Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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I couldn't have done it without you.

purplepanda288 said:
How do you make a spoiler tab?
Just leaving this here so I can get some feed back

Lyric script magic: This is the entire basis of her magic, musical scores can be written to create spells. This in turn makes the music a form of script magic. The music can be improvised and memorized so it can be used in a battle situation. If , for example, a script for a percussion piece is made then it can be used with out any instruments, but the score can only be used once to mimic the effect of the spell. If the score is incorrect it will fail like normal script magic.

Script link : The ability to connect a single sense to others, whether it be sight to smell to hearing. The link has to be written into the two targets, both have to have an agreement on the link so it is able to be active.

Solid script: although it isn't as powerful magic as her mothers she can still use it to a certain extent she can make basic words like iron or water.

Screaming banchi : A spell that was adapted over from gajeel's horrible voice, she thought it was funny to make a spell after her fathers inability to sing. The exact way that the spell works is the caster sings a extremely sour note, making the earth around them crack along with a ringing sound in the opponents ears. It also has the ability to knock opponents away.

Instruments : Carrying all instruments is a stupid Idea, so she learned how to requip her various instruments. (( frankly I'm just gonna say erza showed her how to use a pocket dimension.))

String : This instrument family is able to control and manipulate the four basic elements. Fire, water, air,and earth. This is the strongest from of music that the caster can have. It's cast period last as long as the music is played. Scores can be used to create the different elements.

* Song of the gale force winds : a fast and quite song, it's able to manipulate the air around the cater for as long of the song is drawn out.

* Song of the raging flames : another fast song, only difference is the song is a louder volume and is more intense than the other three songs. This song requires extreme concentration to be able to be kept up.

* Song of the rolling waves : A song that is unpredictable, much like the ocean its self. The song changes rapidly leaving room for flexibility with the water that it creates and controls.

* Song of the moving earth : A hard and sharp song on that moves from octave to octave fairly quickly. This allows the player to soften the earth and move it around with the notes they play, once the player moves octaves the earth can harden.

Brass: strengthens the effects of other spells. If played during another wizard is casting a spell the effects are magnified. Scores can be made for this instrument family, yet the effects are weaker.

Wood winds: this instrument family can make any number of buffs, from passive healing to even barriers that can only be broken under very detailed conditions. Can be negated by breaking the script with massive amounts of force or meeting the requirements for it to break . Can not be affected by brass spells. This spell is the longest that can be casted, it requires the caster to manually draw musical notes on the ground , making something similar to a script barrier. Scores cannot be created for this spell. Once the script is active it plays a variety of wood wind songs inside the barrier.

Percussion: small shock waves that can break most types of materials , these instruments can have musical scores made after them. Though the effects are weaker than if the instrument is played.
Well for one;

(( frankly I'm just gonna say erza showed her how to use a pocket dimension.))

How? ^ Erza is dead.

And Gajeel and Levy can't be their parents. Have to be grandparents at least.
Kyuubey said:
Well for one;
(( frankly I'm just gonna say erza showed her how to use a pocket dimension.))

How? ^ Erza is dead.

And Gajeel and Levy can't be their parents. Have to be grandparents at least.
Continuity isn't my strong point, it's just a draft for now

Also I didn't realize the 100 years skip, Lets change that shall we
I'm scared to ask what is going on. The moment I comment I need to unwatch this cus it just floods my notifications...

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