Fair Folk Power level.


Damn i was looking at the character creation of a Fairfolk noble, and a Enlightened Mountain Folk. Damn those guys are powerful no? I am probably wrong, but just by looking at what you start off with, i would think a noble, or enlightened just created could easily fight a just created solar and most likely win no? ( a un twinked solar of course.)
They have a decent shot of winning, but mostly due to their backgrounds--Artifact for the MF, and Glamour Sorcery/Adjurations/Behemoths for Fair Folk.

 If the Solar has a dice-buyer and a defense buyer (not unreasonable), the FF/MF will really have to work for it, though a truly Creation-optimized noble may still prevail--especially if said Noble has gossamer to burn.
sounds good enough to me, i just assumed the noble would be superior since his abilities and attributes were so much higher, plus they could enhance themselves even more so using charms, but then i realized they have to use all those confusing graces and such. I still dont understand how it works.
Most of the FF charms are for shaping combat. They have a few excellent Creation-effective charms that can keep them competitive with starting Celestials (even with a single persistent defense or MA form up), but once they start stacking...H-2-H combat is no longer a good idea.
Fair Folk are supposed to work behind the scenes.  Nobles should send hordes of commoners to wear down the Exalted and then administer the coup de grace.  Tactics and Strategy are the marks of a true noble.
I think when the same kind of effort is put into the combat skills of the solar and the fairie then the solar will win most of the time if not all of the times. Stacking some defenses, some attacks and a good combo is all it takes.
how about a lunar would they fair alright with a lunar?

Like is the Fairfolks equivelant power about that of a celestial or terrestrial exalted?
In my experience, a Creation-twinked starting FF noble can go toe-to-toe with untwinked starting Celestials and at least manage a draw. She should eat an untwinked starting DB.

 Untwinked? Depends entirely on what form of conflict, and where it takes place.
hmm well i suppose they are weaker then i thought they were. I always thought it was sorta...Nobles= Celestials


But i suppose they cant be that powerful if they are getting smoked by dragon-bloods in wyld hunts.

( i know the dragon bloods travel in groups, but so too do Fairies. Its not like a Solo Solar, or a loner Lunar.)
yeah yeah i am aware that lunars can and do travel in packs and that solars form circles, buti am guessing that a wyld hunt wont be as ddangerous to a group of solars who know how to control their power as opposed to a newly exalted who doesnt know what the fuck is goin on.
you also have to take into effect the thought that all an exalt of any type has to do is use a charm to overcome most of the cool stuff that fair folk can do. ie. Bastion of Self - Sword you can't get hit by anything short of a charm powered attack.


Imposition of law intimidation or melee , i hit and intimidate everything, unless defended by a charm.

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