The Robot Roleplayer a.k.a Zendrek
@Arius LaVari@Kyuubey@TheSecretSorcerer@LeSoraAmari@Mr Swiftshots@guardianshadow@Jackaboi@Zareh@Happy Red Mage@Bolts@purplepanda288@hudhouse@Salt Lord@Mykinkaiser@Rhodus@Isune@Zuka @Genon@Killorkiller@Drakerus@Embaga Elder@Solemn Jester@Britt-21@Maki@TripTripleTimes@Sinister Clown@FreeZing@MidnightStar@Talon@Zeldafangirl@Grandmaster@Spanner@GeoMancy@Geozaki@Psionic Nightingale@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Halffix@Nenma Takashi@Kojuen
I need everyone that wants to participate in the arenas that can to tell me and/or post here ASAP with the character that wants to participate. I intend on posting something today regarding the arena's IC and I'd like to get them started whenever possible.
I will participate, do I need to get my character to the GMG place?