The Elder

As Miles continued walking he held his hand out like a gun towards the two lightning mages, before firing off two shots of aura blast. Obviously he missed them on purpose, only trying to warn them. Miles then coated himself in his aura, increased his speed, before starting his charge. He ran straight towards the two coming at them at full speed. He placed his hand out again firing multiple shots. This time he was actually trying to hit them. His shots were aimed for their arms and legs. The shots didn't have much strength behind them, but if they did hit they'll feel a small sting and burning situation, causing some discomfort. "Stop running! It's time to show me your resolve!!!" He yells out to them, firing an actual aura blast meant to hit the ground next to them. If they didn't manage to avoid it, the aura blast will release a shock wave strong enough to mess up their balance, probably causing them to fall.