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Active [Fae See] Blizzard of the Firestorm

The Beginning


Ruler of the Sky
Cast & Goals:
  • Xanzua (#f16f1f)
    • Investigate signs of Ashterus
    • Acquire F grade social status asset with the Fae See's church
  • Ul Dyril (#61bd6d)
    • Investigate magic shenanigans
    • Acquire F grade home asset in the Fae See
  • Viole (#add8e6)
    • Aid in the above
Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly


The Spear of Aelphi, known as a landmark and relic of battle from the war of the races, having once destroyed the surrounding forest for miles on impact, was currently enshrouded in a tumultuous storm of fire and ice. Somehow, the contrasting elements intermingled freely without hindrance, leaving flaming trails on scorched earth, and frozen grass one could slip on. A spiralling, misty fog of smoke and fire, that choked lungs with its iciness, covered the mountain, obscuring its features and whatever possibly lay deeper within.

It was fortunate that the storm's radius seemed limited to the mountain range and its fringes.

However, on the outskirts of this storm lay two peculiar individuals, a little robot barely 2ft tall frantically hopping about, waving their hands and holding their head in terrible stress and anxiety, and an expressionless fire-like spirit, constantly summoning small earthen walls with outstretched hands to prevent the little robot from diving into that deadly-looking storm.

Femboy Femboy Megilagor Megilagor
Megilagor Megilagor SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider

Finally, the See of Fae, she'd gotten to where she wanted to. Having had a quick visit to the mines of a town in Ryke, the elf had managed to reconvene with her servant since she wanted to bring her along for the assistance. Plus, the company (one that wouldn't drive her insane) would keep her mind entertained for the time being. She had taken some previous scoutings around the area for vacant lots and places to set up home, she'd been hoping for a nice place that had a lot of room for growth, right in the heart of nature. It'd give her some private land as well as the space to work on her dream visions, plus she'd want a space to give to Viole for their hard work. Speaking of which, she needed to ask about what Viole might personally want for themselves, who they had brought along with a ride on their bike.

Action 1
Helming [Bikes](F) + Energized (F) using Ul's Dirtbike(F)(Fast (F), Jumping (F), Intimidation (F), Regeneration (F), Feature: Offroading Tires)

Ul had given the construct a ride on their bike, how else were they gonna get there without being split up again and it probably taking a while? Though on their trip to find some prime real estate, she'd slow her drive as she looked to her passenger.
"Hey Viole... " she began briefly, her gaze turning to something else interesting nearby. It wasn't intentionally along the way, but she couldn't help but feel distracted by it.
"D'you see that big thing over there? The really weird mountain? Looks like a big... sword, or candle or... something. Those clouds look a bit weird, wonder if it's natural or something goin' on over there. I'm not a... 'stormologist' or whatever, but that don't look right. I'd be attracted by the presence of cool magical stuff and powerful things, but I have no idea if we should be roaming on over that way... " she'd mention softly, her vision distracted by that of an elemental and a small robot. Well, she wasn't expecting to see another construct out here this fast, what was the deal with these two? There wasn't anything or anyone else around she thought, a random spur distraction? Maybe it was worth their time, just for the entertainment of it.

"Uh, hey, what's with the big magical storm thing going on? Not to interrupt... whatever you both have going on, is this a regular weather occurrence here orrr some sorta thing that might be to my benefit if I get involved? Oh, I'm Ul, this is Viole, my servant. Say hi, Viole" she'd ask the two, before remembering her introduction and gesturing to the companion they had brought along with them.​

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Femboy Femboy

Viole was sitting on the bike's rear, loosely holding onto his mistress Ul's waist to stabilize himself on her bike until he grew used to it but it was not yet that point in time for it to happen. Though he had to say he enjoyed the feeling of wind in his hair, and the ride itself especially since he was with Ul. When Ul called out his name Viole looked at her and as she asked her question he looked over where she was looking.
"Looks more like a spear-shaped mountain to me. I doubt they are natural unless the very nature of this area is unnatural then this would be natural." Viole exclaimed shortly before thinking for a bit and adding. " If we can harness some of what is happening here it would be great for our future endeavors. Though I have to agree we should be wary, we do not know if it is safe there, but we can always check."

Once the two of them arrived closer to the small robot and the elemental, Viole stepped down from the bike and lowered himself closer to the eye level of the small robot when Ul gave them her greetings, to which he added his own. "Hello, My name is Viole." Viole then looked closer at the small robot and spoke once more but in his more native language. "%I'm Viole, this is my lady Ul. Can you tell me who are you and your companion?%"
Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly

The hum of the sparkly dirtbike quickly caught the attention of both the little construct and the fire spirit as it approached, with the former waving their hands in the air in excitement and rushing on over to meet them, whilst the spirit floated expressionlessly behind, though a twinkle of wonder remained in her gaze at the sight of the vehicle.

Still, at this closer distance, it became very noticeable the wounds and damage both had sustained. Tufts of snow lined the robot's gears, with burnt and frozen extremities on both hands and feet. The top of their hand had a nasty sear streaked across it, with their lower legs shivering and almost entirely frosted over, their little run clearly impeded to the extent of almost limping. The fire spirit too had seared flesh, in its place just empty, dispersing magic particles. Parts of her attire had been scorched, and much of her hair and eyes were covered in thin layers of white frost. Her hands were stiff, nearly unmoving, and it was clearer now that it took a lot more effort to have done the gestures needed for her spells.

Upon reaching the duo, the robot immediately hopped up and grabbed Ul's hand whilst anxiously pointing deeper into the storm, seemingly unable to respond to her words and questions. But upon hearing Viole they quickly swapped targets, throwing their hands up in excitement again at being fortunate enough to find someone that knew Analog.

Immediately rubbing their head to remove some of the frost and rigidness, they began internally chattering away in rhythmic beeps and boops, alongside occasional high-pitched clicking noises to communicate. "%Master up mountain. Was testing relic. Then storm. Please help. I Ox, she friend. Master is rich. Can pay you.%" They clearly were not used to communicating like this often, focusing on only portraying the key words needed in their franticness.

"%I have way. For you to be safe. Just need to be willing. Please help. Please, please, please.%" Ox trailed off in spamming the clicks for please, shivering and grabbing Viole's leg fearfully.

Femboy Femboy Megilagor Megilagor

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Femboy Femboy

Viole looked closer at the two beings, their state wasn't good, the marks of scorch and shivers of frost didn't look good, if the weather just up ahead did that to those two what could it do to him but most importantly to Ul. Viole was a bit hesitant to go further in but when the small robot approached him with his a bit exaggerated movement despite its state. It looked like it was happy to know that Viole spoke analog.

Viole waited for a bit for the little robot to speak out his mind before repeating his words, word for word to Ul so she could understand. "So a storm disturbed a relic and caused this. This little one named Ox, is willing to get us to his master who's up the mountain as he knows of a safe way there. He also states his master is rich and can pay us for it if we wish. The being beside him is a friend." As Viole finished speaking he stood up from the ground and looked at Ul.

"%Please wait. This decision is not for me alone to make. But knowing my lady she will be willing to help.%" Viole spoke to Ox calmly before speaking to Ul. "I await your decision, my lady."
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider
%Analog% | #Beastial# | &Sylvan&

"Ehh, I dunno, it kind of looks like a sword struck into a stone to me. What giant creature would be that big and powerful and think 'yeah, I'll use a spear, to keep my safe distance and all'" Ul jested, having brought the bike to a full stop. Viole's mention of harnessing the storm energies did sound like a very good idea, if she could figure what to route such magical power to, she could probably find a way to make a big magic-lightning rod to gather it" the elf would add on, though for the moment her attention turned to focus on the robot and the spirit.

Looking them over, it seemed pretty clear that they'd had to have weathered some rather terrible frost and fire related troubles, perhaps due to having got stuck in the storm or such. Though she couldn't help but raise a finger to her lips in thought, did the fire spirit always appear like that or did they somehow get burned... as a being of fire, were they being mocked or something?

Humming quietly to themselves in thought, Ul would let Viole introduce tbemselves as they had spoken in Analog to the robot. Ah, she'd have forgotten if it wasn't for Viole's reminder, in her time in Norroburry's library and along the way she had been picking up and working on the languages of the world. This was way far from her first time having to suddenly learn a new language due to showing up in a new world, so she'd gotten pretty good at doing so by now.

"Good thinking, Viole, that's why it's helpful having you around" Ul would compliment the construct, wondering if there was some other way she could praise Viole when they did good things, dwelling on it a little.
"Viole, is there anything you'd feel like you'd like from me to acknowledge when I think you're doing good for me?" she'd rather blatantly ask, this wasn't like a pet dog where you could pet it and call it a good boy, but who knows? Viole did randomly show up and become her servant, maybe they had some secret interest at heart. Plus it'd help encourage improvement in her, currently, sole follower.
"If you have any special hobbies or such too, we can see about getting you your own room or place where we're going. I have a few ideas on what we can set up to start business and popularity rolling in" she'd add, finally turning back to the robot and spirit.

She hadn't been looking to jump into some questionable scenario, but the interesting presence of magical spirit and robot, plus a rich person reward and magical ongoings? That, and she couldn't help but crack a smirk at the little robot's cute begging.
"%Alright, I guess we can make a detour, what's your idea of taking us through all this? And... why is it happening exactly, what relic does all that? Your master isn't some sort of mad scientist, is he?%" Ul asked in Analog, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh... " Ul would mutter when looking to the spirit, giving a small raise of her hand in greeting. She'd try Sylvan, they looked like that'd make sense.
"&Hey? It's okay if you're shy, we won't bite or anything, promise. I'm Ul and this is Viole, what's your name?&" she'd ask, maybe they were just a little introverted.​
Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly

"%Thank you, thank you. Master very generous. You will not regret.%" After hugging Viole's leg, Ox quickly moved back to Ul, hopping up and shaking her hand up and down vigorously. Their eye lights flickered from pure relief and joy as they tried to answer her questions seriously one by one, but it was clear they were antsy, not wanting to waste any more time. "%I don't know. Ask master. I remember he said 'old battles must be put to rest' and 'the seal was weakening'. Not crazy.%" They stuttered through their words, though strange sounds began emanating from their chest at the same time, like the sound of dozens of buttons and switches being pressed repeatedly.

"%My core very powerful. Can be used for many things. I will re-write my runes. Make temporary protective barrier. Take with you. Follow her there.%" Ox explained quickly, pointing towards the fire spirit as the sound of their re-programming increased in speed almost exponentially. Xanzua looked back in mild confusion, unable to understand any of their clicking sounds, apart from what Viole had explained in Common. It seemed they were going to help them, although she did not know how.

At Ul's words to herself, she looked back to the much smaller elf, in particular her pointy ears almost fully covered by her curly hair. Shaking her head without much of an expression, she lifted her frozen hand and tried to write her name in the air in a trail of flames, just the shorthand version of 'Zua' in Common. Unfortunately, past the 'Z' it was near ineligible, her mana reserves and damage making it hard to achieve competently.

Lowering hand with a sigh, she noticed Ox was suddenly at her side, trying to grab her hand although they could not. They pointed deeper into the mountain through the storm, where they once were, and flashed their eyes at her repeatedly as if pleading or trying to portray a message. Though she didn't understand, she patted his head with licks of flames, cleaning some of the frost through her magic remnants with a vague smile and nod.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, as the lights in that little robot's eyes flickered and went out, collapsing to the floor through her body. Something rolled out of their chest, a complicated looking spherical mechanism that glimmered with hundreds of rotating, glowing runes stored within. It shook for a moment, before a golden light suddenly spread out over the area in a large dome-like radius, blocking out any remnants of hail, smoke or fire from entering within.

"%Thank you. Be careful.%" Ox's body clicked and beeped in finality, before powering down completely.

Although she originally panicked, floating around him sadly, Xanzua vaguely understood what he had done and what he had entrusted her to do. Floating before the two with tangible bodies, she gestured for them to pick up Ox's core, beginning to move towards the edge of the dome to guide them through the storm.
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider
%Analog% | #Beastial# | &Sylvan&

Letting the little robot take her hand, she gave a gentle smile and soft giggle underneath her breath at the construct's thankfulness. Hopefully this robot's desperation wasn't going to turn out as ominous foreshadowing for a painfully annoying detour. Though as the elf heard about what exactly was supposedly going down, the smile sunk away from her face as she returned to a rather stone-cold yet mostly unamused expression.

"Yeah... some lone person dealing with sealing magics and things of old? Might not be 'crazy' crazy but crazy enough to be the one left handling such things... " the elf sighed, looking at a glance to the mountain and the storm before back to the robot, wondering what all the beeps and boops were about.

Watching the spirit's magic writing, they'd raise an eyebrow wondering if this fiery ghostie lacked the ability to talk, watching what Xanzua drew as they could only make out the letter 'Z'.
"&Zhzhhuuuu-eee?- Zaaa-oooh- hmmm, nnnno, I don't... think, that's... &" Ul mumbled quietly to themselves as she tried to read the wording, although she really couldn't tell at all what was going on. Eventually, they just gave up.
"&I guess until you can draw with your little fire words better, I'll just call you Zee... &" she'd answer, though after a brief moment of deliberation she'd go back on her statement.
"&Actually nevermind, I already can't stand the name Zee, I'll just call you something else for now. Like, Zyla. Until I can get more of a name, you're Zyla now, nice to meet you&" the elf would answer as she wondered if she could give some help to better fix up Zyla's state. Feeling the flow of mana in her hands, she'd step towards the taller spiritual being and try to cast some elementally-infused healing.

Action 1
  • Manamend – Ul heals a target through the use of magic and mana expulsion, utilising Fire alignment to better work on the fire spirit Xanzua - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Healing(E), Affinity [Fire](E), Energized (E), Componentless Magic (E) - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
Curious if that'd help them out, she'd watch as the robot beeped its' last boop in donation of its' core, getting what had to be done. Though at Zyla's downtrodden-looking state in reaction to the bot, she'd give a little assurance.
"&The robot's doing a good service, I'm sure he can be fixed back up.&".
"Viole, you can pocket the bot for later, right?" Ul would ask, walking over and picking up the core. Taking a good look at it, she'd be ready to follow along, but first obviously just... storing her bike or putting it in her pocket or something. It's an Item of hers, I don't need to know how to explain how she just always has a whole dirtbike with her, but according to the rules she does. Imagine its like Animal Crossing or something you know, just puts it all into a pocket.

"I'm ready to go when you both are. Erm, how... do I go abouts using this thing?" she'd ask with the core in hand, lightly running her thumb over it to see if there was any button or switch or such that she was supposed to press. She'd repeat the last part in Sylvan to Xanzua, not entirely sure if she understood Common but knowing she responded to the Sylvan.

Check out the core to see its' quality and how it works
Appraisal (D)

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Femboy Femboy

"%Fear not little one, we will follow your will.%" Viole exclaimed looking with fervor at possibly the last time at the little robot, meddling with one's core as a construct is... something no one should really attempt, one wrong move would lead to disastrous results for a construct. Though Viole knew that he did not stop Ox, as that was his wish, so he only watched.

Viole reciprocated Ox's words to him. "%No need to thank us Ox.%" Viole then looked at Xanzua as she floated around him panicked. "He wished for you to guide us. He reprogrammed his own core so it would protect us as we go. We should honor his wish, and hope his changes can be reverted." He exclaimed with his unnatural calmness, yet there was a hint of sorrow in his words, for the actions of the little robot.

"Yes, I can. Let's just hope their master can reverse what Ox did to his core." He said walking up to Ox's body and laying his hands on it, for it to be shortly followed by a small liquid membrane forming around the body and it being absorbed into Viole's pocket dimension E.
"It just works my lady. If you care to look around you will see a golden light that is hard for us to see but it is enveloping us in a barrier so to speak."
Viole added as he stood up and walked to be side by side with Ul, as a good servant should when venturing into the unknown.

Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly

Zaa, Zee, Zyla. Considering she didn't care about whatever people called her anyway, Zua nodded in understanding at the little elf's decision, thinking to simply listen for whenever a word containing the letter 'Z' was mentioned. Still, as Ul suddenly stepped closer without a word, she looked at her in confusion. Watching her raise her hands, the fire spirit instinctively flinched backwards, wondering if even the littler races in this world had a penchant for abuse. Before she could back away much further however, a gentle warmth flowed through her skin, wrapping around her wounds and frostbite like soft flames.

"Thank you."

Xanzua relayed in her mind instinctively, unaware that she had somehow planted that 'thank you' into Ul's mind as well [Telepathy F], although her face still remained expressionless and did not move. She was rather surprised by how kind the stoic little elf riding a crazy-looking vehicle was seeming to be, healing and coming to comfort her admist her worries. If she could, she would pet her head also, like the lambs, but for now, time was of the essence.

Nodding at Viole's translated clarifications, Zua grew mildly concerned when Ox's body seemed to be absorbed away elsewhere, but managed to slowly unclench her fists and try to trust the strangers for now. Without a body and with such a weak ability to affect reality, she had no other alternative anyway.

Ul's Appraisal D
As Ul picked up the golem core, the golden barrier would shift slightly, clearly anchored to it. There were no buttons or switches on the core, rather unimpressionable by design despite all its ridges and grooves. On closer inspection, the elf would notice that it seemed almost purposefully tamper-proof, so that it could achieve its function at full blast until the end, even if it meant burning out the core completely. Unfortunately, Ul lacked the [Arcane] knowledge to decipher the runes, nor the [Engineering] knowledge to tamper with its mechanics any further.

The beginning of the trek felt rather unfamiliar to Xanzua, what without the raging storm usually obscuring her immediate view. Still, fortunately at least, the path forward was mostly in a straight line, the incline merely slowly growing steeper with time, accompanied by ever more hazardous and trip-inducing stones and edges. Through the golden haze, one could see blazing fireballs passing through the skies, some so potent they lit the snow-covered ground on fire. Simultaneously, hail constantly pelted and tinked on the barrier, shattering into sparkly ice blue fragments before melting away around them.

Thin cracks in the earth became commonplace with time, and gradually they started to widen into full-blown ravines, lit by unnatural flames from the storm surging within their depths. Unfortunately, they finally yet inevitably reached one nigh-uncrossable, the distance too wide to even jump.

Floating forward, Xanzua expressionlessly manipulated the earth with her magic, stretching forth a flat, rocky bridge for them to cross... if they trusted her enough to. [Magic F + Componentless Magic F + Earth Affinity F]

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Femboy Femboy

"Do not worry. I simply stored his body in case he could be returned to his previous state, or at least to pass him onto his master." Viole claimed to the fire spirit, that he did not know her name. But since Ox called her a friend he thought of her as such as well albeit temporarily as it needed to be ascertained in due time to be sure of it.

Viole as they travelled with the two of them, looked closely at the barrier, it did have an effect he at some point wished to replicate though it wasn't in his department of knowledge as he mainly handles alchemy and creation of automatons, or artificery. But he did have to say he might have a few things to learn from Ox's master assuming he was the one who created Ox.

The scenery within the barrier and outside of it had that peculiar discrepancy he quite enjoyed for some reason unknown to himself, the sound made by the hazards falling onto the barrier was also something he could enjoy. Not that he knew if his companions could enjoy it but oh well it might be just a construct thing.

When they halted their steps he looked for the reason why, seeing a ravine stretching and their fire spirit friend through magical means creating a bridge for them. After a few calculations in his head he bowed his head to Xanzua, saying out loud. "Thank you for the bridge. My lady, please let me be the first to cross it to test its safety and stability. Of course within the range of the barrier, as I do not plan to be belted with what is outside of the barrier." After which Viole would step forward and as far onto the bridge as he could while staying within the barrier of Ox's core. Having stepped on the bridge he stepped on it a few times checking its stability and IF it was sufficient to not collapse after the weight of both Ul and Viole he would gesture for Ul to follow suit.

Megilagor Megilagor SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider
%Analog% | #Beastial# | &Sylvan&

The elf's healing looked like it did the trick, that seemed like a fortunate outcome. Unsure how much more useful it would make the elemental being to their mission, Ul's thoughts would soon enough be invaded by the telepathic voice of the spirit as she was a bit startled by it.
"Wah-" she panicked a little, her eyes widening as she put together two-and-two rather easily. A bit strange why she couldn't have perhaps done that earlier, or why she wasn't giving any explanation or introduction now that it did work.

"I didn't know you could speak telepathically, and judging from it, you can understand Common too. Well, I guess that makes things a lot easier. Don't fret, erm, Zyla, or whatever your name is. We'll all get this up and fixed in a matter of time, anything else you have to let us know that your little construct friend couldn't inform us would probably come in handy" she answered, holding the core as she soon enough followed through the storm. Making sure they were all safely kept inside the barrier up until they reached the ravine obstacle. Yeah, even with Xanzua's assistance, she wasn't simply going to trust that in a million years. Although she was highly surprised by Viole's willingness to try it first. They'd need to cross it, but she was still a little concerned for the construct's safety.

"Hold on, just to make it more stable... " she'd answer, hoping that a coating of ice, especially with the hailing storm, would help freeze and structurally integrify the bridge for Viole.

Action 1
  • Spellslinger: Frost - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Frost-aligned mana that fires an Ice Bullet - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Affinity [Frost](E), Affinity [Blight](E), Energized(E), Componentless Magic (E) - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
After such, she'd nod for him to give it a try and grant silent hope that all went well. Keeping her arm out and leaned forward to give him all tje barrier space needed, she believed that she could probably just [Teleport] as it'd be safer.
"Ah, if you're going to try crossing, perhaps you should take the barrier halfway. I'd be able to teleport to avoid the trouble, and Zyla can probably just float over. We'd only need stress it to be strong enough for one person if possible" Ul would suggest, she'd give the Barrier Core to Viole before he went. She'd help sturdy the bridge a little more, waiting to see if the Barrier reached far enough to just safely teleport.

Action 2 & 3
  • Spellslinger: Frost - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Frost-aligned mana that fires an Ice Bullet - Magic(F), Affinity [Frost](F), Affinity [Blight](F), Energized(F), Componentless Magic (F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Teleportation (F) + Energized (F) - Grade Fe - 0 Turn Cooldown - If the Barrier reaches far enough where there's safe space at the end of the bridge, Ul will teleport to it to avoid having to cross it.
Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly

"Oh. Wow. Hello. Hello, hello. Thank you for healing me." Blinking in surprise, Zua tested her newfound powers on Ul without shame, watching the words register in her mind and on her face with fascination. Turning to Viole, she continued. "Hello to you too. How interesting. When did I gain this ability? Have I always been able to do this?" She grew puzzled, extending herself to try and use telepathy on them both at the same time. "But thank you for your consideration of Ox, Viole." She nodded briefly, the foreign violet-like name sounded out thoughtfully. Viole and Ul. Such strange names this land had.

Moving on to more important matters, she watched Ul reinforce her bridge without emotion, thinking her magic was oddly suitable for the storm and the current situation. "I have not known the two for long. Was drawn to this mountain by... something. And met them here. Wasn't sure what they were doing. Then the world shook. And Ox's master passed out." She explained rather succinctly, remaining in her position floating part way across the chasm. "The storm came suddenly. Ox and I tried to take him to shelter. But even working together, we were slow. And we were dying to the storm. Then, Ox suddenly changed his mind. Grabbed something from his master's body and threw it on the ground. Think it made a barrier. Then guided me to run and leave the storm together without looking back."

"We tried to look for help. But there was no one around. At all. Until you two came along. So thank you. Also, Ox's master looks like an old man with antlers."
She finalized, briefly hoping she had relayed everything.

She had to admit, the differences in both of their behaviours towards her bridge was rather fascinating. One thanking her elegantly and trusting her without caution, the other procuring all the neccessary safety measures they were capable of before proceeding. What a funny duo.

Unfortunately, the barrier just barely didn't reach the other side, forcing Ul to teleport on to the last quarter of the bridge, just a smidgen of distance away from the other edge. All that was needed was just a few steps for the little elf. Unfortunately however, it was that tiny distance left behind that made all the difference.

The subtle sound of a pebble crumbling was the only sign, as a silent flash of green suddenly shot out from the chasm below, [Surprise] leaping at Ul and completely knocking her off the edge of the bridge. Winded and falling into the abyss below, slabs of stone suddenly hurriedly jutted themselves out of the ravine's wall a few-Uls distance below, forming a rough platform for her to land on. Xanzua's eyes unwidened in relief that she had made it in time, before turning towards the attacker.


For its silent and stealth-like movements, it was startlingly bright admist their current landscape of frosted rocks and hailing flames, shining neon green. Verdant green flames covered its exterior, with a more teal-coloured ice emanating from its head and inner torso. Its body was clearly more upper torso reliant, with stubby legs but hefty arms, its movements and demeanor almost gorilla-like. Having stuck itself to the wall just below Viole, it snarled at its failed ambush and its prey's survival, its claws tensing for another strike.

It was unfortunate in this instance, that the barrier seemed programmed to let in and out all living things... with no exceptions.

  • [Mind Words F] (Two actions) - Telepathy F, Energized F to Ul & Viole
  • [Earth Platform F] - Magic F, Earth Affinity F, Componentless Magic F, Energized F

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Femboy Femboy

"No problem." Viole would state to the voice in his head. Though he could guess it was their spirit companion saying it. When Ul said to take the core, he would do just that. Orders are orders, if she wished to try teleporting across it, then let her do it.

At the sight of some beast leaping from below and attacking his master the non-existent blood within Viole would begin to boil, figuratively of course. Seeing that Viole would begin to calibrate his mana eventually unleashing large pressurised stream of water at the creature, hoping to do some damage to it. Though he knew their spirit friend saved his master, the creature was not something he wanted to let live. And yet just to be sure Ul was within the sphere of influence of Ox's core he walked forward a fair bit.

1.Catalyst E, Magic E, Affinity Water F, Area of Effect F, Range F, Selective F, Focus F - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
2. Move closer to the end of bridge.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Megilagor Megilagor
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider
%Analog% | #Beastial# | &Sylvan&

Having a voice speak directly into her head was not the most pleasing thing to be immediately greeted with, the elf's hand lightly raising to the side of her head as she bared with the sudden flow of words directly into her mind. Nodding lightly, she'd wince a bit.
"Yeah, I hear you, you can talk in my mind... " Ul muttered, it had been a long while since someone had done that, and it wasn't the most pleasant thing. Ears existed for a reason, her mind was for thinking rather than listening. Listening to what Xanzua had to say, she'd mutter under her breath.
"A name would've been nice" she mumbled, considering that was the first thing she tried to ask for. The explanation also wasn't very helpful in the slightest, Ul could've probably guessed any of that with her iconic scrying powers that she had dubbed as 'common sense'. Either way, she nodded.
"Thank you for the info, Zyla" she'd just end up answering over it, not exactly expecting it was her real name but it wasn't like she'd gotten an alternate answer.

"Thanks for the continued assistance, Viole" she'd briefly respond to her construct companion's assistance, someone so willing to help in any way was so convenient. If she was further stuck with the likes of... oh, who else were nightmarish thorns in her past side? That idiot who looked like a stuck-up private school student, Edgewin? And not as annoying, but rather dense in getting them to cooperate, that doll with a screw loose who jumped off a ship in the middle of the ocean, Zahrah? There were more challenging people to have to work with.

Though at her moment of teleporting across, it'd seem like things really didn't want to go her way. Must've been universal karma for letting an absolute moron like Edgewin enter her mind for even a moment. Feeling the brunt of the impact from hitting a solid surface below the broken bridge, she'd grumble as she sat up.
"Could've gone better... " she'd grumble, looking up to see who or whatever it could've been that caused such a thing, noticing the strange elemental being.
"Huh. Must be mad that I wore it better" Ul would answer to herself at the sight of the other thing in green, looking to Viole since they were in the most dangerous position of all. Since they had the core, it'll all be a colossal failure to begin with.

"Viole, get off the bridge, you n' Zyla need to be safe" Ul answered, getting up. At least closer, she'd try to teleport back up to the end of the bridge like she'd actually intended to do, wanting to distract the creature to give her companions the chance to cross. Noticing what looked like some sort of icy component, they'd wonder if it was a viable thing that'd annoy them to try melt it.

1. Teleportation (F) + Energized (F) - Grade Fe - 0 Turn Cooldown - Ul teleports up from her position, on the side of the end of the bridge, wherever's inside the barrier.
2. Spellslinger: Fire - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Fire-aligned mana that fires a Fiery Bullet-like Projectile - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Affinity [Fire](E), Affinity [Blight](E), Componentless Casting(E), Energized(E) - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
3. Spellslinger: Fire - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Fire-aligned mana that fires a Fiery Bullet-like Projectile - Magic(F), Affinity [Fire](F), Affinity [Blight](F), Componentless Casting(F), Energized(F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly

Xanzua didn't care for any of Ul's mumblings, simply believing people muttered, whispered or what have you, because they didn't want to be heard. Why else? Nodding without much thought at the elf's louder thanks, she watched each of their magics flare out in rapid succession, reminding her just how commonplace fantasy and magic was in this strange new world.

However, it was unfortunate that Ul chose to teleport before firing her attacks, exchanging her alternate, lowered angle at the beast for one far too close to Viole's, leading to their elementally incompatible attacks to rather unceremoniously collide and fizzle out mid-air. Additionally, Viole's anger-induced spell required too much concentration to be able to move much at the same time, which caused his spell to falter and splutter slightly on release.

Viole's water spell
3 (Int D) + 2 (Catalyst E) + 2 ([Water Jet] E) = 7
-1 effectiveness as focus grade is less than overall ability grade
+1 effectiveness for elemental advantage (water vs fire)

Ul's fire bullets
3 (Int D - to avoid damaging self) + 2 (Componentless E) + 2 ([Spellslinger: Fire] E) = 7
+1 effectiveness for combo bonus from [Spellslinger: Fire] F
-1 effectiveness for elemental disadvantage (fire vs water)

"What are you doing?" In a way both calm yet genuinely puzzled, Xanzua couldn't help but ask them both. Seeing as they seemed to be travel companions, she thought they'd at least have some level of coordination, but perhaps not.

With its chosen prey suddenly vanishing and re-appearing in safety, the creature instantly changed targets without a sound. Violently, the green flash leapt up and smashed its giant claws on the end of the bridge Viole was standing on, leaving cracks and heavy trembles in its wake. Fortunately however, the bridge somehow held true for longer than expected, tethered and reinforced by Ul's earlier frosted reinforcements. Viole fortunately had the time to safely make it completely to the other side, if he reacted in time.

Xanzua Actions:
  • [Mind Words F] (Two actions) - Telepathy F, Energized F to Ul & Viole
  • Float towards the end of the bridge to stay within the barrier
SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Megilagor Megilagor
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider
%Analog% | #Beastial# | &Sylvan&

Having managed to teleport where she wanted, the unpredicted outcome of Viole's attack caused a rather disappointing mismatch which left failure. Sighing as she needed a slight moment of comprehension over what had happened, Ul heard the critically invasive voice of Xanzua in her head and felt more annoyed by her comment than her anything. Rolling her eyes, she prepared her casting hand for another bout, preferably one that'd turn out better.

"NOT helping, firefly, miscalculations happen. If you're not gonna help, keep the hell out of my head when I'm trying to think" Ul answered back rather abruptly, the elf didn't desire to come on a life-threatening quest to hear back-sass from a glorified hologram. It wasn't like Ul had ever been in a dangerous scenario alongside Viole, so there hadn't exactly been any sort of practice in the slightest.

"Viole, focus on getting off the bridge first, use your water and we'll try a better combination than what just happened, and thirdly, convince me that I'm not already regretting choosing to come along" she'd ask of her construct servant, aiming both her fingers at the elemental being and firing away. If she got its' attention, it was better off than keeping it on the other two.

"Hey, rocky friend, considering you're tryna dress to impress me, why not show me what you're made of?... You know, aside from, rocks" Ul would ask of it, not expecting she'd actually get any sort of answer nor could it understand, but perhaps just aimless talking would divert it. Problems like this should become way easier in the future once she'd better mastered the magics and elemets of this world to her own usage, such tedious obstacles shouldn't possess a problem in her way in the distant future, that which she'd attest to. For now, she'd utilise what power she did have, working with Frost as it'd work better with Viole's magic if he continued to assist her with additional fire.

1. Spellslinger: Frost - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Frost-aligned mana that fires an Ice Bullet - Magic(E), Magic Range(F), Affinity [Frost](E), Energized (E), Componentless Magic (E), Affinity [Blight](E) - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Spellslinger: Frost - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Frost-aligned mana that fires an Ice Bullet - Magic(F), Affinity [Frost](F), Energized (F), Componentless Magic (F), Affinity [Blight](F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
3. Spellslinger: Frost - Ul gestures her hand with her thumb up and next two fingers pointed outward to make a 'Finger-Gun', loading with Frost-aligned mana that fires an Ice Bullet - Magic(F), Affinity [Frost](F), Energized (F), Componentless Magic (F), Affinity [Blight](F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Femboy Femboy

"Confusion is normal after one has been suprise attacked." Viole answers as he quickly moves across the bridge closer to the enemy, as it will take a bit of time for him to generate bigger mana pulses to allow him for stronger spells. At least he knew what he would have to work on in the not so far away future.
"I have to lower the stream for a bit, I have to recalculate the mana signature before I cast a stronger one again, milady."
Viole said as he finished crossing the bridge, oddly calm, but then again, he was a construct, so it wasn't unheard of that one was emotionless.

Having arrived on the other side of the bridge and close to the enemy, Viole would stretch out the arm not holding the core in the enemy's direction, making the gesture of goat horns as on both fingers, which pointed at the target, balls of water began to form and shoot out at it. And as he shot he said to Ul.
"Technically, Milady, it was your idea to take this request, but since I am also partially responsible for this, let the blame rest upon me. I as, your servant, should have been more observant and should have seen the enemy before it attacked you."


1. Follow Ul's orders. Aka move to end of bridge, and speaks to her.
2. Intelligence D, Catalyst E, Magic F, Affinity Water F, Focus F, Energized F, Componentless Magic F - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
3. Intelligence D, Catalyst E, Magic F, Affinity Water F, Focus F, Energized F, Componentless Magic F - Grade F - 0 post cooldown

CD: E 1/1
Last edited:
Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly

Ah. Right. The fear of death. Viole's reply on the surprise attack causing confusion reminded her. It made sense that it would cause panic and cloud judgements. She had never personally viewed her life as valuable, but knew others thought very differently in that regard. Her death in her previous world had been willing, and she didn't care should die again, likely treating this whole thing more idly than most would. She understood now.

Xanzua could not comprehend Ul's sudden aggression, but nodded in accordance with her request, briefly figuring out how to withold her odd newfound telepathetic powers to only target the one called Viole. Still, listening to them each individually speak, she didn't understand why Viole apologized for Ul. How was it his fault in the slightest? He sent out his attack first and was closest. That was, until she was reminded of something by his last line.

"You are her servant." She re-iterated thoughtfully, musing over the meaning. "Why do you serve her?"

Although it might've felt like it, Xanzua didn't mean this in an insulting way towards Ul in the slightest, she was just genuinely curious. It reminded her of when she was a kid, observing other kids following around a 'leader' or the most 'popular' or 'coolest' person. She didn't get it. What was so good about them? She had always felt that each one of the followers had their own traits or hobbies that were far more interesting.

Still, as Ul started talking to the creature, Xanzua moved, the earth beside her beginning to glow faintly orange. Although the beast seemed to look towards Ul as she spoke, it seemed to play a diversion trick of its own, tensing its muscles but not leaping towards Ul, but Viole, its head snapping backwards in a near instant turn. Regardless however, it did not make it very far. Sudden jagged, rocky protrusions beneath its body disrupted its momentum, aiding the jetstreams in pinpoint piercing its target, dousing and extinguishing its exterior flames. Powerful bolts of ice hit their mark, instantly freezing the pierced flesh and the splash of water that coated its body, creating an eerie spike-like sculpture.

Whether it was dead or not, it was hard to tell. At least they were all for now safely on the other side of the ravine, with the barrier intact. Whether they wanted to make sure, or investigate its body, Xanzua would leave that decision to them, turning her head to the side.

In the far distance, though rather blurry through the storm of orange and blue, a tiny, vague glittering dome seemed to be erected, not unlike the one with them right now. Vaguely, one could make out the shadow of a man sitting still and holding onto a staff or pole of some kind. It was too distant to make out any further details, but it seemed their destination was in sight.

Xanzua Actions:
  • [Mind Words F] - Telepathy F, Energized F to Viole
  • [Jagged Stone F] (Two actions) - Magic F, Componentless Magic F, Earth Affinity F
    • Zua floats towards and disrupts the earth beneath her target, disrupting their movements and footing.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Femboy Femboy

"I serve her for if not her grandfather I would not exist, so I am repaying the debt of life, and yet I am also doing so to respect his last wishes while also because I enjoy being around her and wish to see what she can accomplish in her years of life." Viole exclaimed as he was preparing his magic yet again to strike the creature, but seeing it frozen over after it attempted to attack him was... Exhilarating or at least that's how someone normal would call the feeling.

Seeing the entity frozen, Viole would stride closer to Ul and Z, positioning himself between the thing they just fought, frozen stature and his companions, he would look at the thing trying to appraise it with his knowledge. "I hope this thing is dead, sadly I doubt my magic could kill it. So I advise we move right now. Even if it somehow is alive, its current state will give us some time to move."


1. Stride
2. Appraisal E at frozen enemy to see if Alive or not.
3. If others move he moves with them.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Megilagor Megilagor
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider
%Analog% | #Beastial# | &Sylvan&

The creature, while sturdy and durable, apparently not very resistant to lacking a winter coat. Humming softly at the sight, her focus slowed a little to a calmer state. It was looking held up for the moment, and that's honestly what she was fine with. No time to poke the local wildlife with sticks, the elf wanted to get a move on with this dreadful storm. Hearing Viole's blatantly wonderful suggestion, it was exactly what she was thinking. Pinching the edge of her hat and lowering it to better cover her face, she gave a small cough to clear her throat.

"Agreed, the longer we stay out here, we're killin' bubble time, and I don't think we're gonna be doin' a whole lot of bird watching" she answered, albeit she would've been rather interested in prying apart the elemental's insides to see what made it all work. That being said, getting ready to move on, she could notice the barely visible distant dome. Didn't look natural, and the shadow shape looked awfully human... at least if you squinted, and used your imagination, and took a really wild guess, but it stood out.

"Zee, or whatever I named you, you recognise the other bubble? If not, and you don't have better advice on what way we're going, that's the way we're headed" she answered, motioning for the other two to follow on as she started to trek forward through the snow. Whatever was going on at the destination, it better be a lot simpler than actually trudging through this wasteland. Snow could be beautiful, but this was just the worst experience of it. But, it did give her an idea for when her and Viole started working on land. One she'd have to look to discuss with him later to lay down the ideas and plans in her mind.

Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly
The one called Viole gave her four quick and distinct answers to her query, which Zua greatly appreciated. She felt most tended to add tiringly-long embellishments to their tales, refusing to get straight to the point, so she actually really sincerely appreciated such a succinct summary. "I see. Thank you for answering." She had yet to see what Viole saw in Ul, to choose to serve her so wholeheartedly. But with a new subtle fondness for the former, she kept a thoughtful eye on the littler elf, hoping to find out herself.

Viole's Appraisal E
Titles: [Xixi's Minion] [Construct] [Scout] [Unsealed]
The lack of other skills used made it difficult to discern exact health or build levels, but Viole would discover that the creature was very much still alive, with the beat of mana flowing through its skin and the subtle flicker of its hollow eyes.

"It should be." Zua replied to Ul, subtly thinking they both lacked much facial expression, similar to herself, before trekking onward with the group.

Ox's core buzzed slightly in Ul's palm, as if resonating with the barrier growing closer ahead of them. The floating runes in its core almost seemed to excitedly spin into an arrow-like shape, pointing them in the right direction like a compass.

Gradually, the blurred shadows through the hail of fire and ice became clearer. The distinct shape of the man's antlers stood out, but most alarming was what was slowly revealed to be laying around him, both inside and outside the barrier. What was initially assumed to be mere mounds of snow or stone, quickly congealed into the shape of piles of dark monstrous corpses, awfully similar to the one they had just fought. They ranged from dragon-like to golem-like, with dying flickers of emerald flames or ice still lingering on their bodies, and many of their sizes easily dwarfing the little one they had just encountered by the ravine.

The antlered male seemed to be sat still in the centre with his eyes closed, holding a simple wooden staff upright beside him. But as they finally reached the barrier's edge, it became abundantly clear why he was sitting.

His legs were gone.

Covered by the bloody shreds of his robe that fluttered in the wind, there was nothing left beneath him but a trail of blood on the ice-covered earth.

"Ah, the Forlini, I'm glad you survived." He spoke up first before slowly opening his amber eyes, his tone gentle yet still. "Seeing as he's not with you, I will assume the worst." He shook his head sadly, a faint trace of grief flitting across his face. "But even in his end, he saved us both hm?" He smiled, his eyes wrinkling into warm yet sincere crescents.

"Thank you all for coming. Think either of you two can carry half an old man on your back?" He addressed the two strangers with a humorous chuckle, keeping the mood light as he remained still in place, leaning against his staff to face them all a bit better.
Megilagor Megilagor SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (D)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai, Rider
%Analog% | #Beastial# | &Sylvan&

Ul rather just stayed quiet and looked the other way when Viole explained her reasoning. Yes, she could hear every word clearly. No, she did not wish to actually explain any part of it. Was it true? Eeeeh- Ul would preferably opt for the safe answer of 'prefer not to answer', it wasn't exactly a lie if it couldn't be proven otherwise. Besides, it wasn't her fault that Viole had so abruptly shown up in her life proclaiming such a thing, who was she to turn down a willing assistant?

Quietly taking the core from Viole's possession, she was ready to head on.
"Yyyeah, what he said. As for the elemental thing being alive, it won't matter if we get a move on, I'm more concerned about what else might be lying in wait around here. The sooner we get somewhere safe, the better" the elf answered, keeping their gaze averted over the matter as they tried to pass over it like it was nothing. The mere concept of talking about such a thing placed pressure on her, she still didn't entirely have much of a clue who Viole's creators were or anything about them. In fact, the construct's mention of her totally-real-father-from-a-past-life and his last project being something to prolong his life was an unnerving thought. That there was even the slightest chance she'd have to face something she wasn't prepared for.

Feeling the resonating of Ox's core, she was glad to hear that they were headed in the right direction. trekking on forward as her eyes briefly glossed over the compass-like patterns upon it. Felt like an unnecessary use of energy more than anything, limited power to support a barrier and you were wasting it to make pretty details to point out something they could already see?

As for when they got there, the sight of the corpses wasn't a reassuring one in the slighest. As for the man, even less reassuring. Her little elven ears doing a little wiggle at the sound of him asking to be supported, Ul withheld the sigh of tedious disappointment she could feel. Of course, the spirit that had lead them here couldn't assist with it. Why were they here again?
"Right... Viole, I hope you're not feeling tired from the trip, I'll need your help for this" Ul asked of Viole, seeing as she wasn't going to help carry the man wherever they needed to go. Though for more of interests' sake, she asked a question.

"So, what're you doing out here in the middle of nowhere missing half your body? I'd rather like to know what I'm risking my life out here for. Second, where are we going? I'd assume you have some motive for being in this inhospitable place of all places" she asked.

1. Go to help support the old man
2. Ask questions of him
Ask Nicely - Ul uses the power of social convincing, compliments and being nice to persuade someone - Persuasion(E), Seduction(E), Leadership(E), Energized(E) - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Femboy Femboy

"I assumed you being his creator could reverse the process in which he partook." Viole exclaimed. They were carrying Ox's limp body within their pocket dimension, a heavy weight of hope resting on their shoulders. They had to believe there was a chance, a sliver of possibility that the old man could somehow undo whatever Ox did to himself.

"My lady. Why should I feel tired? I don't remember being programmed with something like that, and according to my diagnostics, I do not appear to be low on energy."
Viole stated, his voice calm and measured. He walked towards Ul, his gaze fixed on the old man's weakened form. He had to get them all out of this dangerous situation. Reaching Ul, he turned to the old man, "I can carry you, sir. Please, allow me to help."

Location: The Fae See, Spear of Aelphi, Outskirts
Time: Late evening
Weather: Outside of the blizzard/firestorm on the mountain's radius, the weather is cool, calm and chilly
As the barriers overlapped with a soft buzz, the old man leaned over to take the core of his own barrier, half-buried and anchored in the snow. It was similar coloured and sized to Ox's core, yet somehow distinct without its own unique trace of life, its runes and glow almost stiff and stationary in comparison.

"Thank you for coming, Ox. You should sleep now." At his words, Ox's core softly powered down in Ul's palm, spinning a few moments longer before its colour grew dull and still.

As the old man hoisted himself up and around Viole's shoulders with his staff, he chuckled gently towards Ul, patting her shoulder briefly in passing. "Don't look so grumpy, not to worry, we're going home. I'm done here. Are you not here to rescue this stranded old man? I just ask to be taken back down the mountain." He chuckled appeasingly.

Ask Nicely E
Ul would be able to tell that despite the stranger's amicability and willingness to answer her questions based on whim, her persuasive and seductive tactics, as well as her attempt at wielding authority, were not at all effective on the man. Rather at her tone of voice, he simply smiled appeasingly and humoursly at her, as if looking at an amusing youth and her harmless shenanigans.

Looking towards Viole as he spoke, the old man smiled briefly. "That is true. As long as that core remains intact, he can still be brought back to life. It will just take some time to create another suitable vessel for a core of his potential..." He shook his head silently.

"Ah, on that thought, if you know where any remains of my little robot boy lie, it'd be nice if we could pass by them too." He glanced towards the sleeping core in the elf's hand with a sad smile. "Not to worry if that's not possible though."

"As for what I've been up to... Well, let's just say my lovely late wife sealed a bit of an annoying yet pitiful worm in this mountain."
He chuckled light-heartedly. "Was just ensuring that things would be fine here. Which they will be."

At Viole's words, Xanzua paused in her examination of the old man, looking up and down the one now outright revealed to be a construct. "You were made very well. I thought you were organic." She telepathed to him thoughtfully with a small nod. Although she had yet to understand them well, she had seen a few 'constructs' in this world by now. He didn't seem at all as 'metal' as most of the ones she had met, but it was fascinating. How to say it... she loved animals. And constructs were similar to just... metal versions of that. Ones she could communicate with too.

She still did not understand what Viole did earlier to Ox's body. It seemed to completely dissolve in that magic liquid he covered it in. He mentioned that it had been stored elsewhere, but where? She couldn't quite comprehend it, so she left him to explain to the old man where Ox's body was himself, instead choosing to examine the trail of blood that went from the master's stumps to the maw of the largest corpse that lay before them.

Quietly, she floated behind Viole and the old man, gently attempting to cauterize his wounds as he hung off Viole's back. Alhough she could not heal it, she at least could try and sanitize the wound.

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