Fairy Tail - Welcome In -


Anxious child
I Love Fairy Tail <3 So I've Noticed There Arnt Many ...... None is a Better Word ..... No Fairy Tail Rps so i Made me One. You Can Be an OC or one From The Series.

Natsu ( Taken by Bluesummers )

Grey ( Taken by Makira )

Lucy ( Taken by Mitaku )

Erza ( Taken By Me )


Juvia ( Taken by Goddess )





Original Characters







Where is your Mark:



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Name: Coko Otnyz

Age: 19

Gender: male

Personality: Short, to the point, shy, analytical, cunning. Loves to fight and cook. Is a great singer, but doesn't like to.

Powers: Umbramancy and Pyromancy. The power to control darkness and fire .

History: Coko's mother, Pandora, was a pyromancer, and his father, Hades, was an umbramancer. Naturally, Coko gained both powers. His parents died in a war, so he lives alone now. he has a katana named, 'Yami no Gouka", which amplifies Coko's powers

Where is your Mark: The top center of my back

Family: Pretty dead. he's all that's left

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Japan.jpg.22b31264cc3ddbd4f1270d962f4c9984.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Japan.jpg.22b31264cc3ddbd4f1270d962f4c9984.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Is there a limit to the amount of power our OC's can have rank wise? I.E could my OC be an S-Rank Wizard?
Good, gooood. I shall have a bio up soonish then. 

Largely a W.I.P but the base bones for the characters should all be fine.

"What has been broken can be reforged."

Character Theme -




【Full Name】

Kyoko Suzumi (née Tsubasa)


Kyo, The Lady of Fiore, Queen of Hearts, The White Tiger.





【Type of Magic】

Holder Magic


Head Waitress at Fairy Tail

【Relationship Status】

Married to Raito Suzumi


【Guild Name】

Fairy Tail

【Mage Rank】




"My duties are to my husband, anything else will take a back seat." - Kyoko

Kyoko is both mature and graceful, a lot of this she attributes to becoming a mother and wife at such a young age. Although she never planned on becoming a mother or wife at such a young age Kyoko is remarkably good at both of them, doing the duties expected of both and even a bit more. Of course while she takes being a mother incredibly seriously, sometimes it is hard for Kyoko to watch a child that is not hers, naturally she'd never tell her husband this. She would never want to make him choose and because of this she continues to be a mother his child. Kyoko doesn't resent them, she cares for them very much but when she thinks about the future, she can't help but want children that are all her own. But no matter what, Kyoko is a mother and wife first and foremost and would do anything to protect her husband and her child, even things she knows she would regret later in life would become snap decisions for her on the spot and she would give her life for both of them in a moment.

Kyoko is incredibly graceful, so much so many consider her the most graceful woman in the guild. She carries herself in a manner that exudes constant grace and poise, holding herself with an incredible level of dignity and independence that one cannot help but admire. Looking at Kyoko it may not seem clear that she is incredibly strong-willed and stubborn, especially when the safety of her friends is involved, however she is not stubborn to the point of petulance and knows very well when it is time to merely let things slide. She is firm and unbending, but manages to be so calmly and respectfully. Her incredible temperance and grace have, over the years, earned her the friendships of almost everyone she has met. There is something so alluring about Kyoko that compels people to respect her, even if they do not like her. Kyoko is a woman of principle, who adheres to her beliefs and her husbands beliefs without wavering or even considering anything else, however she does not impose these on anybody else and always keeps an open mind, merely requesting that others do the same.

On the battlefield Kyoko is a lady amoungst boys, she charges hard into every fight; she'll never hold back, she fights to win and that is all. Kyoko's incredible grace does carry over to the battlefield, if you fight her then she'll merely take everything you have with a smile as if your getting divorced. Her mastery of her magic as well as her general battle prowess truly proves why she is worthy of being an S-Class Mage. In most cases Kyoko shows a large amount of compassion for her opponents, given her history she believes in second chances and redemption possibly more than anybody else does and tries to avoid killing if it a all possible. Of course there are always times when a conflict cannot be settled with words alone and Kyoko must kill for the great good, although she is never a fan of this, it does not deeply bother her. She will do what she must to survive and protect those around her, provided she can do that then it doesn't matter what she has to do in order to achieve it.



Card Magic: Card Magic is a type of Holder Magic which revolves around the use of magical cards, which can produce a variety of effects, such as generating elements, and even seemingly living beings. Kyoko mastered this art of magic at a rather young age, becoming an expert with it and it's various forms and is known to use it tactically for both defensive and offensive moves.

Sword Magic: Kyoko does not pretend to be as strong as her husband in this art, however she can be just as devastating in the form of Holder Magic as anybody else. While she is able to use the basics of sword magic for other swords, she mostly relies on her spells for her own sword the Runic Bulwark. Having trained by herself for many years, as well as a lot of tuition from her husband, she has been able to bring herself to almost master level in this particular style.

【Other Specialties】

Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: Kyoko isn't a master of the ways of the sword as her husband is, however she is nearly as good, having trained with the Runic Bulwark since obtaining it she has continually practiced with her extremely large. It's heavy weight and large size have meant she's been able to come up with a fairly unique sword fighting style, using the weigh to throw about her small frame in order to enhance the power of her strikes. To an inexperienced sword fighter, it would merely seem that she is just throwing her sword about and hoping for the best, but that is far from the case. By applying her own weigh as well the momentum boost she gets from her sword can lead to quite devastating and forceful strikes.

"A Blade in the hand of someone who does not respect it, is merely a tool. A Blade in the hand of somebody who does respect it, is an extension of the soul"

Hostess: The natural grace that Kyoko posses, combined with her looks, make her the perfect hostess. She is the Head Waitress of her guild and performs the task almost effortlessly, she knows her way around the kitchen and around the bar, her quick service and flirty nature make her smash success with just about everyone. Of course she never lets her guests cross the line in any way, she is still a married woman after all. However her hosting abilities don't just stop at work, she is somewhat famous for her wonderful dinners and social get together which she organizes for her and her friends with not a single person excluded. Generally speaking, she is an all round wonderful housewife. She’s good at all the mundane tasks one would expect a woman to be such as; sowing, cooking and cleaning, an exceptional housewife by everyone's standards, especially her husbands.

"Behind every man is an even greater woman."

Master Strategist and Tactician: Kyoko is certainly a product of experience and learning if nothing else. This is what makes her somewhat more suited to standing in the back line and using card magic than directly assaulting people. Kyoko spends a lot of time reading and learning all she can about the magical world. She's not exactly a walking encyclopedia, however she is fairly knowledgeable. Kyoko is often able to fully asses the strengths and weaknesses of those around her; be they enemies, allies or even herself. Kyoko is truly knowledgeable and puts it to good use.

“Know the enemy and yourself and you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”



Kyoko grew up as an orphan in a small town on the edge of Fiore, while this sounds be a very depressing and upsetting part of her life, it simply isn't. Kyoko never knew her parents, since they died shortly after she was born and you can't miss what you don't know. It could indicate that lacks a sense of family, however the children in the orphanage were very close with the lady of the home. It was like a small bunch of misfits all bundled under one roof and to honest, they seemed more like a family than any real one. They played together and talked together and shared secrets. The lady of the orphanage allowed the children to go the near by city and Kyoko found herself entranced by the premise of magic, going down to the market place to see the new types of magical items they had. Eventually the shopkeeper of the shop she visited regularly offered her a job. Spending a lot of time in the city, she worked for the shopkeeper and also learned Card Magic from a local group of mages, who taught magic for a small price. So Kyoko spent her wages on those few lessons for a while, when she felt she had learned enough about Card Magic to take what she needed to the next level on her own, she thanked the mages and didn't go back. She spent a couple years working in the shop until she had finally saved up enough money to move out of the orphanage and live on her own, with a heavy hard and a tearful farewell she left for the nearby city to live permanently.

Kyoko lived a relatively normal life in the nearby city, she worked and practiced her magic nearly everyday. Her dream was simply to join a guild and work hard as a mage, she wrote to the lady of the orphanage a fair a bit always checking in on how everything was going, after some time though she stopped getting letters of reply. She assumed that orphanage was busier than other and that her former career merely didn't have time to write back. One day the shopkeeper told Kyoko of his plans to close down the shop, he was getting on in age and didn't have any children or a wife left to leave it to, although Kyoko offered to take it over at the time, he rejected her offer knowing it wasn't what she wanted to do with her life. Instead he offered her the final paycheck she'd receive from him, considerably more than she'd even been paid. Confused and wanting to return the money Kyoko got an explanation for the man, the Doctor told him he most likely wouldn't make it to the end of the month and since he found out he had been taking a bit of money out every week for his day to day needs and saved up the rest to give to her - the closest thing he'd ever had to a child - so she could follow her dream and become a member of any guild she wanted. Tearfully, she accepted the money and worked her final day at the shop, before helping to close it down and spending a final day with her employer. That night Kyoko packed her things and decieded that the next day, she would go to the orphanage to say goodbye before her train.

With her resolve and her things, Kyoko made her way to her old home. She noticed something strange however, the children weren't playing outside like they used to. She didn't smell warm pies which were usually cooling on the window and the house itself had been painting entirely grey. It was like Kyoko had been teleported to place where people didn't have childhoods and this was the personification of miserable. Upon making her way to the front door she was greeted by a pair of strangers, who informed her that the old career of the home had passed and it was their orphanage now, before slamming the door in her face. Naturally, this didn't sit well with Kyoko. As far as she knew there was no service for the woman and if there was she hadn't been invited. Making the decision to investigate, the young mage snuck in throw an old secret exit that the children had made when they were children, once she gained entry she made her way to the office of the house and overheard a conversation between the new careers and someone else, something about a trade at night. Overwhelmed by her curiosity Kyoko made her way out of the village, through the same passage she used to gain entry and waited til nightfall in the local area. When she returned to the orphanage she was greeted by the sight of a carriage being loaded with some of the children and the owners using it to leave the small town. She followed them, although it was somewhat difficult on foot and even more so since she needed to stay out of sight, until the carriage slowed to a halt. She watched from the sideline as the transaction unfolded before she understood, they were children children as slaves for something in a box. Kyoko was overwhelmed with rage and she charged from the sideline and slaughtered both the careers and the people who had the box. Of course the children being, children didn't understand and were terrified of Kyoko. Despite this she made them get back into the carriage and brought them back to the small down, leaving them with the money she had to start her life in a new guild and left with nothing but the contents of the box a gauntlet and a weapon: Runic Bulwark. Of course, since there was no official explanation or witness to explain what happened Kyoko was exiled and classed as a murderer.

People love to fabricate things, Kyoko's actual crime soon became hidden under stories and lies of untrue crimes and horrid acts. With each new lie, her reputation getting worse as she was considered to be more and more dangerous earning the title of Kyoko the exile, eventually it came to the attention of the guilds and teams of mages were sent to capture the girl and bring her in for due punishment. Of course each team failed, but there never any fatalities, she always just incapacitated her opponents and let them leave with their lives. Some people saw this as a sign that she was perhaps misunderstood and others took it as a sign the girl was merely disturbed and enjoyed punishing others. Finally an S-Ranked mage was sent to defeat this woman, regardless of what they had to do or if she was alive or not, this particular mage was Raito Suzumi. He found her without much trouble and naturally, a battle ensued. Using both her Card Magic and the Runic Bulwark, Kyoko gave everything she could but eventually he was able to overpower her and disarm her. Under the assumption he would kill her Kyoko thanked him for allowing her to atone for the spilling of blood in rage and bearing the burden of lies. Raito was both confused and cautious, but he asked Kyoko what she was talking about and she explained the real story to him. This story seemed to resonate with Raito as he listened intently and seemed rather moved by her actions, he then asked her to come with him, to the guild Fairy Tail where she could explain herself and clear her name, Kyoko was apprehensive, especially at his sudden kindness to what he believed a murderer, however she realized she had few other choices and that the life she was living now was no life. So she accepted and went back to Fairy Tail building with him, where Raito explained to the guild master and with someone like the Raito backing her claim as well as the Fairy Tail guild master, her charges were dropped and her name was cleared. Kyoko used this opportunity to follow her dream and signed up with Fairy Tail, where she earned the title of Queen of Hearts for her incredibly Card Magic skills. She was eternally grateful to Raito and continued to spend time with him and a year later, the pair wed and prepared to spent the rest of their lives together.



Runic Bulwark: The Runic Bulwark is a large blade which requires awakening. During it's dormant state the blade looks somewhat rusted and dull and edge isn't very sharp, it literally looks like a rune in the shape of a blade, however upon awakening the blade completely lights up overflowing with magical energy. The symbols light up and the blade has a fresh sheen to it as if has just been polished. The edge gets much sharper as well, infused with magical energy to increase it's cutting power by almost tenfold. While the wielder may awaken the blade at will, it requires the constant fueling of magical energy as a power source and typically speaking must use it's wielders magical energy. The effect steadily drains the users magical energy, especially if it's their first time wielding the blade. Since she has spent so long using the Runic Bulwark it drains less magical energy from Kyoko than an ordinary user.

Gauntlet: The Gauntlet that Kyoko wears on one arm has a magical seal inscribed on it, the gauntlet stores the users magical energy as "charges", using one of the gauntlets spells with use a single charge from the gauntlet. The user may still access the powers of the gauntlet however it will cost them magical energy as any normal spell would, the gauntlet can store five charges at maximum and it takes about ten minutes before a single charge of magical energy can be stored, meaning it's difficult to do in combat and as such Kyoko recharges her gauntlet whenever she isn't fight and knows she will need it. Typically speaking Kyoko will always have it charged before she starts a mission or an important even.



Broken Wings: Kyoko steps forward and lashes out in a series of powerful sword slashes that will damage all enemies nearby, there are three slashes all in quick succession of another and on the third slash Kyoko uses the Runic Bulwark to swing her body all the way over to smash a magical glyph into the ground with the resulting force being enough to knock all nearby enemies away from her.

Valor: Kyoko dashes forward while raising her gauntlet as a shield, expending a charge or some magical energy, the gauntlet converts the motion and the magical energy to generate a protective shield around Kyoko. The dash is a short distance forward and once she stops moving the shield fades away, the shield is relatively strong however and will protect her from most attacks or spells but it is quite possible to break it with enough power.

Ki Burst: Taking her gauntlet and using it to smack her target, as soon as the gauntlet connects it converts a charge or some magical energy into a powerful shock wave which hits the target and sends them a great distance away from Kyoko. The only real damage the move deals itself is the strike, however if the target impacts with something else, they will obviously take the damage from that as well.

Wind Slash: Once Runic Bulwark is awakened, Kyoko may use this spell to shoot seven projectiles of slicing wind magic, the projects fly out in a cone in front of Kyoko before locking onto her target to attack them. They will only lock on once however, so if the target isn't in close range or dodges twice they can still avoid the spell. The projectiles are fairly powerful and for a weak mage could even defeat them in a hit, taking all seven would cause some notable damage even on the most powerful of opponents.

Shuriken Cards: Kyoko is capable of throwing cards as projectiles at her enemies. These thrown cards seem to possess cutting power, being shown piercing targets as if they were shuriken. Kyoko tends to throw several of them at the same time, likely to strike a larger area or to increase the chance to hit.

Cards Volley: An enhanced ranged attack, in which Kyoko throws several cards at once at her target in an arched formation. Upon impacting with another object, the cards explode with a small blast. The explosion isn't too strong since it generates from the cards, however the volley itself still retains respectable power, especially if all of the cards connect.

Jolt of Fate

Summoned Lightning

Explosion Cards

Sexy Lady Card

The Prayer's Fountain

Wind Edge

Sleep Card

Burning Cards


Call Card

Projectile Cards

Card Dimension

(Then I may be that character...Though I must say that is impressive, and I don't think I have seen someone get that descriptive with their personality. How did you get that way?)

Blake Lautrec (Blake-sama)






From his favorite quote, "Even the calmest façade can hide a hurricane of many emotions." Blake is a relaxed yet lively individual. He rarely loses his temper, even in the heat of battle and is always seen with a smile. He enjoys to play games and throw jibes with friend and foe alike, be it in battle or casual conversation. He is also quite fond of his artwork, and often draw pictures of his guild mates, not only for good practice, but for ideas as well.


Fairy Tail



Types of Magic:

Caster Magic


Trans Art: Trans Art is a form of Caster Magic that revolves around using solely Magic power to draw what user wishes to create for various effects, be it from the elements to living and non-living things, the possibilities are almost endless. The bigger the drawing, the more Magic power that is used to bring it to being. There is the powerful "Forbidden Visage" which the caster brings out their deepest thoughts, and from them, create their "Greatest Work". It is a one time use unless the work is destroyed, and of course the caster has a 50% chance of paying a grim price, be it temporary or permanent, instead of using all of their magic power. A double-edged sword, if you will.

Requip: This Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Blake's Requip is The Dreamer. Like Erza, he can store and Requip weapons and armor. However, he is not at the level Erza is.

Heaven's Eye: Heaven's Eye is a form of Eye Magic which allows the user to see over long distances, giving them the ability to see through solid objects, thereby allowing one to track enemies with relative ease.


Blake's father joined Fairy Tail to support his wife and child due to his wish to do more than a normal life. There was reason behind this. His parents spent 20 years looking for a guild to share their passion of the arts, and Fairy Tail greatly fit the bill. Along with that, Blake's father was an old friend of Makarov. Since the family knew the same Magic, Blake was often with his parents on jobs, later becoming known as The Trans Art Family.

(I'm sorry this is so short. If you need me to add more, I will try something.)

Where is your Mark:

Back of Right Hand

Family: Ishmahri Lautrec (Father) Vallota Lautrec (Mother)



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/anime-boy-lizard-Favim_com-463813_large.jpg.4a7e5578e60886f1cfefa9cfbef376cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3247" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/anime-boy-lizard-Favim_com-463813_large.jpg.4a7e5578e60886f1cfefa9cfbef376cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • anime-boy-lizard-Favim_com-463813_large.jpg
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Is my character TOO detailed? If so, I apologize, that was not my intention. I just tend to find myself writing that length is all.
Lumireis said:
Is my character TOO detailed? If so, I apologize, that was not my intention. I just tend to find myself writing that length is all.
No no. It's a compliment. I just never seen that much detail. It's pretty impressive.
Name:Belle Limph

Age: 15


Personality:Happy-Go-Luck,Cheery,fun loving,sweet,optimistic

Powers:Belle is a crystal dragon slayer,allowing her to form and create crystals to her will.The way she uses her magic is unorthodox,because when she uses it,it appearance as molding magic.Just like Natsu,Gajeel,and Wendy,she can use the signature Dragon's roar,and any dragon slayer move.

Belle has also learned to use ice-fire,which is fire that burns and freezes at the same time.The feel of the air around the flame is cold,but once it touches you,it can freeze you much worse than any ice in the world,but also scorch worse than any flame of this world.Even though this is Ice-Fire manipulation,she can still create ice and fire separate,but fire is harder for her to control.

History:Belle was found by Orthandor,a male dragon.Orthandor was known for his cold exterior,but his sweet heart.He appearse evil and cruel,but is the exact opposite.He found Belle at a young age,while he was already taking care of an egg,which turned out to be an exceed.The exceed,Cleo,and Belle grew up together and learned together.The grew up like sisters,and acted as such.One day Orthandor left Belle and Cleo alone,never to return,only telling them that there was a town near by and that they should go to it.From then on they were part of Fairy Tail.

Where is your Mark:Upper-Right Thigh

Family:Adopted by Orthandor and Adoptive sister of Cleo

Looks:Her body is strangely small and petite.
(I decided change my character's name and personality, if that's all right.


Lucien Lautrec






Lucien is a total socialite. He's cheerful, talkative, and light-hearted. He enjoys to play games and throw jibes with friend and foe alike, be it in battle or casual conversation. He is also quite fond of his artwork, and often draw pictures of his guild mates, not only for good practice, but for ideas as well.


Fairy Tail



Types of Magic:

Caster Magic


Trans Art: Trans Art is a form of Caster Magic that revolves around using solely Magic power to draw what user wishes to create for various effects, be it from the elements to living and non-living things, the possibilities are almost endless. The bigger the drawing, the more Magic power that is used to bring it to being. There is the powerful "Forbidden Visage" which the caster brings out their deepest thoughts, and from them, create their "Greatest Work". It is a one time use unless the work is destroyed, and of course the caster has a 50% chance of paying a grim price, be it temporary or permanent, instead of using all of their magic power. A double-edged sword, if you will.

Requip: This Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Lucien's Requip is The Dreamer. Like Erza, he can store and Requip weapons and armor. However, he is not at the level Erza is.

Heaven's Eye: Heaven's Eye is a form of Eye Magic which allows the user to see over long distances, giving them the ability to see through solid objects, thereby allowing one to track enemies with relative ease.


Lucien's father joined Fairy Tail to support his wife and child due to his wish to do more than a normal life. There was reason behind this. His parents spent 20 years looking for a guild to share their passion of the arts, and Fairy Tail greatly fit the bill. Along with that, Lucien's father was an old friend of Makarov. Since the family knew the same Magic, Lucien was often with his parents on jobs, later becoming known as The Trans Art Family.

(I'm sorry this is so short. If you need me to add more, I will try something.)

Where is your Mark:

Back of Right Hand

Family: Ishmahri Lautrec (Father) Vallota Lautrec (Mother)



Name:Angel Rizzarno



Wizard Class:S

Personality:Angel is bubbly,out going,fun sweet and a hopeless romantic he loves to play dance sing act and fight he's also a big flirt with a healthy libido loves children and lives to protect the things that are precious to him

Powers:Angel is a first generation dragon slayer with a lacrima implanted in him much like natsu his primary attacks are light based and when he uses both dragon powers they are LIght/Gravity based he can also eat light and gravity to a certain extent

History:Same as all the other first gen dragon slayers and then he came to fairy tail because he heard that there were a multitude of dragon slayer's there

Where is your Mark:Left side of my chest

Family:Aphrodite (Adoptive Parent)


Etc.He's bi and has actual wings
Ronkaime said:
Name:Angel Rizzarno


Personality:Angel is bubbly,out going,fun sweet and a hopeless romantic he loves to play dance sing act and fight

Powers:Angel is a first generation dragon slayer with a lacrima implanted in him much like natsu his primary attacks are light based and when he uses both dragon powers they are LIght/Gravity based he can also eat light and gravity to a certain extent

History:Same as all the other first gen dragon slayers and then he came to fairy tail because he heard that there were a multitude of dragon slayer's there

Where is your Mark:Left side of my chest

Family:Aphrodite (Adoptive Parent)


Etc.He's bi and has actual wings
*Whistles* Is it me or can I not seem to get away from you. Not that I was trying to, anyway.

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