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Fandom Fairy Tail-New Gen

Starchan said:
She sat down, looking at Lily. "My rest was good, it's nice to have a bed again.." She laughed awkwardly. "I would love something to eat, but to repay you, I need to do you a favour. Please." Kindred pulled her hood from her head, revealing the bright blue and slightly wavy hair best associated with her father.
she smiled "ok, than be my friend, that is all i want from you" she said heading through the door to go cook Kindred something, but quickly poking her head out of the door "Oh, and what would you like to eat?" she had forgot to ask
"I can teach you!" Ruby says smiling as she eats some soup, she then looks at Lix "You're the one starting fights, how are you lazy?" she asks. Sapphire shrugs and eats her soup as well "You should eat before it gets cold" she says mentioning to the soup Ruby had given the others twins "I know, why don't we all form a team?"

"alrighty " she says going in the kitchen to make her a famous family recipe, she flays the cot and boils the potatoes, searing the fish in a special batter, putting herds and a pepper on top, for a little kick, with glazed onions, she walked back in after she was done dressing the plate, setting the organized plate in front of her, "i hope this is to your liking, its a pretty popular dish " she said with a smile, wiping her hands on a cloth, she hoped she would like it,she loved when people, but even better friends enjoyed her food.
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Kindred looked down at the steaming plate of food. "Thank you!" She smiled quickly at Lily before picking up a utensil in her left hand and beginning to eat.
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Within the guild hall, members can see a bright golden light outside flashing through the windows. They could only assume that it's LJ coming back from his quest. He walks into the guild with his hands behind his head, and his papers in his back pocket. He walks right up to the bar and grabs his papers and places it on the bar counter. What's up Lily? Im back and the job is completed. He leaps over the counter and lays down behind the bar resting. @GingerBreadMew @Starchan
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After finishing her meal, Kindred laid her dishes together. She was about to get up, when a quick burst of air flew past. So she looked up, and there before her was a tall and lanky blond boy, which electricity crawled off of. She stepped back, pulling her cloak from her lap into one arm. "Thank you Lily, it was delicious." She looked down again, smiling slightly. "And hello..." She whispered silently, meaning for the boy behind the bar to hear.

@GingerBreadMew @Embaga Elder
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lily looked at the girl "im just glad you liked it " with a smile, seeing LJ come in "Welcome home" she says smiling at him, he knew he wasn't allowed to be behind the bar, no one was really allowed, she didn't say anything, but if her mom were to come in she would skin him like a cat, she went into the kitchen quietly, coming out with two sundaes, he always had one after a long mission she knew that, but she thought Kindred would also want one, she set them on the table with a knowing smile


@Embaga Elder @Starchan
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Kindred bowed to Lily, moving towards the door, before she saw the sweet treat." I guess we all have a sweet tooth, huh?" She asked both of the people behind the bar. "Thank you Lily." She smiled, sitting back down and digging into her sundae with a shiny spoon.
LJ got up when he heard Kindred mention the term "sweet tooth". He knew that Lily brought out his usual. He walked back around the bar and sat next to Kindred. Thanks Lily. He takes a spoon full of the sundae and eats it, enjoying the sweet flavor. He turned to his left and saw a new face. He turned his head back towards the sundae and puts another scoop in his mouth. So what's your name?? @GingerBreadMew @Starchan
Halfway through eating her sundae, Kindred heard a soft, yet clear voice ring out to her. "My name's Kindred." She blushed slightly, putting her spoon back down and turning to the side so she could face the boy beside her. "What's your name?"

@GingerBreadMew @Embaga Elder
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He lefts his head up slightly. Nice name. He turns his head towards Kindred. Names LJ, it's short for Laxus Jr. He takes another scoop of his sundae. So what brings you to Fairy Tail? Did you join while I was away or are you just visiting? @GingerBreadMew @Starchan
Kindred blushed again, her mouth full of the rest of her sundae. She swallowed the rest quickly before responding again. "Lily found me last night when I was looking for shelter. She brought me to an inn, and I wanted to repay her so I came here. I haven't joined, so you could say that I'm visiting." She held out her hand to him. "Nice to meet you."

@GingerBreadMew @Embaga Elder
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Lily smiles "Being my friend is payment eno-" just then Merajane comes in the guild hall interrupting lily getting to the bar quickly a giant smile on her face, waving the newest printout of sorcerer weekly "Lily you never told me that they were doing a whole section on you " she said in a hushed voice as not to make a seen, she put the centerfold on the table not thinking of the two she was standing between the two, She always got so excited when it came to lily modeling, but lily like doing it, she just didn't like people to really see it, like when she had to the model challenge against jenny's daughter, she felt like she was going to die, that picture was in this magazine as wall, she blushed at all the pictures of her, she wasn't vain, her mom went on excitably, as she gave them a apologetic look "Your so my daughter, but the centerfold is my favorite you look so cute" she said pointing at the page"But why were you nervous? " her mom looked a little confused, she knew her eyes changed with how she felt "Well it was my first centerfold, mom this is Kindred " she said pointing at the girl, "Hello, sorry i tend to get excited " she smiled, putting out her hand to shake, lily looked a good bit like her mom, but she was a bit shyer



@Embaga Elder , @Starchan
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Kindred smiled at the awkward and sudden moment, but held her other hand out for the new woman to shake. Her face was a deep pink, and she looked down to avoid even more embarrassment.
Lily blushed a deep red, "We were just going on a tour of the town" lily said with a sorry smile, as she quickly jumping over the bar to try to get out of this awkward moment
LJ shaked Kindred's giving her a nice smile. Nice to meet you too. As Mira came in discussing to Lilly about sorcerers weekly he ate his sundae. When Lily said something about a tour he decided that he'll go too. This Kindred girl intrested him a little. Mind if I tago along?? He asked Lily and Kindred. @GingerBreadMew @Starchan
Lily nodded her head shyly with a blush she gave a slight bow to her mom, as she started to walk out of the guild smiling at kindred excited to show her around, she loved having friends "Lets go shall we?"her smile gettin
Lex grinned, accepting the bowl offered to him. "I would love to learn, since Lix is too lazy to cook."

The aforementioned girl snorted and went to cross her arms until she realized there was food in front of her. She mirrored her brother's grin. "Because fights and work are two different things. Fighting is fun, work isn't."

"And we would enjoy working with you."

Lix looked like she was about to say something but held her tongue. Instead she pouted. "Yeah..."

@Flame Demon
"Awesome" Sapphire says and she smiles "That's be even more fun", Ruby glances at her sister "What, it's not fun with me alone?" she asks and Sapphire says "Course it is, anyway, do you think we should get a mission soon"

"Weren't we planning on taking Kisa as well to teach her the meaning of love?" Lix asked sarcastically.

"I'm surprised you reminded us of it. We could have forgotten," the only man suggested.

"I know you wouldn't," the woman just grumbled in reply.

@Flame Demon
Kindred smiled at LJ, with a small tinge of pink in her cheeks. She bowed to him before exiting into the beautiful sunshine.
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Lily blushed,"Thank you" looking down hurrying through the door trying to get out of the way so he could close it, she got into the sunlight looking into it, a smile covering her face, when LJ was around it was always brighter out, more lively that was something she admired about him he made people happy with beauty, and warmth, she blushed for thinking of him, she gathered her thoughts put on a determined face, slapping her cheeks, another smile forming, she was excited to be with her friends on such a great day, "Where to first?" she turned to kindred and Lj smiling with a glow radiant excitement

@Starchan @Embaga Elder
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