Fallen Angel (p2mangil X Rukatin)


Junior Member
Among a sea of clanking swords and screaming angels, a lone female angel runs through the fray clasping something to her chest. Not far behind her, two male angels wielding swords angrily chase after her. "Get back here!" They yell at her but their commands fall on deft ears. She makes it to a large silver gate and turns around to check how far the men were. Seeing that there is little time for a proper decent, the woman says a short incantation and jumped through the gate.

A blinding light and the intense feeling of falling overwhelms her. The woman's wings buckles behind her and using them to control herself was impossible. A green and blue land could be seen below her and she smiles. The woman closes her eyes and braces herself for the coming impact.

A blaze of light could be seen falling from the sky for miles. The impact causes the land nearby to shake and a cloud of dirt covers the sky. Inside the crater is a young blonde female, laying unconscious.
On a hilltop far away, what appears to be a man stares at the plume of smoke. He heaves a sigh. "Should I check it out?" He ponders his own question for a moment before turning around and walking away.

...Only for a few moments later to turn around again. "This better pay off" he grumbles to himself as he marches down the hill.

As he nears the crater, he gives a waves of his hand and a sliver of power, and the smoke begins to dissipate. He waits until the crater is visible before taking a cautious step in. He slides down the side and slows as he nears the center. He then stops as he sees a figure lying prone and immediately takes a defensive stance.

'Funny, I don't feel any demonic taint, only...' His eyes widen as the dust finally clears, revealing the Angel in front of him.

"Well shit."
Angil wearily opened her eyes. With unclear vision, she could see a dark figure in front of her. Frightened, she attempted to move away but the pain and weakness all over her body prevented her from going anywhere. Angil closed her eyes, and tried to remember where she was and what happened. The whole situation is a blur. She remembered running in heaven. Away from a couple of warrior angels. She had just stolen the trumpet...

Angil's eyes burst open and with what little strength she had, she tried to search the ground around her, looking for the trumpet. 'Where is it? I cant loose it.' Her hand knocks aside a sapphire necklace but thinks nothing of it but soon she passes out from pain and exhaustion.
Irsafil watches her panic and soon pass out. He works his jaw as he tries to figure out just what in God's name is going on.

"A new Fallen...?" He murmurs to himself. He gets closer and begins to look her over. He didn't need magic to tell that she was very weak.

"Well what do you do now Israfil? Help the Fallen? Or do nothing?" He thinks aloud, pacing back and forth. He heaves a heavy sigh and turns towards the prone figure. "I'm going to get Hell for this." All of a sudden, a wide grin appears on his face. "...Maybe that wouldn't be so bad..." His eyes clamp shut as he pushes down on the sudden feeling. "No. I'm not going to turn into one of them." He spits out the word in bitter distaste.

He bends down and scoops the angel into his arms, but his eyes catch on the necklace glinting in the light. He reaches out and picks it up, holding it in his open palm. "Now what do we have here?"
Angil is slightly conscious of the lift on her body, but is unable to help support her own weight. She lays there as dead weight, thinking. 'What am I going to do now? I know nothing of this world and I dont know what happened to the trumpet..' She felt movement for a little while and strength was starting to come to her. She moved just enough to wrap her arms around the stranger's neck to help with carrying her weight.
Feeling the Angel's arms wrap around his neck, he stiffens. But then slowly relaxes as he sees it's a non-hostile action. "...Right. Maybe you're friendly." He exhales and pockets the necklace as he unfurls his wings. With a force of will and a flap of his wings, he takes into the sky. Flying high enough to be mistaken as a bird from then ground.

He soars through the sky for awhile, and the view of the setting sun is quite breathtaking. Soon he descends upon what looks like a mostly intact stone ruin. Israfil looks at the town to the west as he lands. Israfil hefts his charge as he enters the building; pushing aside large wooden double doors with an ominous groan.

It is then revealed that this was once a church.
Upon feeling the familiar feeling of taking off, Angil wraps her arms tighter around his neck. 'Another angel or demon?' She trembles a bit at the thought of being captive by a demon. However something soft grazed her foot while in the air and she calmed a bit . 'Huh? Feathers. I guess it is an angel, but they couldnt have caught up with me already.'

Angil soon felt the stranger land with surprising softness. She finally had the strength to open her eyes. Before her was a man with dark hair, eyes and wings. 'Huh? A fallen.' Her stomach pitted a bit with anxiety. She had heard stories of these angels. They had done something horrible to be exiled from heaven. Those sins slowly turn their wings black. She glanced at his wings, seeing that they are completely black. Her face flushed a bit. His sins were great and she became afraid of what he might do to her.
Israfil pauses as she stirs. He looks up at the shattered stained glass windows, the crumbling ceiling and the crooked crucifix on the wall.

Gone for a decade or so and already this place is falling apart. He steps aside piles of rubble as he makes his way to the back of the church. "Come on, it's here somewhere..." He stops an stares at a pile of rubble. With another wave of his hand, the debris gets shoved aside, revealing a wooden hatch. "There we go." He flips the hatch open with his foot and jumps down into the darkness.

A wall torch flares to life, and the darkness is gone, revealing a set of stone steps leading down. Israfil makes his way down, more torches lighting on his path until he comes to a room. He smiles. "Just as I left it."

Inside is best described as a safe-house turned into a home. There's a chest and a cot, a wardrobe and an armoire, and is that a Sword on the wall?

Israfil carries his charge to the cot and sets her down. "Rest. I have questions but you are in no condition to answer them."
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Angil finally noticed the cathedral around her. It was falling apart but it still had that scense of serenity to it. However when the fallen revieled the the entrance to an underground room, her heart started to race. What did he have planed for her. When the room turned out to be just a small living quarters, she looked around confused. All her angelic life, she was told horrible stories about the wicked ways of the fallen, and that she should always run if she came across one. However this one has shown no sign of ill will or aggression.

Laying on the small cot she could feel her energy slowly come back to her. When she was just strong enough, she sat up and looked at the fallen with suspicious eyes. "I appreciate you helping but I think it would be best if I left as soon as possible. Others will be coming after me and I don't think you would want to get involved." Just then she felt a sensation she had never felt before...'Fear?' She smiled a bit at the feeling. She had never felt it before. The emotion was overwhelming. "I'm-I'm feeling emotions. I have only been on earth for a couple hour at most. Should I be humanizing already?" She spoke aloud to herself, almost forgetting the fallen in front of her.
Israfil looks at her wings. They are now longer the pure-angelic white when he first found her, but a very light shade of grey. "Well that raises even more questions." He pulls away a chair from a table and sits in front of her. "Humanizing? No. You'll never lose your wings. As much as you might want it, you'll always be an Angel. Even Fallen."

He stands and goes over to the chest. He opens it and pulls out a Sword with a crucifixion shape and walks back over the the chair and sits. "Now for my questions. And depending upon your answers, it will decide what I will do with you." He points the sheathed blade towards the stone floor.

"First question: What is your sin?"
Angil watched as he grabbed the sword and once again the fear flared up. But when he asked of her sin she looked at him offended. "I am not a fallen, I have no si-well technically I stole something. But I am not a fallen." Her eyes glassed over a bit and you could see a great sadness on her face. "There would have to be a God to cast an angel out of heaven. I dont think the Archangels could even do that." She wrapped her wings around her as if to give herself a hug. As she was mindlessly stroking her feathers she noticed the light grey tinge to them. "No. No. I'm not fallen. I didn nothing wrong." She rubbed her wings as if to try to wipe them clean.
"You stole something? So your sin is Greed." he seems to relax a bit. "Not the worst sin." He watches her try to deny what's happening to her. "Calm. Down. They're not black. In fact, that's the lightest shade I've seen in a fallen. Wait, what did you mean before by 'There would have to be a God'?"
Realizing that her once purely white wings were now starting to change, she stopped wiping them and just held them gently. She was feeling pure sadness now and it was the worst feeling. She looked up at him when he asked what she meant and she just shook her head. "I forgot. Those who fell from grace is no longer connected to the other angels." She took a deep breath to gain control of her emotions and began speaking again. "Not long ago, God disappeared. We were lost and the archangels stepped up to lead. But they began to fight, like usual, but then having no one else to look to, the other angels began to fight as well. A war wages in heaven. I couldnt take seeing my brothers and sisters fighting anymore so I took G- um, something I thought might stop the fighting."
Israfil narrows his eyes. 'How could stealing a necklace stop fighting? ...Wait.' "Wait, what did you say about God?" Before there is a chance for an answer, knocking is heard on the trapdoor.

(Sorry for my absence. I didn't have a computer for the weekend)
Angil's heart began to race and she looked around the room, trying to find somewhere to hide. 'They couldn't have possibly caught up with me already?' She spotted a cubbard in the corner and she hopped in, hoping the fallen wouldn't turn her in.

((Thats cool. With the holiday weekend I figured you might have had plans))
Israfil unsheathes the long sword and creeps up to the hatch. Before he can reach up to open it, a letter slips through the crack and falls to the floor. Israfil cautiously reaches down and picks it up. He narrows his eyes at the flowing demonic handwriting on the piece of parchment.

"It's for you."
Angil didn't hear a voice other than the Fallen, so she poked her head out of the cubbard. He stood there, holding a letter. Curious, she climbed out and walked over to grab the letter. She frouned at the demonic writing as read it. She let out a mocking laugh when she was finished. "If they think I'm going to meet with them, then they are more delusional than I thought." She sighed, thinking about the horn "It seems I have lost what I stole anyways. If the demons are sending this, then I imagine they didn't find it. And I doubt that the angels found it. I guess I could go back to where I fell to look.." she spoke aloud but more to herself.
Israfil then snatches the paper from her hands, reads it, (he also apparently has the sword pointed at your heart) crumples it into a ball and tosses it away while also making it burst into flames. "Good choice. I would've killed you otherwise." He picks up the sheathe where he dropped it and slides it partially on the sword. "Now. Where were we?"
Angil glared at the man when he threatened her. There was no question now to what sin he had. A blank look came to her face when she tried to remember what they were previously talking about. "Where were we. I don't remember.." She rubbed the back of her head embarrassingly, her cheeks feeling hot.
Her cheeks got hotter. "Um, well. No one really knows what happened. He ordered everyone away and then after that he was just gone. After a few hours someone went to go check on him and he wasnt there. He wasnt anywhere. The Archangels are blaming the humans for him leaving. Thats why there is fighting going on. Each want to lead the angels and punish the humans the way they see fit." She crossed her arms behind her and started to kick the ground with her foot. "I think it was the Archangels constant bickering that caused him to leave. I worked close to God and every time the Archangels approached him he looked stressed afterwards."
Israfil stands suddenly, knocking back the chair and lets out a particularly vile string of words. "It all makes sense. I've noticed a rise in demon activity, but could never make sense of it." He goes over to the Sword that hangs on the wall. "If Heaven is in chaos as you say, then Hell will try and press it's luck. Then, War. And the mortal world will be caught in the crossfire."
His sudden movement made Angil jump. After getting over the initial shock, she sat on the bed and nodded her head. "Exactly. And frankly if one of the archangels do gain control then the human world will be under seige either way. All three are angry at the humans they either want to wipe them out, turn them into slaves of a chosen few or make them mindless pets. I want to find out what happened to God and get him to come back. To prevent anyone wining, I stole the horn-" Angil clasped her hands over her mouth to stop herself from saying more.
Israfil simply stares. "You stole what?!" He storms over, fire in his eyes. "What. Did. You. Do."
Angil looked as if she was about to cry. "I-I had to do something. I couldn't let them do what they wanted to the humans. God loves them and if no one atleast tried to do something, he would be so upset." She clenched her fists in her lap and stared at the floor. "I know it was stupid, but I didn't know what else to do.

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