Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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[QUOTE="Lord Zanicus]EVE & ZARYTTOIt have been an almost restless sleep for Zarytto the first few couple of hours. How could he with the echoes of inaudible chattering and whisperings ringing through his ears. And then there was the clouds. Of all things he could have dreamt of, why in Mehtann's dusts would he be dreaming about being wrapped in a blanket of thick yet soft and fluffy brown cloud. Of drifting aimlessly in its midst. Seeing all sort of colours and shapes across his vision. Just what exactly have they given him.

Then, he remembered his hand being trapped and numbed somewhat. Blinking his eyes open as he drifted out of sleep momentarily, Zarytto noticed Eve sleeping with her fingers interlocked with his. He frowned and groaned a groggy protest but failed to gather the strength to break free. He faced the other way and force himself back to sleep.

Another of such occasion was when he felt himself floating inside the rejuvenation chamber. Where upon opening his eyes, the mohawked Saiyan again spotted Eve by the glass window. She seemed to be dozing off there and didn't seem to have noticed him looking at her.

Why was it that everywhere he went to, he would find her there? And when he thought he’d be rid of her when he left, it was she who came looking for him. Then there was the hug! Now the interlocked fingers! And the persistent clinging on to even when behind the confined chamber.

As soon as the rejuvenating fluid drained itself out and the door to the chamber hissed opened, Zarryto finally stepped out. With fists clenched, he looked down to his hands, realizing that his zenkai have not yet been unlocked for him to taste an increase in his power level. He wore the usual furrowed expression, frowning as he flexed his muscles to ensure that he have indeed recovered.

His tanned appearance seemed to be glistening as the fluid still coated his wide and sinewed frame. Myriads of cross stitched scars covered his broad back as well as across both his forearms. Luckily, he was placed into the rejuvenation chamber quick enough before he could bore more battle trophies.

Unaware that throughout the entire time, Eve was already in the room and probably watching him from the very moment he’d exited the chamber, Zarytto turned around to reach for the towel. Only to pause when he noticed her standing within an arm’s length away.

“You again?!” he hissed, a pair of penetrating hazel brown eyes glaring down into her gaze. “What are you doing, here?”


Eve stepped into the room slowly, glancing side to side as she did, sky blue eyes searching for the mohawked saiyan she was convinced she detested. She glanced to the infirmary bed in the corner of the room, it seemed like forever he had been lying there practically on death's door as she held his hand and brushed his forehead.

In a daze she continued walking towards the Regeneration Chamber but only glanced at the very last second to be confronted by the beast himself.

She’d forgotten just how tall he was. She struggled to keep her feet flat on the floor to naturally to even the height difference. Like that wasn’t intimidating enough… well her sky blue eyes slide up and down his frame, realising she hadn’t seen anything really of that muscular and scarred frame. Nothing to that extent. Not with an absence of clothing.

Almost before her eyes had slid back up again she found her cheeks burning and her lips parted. Words completely lost, not even making it to her throat, they simply didn’t exist in her head anymore.

Did he ask a question?

He was glaring at her, and a tremor worked down her frame as her legs pulled tight together. The softest of movements making her boots squeak against the ground as her feet turned in. Her tail which was always wrapped tightly and securely against her smooth thigh, now squeezing and tip flicking gently against the back of her knee.


Something intoxicating wafted right into his nostrils from her then. A sweet 1g sort of. Almost appetizing. His head suddenly felt light and his body reacted all weirdly. Zarytto’s confused expression deepened. The tail swaying almost wildly in his rear, half somewhat excited and half irritated. His heart suddenly racing. Anger? He wasn’t sure. But it almost felt that way. His chest and shoulders already heaving as if he was facing off with an enemy.

Her eyes, he noticed, looked like they held some sort of secret to some distant blue universe. They were bewitching. Beckoning. And without him realising it, he was walking towards her. Drawn somewhat into the very windows to her soul. Her lips seemed to glisten. Invitingly. So full and sort of juicy.

He’d no clue what was happening and at that point of time, he didn't care.

Soon, he had her pinned against the cold wall of the room. A palm resting over it just right next to her head so he could lean into as he studied her gaze.


Eve felt herself blinking slowly, as time just seemed to freeze. She was reminded as his gaze was focused completely on her, that his eyes held that same weird look they had before as he had laid on the bed. He wouldn’t even be able to tell himself, but his gaze was just different.

He was frowning the same as he always had, but his look was more puzzled than angry. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t break that gaze with even a single blink, and she found herself holding her breath. So focused in those eyes of his…

He was stepping closer to her, she could hear the deafening echo of his still damp, bare feet against the ground. Naturally Eve found herself stepping backwards in time to his steps forward, for all intents even if his eyes held no anger his body was still intimidating.


Eve’s eyes flew open as she suddenly found her back to the wall, with nowhere else to step back to. Her head still tilted high to hold his gaze. Steady as her Saiyan Pride forced her to. Not showing weakness even for a second. At least that’s what she thought.

By now she was trembling visibly, like she was cold but in fact she was quite the opposite. His hand reaching out to press against the wall beside her, almost to say, you’re not going anywhere.

As his face came forward even closer, her head literally couldn’t pull any further back. His breath washing over her face like a ripple of a warm cloud. Her lips parted again like she was trying to speak, but the words were still lodged in her throat. Though her eyelids lowered a fraction.

He was so close.

Era hugging her from behind the night before was nothing on the intenseness his mere presence was telling her now. She should have been terrified, screamed for help, pushed him away but she didn’t.

No, Eve realised in that moment she wanted him. In a way she never wanted another Saiyan in her life. Like all the pieces of her thundering heart over the time they had spent thus far finally clicked. All the times she had protected him, ran to him even if he hated her, detested her, all the angry words…. Finally her lips found a voice.


Letting the letters roll off her tongue in a way that only cemented her desire for him even more. A breathless tone, along with half lidded eyes. Her hands which had been twitching awkwardly by her sides now lifted up, gloved hands clasping at his cheeks, holding his face close. Dragging him down.

Then she closed her eyes fully as she put her lips to his, kissing him. For the first time. Chest rising and falling at a fast pace. Pouring everything she had felt thus far. Desperately hoping he would not push her away.


Zarytto wasn't sure if it was she who'd pulled him down or it was he who'd went for her. He was somewhat in a daze that it had became quite a blur. But he’s certain that their lips touched. His own hand have reached up around her neck as they kissed. He could hear his own heartbeat racing within his ears. Adrenaline rushing through his entire being as if in preparation for another duel.

He didn't feel her push him away though. And finding himself lost to what was happening to him, and as if powerless to fight what alluring force she had over him, the mohawked Saiyan could only submit to his lustful urge and take the very female he thought he’d detested. The kiss then deepened. His mouth crushing down on hers almost mercilessly. Hungrily. The hand by her head then left to pull her closer towards him. Feeling her soft bodies with all her feminine curve and hollows pressed against his hard form. He began groping her, feeling her body from her tight clothes.


Her heart was thundering to the point she too could barely hear. Almost. She heard a deep rumble in his chest, like a dragon protecting it's treasure. She felt his hands touching places she had never experienced before, making her back arch. A breathless gasp. The whole thing seemed to be steeped in instinct. In lust. Like neither party had any idea what to do but their own bodies were on auto-pilot.

He used every sound she made as a cue,watching every facial expression like it was a drug, pushing them both to a peak neither had ever been to before. Hot, heavy and needy. Up, over and beyond the peak. They both shuddered while she cried out.

Quite a decent time later, Eve found herself slowly awakening, curled up against the cold ground with a dozing Zarytto wedged up behind her, arm wrapped tightly around her waist, pulling her close even in his half sleep. She sat up on an elbow to glance behind her, her movements probably rousing the feral Saiyan. “Hmmm what time is it?...” Then she glanced over at her haphazardly placed pile of torn clothing and a flashing of her Scouter.

She untangled herself and crawled over as she scooped up the Scouter and plugged it over her right ear. She at first glanced at the time, her eyes going huge and panicked, followed a moment later by the Commander requesting a meeting… She leapt up with huge speed, throwing a battle suit at Zarytto’s face and boots and gloves and armor.

“Get up Zeze, we have a meeting with the Commander!” Hopping ungracefully around the room as she shoved on full black tights, boots and a singlet (as her original set had been ripped to sheds). Foregoing the armor and gloves as there just wasn’t time. Also in her haste using the nickname she had invented to his face.

If that wasn’t panic inducing enough her face suddenly paled significantly.

Had her Scouter been turned on that whole time?...

Had anyone been able to click into her frequency and have heard her whines and moans and cries? Now she had to walk into a room with Zarytto in tow… not knowing who had heard, if they had, what they would think.

Eve’s whole face turned a beetroot red. She couldn’t face the meeting but...she had to! If Korvaiis demanded her presence… And if that wasn’t bad enough, Eve reached up to scratch her neck and noticed a huge hickey from Zarytto brutal love making. How could she hide that!!! A scarf? She never wore scarfs…

Well...guess it will be no secret now… Era will never, ever let me live this down…

Once the tall male Saiyan was dressed, they silently made their way to the meeting room. Her body still tingling all over, infact her walk were almost a bit of a stumble as her legs seemed to be made of jelly. Her braid significantly undone though mostly still tight, as she walked into the room she was still adjusting her hair into some semblance of order.

Then, an idea!! She curled her hair to lay over her right shoulder, covering said hickey with her thick, wild brown hair. Fixed!

Then she blinked as she looked to Urod and Korvaiis’s pale faces. Knowing something was up. “What’s wrong?” She said seriously.


The movement Eve made had no doubt roused him awake. Blinking groggily, he followed the female Saiyan as she scrambled for her stuff. He recalled the recent event then. It was, well… Rejuvenating!

When she called out to him, with a different name than his given one, Zarytto frowned. Zeze? Now, how many times have he heard her call him that? He couldn’t remember. Nor did he realise it was what an affectionate couple would do. Retrieving his own gear, the mohawked Saiyan then just as urgently as Eve, equipped himself.

Soon, he was fully geared and was walking in Eve’s wake, silent and still slightly confused. Entering the meeting room then, he found himself a space right next to the door and leaned against the wall. Arms folded and his gaze scanning over the faces that had gathered.

Something wasn’t right. And he knew he wasn’t the only one to have picked up the disturbing vibe when Eve asked them the question.

Lol You'll like this :P
Mitchs98 said:
Someone poke me when everything is wrapped up to do with Kelica, cause I'm not entirely sure if it is or not.
You can skip whenever, I'll make do with a backwards post.

Or wait for @Isune to respond as it is his GF
Kyero said:
Era and Sil had been standing off to the side as Nei and Kendra sauntered off to cool down. Kendra was plenty fumed about having to train with Era, and Nei needed some time to relax as he was quite tense. Sil looked to Era, and then to Eve, and then back to Era.
Era nodded.

She walked over to Eve's sleeping form and carefully hoisted her over her shoulder as Sil followed close behind. The two women took their sleeping companion to the bathing room and the showers, with Sil embarrassingly stripping down as she prepared to help wash Eve down while Era just threw everything to the side as if clothing was just an afterthought.

"Era, I've known you for a long time... Will you ever be embarrassed about being naked in front of others?" She asked.

Era looked at her and blinked.

"Why be embarrassed? It's just my body." She replied.

Sil sighed.


Era shrugged and the two carried Eve to the shower area and began running the water. The water was nice and hot, not too much to burn the skin but just hot enough to soothe the skin deep into the muscle tissue. It was heaven. After a long stint in a makeshift prison and fighting and non-clean environments, it was wondrous to just enjoy the feeling of hot water soaking the skin and cleansing the soul.

Meanwhile, in Era's armswith her head resting in between Era's breasts, Eve sat quietly as the two women began lathering shampoo to prepare to wash out her rather stinky hair.

@Kayzo (yuri much?)


Zarytto/Commander fight scene (2 epsiodes)

Eve/Era/Sil bath scene (5 episodes).

So Dragonball Z xD
Colt556 said:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.b9e3edbf78dd5160d05350b8346fa9df.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.b9e3edbf78dd5160d05350b8346fa9df.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kyero said:
Yeeeeeeeah no. Thanks but no thanks. Lol!
Oh but he is just delicious!

Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken had just finished prompting Master Lloyd with a question on the West when his gaze snapped to the left just as the wall to there room collapsed. Of course he couldn't hear it, but Valken was attuned to every shadow and especially attuned to one he created himself. Like a bug landing on a spider's web.

He quickly rolled up the giant map of the invansion before forcing it into Lloyd's hand. Then he stood tall and gave a very theatrical bow. "That is my intel, without further ado I shall deal with this situation...." He was already walking to the opening the wall and with a wave of his arms the shadows seemed to thicken even further, to the point it was pitch blackness, like a black hole. No light or sound escaping and no way for one to see through. Once erected Valken simply stepped through like it was a portal, though if anyone else tried it they would be melded into the wall and stuck there to drown.

Now popping on the other side of the portal he made to keep the Guild Master's room Secret, the tall mysterious man's dark purple gaze instantly surveyed the situation. To his right a hazmat wearing suit with a ring of magic under his feet, obviously the one responsible for the destruction. He noticed a Grimore Heart symbol on his arm.

Then Valken's gaze snapped to his left were a mage had his hand caught in that starry forcefield, while two others stood behind him. One had a scythe to which Valken meerly raised an eyebrow. Was this guy a vampire like Sera? Or did he simply enjoy the weapon? Valken was one to talk, his hooked, barbed daggers gleeming threateningly by his hips.

Finally Valken turned back to the Grimore Heart spy and it looked for all the world like he simply melted into the ground, into the darkness of his own shadow. Not even a second later, he slipped up and behind the spy, looking down to him with a dark gaze. "That is just about enough out of you..." Here Valken suddenly stamped his foot right behind the spy, onto his own shadow and held it there locking his feet in place so he was unable to move.

Another second Valken had unhooked a dagger from his side while he reached up with his other hand, ripping the suit's helmet off and throwing it to the wayside, removing whatever protection he gained that way.

Unknowingly breaking Raa's spell by giving the Spy a fresh dose of oxygen.

However just as The Grimore Heart Spy was releaved to breath, Valken fisted the back of his hair and yanked his head back, dagger pointing and cutting into the fabric of his back, right down the middle of his spine.

Valken didn't have to kill him but a well placed stab to spinal column would render him paralized. After all, humans had very specific nervous systems.

With the dagger in his back and head yanked back, feet locked, Valken had him arching back painfully so that his face was upside down staring at the cold gaze the S-Class Lamia Scale Shadow Mage was pouring into him.

"You have 5 seconds to tell me why you are here.."



@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Salt Lord
Genon said:
The spy's spell instantly disappeared as Adrian watched the man get stabbed in the back of the neck, the Arcane Wizard collapsing to the floor and landing on his ass as the force of gravity pulled him off-balance when the restraint was suddenly removed. How the man was still alive and breathing, he had no idea, but at least the Lamia Scale guy didn't kill him. But what the hell was he doing in the Guild Hall anyway? Oh. He knew. There was likely some kind of meeting going on in the Guild Hall. That would explain the secrecy spell and the Lamia Scale guild mark on Shadowy Assassin Guy.
"Heh. Like I'll tell you, you pathetic--" the spy began, only to be cut off by Adrian, who took Ryu's hand and dusted himself off before turning to the spy and saying, "Well, that's fine by me, dumbass, because I already know half the story, so I'll tell this Lamia Scale guy for you. This idiot was trying to break into the Guild Master's personal office. Now why would Grimoire Heart want to bust into the office of the Guild Master of Fairy Tail? Probably to get at her private documents. What did they want to steal? Probably stuff for blackmail, lists of family members and their addresses, or to get intelligence about Fairy Tail's next move." He then put his hands on his hips and stared the spy down in an accusing yet strangely lighthearted and smug manner. "I'm right, aren't I?"

The spy was dumbstruck, and it showed. After a few seconds of silence, Adrian said, "Your shock all but confirms it. Spit it out and maybe this guy won't beat you too badly."

"Alright, fine!" The spy replied. "I was looking for intelligence on Fairy Tail's strategic decisions! I had no idea I'd be running into someone's secrecy spell! I showed up in the evening assuming she would be finished with her bureaucratic duties! Whatever's going on behind that black wall, I have no clue! Legal guilds don't kill and I told you what you wanted to know, so maybe can I get a medic for the fucking hole in my spine before you find yourself wanted for murder?!"
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

View attachment 274075

Valken's eyes lifted as the man who was trapped then stood with the help of the other mage who didn't have the sythe. Then his dark eyes lowered now to the helpless Spy who was still wanting to pick a fight despite having no access to his limbs from the neck down. The nick on the back of his neck barely visible from how precise Valken had cut it.

"Trying to break into the office of the Guild Master in charge of the Magnolia festival, the very same festival who's parade is on tonight and therefore the Guild Hall is flooded with Mage's? What kind of idiotic, sad excuse of a spy are you?"

Here Valken actually frowned. Then a grin flooded his face. "Murder? Who says I was going to Murder you? I have far too many questions left like who sent you and the exact plans of what you were trying to steal... "

Here Valken wrapped his elbow around his neck and pulled tight in a choke hold, cutting the air from his lungs, watching him struggle then pass out.

Once fully out, Valken made a sound of distain and threw him up over his shoulder, turning to the other three mages.

"My name is Valken Truss, and you all would be?" He said with his usual cheeky grin, like he totally didn't threaten and incapacitate a guy who was now passed out on his shoulder.

@Metaphysics @Rhodus

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