Fallen Angel (p2mangil X Rukatin)

Israfil curses and paces back and forth. "Well at least you had a plan right?' He looks at her. "...There's no plan is there." he continues to storm back and forth. "You stole the GodDamned Trumpet and you didn't think what to do after?! Heaven's going to be looking for you and if Lucifer ever finds out it's status, It'll be a mad rush. They'll both clash looking for it. You see, you didn't stop the war from happening, You just threw oil on the fire!" He heaves breaths in and out. "And now you're here, with me."
Angil bows her head in embarrassment. She shook her head in response to his question about a plan. She now felt foolish about her decision and now this man is involved in the situation. She stood up and walked to the door. "I'm very sorry you have been caught up in this. Its best if I go on and leave. You can say I recovered and left and that you dont know who I was or what I was doing. I'm terribly sorry again."
Israfil stops. He just looks at Angil and for a few moments, considers doing just what she said. "...You're going to die if you go out there. They're looking for you." He walks back over to the Sword on the wall and sighs. "Stay."

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