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Fandom Fairy Tail

Name: Amara Redfox

Age: 19

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(anime plz): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2a3c9ef4f417a0f4160f96ceca3b84c4.jpg.1b85839e49b24714ed23c9b0590f581c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138410" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2a3c9ef4f417a0f4160f96ceca3b84c4.jpg.1b85839e49b24714ed23c9b0590f581c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She keeps mostly to herself but can be a bit foul mouthed when annoyed.

Biography(optional): Amara is unsure of her own past Only remembering her own name and that she is looking for someone.

Magic(please don't all choose dragon slayer magic): Iron God Slayer

Class: A class

Guild and Guild Mark Location: Sabertooth. Gild mark located on left side of her collar bone it is a dark purple.

Skills: Iron Gods Bellow: Similar to Gajeel's iron dragon roar.

Iron Gods Dance: A strong physical attack that infuses Amara's hands, arms, legs, and feet with iron particles allowing her to cause greater damage.

Strengths(at least 4): Hand to hand combat, trustworthy, stelth, and very smart

Weaknesses(at least 4): People knowing more about her than she does herself, crowds, kittys, and large pools of water (she can't swim)

Crush: Kai Takeshi



  • 2a3c9ef4f417a0f4160f96ceca3b84c4.jpg
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[QUOTE="Amara Redfox]Name: Amara Redfox

Age: 19

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(anime plz): View attachment 306564

Personality: She keeps mostly to herself but can be a bit foul mouthed when annoyed.

Biography(optional): Amara is unsure of her own past Only remembering her own name and that she is looking for someone.

Magic(please don't all choose dragon slayer magic): Iron God Slayer

Class: A class

Guild and Guild Mark Location: Sabertooth. Gild mark located on left side of her collar bone it is a dark purple.

Skills: Iron Gods Bellow: Similar to Gajeel's iron dragon roar.

Iron Gods Dance: A strong physical attack that infuses Amara's hands, arms, legs, and feet with iron particles allowing her to cause greater damage.

Strengths(at least 4): Hand to hand combat, trustworthy, stelth, and very smart

Weaknesses(at least 4): People knowing more about her than she does herself, crowds, kittys, and large pools of water (she can't swim)

Crush: None atm

Other: N/A

Name ? Mr. ELK

Age ? Sixty Four

Race ? Human

Gender ? Male

Sexuality ? Hetro

Appearance(anime plz):

Personality ? Mr. Elk is quite the anomaly of a figure, as much of his reasoning's and thoughts are practically unknown, you can either catch him smiling or simply having a poker face, the chance is 50/50, not only is his thought process unknown to many, but so is his personality, although somewhat a greedy fellow, some can consider him insane, even with his genius level of intellect.

Magic ? Arc of Embodiment

Class ? S ((sorry fam))

Guild and Guild Mark Location ? Fairy Tail, its located on the palm of his hand.

Skills ? Unknown?

Strengths(at least 4) ? This figure seems to have a great deal of intelligence and seems quite knowledgeable, he's practically impossible to read, his past being a mystery, and even for his age, he seems to be quite agile.

Weaknesses(at least 4) ? This figures pride can get the best of him, he tends to drag out fights long as possible, insatiable greed, and at some times he can be quite lazy.

Height ? 6'0

Theme ? Toto Africa.


Tatsu Adachi









Appearance(anime plz):





Fire Dragon Slayer



Guild and Guild Mark Location:

Sabertooth, red between his shoulder blades


Fire Dragon's Roar - Katsu inhales, gathering fire his mouth, and then releases such fire in the direction of his opponent.

Fire Dragon's Dance - Katsu engulfs his hands and feet in fire, making his attacks stronger.

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame - Katsu generates fire on both of his hands and then joins them, creating a very large fire ball that he launches at his opponent.

Fire Dragon's Sword Horn - Katsu engulfs his entire body in flames and propels himself at his opponent at high speeds, hitting them with a powerful headbutt.

Strengths(at least 4):

A quick thinker

convincing actor

close ranged combat

agile and strong

Weaknesses(at least 4):

Eagerness to fight

gets motion sick on almost anything with wheels

Water Magic

Hot girls




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Name: Joey

age 17

Race: human

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: he can be shy at first but once you get to know him he is kind he's smart brave and a bookworm

Magic: Water dragon slayer

Class: c

Guild and Guild Mark Location:

Fairy tail if not then sabertooth his guild mark is blue and it's on his right shoulder

Skills: Water dragon fist, Water dragon roar, Water dragon freeze, and water dragon shield

his freeze attack can freeze water or the wizards attack and the shield can protect him and anyone around him

Strengths: can learn magic faster, can have a good defense with his spells, he can win easily by being in or being surounded by water, and his friends

Weaknesses: ice, lightning magic, and some types of fire magic but not all

Crush: N/a

other: N/A

bio: He wanted to join Fairy tail (or sabertooth) when he was just a child but when his parent's died from a dark guilds attack on where he'd lived a dragon name crystal took him in and raised him as her son and she taught Joey his magic and she even schooled him then one day crystal just vanished and didn't leave a trace so now Joey is in his guild with his guild mates but he's still trying to find his dragon and ask her why she left him
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Beyonder said:
Name ? Mr. ELK
Age ? Sixty Four

Race ? Human

Gender ? Male

Sexuality ? Hetro

Appearance(anime plz):

Personality ? Mr. Elk is quite the anomaly of a figure, as much of his reasoning's and thoughts are practically unknown, you can either catch him smiling or simply having a poker face, the chance is 50/50, not only is his thought process unknown to many, but so is his personality, although somewhat a greedy fellow, some can consider him insane, even with his genius level of intellect.

Magic ? Arc of Embodiment

Class ? S ((sorry fam))

Guild and Guild Mark Location ? Fairy Tail, its located on the palm of his hand.

Skills ? Unknown?

Strengths(at least 4) ? This figure seems to have a great deal of intelligence and seems quite knowledgeable, he's practically impossible to read, his past being a mystery, and even for his age, he seems to be quite agile.

Weaknesses(at least 4) ? This figures pride can get the best of him, he tends to drag out fights long as possible, insatiable greed, and at some times he can be quite lazy.

Height ? 6'0

Theme ? Toto Africa.
Red Reaper] [CENTER] Name: Tatsu Adachi Age: 17 Race: Human Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance(anime plz): [URL="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/474707616945566820/ said:





Fire Dragon Slayer



Guild and Guild Mark Location:

Sabertooth, red between his shoulder blades


Fire Dragon's Roar - Katsu inhales, gathering fire his mouth, and then releases such fire in the direction of his opponent.

Fire Dragon's Dance - Katsu engulfs his hands and feet in fire, making his attacks stronger.

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame - Katsu generates fire on both of his hands and then joins them, creating a very large fire ball that he launches at his opponent.

Fire Dragon's Sword Horn - Katsu engulfs his entire body in flames and propels himself at his opponent at high speeds, hitting them with a powerful headbutt.

Strengths(at least 4):

A quick thinker

convincing actor

close ranged combat

agile and strong

Weaknesses(at least 4):

Eagerness to fight

gets motion on almost anything with wheels

Water Magic

Hot girls




animefan374 said:
Name: Joey
age 17

Race: human

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: he can be shy at first but once you get to know him he is kind he's smart brave and a bookworm

Magic: Water dragon slayer

Class: c

Guild and Guild Mark Location:

Fairy tail if not then sabertooth his guild mark is blue and it's on his right shoulder

Skills: Water dragon fist, Water dragon roar, Water dragon freeze, and water dragon shield

his freeze attack can freeze water or the wizards attack and the shield can protect him and anyone around him

Strengths: can learn magic faster, can have a good defense with his spells, he can win easily by being in or being surounded by water, and his friends

Weaknesses: ice, lightning magic, and some types of fire magic but not all

Crush: N/a

other: N/A

bio: He wanted to join Fairy tail (or sabertooth) when he was just a child but when his parent's died from a dark guilds attack on where he'd lived a dragon name crystal took him in and raised him as her son and she taught Joey his magic and she even schooled him then one day crystal just vanished and didn't leave a trace so now Joey is in his guild with his guild mates but he's still trying to find his dragon and ask her why she left him

  • Name: Markus Alistair


    Race: Human

    Sexuality: Straight

    Guild: Sabertooth, Guild mark left shoulder, maroon

    Guild Rank: A

    Magic: Fire Magic(no dragon slayer magic)

    Skills: Fire Wall, Fire Tornado, Fire Bomb, other basic fire spells

    Fire Wall=Creates a Wall of fire between him and his opponent.

    Fire Tornado=Creates a pillar of fire, then spins it around, sending it at his enemies.

    Fire Bomb= Creates a small sphere of concentrated fire, which he throws, and a few seconds after throwing, it detonates.


    1. Very Tenacious(?)-He can take numerous hits before taking any noticeable damage, and is able to last much longer in a fight compared to others.

    2.Very smart-He is an extremely intelligent person, despite appearances, and is able to formulate plans and strategies to deal with almost any problem.

    3. Athletic-He is a very fit person, again, despite all appearances, and is able to work for hours on end without tiring too much.

    4. Slow to anger-Markus is a forgiving person, and will rarely hold a grudge. He is willing to be friends with most people, and will rarely be moved to make hasty actions.


    1. Lazy-Markus is a very lazy person by nature. He rarely goes on jobs, and when he does, he takes twice as long to get them done as required. People wonder how he can afford all the things he has...

    2. Shy-He will rarely go out of his way to make new friends himself, and he never asks anyone for help. This had led several times to him being wounded in a battle he couldn't handle alone.

    3. Bad Offensive- He is a bad offensive fighter. He excels in defense and delaying tactics, but he does not have the attitude or mind to actively attack another person, preferring to out last his opponents until they are too exhausted to fight. Despite this, he is a good close combat defender, able to by time.

    4. Trusting-He is willing to trust most people he meets, despite numerous time he has been betrayed because of it.

    Crush: N/A

    Other: Nothing


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ArisenMoon said:

  • Name: Markus Alistair


    Race: Human

    Sexuality: Straight

    Guild: Sabertooth, Guild mark left shoulder, maroon

    Guild Rank: A

    Magic: Fire Magic(no dragon slayer magic)

    Skills: Fire Wall, Fire Tornado, Fire Bomb, other basic fire spells

    Fire Wall=Creates a Wall of fire between him and his opponent.

    Fire Tornado=Creates a pillar of fire, then spins it around, sending it at his enemies.

    Fire Bomb= Creates a small sphere of concentrated fire, which he throws, and a few seconds after throwing, it detonates.


    1. Very Strong-He can take numerous hits before taking any noticeable damage, and is able to last much longer in a fight compared to others.

    2.Very smart-He is an extremely intelligent person, despite appearances, and is able to formulate plans and strategies to deal with almost any problem.

    3. Athletic-He is a very fit person, again, despite all appearances, and is able to work for hours on end without tiring too much.

    4. Slow to anger-Markus is a forgiving person, and will rarely hold a grudge. He is willing to be friends with most people, and will rarely be moved to make hasty actions.


    1. Lazy-Markus is a very lazy person by nature. He rarely goes on jobs, and when he does, he takes twice as long to get them done as required. People wonder how he can afford all the things he has...

    2. Shy-He will rarely go out of his way to make new friends himself, and he never asks anyone for help. This had led several times to him being wounded in a battle he couldn't handle alone.

    3. Bad Offensive- He is a bad offensive fighter. He excels in defense and delaying tactics, but he does not have the attitude or mind to actively attack another person, preferring to out last his opponents until they are too exhausted to fight. Despite this, he is a good close combat defender, able to by time.

    4. Trusting-He is willing to trust most people he meets, despite numerous time he has been betrayed because of it.

    Crush: N/A

    Other: Nothing


  • Accepted but my only problem is that you put very strong and that he can take a lot of hits. That would mean he is very tenacious. Not necessarily strong. Strength implies things like hitting really hard, lifting incredible amounts of weight, throwing very far, etc. If you could edit it and label that correctly I would appreciate it
ArisenMoon said:
Then its all good mate. Tenacious means you can take one hell of a beating before you go down. Incredible stamina, endurance, defenses, that sort of thing. I saw the (?) and assumed you didnt know
Name: Jessica "Jessie" Wyrn

Age: 20

Race: human

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight, but jokes about being bisexual



Usually has her hair braided messily and wears jean shorts with her white tank as well as white thigh highs and black high tops.

Personality: Jessie is bubbly and gets excited over things a little too easily. She dislikes girly things, and loves to rough house and duke it out with anyone willing to fight her. Her favorite pass time is annoying Aoi, which she does quite well.

Biography: Aoi himself has a mysterious past, but when he was traveling as a younger kid, he found her abandoned in an alley way. After helping her, Jessie became attached to him and forced her companionship onto the anti-social boy, soon becoming a wizard to later join the fairy tail guild with him.

Magic: body transformation (can change what her body is made of)

Class: B

Guild and Guild Mark Location: light aqua fairy tail mark in the center of her lower back


  • Full Transformation: completely turns her entire body into another material (water, metal, etc.) Uses much magic and she must wait five minutes before transforming again.
  • Partial Transformation: turns one limb into another material. Can only do one at a time, but can switch them very quickly.
  • Absorption: can absorb any material she touches to transform into. Makes it easier to transform and greatly reduces magic needed.

Strengths: she works very well with others. Jessie can quickly cast spells, and is good with improvising. She is perfect for short to mid range combat, and always gets back up, no matter what.

Weaknesses: Jessie isn't very good at strategizing, and usually runs head on into things, getting her in trouble. She has nearly no long range attacks, and often gets lost due to her poor sense of direction. She also miscalculated things a lot, which is why she had to develop her skills in improvising.

Crush: none

Other: I'm making this character so Aoi has at least one friend, since I'm bored and he's sort of alone.
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Cherrywitch said:
Name: Jessica "Jessie" Wyrn
Age: 20

Race: human

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight, but jokes about being bisexual



Usually has her hair braided messily and wears jean shorts with her white tank as well as white thigh highs and black high tops.

Personality: Jessie is bubbly and gets excited over things a little too easily. She dislikes girly things, and loves to rough house and duke it out with anyone willing to fight her. Her favorite pass time is annoying Aoi, which she does quite well.

Biography: Aoi himself has a mysterious past, but when he was traveling as a younger kid, he found her abandoned in an alley way. After helping her, Jessie became attached to him and forced her companionship onto the anti-social boy, soon becoming a wizard to later join the fairy tail guild with him.

Magic: body transformation (can change what her body is made of)


Guild and Guild Mark Location: light aqua fairy tail mark in the center of her lower back


  • Full Transformation: completely turns her entire body into another material (water, metal, etc.) Uses much magic and she must wait five minutes before transforming again.
  • Partial Transformation: turns one limb into another material. Can only do one at a time, but can switch them very quickly.
  • Absorption: can absorb any material she touches to transform into. Makes it easier to transform and greatly reduces magic needed.

Strengths: she works very well with others. Jessie can quickly cast spells, and is good with improvising. She is perfect for short to mid range combat, and always gets back up, no matter what.

Weaknesses: Jessie isn't very good at strategizing, and usually runs head on into things, getting her in trouble. She has nearly no long range attacks, and often gets lost due to her poor sense of direction. She also miscalculated things a lot, which is why she had to develop her skills in improvising.

Crush: none

Other: I'm making this character so Aoi has at least one friend, since I'm bored and he's sort of alone.
Understood haha. And accepted. You just need to put her in a class. You know, to gauge her power
shadowz1995 said:
Understood haha. And accepted. You just need to put her in a class. You know, to gauge her power
Oops, sorry! I was kinda jumping about on the sections of the form when filling it out. It's fixed!
Name: Shalio Unfai

Age: 13

Race: human

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(anime plz):

Personality(don't give too much away, I like finding out about characters and you can put will explain through RP): will explain through rp

Magic(please don't all choose dragon slayer magic): Chain summoning, this allows him to as the name says summon chains from his body he can use as weapons he has some control over the chains allowing him to be able wrap his chains around his opponent

Class (C,B,A,S,please don't do all S class) c

Guild and Guild Mark Location: Blue pegasus, location his calf

Skills: he has some skill with using his chains.

Strengths(at least 4): hes a very quick thinker,he is very quick, with him being able to summon chains he always has a weapon with him, with his small size its hard to hit him

Weaknesses(at least 4): hes clumsy,hes sometimes over thinks things, hes gets distracted easily

Crush: none yet

Other: hes allergic to dogs.
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Kidroleplayer said:
Name: Shalio Unfai
Age: 13

Race: human

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(anime plz):

Personality(don't give too much away, I like finding out about characters and you can put will explain through RP): will explain through rp

Magic(please don't all choose dragon slayer magic): Chain summoning, this allows him to as the name says summon chains from his body he can use as weapons he has some control over the chains allowing him to be able wrap his chains around his opponent

Class (C,B,A,S,please don't do all S class) c

Guild and Guild Mark Location: Blue pegasus, location his calf

Skills: he has some skill with using his chains.

Strengths(at least 4): hes a very quick thinker,he is very quick, with him being able to summon chains he always has a weapon with him, with his small size its hard to hit him

Weaknesses(at least 4): hes clumsy,hes sometimes over thinks things, hes gets distracted easily

Crush: none yet

Other: hes allergic to dogs.
You only put 3 weaknesses, "Dont give too much away" Doesnt mean nothing at all so you ARE required to write something there. His skills are lacking. I need to know what he is capable of. Some skills with using chains is simply too vague. Final note is to please include some better grammar. Please.

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