Fall of the Heart

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist
Name: Bernadette Jayne Otherwise called March

Age: 18

Position (like alice or Jack): March Hare

Skills: Speed, agility, lack of fear, unpredictability, creativity

Magic (if any): Disorientation or the ability to use mild illusions to throw her opponent off guard.

Weapons (if any): A small but sharp knife.


Bio (opt): She was raised but not born to the local nutcase. However, this nutcase known as Orin was highly respected in his era and was known as so brilliant, nobody could see him as sane. He was slow and not physically skilled but a talented illusionist. March was picked out of a group for her unique way of thinking and vast energy.

Personality: Bernadette or march is a hyper, easily amused, out of the box thinker. Not quite mad, she is still easily misunderstood or overwhelming. She enjoys playing with her ability or spending time thinking and if you interrupt this, it doesn't matter if she likes you. She will lodge a knife in your neck.


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Name: Alex Profon

Age: 19

Position: The Big Bad Wolf

Skills: Skilled tracker, combatant, and tactician

Magic: Transformation (Limited/Locked at the start.)

Weapons: Decent sized knife when he can't transform.


Personality: Although you wouldn't expect it, Alex is quite friendly. But nobody really dares to deal with his mentor, and by extension that means him as well. Because of this, even though Alex has a warm heart he doesn't say much. He'll help you if you need it but won't really say anything afterwords, he might want something, or he might not really care if you do anything.


Name: Chester Von Chlorp

Age: 16

Position (like alice or Jack): Cheshire Cat

Skills: Persuasion, stealth, lying, misleading, getting into peoples heads, agility.

Magic (if any): Invisibility

Weapons (if any): His claws

Personality: Chester is a small trickster, he warms up to others quite quickly and is very loyal to those who are kind to him. He has a strong weakness for kittens and will drop everything to pet one.

But other then that he is a bit quiet, and seems to always be tired. He gets irritated easily when it comes to other people, and seems to find animals more enjoyable then most beings.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.ab66f353ce5aefbb27c5d59a4d59ef93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.ab66f353ce5aefbb27c5d59a4d59ef93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Issun Boshi




Issun-boshi the inch high samuri



Sword fighting





The Lucky Mallets ability to shrink, grow, de-age, and return people to their normal state.



The lucky mallet



Issun has a short complex even though he's just barely under average height. He enjoys adventuring, and is always out to prove his competence. Whether to others or to himself. Issun is very nice and tries to be polite. Especailly to old childless couples, whom he loves.





Minou N Stivali

(He tries to get people to call him master cat, but most call him Puss)




Puss in boots




Quick thinker

Good at sword fighting

Adorable! :3 Wait, that doesn't count?


He has the ability to "transform" into an orange tabby cat


A rapier sword



He's clever and doesn't just resort to violence, but tries to think and speak his way out. He's still skilled with a sword, but it's really for the last minute. He's very touchy about his boots, and basicly never takes them off, and even sleeps in them. Wanting people to call him master cat, he gets slightly angry or annoyed, and threatens people if they call him puss.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Faikitty.jpg.2acb971319c7cc96681843376a8f89d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Faikitty.jpg.2acb971319c7cc96681843376a8f89d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



I will change anything if need be. :3



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Name: Jade Tocker

Age: 16

Position: Crocodile (from Peter Pan, you know the one that ate Captin Hook's hand)

Skills: Can eat things not normally considered edible, heightened sense of smelling and hearing, can hold breath for long periods of time, and swims like a fish.

Magic: Able to switch between human form and croc form.

Weapons: Teeth and tail when in croc form. A spear when in human form.


Personality: Jade is an active person, though less so when in low temperatures for extended periods of time. She also loves to eat(pretty much anything she can get her hands on). She's very loyal to her friends but has a short temper and often gets into fights over small matters. Jade also loves swimming or rather water in general.




Name: Persika(Percy for short) Giolla

Age: 18

Position: Peach boy (Momotaro)

Skills: Sword fighting, martial arts, innate sense of direction, an ear for languages

Magic: Can infa-spawn peaches, understands animals

Weapons: Swords and peaches

Personality: Persika has a natural charisma leading to him having many friends even though he doesn't actively seek to make new friends. He loves animals and has a kind-heart, and caringness. He has an un-natural fondness for peaches and will randomly stop to eat them. He also enjoys napping and has a some what short attention span. Can be lazy and sometimes must be prodded to action.



((I really like this idea, and just had to try to get in on the act. But I won't be on much until the end of May at least. So just a heads up there.))
Name: Crystal Visiden

Age: 17

Position: Magic Mirror

Skills: Observation, reading vocal inflections and body language, lie detection

Magic: Ability to locate anyone she has seen before by using her glass shard, Ability to live inside her mirror, Can see through disguises and false fronts (people, places, etc.), Can sometimes see the future when inside the mirror (doesn’t work if other magic is blocking her or if she is tired/fatigued)

Weapons: Large shard of glass that can be used as a knife or a way for Crystal to use her powers

Personality: Crystal is very shy, and not many people know of her position since the Magic Mirror is often seen as an item rather than a living being. She is a calm, gentle girl from a small village. Crystal has a kind heart and will always do what she can to help others. She always tells the truth and can sometimes be brutally honest without realizing. The people in her village would say she is always off in her own world, which is true- Crystal spends much of her free time inside the mirror, exploring the vast knowledge she has access to within the glass.




Name: Argent Richardson

Age: 19

Position: Rumpelstiltskin

Skills: Sewing, persuasion, an eye for treasure- can tell a real item from a fake, working under pressure, can run on little sleep, can work several hours without stopping, pickpocketing

Magic: Can transform straw, fabric, thread (or anything that can be spun through a spinning wheel) into another material or color by using his spinning wheel

Weapons: Long sewing needles

Personality: Although his position has a bad reputation, Argent is a pretty easy-going guy. He works hard and often does jobs for people without charging. Argent is cool and collected unless you get on his bad side. He doesn’t anger easily- one of the few ways to anger him is to back out on a deal in which he already held up his end. If someone breaks a promise they made to him, that person can expect to be missing some valuables within the week. Argent is respectful and rather charming. He can sweet-talk his way out of almost anything, but he always tries to be sincere with his words. Argent loves a challenge and enjoys the rare adventures he has.


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Name: Shonen (Sh-?-nen)

Age: 15

Position: the boy who drew cats

Skills: drawing cats, swift, knows some in the way of sword fighting

Magic: can draw cats that will come to life



Personality: Shonen is kind and loves to draw cats he, always will try no matter the task, and is kind of childish




This is his backpack filled with art supplies.

(I think that's all.)
Name: Red

Age: 16

Position (like alice or Jack): Red Riding Hood

Skills: She is very good at baking.

Magic (if any): When she wraps her cloak around herself, it makes her blend in with the surroundings. Kind of like invisibility.

Weapons (if any): She likes to be peaceful but has a dagger strapped to her upper arm and will use it if she has to.

Bio (opt): Unknown.(I'll fix this later.)

Personality: She quiet, kind nice, and gentle, but is very clumsy.



Name: Spade

Age: 18

Position (like alice or Jack): Queen of Hearts

Skills: She is really good at yelling and telling people what to do. :)

Magic (if any): She can turn anything she pleases red and black and can summon Spade Soldiers from the ground.

Weapons (if any): She has a long needle with a handle, a lot like a sword.

Bio (opt): Unknown.

Personality: Rude, sassy, flirty, odd, and sometimes a little mad(as in crazy).


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All after this point, Accepted! Sorry. Ive been.. well honestly I forgot I made this. STARTING! 
Posted! Join in to your convenience.
Name: Sami


Position: Ali Baba

Skills: Clever, pickpocket, people person, lock pick, see through lies and disguises

Magic:"Open Sesame" When spoken by an Ali Baba can open any door and "Close Sesame" can close and lock it

Weapons: small curved dagger

Bio: Ali Baba use to be one of the richest jobs in the land. Unfortunately they lost all of their money and power when the world was poisoned. they are still called upon by the council when there are times of trouble for their clever minds. Sami is one of the youngest council members because the Ali baba before him had refused to take on an apprentice until he found someone who could use the magic words, after his son didn't have the ability. Before that, Sami was a street kid with a skill at lock picking he broke into the Ali Baba household because he thought "Open Sesame" was just a password to open the magic door and was discovered then. (In reality it was just easier to say that than use a key)

Personality: More of a talker than a fighter. Good a thinking his way out of bad situations. He is cheerful and friendly, likes to cause trouble but will hold back that urge if he has too.



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