Fallen University

Fallen University by Scibbler101

Story here

Role-Play here!

Welcome to our University.


1.) Some site rules apply.

2.) Have up to 10 people

3.) What I say goes

4.) Have fun!

5.) Have up to two sentences.

6.) Please be active


Skelly Instructions

Name: (Regular name)

Nickname: (Monster name?)

Gender: (Sex, male, female)

Age: (How old are you? 16-19)

Species/Power: (What are you?)

Looks: (What do you look like?)

Personality: (How do you act?)

History: (optional) (Who were you?)

Other: (Anything else?)











My Characters

My Good Guy/Girls

Name: Leland R. Marvel

Nickname: Fly Boy


Gender: Male

Age: 18

Species/Power: Fly Boy


(with white wings)​

Personality: He a sweet guy, and means well. He is a flirty also. LOL

History: He had trouble in school, kids picking on him. So then, he took a girl and flew her up to space, and let her die, and then dropped her. So then, his parents sen him here.

Other: He may hurt your feeling by accident.

Name: Julie S. Morton

Nickname: One who walks the night

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species/Power: Were-wolf



Personality: She is sweet and fragile at times. She has a soft heart, but if needed, she can fight.

History: Well, for met a boy vampire, and instantly fell in love with him. Then, her parents found out and sent her here.

Other: She tries to be strong.

Name: Agnis V. Maxwell

Nickname: Elasi-girl

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species/Power: Elastic



Personality: She is very cool. She's loves jamming out to her music, and is a real sweetie.

History: She doesn't much like her power, and didn't use her power in a long time, trying to hide it.

Other: She is very pretty!


My Evil Guys/Girls

Name: Hugo D. Harrington

Nickname: Man with a thousand faces

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Species/Power: He's a shape-shifter, only people



Personality: He may seem like a really nice guy. Sweet, strong, and funny. But, everything you may seem from him might not be real. This is just one of his many faces. No one ever knows what he really looks like. He's a liar and a cheat.

History: He doesn't tell you much anything, most everything is a lie.

Other: Bad boy.

Name: Andrew R. Powell

Nickname: Fire Breather

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species/Power: Dragon boy.


Dragon Looks:​



((color of red though, like the one above))

Personality: He a guy who keeps to himself at times. His eyes go through you like ice, and the can melt your heart. His skin cold to the touch, but his lips seem so warm and temping. He gorgeous and you can fall for him, but he seems to not have feelings, so he might not care for you. He's not very evil, but he seems to have no heart.

History: He can barely tell you his middle name, rather than his history.

Other: Shy guy, but he does like cars and 'fashion.' (as you can see through his photo)

Name: Celestine Dubois

Nickname: Blood-Sucker

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species/Power: Vampire



Personality: Just like my Evil Boys, she is sly and somewhat a lair. She can seduce you easily (because of her long beautiful legs and some other things) and she can trick you like that. She seems real, but can be fake at times. She has never had true love either.

History: To be honest, she doesn't remember much.

Other: She is French, and has a middle name, but in French culture, that only use Middle names for paper work and don't show it on their actual names.

'Principle' of Fallen University

Name: Jayden S. Vernon

Nickname: Principle

Gender: Male

Age: 21 (pretty young for a principle)

Species/Power: Physic, he can do many mind things. It helps him with his job.




Personality: He is very intelligent and graduated high-school at a young age. (age 16) He loves to be in charge, and does teach some himself. He can be a flirt, but usually not with students. He is good-looking and sometimes teachers can get too comfortable with him. He's hilarious and sweet. And is bound to be a great Dad when he marries.

History: Like he said before, he graduated at a very young age.

Other: He loves dogs and hunting.

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Name: Evelynn

Nickname: Evie

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species/Power: (Can I cross an Elf and a Fly girl? If not...) Fly Girl

(with bright blue eyes)

Personality: Shy, very quiet. Polite when spoken to, but she keeps to herself mostly. No one has had a very long conversation with her, and she has an air of mystery about her.

History: Evelynn grew up in a family of monsters. They were rich, very powerful, and uptight. Evelynn was nothing like them. While they wanted to sit indoors, working on knowledge and business plans, Evelynn was outside in the woods, doing god knows what. One day she was confronted by her cold-hearted parents, who insisted that she go to a boarding school in France. Naturally, Evie didn't want to go. That was the night she brutally murdered her parents with a kitchen knife and a pair of scissors.

Other: While Evie may be very pretty, she is also very evil.

Very, Very evil.
Name: Chorrlett Rose Lane ( Goes by Charlie)

Nickname: Physics

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species/Power: Physics. She can sometimes see the future. She can also see a person's past with one touch.


(Deep green eyes)

Personality: She is quiet and at most times keeps to myself. Charlie stays in the back round and observes. She tries not to get to personal with people but when she does she will be a loyal and great person to have around. If she warms up to you, you will find that she has a lot to say.

History: Charlie was picked on a lot at her old school. People called her a freak and a spaz, and much much more. She didn't have any freinds. People did horrible and mean things to her that she had never told anyone. Her mother sent her here hoping that she would make friends here with people like her.

Other: She wears a neackless. The neackless is spell bound, so that she can touch people without seeing into their life. When she doesn't have it on she will not make constant with anyone.
Name: Kaylen Simmens

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species/Power: She is a dragon. Her powers include transforming into a dark ice dragon and controlling water and ice, in both human and dragon form, but she does have more power when in dragon form.

Looks: As a human, she is tall, skinny and curvy. Her skin is fair and flawless (except for the tattoos scattering her body) and her hair is black and pencil straight. She has bangs that cover her forehead and her eyes are a dark blue. When she is in dragon form, she completely transforms into a flying moster.Her scales are a beautiful blue and her eyes shine a bright sapphire.

Human Form:



Dragon Form:


Personality: She is a flat our rebel. She had a deep hatred for authority figures or anyone in a higher rank than herself. She is very flirtatious when it comes to guys she finds attractive. She is also kinda a slut. She is a dying breed, if you catch my drinf. Also, she is very blunt and straight forward. She will be a total bitch to someone without thinking twice about it.


Name: Ryan Shaw

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species/Power: Werewolf

Looks: She had long brown hair that is wavy and goes down to her waist. She eyes are a brilliant forest green and her skin is tan. Her face is scattered with freckles. She is talk and skinny, with an hourglass figure.



Wolf Form:


Personality: She is very strong and touch. Because she is a werewolf she has a very strong sence of family love and loyalty. If you manage to get into her heart, she will protect you with her life. However, if you break her trust or her heart, you will be a dead man the next time she sees you.


Name: Tyler Bount

Nickname: Ty

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Species/Power: Telekinesis

Looks: He is tall and has a strong body, his shoulders are broud. He has brown hair that can get a little messy and he has hazel eyes. He also has a tatto in the back of his right shoulder.


Personality: He is a very sarcastic and flirty guy. However, he also has a very good sence of humor and loves when he gets people to laugh. He may screw up sometimes but he is a very good guy with good intentions.

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Name: Melody Shay Channing

Nickname: doesn't have one

Gender: female

Age: 17

Species/Power: can fly

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.951f43f63439f71f6faa556809e7e174.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1125" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.951f43f63439f71f6faa556809e7e174.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Nice, Stand up for what's right, kinda quite

History: she doesn't know anything about her past its like she just woke up one day and was there.



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Miggle, you may only be one species, so I see you want to be a Fly Girl. I like your character! :) Very cool twist in her personality and history. You're accepted!

Shy Shadow, I like your character too! Her history is sad, but might do something cool in future RPing! I also love her powers, it pretty neat. You're accepted!

WolfsbaneRain, OK, but um, before you continue on your characters, Kaylen can't be a demon because demons aren't part of the species. If you read the Info, then you would know. She could be a dragon girl though.

Anna Estes, question. Where is the rest of the skelly? LOL, just wondering. Oh wait, never mind, you have everything besides the 'Other', but that's OK. You are accepted! LOL
Let's give this a try! :)

Name: Elayne Burke

Nickname: Ellie

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species/Power: She is a physics healer. They classify her a physics because of how she heals. Some people believe that if one thinks of absolute positive thoughts, then that person will be well. Using mental imaging, positive energy, and an ora of well-being, Elayne can heal many injuries. Her one downfall deals with conflicts within herself. She has to heal, whether she likes the person or not. There is no getting around it.

Looks: Elayne stands around 5 feet 8 inches, with frizzy, shoulder-length, dark blonde hair that she has to always blow out of her faice. Because of her power, her eyes are a sparkling silver. Her figure is thin, her hands delicate, and she always seems to be smiling. Her kindly face is one that would put anyone at ease. Her skin is fair, and she has a few freckles, even though she tries to hide them.

Personality: Elayne is shy at first glance, but can carry a conversation rather well, once she is aproached. If you know her well, she is quick witted and sarcastic. When she gets nervous, she rambles, a lot. Because of her power, Elayne is conflicted at times. She loves the power to heal, but she is always drawn to those with an injury, whether or not she gets along with the patient or not. It is simply in her nature to heal. Sometimes she is prone to dark moods and reflecting.

History: Elayne grew up in a small town, with a loving family. She was an only child, homeschooled by her stay-at-home mother as her father made the money at his lawyer job. Once Elayne turned 12, however, she began to notice that strange things would happen around her. She could not explain it, but when her mother injured her hand on the gas stove they had, Elayne was able to heal it instantly. This was a small act, but they began to grow ever more powerful. Elayne tried to hide it, though seeing her run to the next patient could be comical at times, and eventually her parents knew it was time for her to attend Fallen University.

Name: Brennan Duane

Nickname: There's no way he'd go by a nickname unless you were in his inner clique.

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Species: Werewolf

Looks: Brennan stands 6 foot 2, weighing about 160 pounds. He is lean, but well muscled, with a slightly tanned complection. His dark brown hair is ear-length, and is usually combed and neat, unless he has just ran his fingers through it, a major habbit of his. His eyes are a deep blue, and they have a piercing quality when they look at anyone. He is seen in jeans and T-shirts most of the time, choosing casual over formal.

Personality: Brennan is arrogant and believes he will get his way in most cases. As someone with a natural tendancy toward leadership, he hopes to be alpha of a pack someday, and he shows this, sometimes a little too much. He is a bit of a flirt, and in most cases, it's the female werewolves who he has an eye on. If he is to have a pack, he needs a mate, of course. But, once past his walls, he has an infectious smile and an easy-going personality, and though it's hard for him to trust, he definitely wants to, and is almost desperate for companionship.

History: Brennan hardly speaks of his past, so no one really knows of it. All anyone knows is that he grew up in an orphanage, and took to the streets when he was young. Found by an elder pack member, Brennan was told that during the next full moon he would begin to experience a change. Born this way, or attacked? Brennan keeps it a guarded secret. Eventually his elder mentor sent him to Fallen University to learn how to be a leader of a pack.

I'm totally blind, so I can't exactly go get pictures. I hope the descriptions will do, and if anyone wants to find me pictures, that'd be totally cool! :)
Name: Kellan

Nickname: Doesn't really have one.

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Species/Power: Shape-shifter

Looks: Kellan is below average on his weight of a mere 128 pounds but this is because of his past. He is muscular despite his circumstances. Kellan stands at 6 feet exact with fair skin and broad shoulders. His black hair brushes the tips of his shoulders and is commonly spiked in the back and pulled slightly forward in the front. His eyes are silver with flecks of a golden brown color in them. Scars, carefully hidden from normal view, mar his body, reminders of his brutal past. Burns, knife punctures, and large bruises cover his back, shoulders, legs, arms, and chest.

Personality: Kellan is mean, rude, and aggressive, but this is only to keep people out and to guard himself. He also builds walls around himself for the same reason. Once past his walls and front personality he can be sweet, caring, and gentle. A lot of noise at one time can cloud his senses and make him bolt from the situation. Kellan is very independent, cunning, brave, protective, distant, and cautious. He fiercely protects loved ones, friends, and the innocent/defenseless to the death.

History: Not much is known of Kellan’s birth parents or who they are. He was born the quickly abandoned at the steps of an orphanage one cold December night. At two and a half years old, Kellan was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Hershel. He was raised by this couple as a normal child unknown to anyone that some day he would become a monster. That day happened near his ninth birthday. He tried to keep his shifting ability a secret but his family eventually found out, after that moment things began to spiral downwards. His once loving parents began to abuse him and keep him chained in the basement. Each day was a new kind of torture. They became very creative with his punishments.

Other: He loves music, drawing, and photography. He often prefers to be by himself and hates big crowds or storms. He is a best ease in the woods or dark spaces/rooms.

Anjehlessa, very cool characters! I love their history, and it's OK, the 'LOOK' part of the skelly was well descriptive! :) You are accepted!

WasBroken77, oh my gosh! Kellan's history is sooo sad! :( *TEARS UP* Anyway, you are accepted!
Thank you! :smile 2: (I must warn you that the o button on my computer may not work at all times so please forgive me for this.)
WasBroken77, you're welcome! And I will keep that in mind. Just put a space in the word where the 'o' is suppose to be. (EXAMPLE: welc me!)

WolfsbaneRain, OK cool, so now you are accepted and you are OK to Role-play! :)

Anna Estes, you missed your 'Other' part of your skelly, but it's OK that you didn't put it on, I mean, it you had nothing extra about your character. And, I also had edited my post from before, realizing my mistake:

Scribbler101 said:
Anna Estes, question. Where is the rest of the skelly? LOL, just wondering. Oh wait, never mind, you have everything besides the 'Other', but that's OK. You are accepted! LOL
But yeah, sorry about that! Anyway you are accepted! :)
Name: Ember Retrokov

Nickname: Sparkplug

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species/Power: Half-Dragon. Sparkplug has enhanced speed, strength, flight, and can control electricity (she has half of an electricity dragon, after all). She also can heal relatively faster then a normal being, and has incredibly advanced reflexes.

Personality: Sparkplug has multiple personality disorder. Henceforth, by name having MULTIPLE personalities.

*There is her cold, collected, calm and icy personality. This side of her is the most intelligent in the ways of strategy and certain chemical sciences. This personality also causes the heavy impulse to dissect living things. While in this manner she can come across as harsh, or even mean, and has intensely logical manners.

*Then we have her eccentric, hyper, excitedly crazy personality. This is probably the most dangerous of her personalities, as this is where she lacks the control needed to maintain her full powers without causing accidental mass destruction. This side of her is an inventor, thoughtful and intelligent, fun-loving and curious, a scholar who adores books and tinkering.

*Now we have the "fighter" personality. This personality causes her to come off as an anti-social loner, a swift and witty person who, when needed to, will beat you down with clever comments holding an astonishing precision. She will come across as a bit......well, strong, but does truly care deep, deep, deep, deeeeeeeepppppppppp down.

*This personality is a leader. A strongly compassionate, and simply passionate, visionary who is there for your every need (be it protection or advice). While in this personality, she is more of a pacifist.....but is willing to do what it takes to withhold the safety of others.

History: SP's mother was a human, a beautiful and stunning female. Her father happened to be a dark dragon, and non-other then a widely feared serial killer at that. While in human form, the cunning dragon seduced the woman, as he saw something so gorgeous in her that he had no choice but to take control. When he was done, he revealed his true self to her....and the woman wanted nothing more to do with him. Infuriated, the heart-broken dragon tried killing the woman. But a better idea came to him. Using black magic he tainted her with a terrible poison, a venom that would slowly kill her from the inside. Then he disappeared.

The dying woman then discovered she was PREGNANT with the dragons child. She was mortified, horrified, and terrified. The woman even beat herself in the stomach in attempt to rid the child, as she was to embarrassed to go to professionals. Yet, the child was still there. The woman grew to hate and resent the child. Already, she thought that a monster was growing inside of her. When the child was finally born, the woman was even more disgusted. She cut off the babies tail and wings, plucking each and every scale from its body. But in less then a day, they all grew back. The woman brutally tortured the "monster" baby for 10 months. But the baby was already intelligent and aware, always telling her mommy that she loved her, pleading and begging at why her dearest mother was hurting her. Every day, things got worse. The mother was still dying from the virus, and the baby was ALSO infected. Then they got the offer.

Some government scientists had found out about this. They offered medical treatment to the mother, if she gave them her child. More then happily she obliged. But the scientists had lied, there was no treatment for the mothers condition. They turned her out on the streets and took the baby. For 12 years they experimented on the little girl. For 5 of those years, she would always scream and cry for her mommy. But this tortures hardened her. By the age of 7, she was cold and felt nothing but hatred to the scientists. 7 years later, after all of this cruel and inhumane punishment they bestowed upon the child, she went berserk. Sparkplug destroyed everything. All the labs, the scientists, the experiments. She had lost complete control. When her fit of madness was over, she was as horrified of herself as her mother had been to her child. Sparkplug ran away.

After 3 years of living alone in the desert, Sparkplug went a bit....crazy. Having nobody to communicate with in fear of harming them, the half-dragon girl began talking to herself. She had horrible hallucinations, creeping and evil voices that plagued her mind. The poison's effects only worsened, and they were slowly killing her from the inside. Then the school's administrators found out about her, and the incident. They hunted her down and after severe detainment, brought her to this school.....the best place to watch her, and wait.


Appearance: Sparkplug has bluish-purplish-silverish hair cut to her chin in a very short and choppy way. Her eyes a large and intelligent, yet the purple reptilian eyes of a dragon. Even in human form, on her back she has large black, dark blue, and silver wings, and a long tail of the same colors. She has trails of the scales coming from along her spin, to the backs of her arms, legs, neck, hands, and feet. Otherwise, her skin is naturally pale in color, and is covered by many old scars. Her feet are normal sized for a human girl, but are fully armored (up to her knee) and resemble more like that of a feminine dragon. She has large ears like a dragon, which when not hidden under a hood or a hat are very expressive and sensitive to sounds. Sparkplug ALWAYS wears her black combat boots, black leather gloves, and pilot goggles. And she never takes off the air-plane grade titanium cuffs that are clasped to her wrists, ankles, and neck. She is 5"2 in height and weighs 102 pounds, being slim though slightly curvy.

Scribbler101 said:
Just put a space in the word where the 'o' is suppose to be. (EXAMPLE: welc me!)
I will do that but I usually miss it or correct it when I go back over the comment before posting it. Also, are we going to be actually role playing on this blog or will there be a rp thread? If so when can we expect the thread to be made?
Anjehlessa, sweet! Also, look at the top of my post of this thread to Role-play! :)

Paradox, accepted! Nice details and thanks for her personalities, I bet they'll come in handy! :) Also, super sad history!!! :(

WasBroken77, well if you looked on the top of the first post on here, you would see where the RP thread is. But no, we won't role-play of this because this is the sign-up.

But here, Role-Play here!
Awesome-sauce! Can I get to posting in the rp thread now, then? And thanks a bunch. I know, it is a bit sad, but I always seem to do better with story-development when I have a character with more of a "tragic" background.
Name: Elisa "Eli" Leblanc

Nickname: Oracle

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species/Power: Psychic; she can see bit of the future and past, and at times can make up other people's thoughts and feelings (in other words, making someone think and feel what she wants them to). However, the more she uses her power the less she remembers about herself.

Personality: Eli starts off shy, but it's easy to break her shell. She's a little blunt with her thoughts sometimes, but is a pretty sweet person. She cares about most people, often looking past the bad and searching for the good, especially with the people she's grown attached to. She will protect the ones she's fond of to the end. However, her emotions tend to get the better of her, and might also "leak" and spread to others around her. It's not to make her angry, lest you want an all-out conflict.

History: Eli can only remember bits and pieces of her past, and most of those pieces are things she doesn't want to remember.

Other: Secretly a romantic.


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