twisted, cold, and jagged scrap of what he used to be. He spends more time thinking of ways to viciously murder his teacher than he does learning the lesson.

Other: I think it's all covered.



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Thank you

Name: Griffin

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Species/Power: werewolf


Personality: Griffin is very friendly and makes a ton of friends, he never lies even if it hurts the other person. He is easy to get along with

History: Griffin was raised by his grandmother and she taught him to be a gentleman and treat everyone with respect, his parents passed away when he was 3 in a car crash which he would later learn about. At griffin's old school he was constanl harassed and his grandmother pulled him out of school thinking it was for the best. She moved him out here to live with his aunt genine. He now lives with his aunt and uncle and 2 younger cousins.

Other: Griffin is known around most of the girls for helping them out he is super friendly 
Thank you

Name: Andrea but goes by Andy

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species/Power: fairy


Personality: she was very sweet but somewhat shy, she can be mischievous but it is small little pranks, she normally brings the best out of people

History: Andy grew up with her mother in San fransico, her dad was never really part of her life till her mother passed and her father claimed her. When her mom passed away she curled in on herself and shut herself off from all her friends. Now she is living with her dad and her stepmother who is 8 years older than her. She is learning to let people in and make friends after the tragic loss

Other: she is a bit shy and needs help transitioning
OK, then, anyway you are accepted! Again. LOL, just remember to put a picture if you can, when you can. Either that, or describe them or something.
Name: Draco Blu Johnson

Nickname: Drake or Fluffy(Fluffy if you want to annoy him xD )

Place of Birth: England

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Power/Ability: Draco was born with the ability to shape shift. He can change into any animal, or human being he desires. When he shifts to the body he desires, he possesses their monster, being a werewolf, a elf etc.. The only thing that makes him visible to his enemy's as himself are his gold eyes, which appear in any form that hes in.

Personality: Draco is extremely flirtatious and rather daring. He is a brutal killer, and enjoys the grossest of things. He has a very "Whatever" attitude and can be extremely loud and obnoxious. He does his best to embarrass people and usually hides every emotion besides his signature smirk. Draco hates to be around cheerful people, and usually sticks to his few friends.

Drake is 6'2 and has a slender, muscular frame.


Draco was born into an abusive family in England. His father smoked, took drugs and drank. Oh lord did he drink. Draco watched as his mother got abused, and soon his father turned to him. His mother finally left, and she just couldn't take Draco with her. Draco, well, he never understood why. His father beat him, and beat him physically and mentally. That's what formed his bitter mindset and toughened him up. He stalks away from love, that's what ruined him, his mother, he loved her, hell, he cherished her. He eventually became aware of his powers and mauled his father to death. He was sent to the school soon afterwards, he used his powers to torture people, and sometimes he still does.

Other: When he finds one that he loves, he either avoids them completely, or he softens up around them, he has an under layer of a more sweet, sensitive personality. Markings: Draco has multiple piercings on his ears, two below his lower lip, he has a tattoo of a slither of blood running down his upper arm, there's a scar running along the side of his neck.
Sock, one thing. I feel that your character is god-modding. And to make everything fair, please make that when Draco does turn into a human, he doesn't posses their power. Oh sorry about that, but it's just fair. :)

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