Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Magnolia Side Street

As much and all as Kelica was contemplating freaking out once more, Chris had been around the girl long enough to say and do the exact things she needed. Her green eyes slipped closed again as her arms wrapped around his middle, drawing him in to the exclusion of all else. She barely noticed the Dragon's tail thud the poor man straight into the wall.

It's a wild animal... it was just defending itself... Kelica was reminded of the Malnia Red Dragon, she had only arrived mid way through the battle scene.... had the Mages attacked the Dragon first? Maybe it felt threatened and lashed out? While it was still no excuse to destroy a whole forest, and she didn't get a chance mid battle to actually talk to it.. She suddenly started to feel guilty....

She twisted in his arms as she looked around the group before finally looking to the Dragon. She still tensed up in Chris's arms but held her gaze on the Summoned Dragon. "I...I'm sorry..." she said truthfully.

That was when she remember the reason why they summoned him in the first place... "The mages! The missing mages!! Magnolia South Entrance! There are bound to be people gathering at the Train Station to leave! We should go there with Adrian and see who we can recruite to help!!"

Turning to the recently assembled group. "Please help us! Mages have been kidnapped! I know they took them to the South Entrance of town, that's the start of the Great Southern Magnolia Forest! I'm sure a creature or two or the tree's themselves can help guide me there!" Swivelling to Chris with smile.

Why you no tag me? Ryu is still there too
Rhodus said:
Why you no tag me? Ryu is still there too

Also, did you want Kelica to heal his Headache? She can do that... but it'll feel like his head will explode in about a millions pieces for 10 or so seconds?
Kazehana said:
I've noticed that the tags are wild. Sometimes they're all there, sometimes notXD
They're wild af when I'm doing posts for all three of my characters at once, xD

Sometimes they just don't end up being there, but I can swear I'm making them. xD
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Zuka said:
Actually this is important, is Lion poking Ryu because he currently has Kelica straddling him/over him so it would be actually kind hard to poke him without Kelica getting in the way.
No he's poking an unconscious male Bizma (the CS should explain dat)

@Wyatt @Skyena @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Mykinkaiser

Before you should raise your hand to join Valken in his Shadow Walk, it might be worth mentioning things will get... intimate.

As in Valken has to literally wraps his limbs as much around said person/people to avoid the Shadows eating them whole and sucking them down.

I'm looking at Emmerich because I assume he will say yes...

And it will be bloody hilarious if Valken hoists the man to straddle his waist and then force him into the shadows on the wall.... Lol.

So yes, be aware. It will probably be funny regardless xD
Zuka said:
@Wyatt @Skyena @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Mykinkaiser

Before you should raise your hand to join Valken in his Shadow Walk, it might be worth mentioning things will get... intimate.

As in Valken has to literally wraps his limbs as much around said person/people to avoid the Shadows eating them whole and sucking them down.

I'm looking at Emmerich because I assume he will say yes...

And it will be bloody hilarious if Valken hoists the man to straddle his waist and then force him into the shadows on the wall.... Lol.

So yes, be aware. It will probably be funny regardless xD
Inb4 Valken labeled as perv.
Zuka said:
@Wyatt @Skyena @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari @Mykinkaiser

Before you should raise your hand to join Valken in his Shadow Walk, it might be worth mentioning things will get... intimate.

As in Valken has to literally wraps his limbs as much around said person/people to avoid the Shadows eating them whole and sucking them down.

I'm looking at Emmerich because I assume he will say yes...

And it will be bloody hilarious if Valken hoists the man to straddle his waist and then force him into the shadows on the wall.... Lol.

So yes, be aware. It will probably be funny regardless xD
Fuck your bromance shit, cute girls are more important.
purplepanda288 said:
Where is this heatwave I'm hearing so much about? It's like 18C here. It's colder here than it should be .-.
Kazehana said:
Where is this heatwave I'm hearing so much about? It's like 18C here. It's colder here than it should be .-.
I'm visiting the top part of Georgia for a play that I'm in, and a few auditions for Disney.
Kazehana said:
Oooo fancy!
Hey did you know that their making a high school musical 4? Well I went to the open auditions for the hell of it. I usually get asked to be apart of different things by my agent ( God I hate using that word, it makes me feel like I'm such a brat) but I decided to go and take a looksi.

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