Fairy Tail: A New Beginning

Okay I'm gonna have two people do a Rap battle and I'm gonna flip a coin to see who Raps against who.
/pats Kin on the back

It'll be okay Kin. I'm not rapping even if Hell freezes over. I'm a pure white girl who can't do that kind of stuff without being stupid.

Even if my school's profile of me says I'm African American...

/goes back to reading fanfiction with random music playing 
HA! You wish.

Infi is a white girl that can't rap for shit.


Nothing to see here. Back to your homes people.
[A thunderbolt flies from the sky hitting Alyssa. She promptly passes away within moments.]

/Alyssa uses Solid Script Magic and writes Diamond above her head to block the lightning\
/falls over laughing

Oh dear God. Man it sucks cause my wifi cut out on my laptop. I can't make long posts until tomorrow sorry guys x3

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