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Realistic or Modern Fairbank High


Typical Reject
Lost Girl Maddie submitted a new resource:

Fairbank High - Normal High School life for overly dramatic, and not so typical teens.

This is my first role play on this site! So Hi! Enjoy!
Typical high school life for not so typical teenagers. These teens are all odd in their own way rather it be some bizarre talent or their wacky hair jobs. Some hate each other, and others fall in love. It's just normal high school life through the eyes of a few different teens.

So, come join the fun at Fairbank High School!
Read more about this resource...

This is my first role play on this site! So Hi! Enjoy!

We've Already Started!

Typical high school life for not so typical teenagers. These teens are all odd in their own way rather it be some bizarre talent or their wacky hair jobs. Some hate each other, and others fall in love. It's just normal high school life through the eyes of a few different teens.

So, come join the fun at Fairbank High School!

- Please no smut. Sure, kissing is okay, but if sex is involved take it to private messages or fade out.

- One liners kill. None of that.

-Have fun! And lot's of drama, okay? Don't be scared to write something. Just go with the flow.

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((Hey Guys, I'm gonna post a starter and you all can just add on when you're ready!))


My eyes looked up at the intimidating building I had attended for the past two years, and my heart sank. Already, cliques swarmed around it and I had to swallow down small panicked breaths that threatened to arise. I sucked in a deep breath, and hurried inside the massive building to find the library. It was the start of the new year, and my over-protective mother made me head to school early. I had about thirty minutes to waist in the media center, my safe haven.

Once in the library, I pulled out my phone and popped in my earbuds. One of the few apps I had on my iPhone was Wattpad, a reading website, and I clicked it immediately after the wonderful sounds of All Time Low filled my ears. All my senses tingled, feeling safe and comfortable. My eyes lingered for a moment out the window, seeing kids buzzing about and making new friends. Sometimes I envied them, but then I remembered how it is so much easier to not have to worry about betrayal when you're alone. With my eyes scanning my surroundings, I saw one of the librarians scolding a student for being too loud, and a few friends conversing.
Erin stepped out of her aunts car, looking up at the school that is way bigger than her old one, "Oh wow" She said to herself.

"Good-bye honey, you're good to walk home after school right?" Her aunt leaned over the arm rest to look at Erin.

"Yes aunty, thank you for the ride" She waved and shut the door. Her aunt drove off and Erin slowly started walking toward the school. There were way more students than she had anticipated. A knot formed in her stomach, "what if no one likes me" she thought to herself and held onto the straps of her backpack tighter, not sure if she should talk to anyone or try to find her locker.

Remembering she has to go to the office, so she can get her locker number and classes sheet, first she stops and frowns "where is the office?" She sighed and went inside the school. Stopping at the front entryway, scanning the halls for any sign of the office and looking completely lost.
Sean runs in as he stops and puts his hood on "No one notice me.." he said to himself walks around the school hoping no one would notice him
((One Liners Kill. Try and write a three sentenced paragraph at least, man.))


When the bell rang, I headed to my first period alone. I didn't pay much mind to anyone around me, my headphones still firmly in place in my ears. When my shoulder connected with someone else ((Could be any character)) I felt panic rise in my chest.

"I am so-so sorry!" I exclaimed, a hand flying over my mouth in shock. "God dammit, I'm sorry." I repeated my earlier apology, and helped the person gather their books back up.
Sean looks at her and smirks "It's ok, Don't worry" He said as he looks at her. "Well you should be a bit more careful" he said smiling brightly and puts a hand behind his head. "Names Sean by the way" He said as he puts his hand out. {Better?}
Hugo groaned when he felt his mother's car come to a stop. He did not want to go through this routine again. That routine being that he would have to get use to a whole new setting all over again.Really you'd think Hugo would have been used to it by now but nope,he's never used to change.

He and his mother gave their respective good-byes and when his mother was out of sight,Hugo stopped waving and went off to do some exploring. Fairbank was large in comparison to his other schools and reminded Hugo of a school in a horror movie he watched recently. Shivers ran down his spine just thinking about what happened to those four high school students but Hugo threw the thought to the back of his mind. There were more important things to think of,like just where he wandered off to. Scanning the hallway for any signs,Hugo beamed when one caught his eye. Not completely lost are we.

"Hmm,Computer Lab maybe-" Hugo was cut off by the bell and scowled. "Later we will meet again,Computer Lab.This I swear." He stated to himself and the door before leaving in search of his first period.


"Uhm, Y-yeah," I mumbled, taking a step back as she handed him the books he had dropped. "I'm Tyler." The anxiety was rising in my chest again, but I tried to keep it at bay. I didn't want to look like a complete spaz on my first day of school. "Well, I have to get to English class... so, see ya later." I knew I probably wouldn't see him later, because most people didn't associate with me, but I was kind of hoping maybe he'd be in one of my classes. He seemed nice enough to be friends with.
He smiles "Alright, see you later" He said as he walks off to his guitar class with his guitar over his shoulder. "God this is going to be great..first day here" he said as he walked into the class room and sits down and starts to tune his acoustic guitar and took out a few music pieces for him to play.
Octavia stepped into Fairbank with a worried smile etched onto her face. First day of school is always a bit rough even if it's a school you've attended before. Smoothing down her shirt,Octavia walked in the direction of her first class. Home Economics was always nice in her opinion. Octavia only wished she had a better memory as to where Home Ec was even located.

"Maybe I'll ask." She mumbled to herself before scanning the hall way for someone that didn't intimidate her. Her eyes fell upon a stranger with green hair. Octavia slid through the forming crowd and put a her hand on the boy's shoulder. "Um,excuse me but do you happen to know where Home Ec is?" ((Heeey,geoff.))
Hugo frowned when he saw that the hall was slowly beginning to get more and more crowded since the bell rang.Human contact wasn't very fun at all. Just being touched by someone who didn't ask for his permission first made his skin crawl. The familiar skin crawly feeling spread like fire on his shoulder and Hugo jumped at the contact.

He turned around and was greeted by a girl.A girl he didn't know and sure as god didn't want touching him especially since this was their first meeting. She asked him a question,though,and Hugo's mother did tell him to be polite. "Home Ec? I'm going there so I guess I can just show you." Hugo replied awkwardly.

To my dismay, that Sean kid wasn't in my English class. Instead, I remember seeing him walk in the complete opposite direction. I was getting lost in my own world as the period dragged by, and soon I was back to my typical loner status. No one spoke to me, and I didn't speak to them. I did see a few interesting kids in my class, a few seated beside me, but I didn't talk. I kind of wanted to, maybe make a few friends, but I couldn't find the nerve.
Erin sighed and eventually found her way to the office, got her schedule and a late slip then headed for her class. She would put her things away later on. Her first class was music. and when she showed up, a boy with a guitar caught her eye. A small blush rose to her cheeks and she took the only empty seat, next to him. She looked to the front of the room and hugged her back pack to her chest.
Octavia beamed at the boy. "That would be great thank you...." How impolite of her!Octavia never asked for his name. "I'm sorry but what's your name?Mine is Octavia Free." While waiting for an answer Octavia examined the mystery kid. His hair was interesting and he had a blue stain on the left arm of his jacket. She continued taking in details of her hopefully new friend.
Hugo visibly flinched under her stare. "Hugo,my name is Hugo Banks." Hugo didn't like giving his last name out to strangers but since she would know because they're in the same class,who gives a damn.

Hugo side stepped out of habit before he spoke up again. "Now if you don't want to be late we should start going." And he started walking in the direction of his and Octavia's first class.
Sean doesn't notice the girl sit down next to her as he was tuning his guitar. He finishes up and puts it by his side and looks around "When is class going to start?" He said as he sighs. "At least I can play a bit of guitar" he said as he picked up his guitar and started to play some of his songs he had written.
It's the first day of his school and Benett has already late which doen't care about, as he could hack the school system at anytime. "Fairbank high? not too shabby.." as Benett looked at his new school after searching over 6 school and only this school who accepted him. He walked casually as if he was an early bird, as he went inside the school, he remembered that he need to go to the school office before attending to classes.

It doesn't took long for him to find the office, Benett walked in as if it was his home. All of the teacher looked at him with a deceiful looks, Benett ignored it and went to the principal office "Excuse me, My name is Benett, I'm a new student here, the enrollment letter said that I need to go to the office.." The principal only gave him a smile, it's been a while since him/her found someone like Benett, "You need to report to me because, I'll be telling you where you'll be assign and your schedule." After reporting to the principal, he went to checked his schedule, "Let me see... english class okay.." He went to his first class. "I'm sorry I'm late~" Benett with his playful tone barged into the class and sat at the of the row. Of course, the teacher were mad but he ignored it.
Natrix ran into the school, late but he could still probably make it in time for the teachers not to care too much. If he just knew where the office was... He looked around, and when he found it he pestered someone until they have him his schedule, and then he looked down at it. English. Great, another classroom he couldn't find. But he did find it just in time, the teachers mouth opened to begin saying something just as he walked through the door and took a seat in the very back. He was wearing an extremely cheerful outfit of black skinny jeans, black shirt, a black jacket, and doc martens, clearly stating that if anyone spoke to him, he'd be digging them a grave that very night. He got out his stuff as the teacher began to speak again, and when done glanced around the classroom, taking in everyone's faces, postures, clothing.

I saw a few boys enter class late, and my eyes lingered on them for a few moments. Each looked like polar opposites, but interesting in their own way. The one who entered first looked like your typical pretty boy, and the second looked almost like an outcast type. I shook my head, and stared back at the front where a teacher stood. She had told us her name, but I'd already forgotten. My eyes trained around the class room again, examining everyone and everything. When I saw one of the boys doing the same, our eyes scanning past each other, I jumped a bit and stared at the desk top. Today I was so out of my element. Usually I'd keep to myself, but now I was too curious about everything.
Erin listened to the boy playing guitar. He was very good, a small smile rose to her lips. But she looked at the music teacher enter the classroom, she said that everyone had to pick a partner and make a CD with all original songs. Erin looked back at the boy, "uhm, since you play guitar, and I sing, do you wanna be partners?" she asked shyly and looked at her hands. Expecting a no from the boy.
Natrix caught eyes with the blonde girl, and smirked, but she had already turned away. He looked down at his stuff and then back up at the teacher, but every so often his eyes kept going back to that girl. Pretty, he thinks to himself, if I get the chance, I'll talk to her. He tapped his fingers on his leg, leaning back in his chair and chewing the inside of his cheek.
Sean looks at her and smiles "Sure!" He said with. A smile on his face. "Names Sean, nice to meet you" he said looking at her. "So you sing?" He asked as he titled his head and smiles
Erin looked at Sean and smiled a little "yea, and not to brag about it, but I think I'm pretty good" she nodded "my name is Erin Bates" she shrugged "so I got a few song lyrics, but I don't have music written out. I can't pay any instruments."
He smiles "I bet you are" he said as he puts his guitar down. He smirks "Well at least you have a guitar player' he aid as he poked her arm smiling "So what do you want to do?" He asked as he looks at her

"And I want everyone to pick a partner to read along with since we don't have enough books," The teacher was saying, passing books across each row to every other kid. I ended up with a book, and felt anxiety swell in my chest. I'd have to read with someone. That meant I'd have to talk to people. I shifted nervously in my seat as people shuffled around the class, making friends, and paring up. I decided I'd just sit here and hope there was an uneven amount of students and I wouldn't end up with a partner. I wouldn't exactly know how to act if I did. People weren't my specialty, but reading was. If I could just read silently by myself, I wouldn't be on the verge of having an anxiety attack.

People were starting to settle down, and I saw a few people still didn't have partners.

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