Fallen Fairytales


Bittersweet Psychopath

So hi there guys! Here are the characters so far and the ones that haven't been claimed:

The Woodsman - CrawlingChaos74

Belle - Sassy Crystal

Little Red Riding Hood - Hayley

Peter Pan - wonderboy1234

Alice - kira blackthorn

Cinderella - Alina Auburn

The Mad Hatter - Moi

The Big Bad Wolf - Amityvillager

Hansel - Cadell Morde

The Little Mermaid - Bella4444

Rapunzel - Hinatarocks

Rumpelstiltskin - Scariot01

Goldilocks - Suzette

Snow White - HonestlySurvivng

Aladdin - The Doorman

Unclaimed characters:

Gretel -

Seven Dwarfs - (doesn't actually have to be seven but there's seven positions) -

Jack - (Jack and the Beanstalk) -

And here's a form to create your character:


Nickname(Please make it similar to their name, for example Cinders or Stilts):

Age(Nothing too drastic, no 84 year old Cinderellas):


Backstory(Must be similar to the original fairytale, but darker):

Extract from character's POV:


Anything else:

If I like your character creation post it means your character is accepted and you are free to post.
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The Big Bad Wolf


Terror of the Forest, Child-Devourer, Wolf-Woman.

Her human name is Lucia.


Unknown, appears to be 22




Lucia is cursed. Essentially, she is a werewolf, but much, much worse. Before she could even crawl, a vargulf tore into her home and killed her entire family. It decided to drag the baby off into the woods to be raised as its mate and slave. Lucia grew into a beautiful woman who soon caught the eyes of hunters who caught a glimpse of the elusive Wolf-Woman. And so they would chase her through the forest until they stumbled upon her fierce, cruel mate who forced the woman to watch him torment the humans. She was the one to tear their throats out. This process went on for years and years--the woman never aging, nor her ruthless mate. They continued their reign of terror, only Lucia seemed to have something that bothered her about what they did. She never acted on the instinct.

On one decidedly fateful day, Lucia caught the sight of bright red flashing in the corner of her vision. She knew just how close she was to the path her mate told her to stay away from, but today he changed his mind. He too had seen the flash of red that was the cape of a young girl. So he sent Lucia to do his dirty work. The Wolf-Woman came to the girl and asked her what she was doing. When the girl said she was going to visit her grandmother, the she-wolf asked her why she didn't pick some nice, pretty flowers for the sick woman. The girl did and later arrived at her grandmother's where the true Child-Devourer, Lucia's mate, was waiting to devour her. He had already eaten the girl's grandmother and then made quick work of the girl. Lucia remained outside; she knew how her mate got if she interrupted his meals. A huntsman was creeping outside, but the Wolf-Woman did nothing about it. In her human form she silently gazed through the window, watching as the huntsman cut down her cruel master then tear his bulging stomach open to release the girl. The grandmother was already dead. And so Lucia was free. She continued to wreak havoc off the forest paths if she so chose, but mostly avoided humans. Her former mate's reputation was shoved onto hers, and so now she carries that weight on her deadly shoulders.

Extract from character's POV

"Why, hello there, little one," a feral voice called from the shadows of the forest. The voice belonged to a large, slate grey wolf that stepped onto the path with ease. "What a lovely red cape you have," the wolf complimented, trying to put the girl at ease with its frightening appearance. "Have no fear, child, for I will do you no harm." The girl reached out a tentative hand and stroked the beast's head gently. It nosed her small hand and they walked companionably for awhile. During that time, the girl confided in the creature, telling it how her grandmother was ill and she was going to visit her. "Poor Grandmother!" the wolf howled. "Why not pick her some poppies? I know of a marvelous place just off the path not too far from here. She would be thrilled." The wolf turned its almost ferocious smile on the girl who laughed and agreed. The beast left the child to go ahead to the cottage not far--for a wolf, at least--from the poppy field. When she arrived, she found her mate inside. He had just devoured the grandmother and was awaiting news from Lucia. She changed into her human form and walked over him submissively. She reached a hand up to his massive jaw and stroke it lovingly. He took his hand in his mouth and put slight pressure on it, just to the point of light bleeding; it was his form of a macabre kiss. After releasing her, he snorted. She pressed her face into the fur on his neck before making her way to the bushes outside, awaiting the arrival of the girl she had tricked.



Anything else:

The infamous dire wolves happen to be the spawn of Lucia and her dead mate. Any time she has "children," that is what they are born as. The Wolf-Woman still takes to her wolf form often; you'll more likely find her as a wolf when she isn't pursuing a hunter to devour.

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Name/Character: The Mad Hatter

Nickname(Please make it similar to their name, for example Cinders or Stilts): The Hatter

Age(Nothing too drastic, no 84 year old Cinderellas): 21

Gender: Male

Backstory(Must be similar to the original fairytale, but darker): The Mad Hatter was an outcast in Wonderland, feared by everyone. Not much was known about his birth and childhood, other than the fact that he went insane and murdered his family. During a celebration for the Queen of Hearts he broke in and, for reasons unknown, tried to sing. The Queen ordered his execution, but he escaped and ran away. During his escape he met the March Hare, who he began having regular tea parties with. However, when the Hare failed to answer one of his riddles, the Hatter became enraged and murdered him. Since then his whereabouts have been unknown, but many think that soon he will appear from the shadows.

Extract from character's POV(minimum one paragraph):

The Hatter stared at the peculiar man standing before him. Never before had a man so revolting and yet strangely alluring made himself known to the Hatter. He found it strange that the man was not speaking, as he was sure his appearance was bound to raise more than a few eyebrows. After all, he was covered in blood and dirt, and his hat was wonky upon his head. You knew it was a bad day when his hat wasn't on properly. The man went to speak, but the Hatter put a finger to his lips, silencing him. Something else had caught his attention. A beautiful blue bird, bigger than normal and flying through the air in a hurry. He knew what that meant. And it wasn't good.



Anything else: He is obsessed with playing cards, tea parties and riddles. When people fail to solve his riddles he becomes very angry.
Name/Character: Belle (beauty and the beast)


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Backstory: The story of Beauty and the beast was correct...up until the end. You see, Belle took to long to say she loved him and the last petal had fallen. When The beast turned back to his normal form everyone celebrated, parties and banquets were held to celebrate the wonderful event as well as Bella and Adams wedding. However, their joy wouldn't last for long. One the last week of the month the prince turned back to his beast. No one understood what had happened or why but from then on, the last week of every month the prince turned back to his beast. The prince became terrified of her leaving him due to this. Over time somehow the roles became reversed, The beast practically became her prisoner desperate to make her stay with him he did whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, without question.

Extract from character's POV:

Belle sat curled up in her chair by the fire, reading her favourite book. Prince Adam walked over to her "Belle?" he asked softly, his voice even sounded a little nervous. Belle frowned and sighed closing her book "What have I told you about disturbing me when I'm reading, Adam?" she asked frowning at him. Adam looked down at the floor "I'm sorry belle, the chef wanted to know what you would like to eat for dinner?". Belle huffed "I don't care." she said opening her book obviously wanting him to go away. Adam nodded and bowed a little "sorry my princess". Belle smiled slightly and nodded "can I read now?". Adam nodded quickly before hurrying out the room causing Belle to smirk and rolled her eyes before looking back to her book, "men" she mumbled

Appearance: Belle


Anything else: Loves to read, Loves animals, Hates anyone above her in power, can be sweet or a really nasty.

(hope that's alright, just say if you want me to change anything)
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Name/Character: Peter Pan

Nickname: Pan, the Pan, Boy, Pixie, Fairy boy,the lost boy, the child thief.

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: He's very immature and quite flirtatious. He doesn't act his age. He acts 12 on a good day and 6 on a bad one. He is brave, determined, cocky, and optimistic as he is almost always thinking happy thoughts. He wants to always be a young boy who has everlasting fun and adventure.

Backstory: You all know the story. Every child grows up but one. That one child would be the one and only Peter Pan. But the story isn't the same as it was in the fairy tale.

Neverland isn't the happy go lucky place it is in the fairy tales. It's a dark mysterious island full off hazards and dangers around every corner located in the mysterious and dangerous bermuda triangle.

Most of the lost boys are truly lost. What they've lost is their minds. They've gone mad because of the island's power. They are a savage bunch who hunt and kill for fun and sport, rarely out the necessity or need of survival.

The pixies are a violent bunch. They are keepers of the magical fairy dust which allows Peter to stay young and fly. They guard it with their lives and aren't afraid to kill to keep it in their possessions.

The pirates are a cruel and evil bunch who want the fairy dust to be theres and refuse to take no for an answer. They're much more than a bunch of bumbling idiots with a swords. Led by Captain James Hook they are bloodthirsty and refuse to take no for an answer when it comes to stealing the magical dust from the pixies. The only thing hook wants more than the dust is revenge on Peter for cutting off his hand.

The Indians are the only sane group on the island. Tired of the pirates trying to steal their land they have made an alliance with Pan and the few lost boys have remained sane. Finally their are the mermaids or should I say sirens. They swim in the waters of Neverland and work for Hook. Their enchanted song can be heard all over the island. It's purpose, to lure lost boys and Indians to theirs death if they get to close to the shore.

Peter was born in the year 1887. He was raised by his drunk, prostitute mother until the age 12 when she died. Peter became an orphan not knowing who his father was. Peter became a "street kid" living on the streets until he was 14. During his time on the streets he became a master thief and hustler to survive. He fell in love with one of the other hustlers, Mason. The London police arrested and charged Mason with sodomy and he was thrown in jail. Peter was heartbroken and relived that Mason kept their relationship a secret. Peter continued stealing and hustling until a fairy, which he named Tinkerbell, took him to Neverland to fight as their chosen warrior. The enemy of the fairies was a man with dark magic who had recruited a group of pixies and pirates to fight by side. Peter, the Pixies, and the Indians were able to fight off the man and lock him away in the center of Neverland so he could never hurt anyone again. Peter was then left on Neverland to deal with his own demons.

Peter then started stalking the Darling children through their bedroom window in London. He wasn't there for Wendy.

Peter was there for Michael, the youngest of the Darling children. (and listen to Mrs. Darling's stories so he could rely them to the lost boys). Peter, aged 14, became infatuated with the ginger haired 13 year old boy. He wanted to show Michael Neverland to show him everything He could. Peter needed to get Michael to know he existed and then get him to fall in love with him. The night he planned on taking Michael to Neverland he accidentally woke up Wendy Darling, the oldest of the three children at 15 years old (a whole year older than Peter). She immediately began crushing on Peter. Peter took the 3 Darling children to Neverland. They went on many fun adventures and Peter didn't let Wendy Stop him. He and Michael became secret lovers. None of the other lost boys or even Wendy knew of the secret affair. Sadly evil Captain Hook discovered the love the boys shared and he kidnapped Michael, his brother John (15), and Wendy. Hook attempted to poison Peter but his trusted fairy, Tinkerbell, saved his life but at a price. She was killed until Peter was able to be save her by using the magical dust of the fairies,the same magical fairy dust which allows Peter to stay young and fly.

Peter went to Hook's ship to save his beloved Michael. He and Hook had one final battle before Hook fell into the sea and was eaten by the dreaded crocodile. Wendy decided after this dangerous encounter it was time for her and her brother's to leave. Michael told her he wanted to stay and wendy asked him why. Michael told her. She was appalled at what she had heard and deemed Peter a sexual pervert and demanded that they be taken home. Michael had no choice but to listen to his sister for she was the oldest. Her traditional family values got in the way of Peter and Michael's love for one another.

Peter returned the three Darling children to their home. It broke Peter's heart to see Michael go. He was even more saddened when most of the lost boy's went home with them not approving of Peter's choice in lovers. Those lost boys were later adopted by the Darlings and left Neverland for good.

Peter returned home alone. His lost boys had abandoned him. Of course over the years Peter was able to collect another group of lost children from London (the reason he is known as the Child Thief).

Hook was thought to have been eaten and killed by crocodile but the fairy dust he had stolen from

Peter kept him alive inside the crocs belly long enough so he could cut himself out. Hook felt the power of fairy dust and he wants to feel that power again.

Peter, his group of lost boys, and his new lover (Rufio) have been keeping Hook from getting his hand on the mystical prize he seeks.

Extract from character's POV:

Peter was bound and on his knees. His arms were chained above his head, held there by a long silver chain dangling from a bolt in the ceiling. He was in pain. His whole body burned dripped with sweat.

"Where is the Dust boy!" His torturer shouted. Peter looked up at the man his long black hair, his sinister smile, and...his hook. Peter smiled at the man mischievously and spit blood on her floor.

"Why? You won't be able to use it!" Peter shouted getting shakily to his feet. His chained arms lowering to his mid back with the change in position.

"Grown ups can't fly...they're too heavy," Peter said smiling, absolutely full of himself,"Grown ups carry the weight of knowledge. They're too heavy to fly."


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Anything else:

His own feelings, emotions and even mere presence affect various aspects of the weather in Neverland.

He also has gained the ability to use his own shadow as a weapon. He can also detach his shadow from his body and send it out as a scout.

His own personal fairy, Tinkerbell, goes with him wherever he goes. She gets a little jealous but Peter knows how to keep her under control:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412617674.503447.jpg.3b75e6c6967c583bc01d74f6246305cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412617674.503447.jpg.3b75e6c6967c583bc01d74f6246305cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His gear:

His trusty dagger:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412617884.195226.jpg.fd4c009c9714282a942ae120e0b5d2d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412617884.195226.jpg.fd4c009c9714282a942ae120e0b5d2d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His flute:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412617913.728141.jpg.1f0f9ed95d692fceeb2d77064d6150d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412617913.728141.jpg.1f0f9ed95d692fceeb2d77064d6150d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His sword:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412623848.347507.jpg.dfebabf4bdf29e574f0a110d5fe441ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412623848.347507.jpg.dfebabf4bdf29e574f0a110d5fe441ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A pouch full of Fairy Dust:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412620146.243294.jpg.38733452535bfc2e778426338d601c49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412620146.243294.jpg.38733452535bfc2e778426338d601c49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His teddy (given to him by Michael):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412618131.297697.jpg.a6b333010efa6775d00d931f09c43017.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412618131.297697.jpg.a6b333010efa6775d00d931f09c43017.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name/Character: Rapunzel

Nickname(Please make it similar to their name, for example Cinders or Stilts): Raps

Age(Nothing too drastic, no 84 year old Cinderellas):19

Gender: Female

Backstory(Must be similar to the original fairytale, but darker): Rapunzel was born to an evil lord and lady in a very cruel and dark kingdom far, far away. Terror reigned here and the villagers lived mortified almost wishing for death. In an effort to stop the kingdoms evil reign a lovely fairy godmother pure in heart and spirit kidnapped the baby and reared her inside a lovely, flowery tower far away from harm. Raps grew up for eighteen years in that tower but the sinister evil embodied inside her remained. She was defiant and cruel doing things such as plucking magical feathers from the fairy godmothers glittering wings. She would constantly rebuke anything the fairy godmother would ask her to do. If she asked Raps to brush her hair, it would go to near dreadlocks before the fairy cast a spell to brush it. Infact, Raps grew a phobia to brushes in general. As a result the fairy godmother had to always keep blunt objects out of the tower because Raps desired short hair. On her 18th birthday the godmother brought her a lovely cake and wanted to throw her a lovely pink and frilly birthday party. Instead, Raps used her long hair as whips, for she had been training for this behind the fairy godmother's back for some time. She whipped the fairy godmother into submission and locked her away in a jewelry box. Letting out a sinister laugh she pulled out a knife and chopped off her hair. She tied some of her old hair to a bedpost and packed the rest into a knapsack to make her weapons later. She descended the tower at nightfall and has been in bar brawls with the best of them ever since!

Extract from character's POV:

Raps was at the bar putting away a pint with a disfigured man named Ogre, most likely from his...good looks? He had filled her in on a side job he thought she would be perfect for,well except he made mention of her messy updo. The ogre had no idea what he had just done and all the patrons gasped. Rapunzel retorts coldly "Oooh that sounds diabolical, go on, count me in. Just one thing my little pretty," she grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pierces his very soul with her rock hard gaze," never ever make me brush my hair." Raps raises her arm and holds the whips in her hand ready for anyone who dares shows her a brush. For her there is not a more sinister weapon ever created.


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Her clothing is purple, but a dark wine, almost blood-tinged. The lace adorning her long flowing gown is onyx, and she wears a single strand of black pearls. In battle her skirt can be removed to just black leggings and her black boots, for she is quite a melee fighter and is happiest spreading fear upon the land witha swift kick of her boot or the crack of her whip.

Anything else:

She guards her knapsack with her life. It is made of black leather and inside contains whips, a diary, a natural lipbalm made of beeswax, and a blanket. She has become very good with whips, they are her preferred weapon. Infact the ones she uses are made of her old hair taughtly braided, dipped in a natural resin,and attached to a leather wrapped wooden handle. The memory of her entrapment fuels her rage for battle. Her face is oftentimes blank, very hard to read and though makeup is light it is still of gothic nature. In her spare time she can be found writing or illustrating in a little black book where she keeps her insane ramblings within. It is very rare to see her without it.



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Nickname(Please make it similar to their name, for example Cinders or Stilts): Ali



Backstory: Alice's mother died in childbirth and he was raised in England's country side by his father. His father was always very peculiar to say the least and he went crazy after his mother passed. His parents had thought he was a girl when he was still in his mothers room and his father refused to believe otherwise. He was forced to act and dress like a girl, and was never allowed to address himself as a boy. If he didn't do these things he was beaten and locked in his room for days. At the age of 8 he fell down the rabbit hole to wonderland behind his house while trying to run away. Wonderland was eccentric and dark. It was the last straw. His mind broke and he went mad. Seeing as he was of no use to them the good people of wonderland locked him up and threw away the key. He escaped a year later and somehow made it back to England. He found no escape though. His father had been killed and his house took by the bank. He was found and thought mad so was sent to an Asylum. He was smarter than they thought and a very good actor and so at the age of 14 was released into society as a reformed citizen. Desiring revenge he found a was back to Wonderland and went on a killing spree before escaping into the night. He hasn't been seen since though many think he is a companion of the mad hatter.

Extract from character's POV: Shaking Alice crouched down further trying not to be seen as his fathers shouts of rage grew closer. His daddy was really angry tonight because he found out Alice told Tommy he was a boy. That was a big no no but he couldn't resisted he had to tell someone and he thought he could trust Tommy. Tommy swore not to tell but he lied and told his mommy who called his daddy to tell him about his ludicrous words. Whimpering with fear he hugged his knees tightly to his chest as the sounds grew closer.

'Please don't let daddy find me.' He prayed to whatever god was out there.'Please. I don't want to be hur-.'

He let out a blood curdling as pain flared through his scalp. He was dragged from the laundry basket by his hair and collapsed at his daddy's feet. He never got to finish his prayer.


Anything else: Alice always carries around the stuffed bunny his mother brought for him before he was born. He has become very skilled at using daggers since coming back to wonderland and prefers to use them more than his other weapons. He is often childish and very sadistic but smart and clever. H is gay.
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Name/Character: Ariel (the little mermaid)

Nickname(Please make it similar to their name, for example Cinders or Stilts): Ari

Age(Nothing too drastic, no 84 year old Cinderellas): 21

Gender: Female

Backstory(Must be similar to the original fairytale, but darker):

Everything changed after the honeymoon, the evil sea witch had cursed the mermaid before she died, she would thirst for blood...human blood for all eternity. Ariel who was very naive at the ripe age of 16 did believe the curse would stick after Ursula died, but she was wrong. On the night of her honeymoon, she was so thirsty for the taste of human blood that she sunk her teeth into Prince Eric's neck. He soon passed out after the little incident. Luckily when he woke up he couldnt remember what had happened. Ariel then learned to controll it for a little while but Prince Eric had gone completely mad. Turns out the posion in her fangs makes her victims go completely insane if not killed immediately. One night while she was asleep in their bed. He wrapped his hands around her neck and tried to choke her. Ariel tried to defend herself and bit him in the arm. After that she stayed away from him. Even with their baby girl nothing would bring him back to reality, Ariel wondered if death would bring him relief but she loved him to much to take his life away. Again Prince Eric went off the deep end walking into their daughters room and started choking her.

Ariel heard the loud cries and ran to help her. But it was too late the cries cut off suddenly and her child laid in a pool of blood on the floor. In a fit of rage Prince Eric tried to finish her off as well as he chased her down the hallway into her room. She grabbed her knife off the floor and stabbed it into his heart. He grabbed for her and a sad look crept into his eyes. He mouthed "I love you" and that was the last breath he took.

The Royal Family did not blame Ariel for what had happened. She was still able to rule the kingdom and is still the Ruler. But as the search for a new king seems to drag on Ariel finds herself beating herself up for killing her husband. And the loss of her child. Ariel is not the girl she once was. She was empty, no light, she couldnt see past her mistakes and forgive herself. She lives with the guilt. And she feel she cant trust herself to find another King, she fears she will kill him to.

Extract from character's POV:

"ERIC!!!!" Ariel screamed in her nightmare. She tossed and turned in her large bed as sweat and tears poured down her face. The door opened with a crash as her lady in waiting hurried into the room. "Ariel! Ariel! Wake up darling!" She shook Ariel until her piercing blue eyes opened. She gasped for air and looked at Emilie (lady in waiting). "He's gone! I killed him! I killed her! " She cried to her as she curled up into a ball in her arms. Emilie ran a hand through her long red hair. "Shh child...it was another nightmare...he has been gone for a year darling." She said to her soothingly. Ariel nods remembering as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She shuddered at the images she had to relive from her nightmare and sighed. "I cant trust myself in loving another Emilie.." She told her sniffling. Emilie sighed gently and nods. " I understand dear, but this is for the good of the kingdom." Ariel nods and sits up. "Well...I think I need to speak to him first..." she said and looked at Emilie . Emilie looked confused. "Who dear?" She asked.. Ariel stood up and started to get dressed. "My father....King Triton....he will know how to help me control the curse."


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Anything else: She still sees Sebastian and flounder often. And is searching for a new love.



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You probably know the story of Hansel and Gretel...A seemingly innocent story about a brother and a sister getting lost in the woods and stumbling across a gingerbread house with an old witch living in it. The witch tried to cook them but they managed to escape in the end. Sure, it may be sort of dark at times but nothing too serious...That isn't the case if you knew what happened afterwards.

The story for the most part goes the same, until the ending arrives. After the siblings were able to throw the witch into the oven Hansel couldn't help himself but the witness what happened next. The witch's skin and flesh slowly began to burn. It looked like something brought from a nightmare. Her pain filled screams still echo inside Hansel's mind...But strangely enough Hansel didn't feel scared about this. As the last drops of life escaped the witch's body Hansel realized something, he enjoyed watching her squirm in pain.

A couple of years after this event Hansel never seemed to be the same as before. He would walk back into the woods carrying his father's shotgun, searching for something he was never able to found. But one time Hansel never returned home. He knew that he wouldn't be able to find what he was searching for there.

Years later Hansel has molded himself into a competently different person. He has found a strange passion in the sport of hunting down witches. Hansel travels from town to town, hunting down every single witch he happens to stumble across. A small part of him seems to miss the days he passed with his family, specially his sister, but as time goes on this side of him gets smaller and smaller...

Extract from character's POV:

"So I find you at last..." Hansel said with a cold tone to the witch that was laying on the floor in front of him.

His attention was caught by a rather large pile of bones located on one of the house's corners. They were too small to belong to an adult. The witch placed her hand on a desk to help incorporate herself but, almost instinctively, Hansel drew out his curved knife and jabbed it onto her hand. The witch opened her mouth to scream but Hansel thrust his hand-cannon into her mouth before she could even utter a single noise.

"How many did you kill? 15? 20? Or more?..."

Without even a word of warning Hansel pulled the trigger, staining the walls with a crimson red color. It wasn't long till a large pool of blood began to spread across the wooden floor. Hansel stared at the corpse one last time before turning around and walking out of the house and into a forest path. The autumn leaves crunched below Hansel's feet as he walked deeper into the forest. He knew that his next hunt was close...



Anything else:


Hansel's hand-cannon


Hansel's curved knife


(I may change a couple of things tomorrow...Like the appearance or the backstory for example)

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Nickname(Please make it similar to their name, for example Cinders or Stilts):Cinders,Ella

Age(Nothing too drastic, no 84 year old Cinderellas):



Backstory(Must be similar to the original fairytale, but darker):

Cinderella unlike the story says never escaped her sentence

Cinderella was born to a rich duke and duchess but it was an unhappy marriage so unhappy that her mother tried to take Ella and run away from her abusive husband but the duke caught her doing so and got mad saying that when she died Ella wouldn't be protected anymore and she would suffer the abuse as well. Her mother said that she would be his loyal slave forever if he let Ella lead a good life the duke said yes and made Teresa a slave ordering her around and abusing her left and right but one night the duke decided that the duchess had gotten to old and it was Ella's turn so he spiked Teresa's drink. The second Teresa drunk the drink she started to shake and her cheeks went red Ella yelled at her father asking him to call a medic but he just laughed and locked Ella in the room with her mother just five minutes later her mother died her mouth frothing and her eyes rolled back in her head. Ella screamed for her Papa but he did not come for he was at a bar drinking his weight in beer. So she ripped of her fine dress and draped it over her Mama closing her eyelids she knew that her father wouldn't give her a funeral so she burnt the body in the hearth and swept the Ashs into a vase that night her father came home to see her curled up next to the dying fire in her rags and called her Cinderella.

The next night he brought home a young manipulative wife and her two whores of daughters they took over her room and she was taken to the cellar where she was chanined up every night and abused by her father and her sisters boyfriends during the day she was forced to respond to her family's every whim and need. One day the family got a invitation to a ball held to find a daughter fine enough for the prince when the sister found out they both knew they couldn't let Cinderella go because even though her hair was unbridled and her skin was adorned with purple she was the most elegant sweet girl they had ever met. So they began to make her work harder than ever making their dresses from scratch and sending even more boys to their door every night for cinder to deal with. Every night Cinderella cried herself to sleep but she was still determined to go to the ball when one of the sisters heard her talk to herself about this she knew that she needed to recruit someone more professional so she hired a Mage to cast a spell on Cinderella to make sure she was always a slave the Mage did so for a large sum of money so when the day of the ball came Cinderella attended but was somehow invisible to the prince at only one point did the spell come of at the minute of midnight where the prince saw Ella and was struck by her beauty begging to dance with her but when the time got to 12:01 she disappeared leaving only a glass slipper on the floor.

The prince was devastated but the spell soon made him forget the beautiful maiden and turn his eye towards the cleavage of her stepsister he danced with her and fell in love with her body getting engaged in a matter if days. But the stepsister was still furious of that one moment when the prince danced with Cinderella so she made sure that Cinderella became a slave for the prince always so close to her freedom and never being able to have it there is one way to lift the slaves spell for Ella to kiss her true love however twisted that person may be.

Extract from character's POV:

Ella slides down the princes door and sighs heavily her eyes full of tears she listened to his heavy breaths and her stepsister kissing his chest. Ella rises to her feet her dress scrapping against her diaphragm she pushes her hair in front of her ears and looks through the keyhole into the moonlit room. The room is dark but the bed is illuminated by the soft romantic glow of the moon. Sophia looks up from the prince and focuses right on the eyehole and smirks before turning back to the prince and rolling on top of him. Ella nearly gasped but covered her mouth quickly and started to run into the dark corridor a single tear running down her cheek.



Anything else:

A locket with her mothers hair

Her dagger given to her by the stable boy after he saw what she was forced into and her bruises
Name/Character: Rumpelstiltskin

Nickname: Stilts

Age:52 (relative to human age. I have no idea what technical species he is)

Gender: Male

Backstory(Must be similar to the original fairytale, but darker): You may have heard the fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskin, and like any good 21st century human you probably wondered why he was using the amazing ability of being able to turn thread into gold to help young women. Well, for many years of his life he lived as a recluse, not fully understanding the value of the gold he could so easily produce. When he first learned about society, he set out to acquire that which he desired most: a human child. Now, being the spindly, frail creature that he was, he attempted to use trickery to bring about his prize. He would have succeeded too, if the guardsman hadn't heard him singing in the forest that one night. Bitter, he went away into the forest again, and spent a very long time turning massive quantities thread to gold. Soon, he was ready to extract revenge on the people of the kingdom. He managed to raise a mercenary army with his huge stores of gold and attack the castle. He managed to conquer it, killing all the inhabitants except for the guardsman that had led to his failure and the young children of the kingdom. He subjected the man to intense and excruciating torture, until he eventually flung himself out of a castle window and died. However, Rumpelstiltskin was still not pleased. He began using his wealth to either buy out or conquer the various kingdoms of the land and set up puppet rulers. He brought about the beginning of capitalism in the world by setting up the first banks. Sooner or later, the entire world came under his control. From the shadows, he rules over all.

Extract from character's POV: Now, most people only know me from that story, the one about the poor woman and her baby. As long as I live, I will never understand why people sympathize with her. We made a deal. She didn't uphold her end of the bargain. Does that make me a bad guy? I even showed her a bit of compassion by giving her a chance. It may have been an impossible task, but I held off for a bit. Anyway, I learned what a shitty idea deals like that were. There are only two things that matter in the world: your ability to kill, and the money you posses. My wealth brings me the ability to kill, and thus I have both.

Appearance: (Will post one when I get to my computer)

Anything else:

In case you didn't catch this from the backstory, he is a pedophile.










Obviously everyone knows the story of her and her brother, lost in the woods, caught by a witch in a gingerbread house and nearly cooked but they escaped by killing the witch. Pretty standard tale right?

But after that tale ended, things were never the same at all. It wasn’t a happy ever after or anything like that with Gretel since she noticed a change in both herself and her brother. She felt so helpless in that witch’s house and it haunted her every day, she’d done nothing except be a slave to the witch’s wishes and if she’d just done /something/ then maybe they wouldn’t have nearly died there.

However the main thing that Gretel worried about was her brother. He just wasn’t right at all, if anything he seemed a bit disturbed spending all that time out in the woods with their father’s shotgun. Then came the day when he never came home.

She went out looking for him all night and, for the next few weeks, all day as well. All she wanted was her brother back but fate seemed to have other ideas since all her searching was to no avail. After that life just went downhill even further with her father resorting to drinking and dying within the year leaving Gretel to take care of herself. With no one else left to turn to, she went looking for her brother again.

Years later she still hasn’t found him but has found herself as an excellent thief to pay her way around as she looks. After all, who suspects a girl right?

Extract From Character’s POV:

Her feet landed almost silently on the rooftop as she steadied herself. Another job done, she'd just have to deliver the package in the morning and she would get her payment. Gretel smiled briefly as she stared out over the moonlit town, her cloak billowing out behind her silhouette. One more job, one day more, and hopefully, one day closer to finding Hansel.



Anything Else:

The scar on her cheek was from the gingerbread house witch and it reminds her everyday of how weak she was.​
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Name/Character: Little Red Riding Hood

Nickname: Red

Age: 20

Gender: female


It was a beautiful sunny day when Red was sent out by her grandmother to fetch medicine and ingredients for soup. She had been sick for quite sometime now and Red was getting worried about her. So she dashed to town and got all she needed, her goal, to make it back before dark. The sun was already setting when she reached the path to her grandmother's house. She was making good time and there was a delightful spring in her step as she proudly wore the red hooded cape she'd made her the season before. She was almost to where the cobblestones started that lead all the way to her Grandmother's door but was cut short of her skipping when a large wolf stepped out in front of her.

She was a beautiful creature with a wicked look in her eye. She asked what she was out doing and when Red told her she suggested she pick her some flowers too. It was a good idea and even though Red didn't necessarily trust the woman, she took her advice and picked some lovely flowers to bring home to grandma and back up the cobblestone path she went. When she reached the door, she knew something was terribly wrong, and with a gentle shove she opened the door to reveal her nightmare covered in her grandmother's blood, in the bed.

Red was a clever but she was only a girl so she was weak against the ferocious wolf. Everything else after that was a terrible flash of hot-white pain as she tried to hit but he broke her arms, and she tried to kick but he broke her legs and he bit into her soft flesh until everything went black. Red thought this was it, this wasdeath, darkness and the sounds of growling and the sour smells of nothing else, but then a flash of white and finally Red believed this was rebirth, the next step after her death but it was something much worse. She rolled across the floor in a broken heap and lay there shaking and covered in the wolf's stomach contents as the Hunstman covered his mouth and breathed a silent prayer. After that she was taken in by the Huntsman and her wounds were cleaned, but to the Hunstman's horror, it only took about a month for her broken bones to completely heal and all her cuts and tears to vanish, all except one, the initial bite on the back of her neck where a distinct scar of teeth marks still linger.

After that, the Huntsman made a decision to not kill the young girl but instead, try and curve her powers, to teach her how to control them and not kill humans. It was hard, being as how she was so young when she was turned but now she has her transformations under control except for when she is extremely upset or injured, then it's hard for her to control herself from changing. Now, she lives off of a diet of animals and she's never tried to contact others like her. She just travels around, taking odd jobs like hunting creatures that harm others and what ever else is needed.

Extract from character's POV:

Red rose the hood over her thick blond hair, shadowing her face as she entered the tavern and made her way across the bustling bar to man who had summoned her by mail. She took the seat across from him, saying nothing as far as greeting go. She just sat quietly and waited for him to start.

"Not much for conversation are you, miss?" He took a moment to finish chewing and swallow the food he was eating before continuing. "All business then, can't say I don't respect that." He swallowed a gulp of his drink and took another moment to let his throat clear before continuing.

"I got something that needs to be taken care of..." He said, hinting at her skills of making things that needed to be gone, disappear.

"It's a creature, a witch if you will... out in the woods, been taking children from not only here, but the surrounding towns and well... you know what witches do..." He shook his head, as if that could wipe memories from them. "I would have sought out that Hansel guy but uh... it's been rather difficult tracking down his mailing address, no offense or anything, caught wind of the Red-hooded woman traveling through and I knew it was you I needed to get in contact with as soon as possible so what do you say... will you help us?" He said, finally the sense of urgency and worry showing in his voice within the last few words.

"I'd be happy to..." She started, lifting her head to where he could see her lips move, revealing a soft, lulling voice. "As soon as I am paid... a girl has to eat you know." She said, a small smirk playing at the corner of her mouth.

The man looked ghostly, did this woman not care that children were dying? Alas, he did understand the importance of not doing such a dangerous job for nothing and within a few moments he had a coin purse fished from his pocket and he slid it across the table to her.

She took it in a pale hand and added it to her own, low supply of coin on her hip before nodding and listing herself from the table. "Consider your witch dead." She said before turning away and leaving the Tavern and returning to the Inn, where she could prepare for her hunt.


Anything else: Red doesn't use weapons she uses her gift or curse, the Wolf gave her by partially transforming or sometimes full on transforming to take down her prey.
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Aurora aged happily in the castle, loved by all and spoiled with riches beyond imagination. Anything her heart desired, it was obtained and presented to her without a second thought. She was beautiful and flaunted her kindness around the Kingdom, passing out smiles like sweet cakes while her citizens gazed upon her in awe from afar. Like all girls her age, she dreamed of finding her true love and marrying happily to raise little princes and princesses of her own to spoil.

With the date of her sixteenth birthday came the whispers. They coiled around her and hissed caroling songs into her ears and she was helpless but to follow. Down to the lower bowels of her ancestor's castle she danced, twirling happily to her demise with nary a thought against it. She was lead to a cavernous room, piles of splinters and blackened wood covered the floors, but through the ashes stood one spinning wheel seemingly untouched in the surrounding wreckage. Come closer, it sang, I want to tell you a secret. And so closer she went, smiling prettily at what her naïve mind perceived to be a game.

She was still smiling when they found her fallen form lying delicately on the dirty floor hours later. For days, weeks, her forlorn mother and father cried and begged for her to wake and Aurora smiled still, her face perfectly frozen into a look of joy as if she were telling them she was happier in this state.

Inside, she screamed and was hunted through the tunnels of her dreamscape by unsightly beasts that snarled ugly things at her. "The only way you wake up is if you find your true love." They growled and snapped as they chased her, their dark, misshapen shadows never far behind as she ran. "Who could love you?" But everyone loved her, the crowds of grieving people waiting for her to awaken were proof of it.

And, yet, Aurora didn't wake. Suitor after suitor was presented to her sleeping form and none were able to wake the flawless beauty all but dead on her fine silken pillow. It was a puzzle no one in the Kingdom could solve. But the monsters knew and they took pleasure out of sharing with her. No one was her true love kiss, because no one had ever really known her. They'd never cared to, falling in love with the thought of her was enough.

But not enough to wake her.

When she felt like she could no longer take the terror she endured and was ready to give up, the dark fairy with flickering black eyes came to her and offered her way out that didn't require a foolish tale of a true love's kiss. And she accepted.

Finally, she woke up, five years after being forced into her head. But her soul now belonged to the dark fairy and when she died it would be collected and taken to a worse kind of hell than the one she'd been living in these past few years. So, stricken by the hand that fate had dealt her, she skulked the world for a way to free her blackening soul. The innocent love she once held for her people and the simple beauty of nature around her was now tainted by fear and the heady sense of betrayal she felt after discovering not every one has a knight in shining armor.

Extract from character's POV:

A couple was kissing messily in the booth across from her in the bar and she wrinkled her face in disgust. They would learn soon enough. True love was for the weak, trilling little girls who still dreamed of magical weddings. Surely he would leave her soon for another after he got what he wanted from her, she wasn't a very pretty little thing.

The bartender kept sending glances her way and her hand twitched on her knife in revulsion. She hated being starred at that way, hated being starred at all, really. Once, she would've welcomed it, thrived in it. Now it sent shivers down her spine. That look no longer held the proposition of a happily ever after for her-not anymore. What that man and every man wanted was much simpler than a wedding. Feeble minded fools, the lot of them. She had bigger things to concern herself with.

Her eyes connected with the portly man and she snarled her displeasure at being stared at. He smiled back, cleaning the mug with a rag as he blink slowly, his eyes flicking fully black. No! She thought she'd lost them. But she should have known better. The dark fairy had many servants and the demon was hardly going to give up her deal so easily.


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Name/Character: Elsa

Nickname: Else

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Backstory: Everyone knows the story for frozen, but when Anna was turned to stone, instead of her unfreezing she stayed the same. She didn't unfreeze and Elsa was stuck with her kingdom of snow. Because of her powers, she is now immortal. Her kingdom is still in snow and everyone in the kingdom is in a block of ice and now dead. Hans now seeks revenge and tries to kill her.

Extract from character's POV: "Anna NO!" Elsa screamed as Anna froze and broke Hans' sword, making him bolt back and fall over, dropping his shattered sword. Elsa ran over by Anna's side, looking over her body trying to unfreeze her. "Anna..." She says voice breaking and tears streaming down her face. She hugged her frozen sister as her trembling hands touch her face "No... Anna... Don't leave me!" She said as snowflakes fluttered around her. Kristoff (Anna's Fiancé) Approached her and laid his hand on Elsa's shoulder. "I'm sorry." He said sadly. Elsa clutched her fists and stood up. "Leave. Now! I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOU AROUND!" She yells at everyone present. Ice around her sprits from the ground and surrounds Anna and chases everyone. "Go away!" It was quiet. No one else was breathing anymore. She collapsed on the ground and cried, for her dear sister is dead.


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Anything else: She lives in the castle of Arendelle but its all frozen over. It's the coldest place in the world.



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Name/Character: Mister Geppetto

Nickname: The Woodcarver, Jep, or simply "G".

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Backstory: Everyone knows the tale of the woodcarver who so famously made the puppet boy who'd walk and talk like real flesh and blood. What they may not know however is the tale of the woodcarver, the tale of Geppetto.

Born to poor parents Geppetto had little hope of being recognized or acknowledged, not for a deed done or a crime committed. Not in his village, not in his lifetime, or at least that was what he'd thought as a young man. As he apprenticed under his father, a skilled wood carver and carpenter he'd dream of a life so different. And so when war came to the kingdom he'd enlist with dreams of heroism, of being something else, something different.

In war of course he'd find it, though not in the way he'd so vividly imagined. As his king began to lose the war, he'd take drastic steps, capturing a blue fairy he'd summon the greatest alchemists, experts, and self proclaimed geniuses to create warriors of magic and metal with the fairy's power. Bleeding the fairy they'd infuse armor with her strength, they'd infuse a small handful of soldiers with such strength that the vast armies of their enemies would shudder in fear at the sight of their glowing blades. Geppetto was one such soldier, an unparalleled sword fighter whom gave everything to the service, whom served so loyally and without question that his superiors fast tracked him to the rather small service of knights whom would be made more than men.

In the end, despite the fearsome band of warriors, Geppetto's king would fall, not to siege or loss of battle, not to public execution, or even rebellion, but to the poison of a lover's wine. What followed was chaos, riots broke out in the streets, and the army imploded, generals signing allegiances with neighboring kingdoms in exchange for sums of land in their now kingless homeland.

In the chaos Geppetto would free the blue fairy from her bondage, from the machines that bled her, and tortured her for the sake of war. After that he'd disappear, now surely a wanted man he'd bribe a man with his magic armor to take him far from his home, far from the fires, and far from his family whom were now most assuredly dead in the riots that broke out in the streets.

After a few years Geppetto would make a small name for himself as a wood carver, in some small remote village to the South. Whittling away all day, he'd often think back to the fairy, to his own family, and wonder what became of them. All the same he'd remain hidden, alone and penitent in that small cabin on the edge of the quiet town. As time passed Geppetto would find himself lonely, and wish to sire a family of his own, to continue his family name now that he was all that remained of it. But to his shock Geppetto would come to realize that the magics he'd so eagerly used in battle, the ones he had worn as armaments and blessings had been anything but that. You see the magic of the fairy's blood had left Geppetto sterile, unable to sire children, as well as aged him. Already his hair had grown white, and his body felt heavier when he picked up his knife.

Geppetto cursed the heavens for his foolishness, but still he worked, for it was all he had, and all he was good for now. He'd shy away from women whom took fancy with him, unwilling to get their hopes of a family up, and so he made himself a loner, the man on the outside of a sleepy town. Eventually he'd befriend a small street orphan, not intentionally of course but the kid was persistent, so captivated by Geppetto's marionettes that he couldn't help but be drawn to the man. As a year went on Geppetto would mentor the boy, until one day the boy never showed up. Geppetto stayed awake that night unable to sleep, his worry too great. In the morning he'd venture into town to find the boy, hung by the neck, his hands lopped off, his eyes still open for the flies to devour at their leisure. The boy was an orphan and the lopped off hands seemed to indicate he'd stolen, no one would care, and no one would mind. After all orphans were plentiful after war, and one less orphan often meant less begging or stealing in the streets. Geppetto's heart sank , his only friend now dead for a crime he highly doubted he'd committed.

What came next was the act of a crazed man, a desperate man. After days alone, of drinking and purging, of mourning and heartache Geppetto knew what he had to do. In dead of night on a full moon he'd bleed himself with his long unused blade, the one that still glowed blue with fairy's blood. As the midnight hour arrived so to would the fairy, no longer tormented and abused she'd appear to Geppetto as bright as star.

Unbeknownst to Geppetto she'd often watched him from afar, but now in this moment of grief she'd be summoned. Why not before? She'd wonder, why not when he was so alone? The questions wouldn't lay on her mind long for Geppetto was plagued with great purpose, for in the night before he'd dug up the boy from the pits, and now offered of himself in order to bring the boy back.

The fairy, so shocked, stopped to ponder his request before finally making a new offer to the man. She'd bring back the boy, in a body of Geppetto's making, for the boy's body was far too gone to work. However the boy would not remember his past, after all the memory of one's own death is far too cruel to wish upon a child.

Furthermore in ten years time Geppetto would have to leave his "son" in ten years time, when she'd come for him. Then he'd die, but not for long, for he would serve her in death for all of time.

Geppetto agreed to the dark dealings, to the black magic that would bind him, and bring a boy's soul back. What came next was the story everyone knows and loves, the story of the walking talking puppet whom wished nothing more than to be a "real" boy.

For 9 and a half years Pinnochio's adventures have become the stuff of legend, but upon his last one he'd learn what he was. Thinking himself an abomination, and disgusted with his father, Pinnochio would flee in the night, running away never to be seen again. And so with great purpose Geppetto left the sleepy town, wishing to see his son, to explain everything one last time, before he dies.....

Extract from character's POV:

"Why have you summoned me? You who has bathed himself in my blood?" The stunning fairy of blue and white light demanded as she appeared before Geppetto.

"Please....Just bring him back to me, I-I-I'am defeated by grief, I 'am a warrior no longer, I'm not even a man" Geppetto would sob, a bottle of swill liquor at his feet and his own blood staining the ground, spilled by a blade that elegantly shared in the fairy's light.

The fairy would stop, shocked, surprised by the request of the man whom had freed her so many years ago. She'd stop contemplating her next words, she had always found this man intriguing, even as he disgusted her by bathing in her blood, by succumbing to the lust of power and glory, but now, this piqued her interest, "Why would I do that?" she'd ask coldly unwilling or unable to betray her interest.

"Because I saved you" he'd ask looking up at her face for some kind of recognition, but to his terror he would find none. He'd hang his head low in defeat knowing his good deed would not make up for her torment, and so after a long pause, "His life....for mine" he'd mutter, spitting the words out like heavy stones.

The fairy smiled faintly, her lips curling into something cruel, almost menacing before retreating into an almost sweet grin. She'd kneel bringing her face before the kneeled woodcarver's, reaching for his face with those glowing pale fingers of hers, she'd cradle him, bringing his eyes to meet her own. "Do not delude yourself woodcarver, giving your life away so eagerly when you know not what it means. To give it to me means death will not be peaceful, in it you shall toil and work far beyond what you have in life." she'd say as she stroked her fingers down his brow, and along his cheek.

Geppetto would stop, his tears finally ceasing, knowing the fairy spoke the truth he'd take a deep breath, before ultimately muttering, "Do it".

The fairy would smile, "then so it shall be" she'd say sweetly, her hands reaching into Geppetto's hair before pulling him into a kiss. "The contract has been made, but the body is too far gone, you must make the boy a new one, and then when it is time, I will deliver his soul to it, clean, and brand new."

Geppetto nodded, knowing a long week's work was ahead of him, to craft a child of wood, to build sinew and fibrous muscle of string. He would not fail, he could not now....




Name/Character: Chicken Little

Nickname: CK, Chicka, Ken Little

Age: 26

Gender: Male


Everybody knows Chicken Little, the chicken that oh so famously said that the sky was indeed falling. What people may not know is that Chicken Little wasn't really wrong, and that he was actually more of a man than a barnyard bird. It all started with a king, hundreds of years ago a noble king fearing the end of days and the death of his kingdom began to surround himself with the smartest men in all of the kingdoms. Amongst them all, the smartest scholar would forever be known as the 'Magne Cerebum'. As the years passed this organization of scholars would venture out recruiting new initiates as gifted children and taking them back to the king's Academy to be schooled and raised in the order.

Amongst these children, was a boy named Alabastor Stills, a product of a noble family who was recruited at the remarkable age of 4 years old. Alabastor immediately took to the order, far surpassing his instructors in all manner of disciplines until finally in his late teens he would become Magne Cerebum at last. As Magne Cerebum Alabastor would take great strides to improving the kingdom, creating all manner of devices and innovations, the likes of which would startle and surprise hundreds of people. Roads became cleaner, the world a little more wonderful until the day when Alabastor finally completed his calculations for a date when the world would end. The Wolf Principle, a mathematic formula had told him of the impending destruction of the world, and so Alabastor rushed to inform his king and country.

As if on cue, the world disrupted into panic, riots began in the streets and folks began to wish their loved ones goodbye. Alabastor himself went into hiding along with a select few of his colleagues and family, together they all took refuge in a bunker of sorts deep below the earth. For years Alabastor hid in this bunker, watching as the others either wasted away, dissolved into madness, or committed suicide, whether from idle boredom or depression he'd never know, having never really had time for friends.

Eventually Alabastor was left alone, and after 5 years he'd finally resolved himself to leave his bunker, to see the world one last time before ending himself. Of course when he finally opened the door he'd see that the world had not in fact ended, and that his calculations had been off by a few thousand years. He'd soon come to find that his reputation had been ruined after the day came and passed, and that he was now and forever more known as "Chicken Little" for so timidly disappearing.

Still very much wanted by the family of the king he'd advised, the king that also ultimately committed suicide to spare himself the pain of the world's end. Alabastor went into hiding, drifting from town to town under the name Ken Little in honor of his new title.

The genius now a little mad from the years in isolation, now has a new mission derived from his new theory. Find the authors, kill them, watch the world end.

Yes he now seems to think the world must be made from the imaginations of some author, or perhaps several. After all how could such fantastic beings and things go on so often day to day!? He's usually deemed crazy for this belief, but hey it's not like people pay much attention to his ravings these days anyways.

Extract from character's POV:

n/a (I'll do it later)



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