Fall of the Heart [Inactive]

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist
Bea Delaine submitted a new role play:

Fall of the Heart - The rebirth of an old Fairy tale evil threatens our world.

Its been far too long since fairytales were heard, which their events came and went. Now Red Riding Hoods long retired from this world. Alice has parted, the hatter buried. Even Hansel and Gretel were mere stories mixed through time and minds and dust…
But things aren't really that simple, now are they? Not when the worlds they lived in merged into one. Oz and Wonderland. The all too well known black forests. All the worlds connected and piece had to be made.

Taking their places...
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Bernadette, otherwise known as March, was active today. She was running errands for Orin. The old man figured it would be a good idea to take everyones busy work and fix all broken furniture in his boredom. The old man was never such a useful flow of food and coins, but he claimed to be in no shape for distributing them back out to their owners. And joy, wouldn't it be entertaining to send March out carrying full tables across their town? After doing all the chores, she lost herself in the running around and took to running rooftops for hours. It was long past noon yet the sun had yet to sink by the time she returned.

March opened the door slowly, green and brown eye peeking in the home before sliding in. Almost immediately, a large hard back atlas book was chucked at her head. She caught it without thought and chucked it back, hearing a satisfying cussing and crash. "Hell, Old man?!" She yelled, lungs strong and shrill. After another series of crashes, Orin revealed himself. A lanky and giant man, height impaired by a crooked back with brownish grey frizz somehow surviving bald spots came to March and peered at her, as though looking for something.

"Didn't hit you, eh?"

"No old man." She retorted, noticing a sense of disappointment in his voice.

"Well, it cant be help then." He chopped her in the head, and March let out a small squeak. She would poison his dinner. That was it. "Where were you! Marchy, Ya cant jus run off an leave poor ol' me to fend for ma'self." He whined, acting senile. "Also, I was going to tell you that yar wanted in the town building for a meeting with tha others."

"Is it about the-"


"Oh." Their back in fourths took on a slightly solemn tone. March lowered her eyes. She was still a kid. She still wanted to have fun. Orin saw this and messed with her hair.

"Chin up, Rabbit. Get goin. Yar not my replacement for nothing. Ill make dinner tonight, if yar good an don't attack anyone." Whelp. There goes the poisoning plan.

"Thanks Orin. If ya don't cook something I like though, you'll be runnin your own errands." She said, hurrying out. Orin watched from behind, smile turning sad, and knowing. March knew better than to look back at him. The Council wasn't a place for grieving. It was a place for prosperity. The same which they would have to bring as the newest generation.

As she arrived, She was lead into a large room with a big table among many by a man dressed as a Pawn. She knew where to sit right away. The Merlin sat high at one seat. Eyes blinding and greenish grey. He was tall and sturdy, silky white beard melding into the mane he called hair. Truly living up to his name, his figure was a sight to behold. He saw March and smile lines creased.

"Ah, welcome March Hare. Please sit, child." She grinned, lopsided and complied. "A-aye!" He chuckled. "We will begin as soon as the others come."

Red skipped down the street going from house to house selling mini apple pies. She came to the last house and knocked on the door. As it slowly creaked open she saw a girl with short black hair standing there. She smiled.

“Hi! I was wondering if you would like to buy an apple pie. The price is cheap and I made them myself. Would you like on?” the girl sneered at her. “Get lost weirdo.” she said before slamming the door in her face. She frowned.

That's the first negative comment I've gotten all day. She thought turning around and stopping off. She huffed, flipping her rust colored curls. Well, you can just be that way, see if I care. She thought crossing her arms standing straight.

She then heard the church bells and her eyes grew wide. “On no, The Council meeting! I'm going to be late.” she said before breaking into a run towards the Council Hall.
Chester strolled through the markets of town, thin tail whipping back and forth as it skimmed the ground behind him attempting to dodge others feet. The purple ears which where planted onto his head peaking out of his blonde locks.

But though his appearance he didn't receive any glares as he finally bit into the small Granny Smith apple which had been given to him for his as he put it frail weary grandmother. The man oblivious to her passing last year, but many where no one had truly known the women.

Though they should that crazy old hen, her tough independent attitude always scaring others off.

It'd send Chester off as well some days but the smell of her bread always drew him back.

The sly cat finished the green apple quite quickly tossing the center towards a flock of birds. The foreign object causing the black winged creatures to scatter before reforming around it pecking at what was purposly left behind. And looked around at his surroundings as he twiddled the pink bandana which was so delicately wrapped around his neck that earlier morning. Letting out a small yawn he began towards a small patch of hay where he spotted stray horses nibbling from, a water supply set up beside it as well as some grain.

As he walked over his eyes fell upon the man which had done this for the horses, whose ribs could be counted whenever he took a breath despite the scrubs he wore.

He was just watching them, not attempting to tame them or anything else of the cruel sort. It lightened Chesters heart, it gave him hope that not all citizens in this town where foolish and sunken in greed. These type of people are who he accepted his council spot for, the men and women who didn't do things for merely themselves but for the good of everyone.

Chester stared at the man blue eyes bright as they waited for him to check his pocket, to see the small present he had set inside of it mere seconds ago going unnoticed by everyone.

And as if answering his thoughts the stranger seemed to finally notice the newly baked bread protruding from his pocket. The sight seemed to nearly send the man into tears, perhaps he was homeless Chester thought silently before turning back around remembering where he had to go.

The little kitten did those types of things because some people deserved it, some people needed it more then his tailed behind.

The blonde weaved through the crowd until he fell upon the council hall.

Entering with his new friend tangled in his arms, it seemed this was a normal thing now.

In fact the man leading him to the meeting didn't even comment on it like he had the first time, which made things easier.

Within his arms was a small black kitten it's fur soft and warm against Chesters chest. The transferring heat causing him to let out a small yawn as he pushed open the door and entered the room plopping down into his seat which was one over from a heterochromic girl. He stared at her a moment, he never really paid much mind to the others but was always up for having a conversation somedays.

"If I where to be named after a month if prefer May...Or November..." he stated waiting for a response from the girl who came from his identical tale.
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As two new people entered, the merlin greeted them with a dip of the head and a gracious smile. One thing he always liked about watching them grow up into their position was seeing toddlers develope personalities that could never be imitated. Upon hearing the Cheshire, he chuckled. An elder Cheshire was his friens a while back. It was interesting to listen to this one, different despite being chosen to hold the same position. His eyes moved to an obviously previously sprinting red riding hood and he watched for moment more.

"Please be seated, we will waot for more to come, Chester, Red."

Upon hearing the month joked, March chuckled and swung her gaze over to them. "But, what about December, june and april? Tsk, dont discriminate against months." She joked, chuckling afterwards. "Im known as the March Hare. The Cheshire i would presume?" She asked with a voice full of charisma. She isnt usually one to step out of Orins work place to socialize. More likely to run rooftops or get lost. She wanted to know everyone well though.
Chester stroked that calm feline which laid upon his lap comfortably his striped stockings matching his suspenders unintentionally that day. At the moment he seemed to finally be noticing this, and rose a brow at himself before looking at the rabbit. Chuckling lightly at her joke the slightly maddening grin naturally appearing on his face before falling,

"That seems to be my title little Rabbit." The small nickname fell into a yawn which slid into his words as he ceased petting the cat and rose it to his mouth to mask it.

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Percy lay back in the grass the warmth of the sun feeling so wonderful on his skin. His eyes closed as he rubbed his thumb across the fuzzy skin of the peach in his hand. But just as he began to drift off a voice invaided his ears. It was deeper than most but it was deffinately a girls voice. "Persika! Persika Giola at least answer me." Percy opened his eyes just in time to see Jade step quickly up the last few stairs to his yard.

"Morning Jade." Percy said smiling up at the girl. Jade had her arms crossed over her chest and had an annoyed look on her face.

"Don't gimme that. The old man sent me after you, saying that he sent you on an errand and you did come back."

Percy's eyes opened wider, he'd totally forgotten. "Oh, I should probably do that." He said getting up and brushing himself off. He'd gotten distracted while he was out and had ended up just going home.

"Don't bother now." Jade said her expression softening as she snatched the peach out of Percy's hand. "I took care of it for you. But we need to get to the council hall." Jade took off back down the stairs pausing a moment to turnaround as Percy pulled another peach out of thin air. "Come on Peach Boy!" Then she continued on her way down hearing the light foot falls of Percy close behind her.

Soon they arrived at the council hall and Jade made sure Percy was still with her as she entered the impressive building. Before Jade could pick a seat Percy was off by a girl and a boy that seemed like they might be engaged in a conversation, offering his usual greeting a smile and a peach.

"Hello, my name is Percy." He said holding a soft, fuzzy fruit out to both the boy and the girl.
Red sat down in a chair and pulled down her hood, her rust colored curls spilling out. She watched as Percy came in. She smiled at him, but said nothing. Once again, she felt shy. Swinging her legs back and forth she waited for more to come.
Crystal looked down at the large shard of glass in her hand. "Time to go back," she said softly to herself. "Mirror mirror I have roamed, please send me back to my home." Crystal closed her eyes as a bright light flooded the air. When she opened her eyes again, she was standing in her small bedroom. Crystal replaced the curtain over the wall mirror and stuck the glass shard in a pouch she had made especially for the item. She checked the time and realized she had a Council meeting to attend to. She sighed a little. It's not that she minded having a position to fill, but she couldn't remember the last time anything actually important happened at a Council meeting. Well, maybe there were things important for some of the others, but the Mirror wasn't normally affected by anything. All the same, Crystal never skipped, though she doubted anyone would notice if she did. She usually sat in the back and let the other, more iconic members do the talking and figuring. The Mirror had always been an observer, patient and pondering. A real wallflower.


Argent smiled kindly at the customer as they made their exchange. "Pleasure doing business with you, as always, Sir," Argent said with a nod. The two shook hands before the other man went on his way. Argent was about to start closing up shop when he noticed a familiar figure approach him.

"Here to bargain, or did you just wanna bother me?" Argent grinned. The older man reached over and gave the boy a good smack on the head. "Mind your manners, boy. I might be old, but I ain't dead yet!" his mentor said, wagging a finger in the blonde's face. Argent chuckled, yeah that old fella really could pack a punch if he wanted to. "And what're you still doin' here? You gotta be at the Council meeting! Git!"

Argent raised his hands defensively. "Hey, I didn't forget. I was on my way 'till you came up here and distracted me."

"Don't give me none of that sass, boy. I won't let you use my house no longer."

Argent rolled his eyes and laughed. "Alright, alright. I'm going, old man. No need to get your heart rate up about it. You know-" Argent's mentor cut him off by slamming the door while he was still talking. Although Argent knew his purpose was to take his mentor's place, he wasn't looking forward to the day he wasn't around anymore. Argent chuckled to himself as he made his way to the Council meeting, imagining the old man was probably still griping about him.
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March grinned, chuckling through her teeth. When about to reply, she saw a strawberry blonde named Percy enter, as well as many others. "March. Nice to meet you!"

The merlin eyed everyone and gave an ancient warmth filled grin as he stood to hos feet, tall and towering. He figured, now would be the best time to explain the situation and just have the repeat to the others. What he had to say was unusual to say the least. Unlike usual, where the elder guardians are there aswell, he will be taking a personal note. A dark one, hoping to show them the severity of the situation.

"I am old." He started, loud and clear. March looked up with surprise. "The barrier which you have lived under is fading. There is no new merlin." The atmosphere became dark and.heavy feeling. "Its time fora rise in our kins power. Your power. as you know, the prince of hearts prospers and we live like cowards. Why should we, when i stand among possibly the strongest people alive at this.. very.. Moment." Every word was clear and concise as his eyes met every individuals. "I am sorry at the same time though, to force upon this group who barely sought their future out, a trial so unyielding. The names you own, you will have to wear them as the first who did" he finally decided to reach the point.

"It is your responsibility to leave here tomorrow. You must defeat the prince." He withdrewa crate fullof leather books. "These contain a map, and spacee to write and plan. I suggest you take advantage. You will havea night to say goodbye to loved ones and gather all that you have. Find a weapon, a pack for food, and any thing you dont want spoiled by time." His eyeslooked heavy from years of knowing, waiting and dread. His smile though was ever present. "There might even bea new merlin when you return. Our session is closed. Ask questions or be dismissed.
Cheshire eyed the bearded man, his opening sentence causing him to giggle sickly. His hand continued to caress the sweet kittens head, but halted at the mention of what they had to do.

The way Merlin expressed the idea made it sound as though they had no input in the matter either.

"It seems like in this situation where there's no other way to skin the cat." He murmured then his face contorted into a grimace,

"Let's refrain from using that metaphor for future reference." The purple eared teen pointed out for it made a part of him uncomfortable. Before sitting up straight peering at the man around the other bodies in the room,

"Though this does sound like a fun adventure I still must question your choice in fables, like perhaps you should ask," he held a hand out to the girl who held the same position as any past Red Riding hood,

"Not attempting to make hardships for you, but perhaps the oversized dog from her tale. Or that pompous girl Alice would know what she's doing. Thank you for your compliment of yourself being among the strongest but I can't go a second without questioning your choices." The boy quizzed the old man.

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Merlin looked at the Cheshire seriously for a moment before bursting into hearty laughter. This really was the new gen of his old friend Chuckling slightly at his choice in metaphor before gracing him with a straight answer. "Not the strongest individuals. If I were to split you up, even Our Gretel could overpower you, and she is merely five." He thought of the best way to describe it. "You can sneak past eyes with ease and deceive. Red is similar and fades away easily. These are great for infiltration with minimal confrontations. Jade is a powerhouse with an iron stomach and great strength when used correctly. Percy may lead you through confrontation with wildlife or scared people who are still uncorrupt. Crystal and Argent are perfect for seeing through traps and using this skill to their advantage. And March.." He paused to look at the girl, reddish and green eyes sparkling as if waiting for a nice thing to be said.

"Oh, please continue, Merlin. Have I ever told you how well you have aged?" He rolled his eyes.

"You may see that she is.. less than predictable on a battle field." She sighed at the neutral comment. "everyone has a part. By don't need a personality who will turn his back on the group in times of struggle.. and Alice is dead."
Cheshire's eyes flamed with passion for his own thoughts the chuckle catching him.

The kitten on his thighs sensed the tenseness which fell on the room and took its time as it removed herself from his personal vicinity. A team, he never worked well with others added on how he never was given the chance when raised under the strict red hen.

As Merlin spoke each familiar name the eared boy eyed each character them lastly landing on the Month Rabbit. About to make the type of snarky comment which seemed to be his second nature he couldn't make a word after the new information.

"The. Alice?" He emphasised the overused line, recognising how it was usen by the original Cheshire when they had first met.

"How so? When?" Though he didn't come off as the person to care about the overreacting and curious blonde but she was still the protagonist to his maddening mind.

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Before Merlin could get a word in, March jumped up on the table, wild eyes full of excitement and worry. "Let me, Merly!" She said and the legend merely face palmed. He was sure if Orin hadn't been his childhood friend he would have tied the girl up and whacked her with his staff until candy fell out, a long time ago.

She looked down to Chester. "Okay! Orin told me how it went! Before we were old enough to go on this.. er, adventure. They used ol' Alice as a scapegoat!" She pointed an accusing finger at Merlin. He sighed. "She offered to kill em like before, along with a couple pawns and a bishop." She referenced the dressed up men. "After weeks of bein' gone, a heavily injured pawn returned with the hand of alice and nothing else. He rambled crazily about aback winged beast and something about 'rebirth'. Before the old hare, Orin, could pick his brain to see what he saw, the only witness was dead." She panted, speaking a mile a minute. Merlin looked ready to protest, but she was right. He merely nodded and waked her with a stick prompting her to fall off the table. "She is correct."
Chester gazed at the girl disgusted with how excited she was to tell such a story. But kept his expression blank as he lifted up to his neck with a hand pinching the thin magenta bandana around his neck with his fingers.

"Alright," was all he stated as his input before walking up to Merlin taking a hold of a single leather book.

"Every adventure begins with a step, trite but true. I'll see you all tomorrow." He announced before slowly fading away with out a word, his deranged crooked smile the last thing seen before he was gone with the passing air. Instantly running from the room knowing that any of his sounds where silenced as if he was trapped in a box no one could enter. Cheshire is an odd character whose cunning and sly words where natural unlike Chester. He always questioned it, why he was meant to fit in a mold he was to small for.

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Shonen was sitting under an oak tree drawing cat after cat he began to draw another when his pencil dropped from his hand "Oh no, I completely forgot!" Shonen packed everything up and slipped his pencil into his pocket. " I hope I'm not late." He said speeding up and jumping a fence.

Shonen slowed down and soon came to a stop, "Is it this way or that way?" He questioned himself then took a step to the right and then decided to go left only to see a lake "Okay right it is."

He didn't take this path other then once or twice but the other path he usually took was to far from where he was.

Shonen stopped again but this time he stopped because he was there he entered and said quietly "Am I late?" walking to the closes seat.
Crystal let her mind wander until the meeting started. Interestingly enough, they got the main point very quickly. She was a bit shocked at the sudden news. As Crystal looked around the room, she had to agree with the Cheshire- surely Merlin didn't mean for all of them to go when there were those best suited to the task. She listened as the stories were told. It was true, what March said. They couldn't depend on Alice for this. Crystal shrugged a little to herself anyways, figuring she was excused until she heard her name called. "W-What?" she whispered. For once, she had been noticed, and called upon to fulfill some dangerous quest. "You heard him, sweetheart. Looks like we're both going," Crystal heard Argent say. Crystal glared at him. Argent had made her special bags to protect her mirrors, but other than that, she didn't know the guy very well. She had heard rumors, though. But how could he be so indifferent about this?


Argent turned away from Crystal and looked at the late arrival. "Yo," he said to Shonen. He shrugged. "Don't worry, you didn't miss too much. Merlin was just saying we all gotta team up and defeat the Prince of Hearts. You know, typical save-the-world kinda stuff. Oh, and we leave tomorrow so say your prayers tonight." Argent sighed, running his hand through his golden hair before giving an unconcerned yawn. "Apparently we're all needed," he added. "So no getting out."
Issun sat down, with a groan. "That place shouldn't be so hard to find." He said to himself. "I'm so late right now, it's not funny, and it's all the building's fault." Leaning against the wall he was by, he sighed, before standing back up again. "What am I doing? I can't waste time, everyone's waiting for me, and I bet I'm the only one who isn't there." With that, he began to run again, but little did he know, he wasn't the only one running, EXTREMELY late.

In another place at the same time, not to far away, Minou, otherwise known as Puss panted. He had offered some help to an old lady, but she was making it a lot harder than it had to be. But, he was finally done, and began to walk away. "Darn it." He mumbled. "That old woman made me more late than I already was. Why couldn't she have just let me help her?"

Looking up, Issun stared in awe at the large building. "Woah, this place is huge." He said. "Because, I am definetly not short, and this is still really big." With that, he opened the door slowly, hoping he wasn't going to be in to much trouble for being late.

Puss leaned over, and panted more. "Stupid..." He mumbled to himself. "Maybe, when I get there, I can slip in nice and quietly, so no one will notice I was late. Yeah, that's it." With that, he changed into a cat, standing on his hind legs. His boots came all the way up his legs now, and he sighed. "Yup, this should do it. I'm small enough to not be noticed." He hurried over to the building. "All I have to do is enter the building with someone, and there's someone going inside now."

Issun looked down, as a cat wearing boots walked right past him, and inside. So, he began to follow the cat, who looked he knew what he was doing, so he wouldn't get lost again.
Jade couldn't believe hear ears, and Percy hadn't said anything since Merlin had begun to speak. She turned reaching to place a hand on his shoulder when suddenly he . . .he smiled. "Save-the-world-kinda stuff, huh? Sounds fun." He stated liking the words Argent had used. He turned to head out of the council room when Jade stopped him.

"Percy, this isn't just some game. You heard how serious it is even Merlin's worried about it." Jade said sometime she swore Percy was just to go-lucky for his own good. "We're going to be going on a dangerous quest." She didn't want to worry him but she needed to know that he understood the implications.

"I know." He replied simply. "But if we don't have a choice might as well look forward to it. No sense in dreading what is to come either way." Jade released her hold on Percy and he resumed his trekk home happily munching on a peach as though they'd just been told they were taking a vacation. Jade just stood where she was looking at the peach she held in her own hand, hoping Percy's optimisim wasn't going to come back to bite him.
Shonen looked at Argent as he was told they were going on a quest. "Oh." Shonen said, "Well then I best be ready since I have only ever killed anything but, that was from drawing cats and it was a just a goblin rat." Shonen stood up turning around exiting the building and pulled out a sketch book and took his pencil from his pocket finishing the cat he was drawing.

A large black cat jumped from the sketch book to beside Shonen it purred and rubbed on him. Shonen pet the cat as he walked home. Shonen ran suddenly the cat waiting a little before running after Shonen soon catching up and getting ahead of Shonen. Shonen stopped at the door where his friend was waiting.

Shonen took a step inside and the cat became a drawing again. Shonen opened up a cabinet and adjusted the pillow and blanket he still slept in the cabinet although this one was obviously bigger than most, that way he could actually sleep. He opened up a box and saw his short sword he unsheathed it and then set the sheath and box to the side and cleaned his weapon.
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