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Graded [Fae See Wilderness] Enigmatic Verdant Trial

Kane Blackburne
Novama Novama Elvario Elvario Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Kane felt awed by the strange sights before him, just sight seeing, not having to worry about fighting monsters or killing people..it was almost relaxing and exciting at the same time, he could hardly remember the last time he'd felt this way about something..was it wonder? Maybe joy? Everything had beauty which he hadn't recognized before..The executioner had just been so tired...too self focused dealing with his own conditions in Rotia, he had hardly had the chance to look at the world and observe it.

When Kane finally got the chamber feeling so strange but almost at ease at the same time, he just stood there upon being freed from the pod. He did a double take when he saw the Spirit King right there in front of him In the fles-well ethereal body it looked like to him. Was he made of pure light? Kane was still processing the fact that they had actually made it. Before he eventually, refocused his attention in the sanctuary his eyes narrowed, with conviction, even with the feel good feelings he was there for a reason.

Victorique's condition concerned him as she looked bewildered to even be there, and that made him tense his fist wondering what the hell happened to her, had the same thing that happened to him happened to her?

But he had to focus. He'd albeit reluctantly give bow to the Spirit King, figuring doing it like he did with Royalty would be the best bet here before continuing,

" Hey your holinesss..the Spirit King, to be honest..I wasn't even sure if someone like you would wanna see a guy like me..I mean first I'm a human..and my work, I don't know how many would call it holy...but the fact that you're here right in front of me...heh..this is exactly the type of scene I always wished I Could be in..but instead of this..as a hero getting awarded who slayed the monster...saved people and did the right thing..but I guess that isn't how life works out huh..anyway...thanks for hearing me out."

"There are lots of questions..but besides her being my first friend..why I've been traveling with Victorique and helping her so long is...We want to know about the origins of titles and how they work...why they work the way they do..who decided that and why? What ..gives them out, why were they created?"

He'd then pause and look over at Victorique, uncharactisically toned back through all of the conversation. "Remember Victorique?" He'd turn to her.

"That's why we came all the way out here and have been traveling so far..and have been working so hard.."

He then looked back to the Spirit King, " What I don't get why you didn't let her see that scroll..we've been working so hard to get information and it feels like every time we start to get ahead it just leads us somewhere else...and she keeps being given those titles..I don't get what the big deal is..she isn't going to do anything bad with the information, I swear...that's not who she is.."

"And..with that. I don't know, if I really exchanged what I think I did..for this knowledge.from you..what should I do with my life? Right now it's not..gonna be nearly as Long as yours..and I'm not hedging my bets on doing anything amazing but..it'd really help a guy out, someone like you..would have good advice right?"
Cass Maven
Cass stood there, unable to comprehend the scene before him. The ride was comforting and slmost put him to sleep, but the strange area they arrived at, with the same level of comfort but in an awe inspiring way threw him off. He barely took notice of Vic, who looked like a lost child because of his request, or listen to Kane, who was explaining why he and Vic were there. Actually, now that Cass thought about it, why was he there? Why did he tag along in the adventure between these two people? He looked over at them and furrowed his brow, then looked up at the supposed Spirit King, the fae who could answer any of his questions. He looked up at the king and studied him for a bit before biting his lip and going for it.

"I am assuming were able to ask as many questions as we can. If that is the case, is it safe to say that the things offered as sacrifices in the last trial are gone forever? Will they be able to be gained back? Do you know what my goal is here? Where can I go to best achieve it? How should I go about to achieve it?"
OOC: Kane seems to know more than he should given his forgetting everything executioner. A bit ham fisted the way he tried helping out Victorique without knowing her condition or having the int to even deduce it so quickly.
Time: evening
Weather: chill air and chiller mist
TLDR: vic's spirit companion tries to help her. kane is asked if he's sure what he wants. cass is warned.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Daddy Dream Daddy Dream


The air in the sanctuary shifted as soft, lilting notes of laughter carried through the trees. From the shadows of the grove stepped the fae maiden who had destroyed the golden fox and followed behind the party for a time. Gone was her mischievous, mocking demeanor; her expression was now reverent, her colorful hair dimmed to soft pastel hues. She moved gracefully toward the Spirit King, bowing deeply before him, her posture low and deferential.

“My lord,” she began, her voice subdued and humble, “I humbly apologize on behalf of my companion. Her tongue is sharp, and her defiance strong, but it is not out of malice. She is young and untempered, though I see in her the possibilities that your trials have sought to test.” She glanced at Victorique, her gaze lingering briefly before returning to the Spirit King. “May her shortcomings not reflect too harshly in your eyes.”

The Spirit King did not respond immediately, his serene expression unchanged as his radiance bathed the grove in gentle light. The maiden, still bowed, stepped back into the shadows, her presence fading as quietly as it had come.

As Victorique focused her [Postcognition] ability, the world around her shifted, and the scroll’s history unfolded before her.

The scene began in a dim, dusty archive, the scroll sitting untouched on a shelf, forgotten amid piles of ancient texts. An unknown span of time passed, until another version of Victorique appeared. She retrieved the scroll, blowing away the layer of dust that obscured its surface, and unrolled it with a mix of curiosity and determination. Her own voice echoed faintly, as if from a memory long buried.

“Come see me. Signed, The Spirit King,” she read aloud, her tone skeptical. She muttered to herself, “As if it’s that simple. Still, this is worth checking out.”

More time passed with the scroll stuffed among her many possessions. Darkness and mumbling could be heard beyond the storage but then the memory faded as the scroll’s present came into focus again in her hands. The words she had once read were etched into her mind now, though the context of her finding them remained shrouded by the loss inflicted on her by the 3 fae from before.

The Spirit King shifted his gaze to Kane, his calm face didn't impart to the viewer just how much pressure one felt when actually focused on by the spirit king. “Titles,” he said softly, his voice resonating through the grove. “Is that truly what you seek to know? Among all the questions of existence—of fate, of power, of what lies beyond the reach of mortals, and your very particular existence and path in life—this is the one you would ask of me?”

His radiance softened, and a faint smile touched his lips. “You have proven yourself worthy, Kane Blackburne. The trials have weighed your resolve, and your sacrifice has been accepted. I will answer what you ask... but I offer this moment for reflection. There is so much else I could reveal to you, should you choose to ask.”

The Spirit King turned his attention to Cass, his glowing form visually shifting. “Cass, the toll you paid was but the price to stand here,” he said, his voice deliberate. “What you gain—or lose—beyond this moment rests in my hands.”

His tone became more solemn, a faint edge of caution slipping through his otherwise serene cadence. “You seek many answers, yet the questions you carry come with weight, and the price may yet grow. Unlike Kane, you have not proven worthy. The trials have found you wanting. Consider your questions carefully, for their cost may exceed your expectations.”

The Spirit King’s words lingered in the air, his radiance unwavering as the grove fell silent once more.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: Novama Novama | Kane TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Cass Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

She started at the colourful woman, a tad confused. She seemed somewhat familiar? Maybe? “{Pretty...}” Escaped her lips in a mumble upon seeing the colourful pastel colours. “{I'm not that short.}” She mumbled, her confused self still being irked by the mention of 'short'. A sensitive topic.

Seeing herself finding and reading that scroll taught her that, yes, this was indeed something she wanted herself. It wasn't something she'd gotten caught up in. It was something that she seemed to have gone through a fair bit of effort for. With titles being mentioned by Kane, then by the Spirit King, she felt like one puzzle piece was falling back in place. Presuming with [Information Overload] she'd at least tie together that the titles asked about wasn't Kane's reason. Then reason out that it might very well be hers.

“{Titles... Was that why I searched for that scroll?}” Titles... There was something mentioned about her having ones that stood out? She'd attempt to use [Appraise B] on herself to confirm or deny that. Yet, as she was doing all that, she felt a burning desire to figure out more. She wanted to resolve this 'unknown' of who, what, why she was. To figure out what was going on here. Yet most of all, she wanted to figure out how to get what she'd wanted to get done here, even if she didn't recall it.

Then, next, what did she want want to know about titles? What the meant? That felt off. It didn't seem like there was a specific question regarding them, after all. No... Her confused mind tried to do some soul-searching. She'd want to know truth from lies. Was there something about titles that she thought was a lie? Perhaps. Yet would she go ask someone just that? No... she'd want to figure it out herself. Then what would she ask? What if she'd ask something that allowed her to learn the truth about titles herself? Or something related to it... Or... what if it was just the beginning? The very basics of it all?

She took a deep breath. “{I don't remember, but I believe I'm here to inquire about titles.}” She'd start. “{As much as I desire to ask for my memory back, I believe that would... somehow defeat a purpose? It'd feel wrong.}” She sighed. This was a gamble. “{I believe it wasn't him that came to ask about Titles. I believe it was me.}” Truthfully, she hesitated for a short moment. “{The idea of learning questions of existence, of fate, of power, seems appealing... yet if I once believed these titles to be word asking about... Then I believe I should not doubt this.}” She'd reasoned things out for herself.

“{There is something I'd like to know about these titles.}” Just... what? Ugh. How annoying that she didn't know the exact question. “{If I desired to learn of titles more than any of those things, then titles have to be just as important, if not more.}” Right. “{So I believe I would wish to hear how they are given to people. What mechanism or person governs them. The very foundation of them.}” That felt the most logical.

Only then did she realise. “{Oh, ehm, I'm sorry, your highness, mister, Spirit King...}” She'd give a bow. Having seen the colourful one treat him with such respect, she realised she was a tad late to follow suit. “{Please, would you teach me about whom or what gives out these titles and if possible, why and by what rules and mechanisms?}”

Information Overload – Appraisal B, Darkvision F, Eidetic Memory, Heightened Sense [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Perception B, Investigation B, Insight B, Energised B – Character takes in any information their senses pick up on and analyses them instantly. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown
Kane Blackburne

Novama Novama Elvario Elvario Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Since Victorique struggle through whatever her affliction was was strange. He might guess it wasn't unlike his own affliction but he didn't know for sure, Kane even though he spoke of possible past work, he still wasn't entirely sure what it had been other than maybe that's why he seemed to remember meeting nobles In the past? About what though? What made the work unsavory? Kane really didn't remember what his purpose had been other than that strange feeling that had weighed heavy on him with that axe, what was it even used for? If he had been a woodsman..he didn't see a reason why he should have reacted that way..Did it even belong to him? That heavy feeling made him feel like whatever its purpose was..it was burdensome.

Unfortunately Kane didn't speak the fae tongue so he didn't know what Victorique was saying other than it looked like she might have been thinking and verbalizing things but it was just a hunch on his end, he just hoped whatever she was saying, he had no idea if his verbal interjector had helped her get there or if she had really been receptive to it given the strange sensations and conditions he had gone through, maybe she was going through similar?

"You got this Victorique..I know you do.." he'd speak softly and reassuringly.

Kane paused..he then focused his attention on the sprit King, he listened to his words and let them sit, he even heard Cass's warnings, normally he might be inclined to speak on Cass's behalf but it was apparent that the Spirit King was not the most pleased with the trial results for him for whatever reason, so Kane figured it'd be better not to say anything regarding the stranger, it sounded like if Cass wasn't careful his questions might have consequences.

"wait..I proved myself worthy in something?" Kane's face shifted to looking a bit more emotional..."For some reason..it means a lot hearing that.." He'd clench his fists.

"even if I don't remember why..thanks.." He'd finish replying, before he'd continue thinking before speaking next.

"Your holiness, you're right..on reflection I don't think it's my place to ask you about titles...I already did my part in helping with that, if you would..please,

what I really want to know from you is, in however much time I have left...how can I become a hero? and I mean a real hero, not just someone who does it for glory, riches, or worldly things... but someone who really cares about others..and protecting them.. Like those monster slayers in Rotia who inspired me when I was young...from the adventurers..even to some of the nobility in their fullers..I want to make a difference too, I just don't feel strong enough,..I want to have the conviction to help people who can't help themselves..even if it means I gotta take the brunt and bare the weight of their struggles myself, be someone who can finally raise themselves above it all no matter how strong the opposition is and stop the evil in this realm it's tracks..it's what I've always wanted to know..I think.."

"There are..so many lives that I could save that actually matter if you were able to tell me this.."

OOC: lots of B moves back to back in same post. even if we pretend there was recharge on the way up, that's a lot of b grade abilities firing since you guys got to the sanctuary
Time: evening
Weather: chill air and chiller mist
TLDR: spirit king gives kane guidance. spirit king tells vic and cass to get out but something waits for vic.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Daddy Dream Daddy Dream


Victorique’s head throbbed as she pushed herself to focus. The strain of her [Information Overload] ability, combined with the toll of her earlier visions, was too much for her weakened state. Pain seared through her body, her breath coming in sharp gasps as she tried to make sense of the fragmented insights. The threads of the present conversations and the lingering echoes of her lost memories danced in her mind, just out of reach.

The fragments began to coalesce into a vague clue: the dusty archive, the scroll’s forgotten state, and her own drive to uncover it. It seemed tied to a moment of disillusionment—something or someone had shaken her trust in titles or their fairness. Her search for the scroll had been a deliberate act, not a whim, and it was driven by her unrelenting need to uncover the truth about how titles were given and why.

Her attempt to [Appraise] herself fared no better. The ability strained her already taxed mind, delivering nothing more than a hazy impression of herself as a complex and layered entity. It felt as though the knowledge was there, locked away behind the very barriers the fae had erected within her. The effort left her drained, her legs trembling under the weight of her weakened body.

The Spirit King, watching her struggle, sighed softly, his radiant glow dimming ever so slightly. His expression, though serene, carried a faint edge of weariness as he gestured behind him with a thumb. “Enough of this,” he said, his voice carrying an air of finality. “If you want answers, they are there.” Behind him, a glowing platform radiated a soft, inviting light, its surface shimmering like the surface of a calm pond reflecting the moon.

“Go over there, halfling. You will have what you seek.”

Turning to Kane, the Spirit King’s expression softened, and his tone grew warm. “Kane Blackburne, son of man,” he said, his voice imbued with an encouraging kindness, “the world will soon face a peril that will call for brave souls to rise. In that moment, the strength you seek to become a hero will find its purpose. Answer that call, stand firm against the darkness, and you will make a difference. Heroism is not born of strength alone but of unwavering resolve in the face of impossible odds.”

The Spirit King paused, his gaze steady but kind. “But know this: the company you keep holds you back. Victorique and Cass walk paths not meant for yours. Their trials are not yours to share, and their burdens weigh on you in ways you may not yet understand. If you wish to rise as a hero, you must leave them behind.”

His thumb gestured to the glowing platform. “There is something waiting for you there, something that will aid you in achieving your goals. Go, and you will find what you need.”

Cass seemed lost in thought, his gaze unfocused as the Spirit King turned his attention to him. With a sharp snap of his fingers, the Spirit King broke through Cass’s reverie, drawing his attention back to the grove. “Enough idle wondering,” the Spirit King said, his tone less kind than it had been for Kane. He gestured to the same glowing platform behind him.

The ground beneath Cass’s feet began to shift, moving him toward the platform as if the forest itself sought to guide him. The slow, deliberate motion left Cass little choice but to follow or resist openly. Similarly, the ground beneath Victorique did the same.
Kane Blackbune

Novama Novama Elvario Elvario Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Kane was a bit relieved, as much as Victorique had been struggling, it looked like the Spirit King was going to grant information to her search finally, even if the Spirit King was perhaps in part indulging her knowledge quest on account of her stubbornness and him not wanting to have to deal with her continuing her search, as even Kane knew that's what Victorique would likely do if she didn't get a satisfactory answer here, whatever worked, she had been directed to get her information. Kane would hope that she'd share it with him at least if she could when this was all done, he had traveled a good deal with her to get it after all.

Really I'm worthy? For something like this?

The thoughts went through Kane's mind, if someone as important and powerful as the Spirit King, a living god or whatever someone wanted to call him, thought he was than regardless of how Kane felt about it all personally, there had to be a smidge of truth there didn't there?

"Wait..the world's gonna be endangered? And I thought Rotia was difficult..that doesn't sound good." He'd say softly to himself, his eyes widening a bit briefly in surprise after hearing the Spirit King tell him that. What was a bit harder to grasp was that apparently continuing to follow the paths of Victorique and Cass would hold him back from becoming the hero he wanted too. Maybe questing and traveling around with Victorique wasn't getting him ready for whatever was coming, so maybe the Spirit King had a point, as much as he didn't like to hear that, Victorique was his first friend after all.

"I..understand, thank you for your wisdom and insight your Holiness, I won't take this warning lightly." He gave the Spirit King, another bow, to the best of his ability.

"I'll do what I can to get this resolve..and I won't squander what you've told and have given me here today, I promise you that." Kane said with a steely glint of determination In his eyes.

There was no way in hell he could hear about some great danger that was going to affront the world that would need heroes to stand up against it and not start preparing for whatever that would be. Kane liked to think he knew right from wrong, and hurting and endangering innocents was definitely wrong, which he could only presume that a peril like that would threaten to do.

Kane then nodded, "Until we, if I should be so fortunate, meet again then." He'd raise his bow, before heading in the direction that the Spirit King had gestured to get onto the platform so that he could receive whatever would help aid him in his new aspirations to be someone who could rise up against the great peril that was to come.

Unfortunately it didn't sound like Cass was as lucky as Victorique or Kane himself, but Kane would say in passing, "Come on, best to do what he says."
Kane Actions:
1. After listening, and talking, Move to platform Spirit King gestured too.
Cass Maven
Cass felt a bit empty at the fact that he wasn't able to hold himself together long enough to ask his questions. Then again, what questions did he have? He had a miserable life before coming to this world, but when he came here, he didn't know what he wanted to do. Well, that was a lie, he had an inkling of what to do. He wanted to build a village but that was it, he knew nothing about how to do that. And here he was, being escorted away from the only person who could help set him on the right path. He didn't want to leave like this, empty and without answers, he wanted to at least have a way to be pointed in the right direction.

"Forgive me, but could you tell me how I can start building a village? One that people can call home? Who would be right to talk to to help start this venture?"

Cass asked his question in haste as he walked towards the platform, a look of pleading desperation in his eyes as he finally remembered what his final wish was. To life happy, healthy, and build a place he could call home here. In remembrance to his parents who always fought over his health and his love of being able to create something worth while. He hoped that Spirit King wasn't too fed up with him to be able to answer his question, even if it was something brief, anything that helped point Cass in the right direction was enough.

Cass felt a bit empty at the fact that he wasn't able to hold himself together long enough to ask his questions. Then again, what questions did he have? He had a miserable life before coming to this world, but when he came here, he didn't know what he wanted to do. Well, that was a lie, he had an inkling of what to do. He wanted to build a village but that was it, he knew nothing about how to do that. And here he was, being escorted away from the only person who could help set him on the right path. He didn't want to leave like this, empty and without answers, he wanted to at least have a way to be pointed in the right direction.

"Forgive me, but could you tell me how I can start building a village? One that people can call home? Who would be right to talk to to help start this venture?"

Cass asked his question in haste as he walked towards the platform, a look of pleading desperation in his eyes as he finally remembered what his final wish was. To life happy, healthy, and build a place he could call home here. In remembrance to his parents who always fought over his health and his love of being able to create something worth while. He hoped that Spirit King wasn't too fed up with him to be able to answer his question, even if it was something brief, anything that helped point Cass in the right direction was enough.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: Novama Novama | Kane TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Cass Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“Thanks...” She'd hesitantly reply to Kane. She definitely wasn't sure if she had it. Or if she'd done and said enough. With her legs having given out and her mind wiped of almost everything, she'd gotten both the two things she was proud off taken from her. All she had to keep going was the hope that this 'title' thing was indeed her reason for being here and that she'd at least get that figured out.

She grabbed her head at the inbound headache. She'd pushed herself to her utter limits and perhaps a bit past it, but she didn't wish to risk failing when so close to her goal. “{Agrh furrhgh...}” She managed to turn another load of cursing into some grumbling and undetermined noises, as she was slightly aware she might want to try be respectful here. Yet the soaring pain made it tough to stay silent.

Upon being told where her answers were, she'd simply nod. Too tired and too much in pain to want to speak. With her remaining strength, she'd drag herself to the pond. Or was it a pond? It glimmered like one, at least. Coming closer, she realised it was a platform. Dragging herself there, she felt tired and weary, but also excited. Even if she didn't remember. This might hold the answers she'd been looking for. Something she'd clearly gone through a lot of effort for.
OOC: The end. Thanks for playing.
Time: Morning
Weather: chill air
tldr: everyone returns to the beginning of the rp. they all got back what was lost and everyone leaves with a little something extra from the spirit king than when they started.
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Daddy Dream Daddy Dream


The Spirit King watched as Kane stepped onto the glowing platform, a flicker of warmth in his ever-radiant gaze. “Until next time,” he said, his voice carrying the weight of both farewell and certainty. “May you rise to meet the call when it comes.”

The Spirit King barely inclined his head in response to the others departure. His lips barely moved in response to Cass, the words slipping out with effortless brevity, as if they required no more thought than a passing breeze.

“Make friends.”

And then, the moment arrived.

The instant all three were fully on the platform, the glow beneath their feet intensified. A pulse of energy surged upward, swallowing them in radiant light. The world around them disappeared in an instant, drowned in an overwhelming brilliance that stripped away all sense of place, time, or self. It was neither warmth nor cold, neither weight nor lightness—it was simply everything, and then nothing.

They did not see the sanctuary fade. They did not see the Spirit King disappear from their view. They did not feel themselves move. Only the all-encompassing radiance, consuming everything.

Then, as suddenly as it began, it was over.

The cool breeze of the Bishri wilderness brushed against them as their senses returned, the scent of damp earth and distant foliage grounding them once more. They stood at the very place they had first begun their journey, as if no time had passed at all. The sky above them stretched vast and open, unburdened by the mystical canopy they had walked beneath. The familiar world welcomed them back.

And yet, things had changed.

Their memories were whole again. Kane could recall the trials he had faced, the burdens he had shed, and the newfound purpose that had been carved into his resolve. And Victorique...

Victorique could stand.

The sensation of her own legs beneath her was both foreign and familiar, as if they had been restored as naturally as waking from sleep. But more than that, she remembered everything.

The ancient scroll. The reason she had sought it. The note she had read within it to seek out the Spirit King in the first place.

But there was more.

This time, the words in her mind were clearer than they had ever been and not what she had first recalled as if the words were added after the fact. Checking the scroll again would verify there was a different message in the scroll than first interpreted.

"The overseer remains. It has always remained, watching, waiting, on the first continent since our departure.”

The journey for titles was not over yet.

The End
Isekai Hell Grade

Novama Novama Elvario Elvario Daddy Dream Daddy Dream TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

fun little outting. got to chat with the spirit king for a bit. Kane had a strong showing this go around. Cass was barely there. Who knows what'll come next.


Not significant.



Novama - 20pts (narrator)

Victorique - 34pts
optional title acquired [good job. managed to annoy the spirit king too now. You're inability to let go gonna get someone killed, you know]
(ruined title scroll text was upgraded in last post of rp)

Cass - 15pts
optional title acquired [space cadet] - character is a bit slow on the uptake. unclear if its day dreaming or just not that bright.

Kane Blackburne - 40pts
optional title acquired [Aspiring Hero] - character is not a hero but is on the path to become one. Destiny has seen fit to bend fate in his favor ever so slightly for the time being. With tenacity, he may achieve his goal.

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