Fade to Black


That Loitering God

Age: (13-22)





Item of Power:(please describe it in detail or post a picture.Also its power)


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Aelia Vahlour






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/castle_age___sephora_by_genzoman-d3eijif.jpg.f1e0a12ef63145820451407adb0a072e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/castle_age___sephora_by_genzoman-d3eijif.jpg.f1e0a12ef63145820451407adb0a072e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Aelia is a friendly, outgoing, and crazy young woman. She loves to have fun and make friends. She can be your best friend, most reliable ally but in that an instant, she can become your worst enemy. Aelia doesn't take kindly to authority. She may seem nice and easygoing on the outside, but in her heart she is a wild spirit.

Aelia always has a smile on her face and she believes laughter can 'cure' almost everything. She despises being told what to do and prefers to do her own thing. If she is in a group, she likes to take the lead and lead her group on a wild adventure, usually taking them away from their original objective.

When she fights, she smiles but the smile is not playful, nor is it friendliness. It's more of a wild, crazy, insane smile. Aelia likes to fight. Plain and simple. She get a 'rush' from fighting and can go on a rampage without even blinking. Something in her mind clicks when she fights. Almost like a bloodthirsty drive. Rumors have spread that she broke several bones in a sparring and sent four other Academy students to healing.

All in all, don't get on her bad side and you'll be the best of friends!


Aelia's past isn't very well known. She was born in a poor village and her parents abandoned her at an early age. The villagers commented later that they had seen the small girl, wandering around the village, playing with the other children, but she had a certain aura around her that filled the villagers with dread and admitted to shunning her.

Her childhood is a mystery to all but Aelia herself and she has not seen fit to share the information. Around 12-14 years old, she disappeared from her village without any mark her ever existing there. The villagers were glad to see her go.

Once again, her life from 13-18 years old was blank. However, she was soon discovered at the gate of the Academy. She smiled at the guards and demanded to be enrolled in the Academy. Aelia had changed. She seemed more 'light'. More airy and her ears were longer and pointed. She was found to have an Item of Power and she was allowed into the Academy. She refuses to say how she acquired her Item. It is said that she stole it from a noble family. Others say that she seduced a nobleman and then murdered him, stealing the Item as she left. Whenever someone comes to her with this, all she does is smile and nothing more.

Item of Power:


When she appeared at the Academy, Aelia had a large scimitar, slung on her belt. She claims that it has a official name but she likes to call it Tinkledeath. It quite large but she can wield it with one hand (Preferably her right). Despite it being so large, she can swing it with ease. Aelia does not have a distinct way of wielding her sword. She says she created her own style but to most, it seems to only be random swings and cuts. Whatever it is, she is very deadly with it.

Tinkledeath can cut through almost anything and is a lot heavier than it looks. Aelia dropped her sword once and challenged a friend to pick it up. He couldn't. No one could. It was a spell and it wasn't. To explain, her sword was immensely heavy which means that Aelia is immensely strong but her sword also does not allow other to hold it so the question of her strength is still unknown.


She has no other weapon than her sword, unless you count her fists as weapons. If so, then Aelia likes to use her 'weapons' quite a lot.

@Jason Rorstiel



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Avelika Herrik








Even though Avelika looks girly, she has the heart of a warrior. She'd never leave a fallen warrior in the hell fire.

Bio: Avelika grew up on a mill, with only her dad after her mom died at a young age.. She was an only child so she spent all her time helping her dad chop wood, milling grain, etc. Her dad taught her how fight and live off the land. At age 16 she left the mill and explored, fighting her way to the academy.

Item of power:

An amulet that her mother gave her when she was only a child.


An iron claymore that her father forged himself.


She can be emotinal at times, but tends not to show it.
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Name: Damon Miller

Age: 15

Gender: Male



(I'm sure this is some guy from some anime, but eh.)


Damon Miller came from a simple walk of life. His family name comes from milling flour into bread, and that's what he and his family have done for generations. He is very fatalistic in nature. His father was a miller, his grandfather was a miller, and that's what he wanted to be too. He thought it was inevitable. Since he is from a rural background, he is out of sorts with the setting of the academy and his social awareness is lacking. He is a sweetie despite his negativity, but it wouldn't seem that way from outwards appearance until he bonded with someone else.


His mother and father are wheat farmers and millers who create bread, flour, and other goods for the people of Kelaron. He is the oldest of the family, with two younger sisters, age 11 and 9, who he loves dearly. He has lived within a very small area for all of his life, and was not expecting to be approached by men of the King. He was brought to the academy relatively recently and still worries that his family will not be able to cope without him.

Item of Power:


Damon's Item of Power, one which went unnoticed for so long, is a scythe. It was used by the family through generations as a farming tool that was kept for its incredibly sharp edge and fine craftsmanship. Besides being very finely crafted, its ribbons and wrappings seemed to have a mind of its own, often ending up wrapped around the user's hands. According to family legends, the wrappings will blow even when it isn't windy. (I haven't decided if I want limited binding power or some kind of wind manipulation yet. Whichever is more appropriate.)


Damon's weapon of choice is of course his scythe, which is sharp enough yet lightly built enough to be swung as a weapon. He may also carry a knife/dagger on him for convenience.


Currently no love interests. If I were to describe his character alignment he would be Lawful Neutral/True Neutral.
Name: Merek Restault

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Personality: Merek is a calm person with a brilliant mind. While he is polite and friendly around others, he rarely divulges any personal information about himself or his emotions. He enjoys learning about history and is determined to find out how humans lived before the Wall was constructed. Exploring ancient places excites him, especially when he comes across old documents.

Merek is almost constantly thinking or assessing situations, so it is not uncommon for him to unintentionally ignore others when he is too preoccupied with his thoughts. However, at times he tends to think too much for his own good, which has caused trouble in the past. Not only is it difficult for him to make split second decisions, but there are also times when his train of thought will turn dark and he will question the value of his own existence.

Bio: Merek grew up with merchant parents and a caring grandfather. His mother and father taught him early on in life how to handle money and expenses. He caught onto it quickly but found no enjoyment in it, which disappointed them. Due to their occupations his parents were often in other cities selling wares, leaving him at home with his grandfather, who unlike them approved of his more curious nature.

He was invited to the Academy as word of his genius at both book studies and archery spread. He readily accepted, eager to see what books the mystical library might contain.

Item of Power:

When he was fourteen he came across an old scroll squished inside of a musty book at the library. To his delight it contained directions to a crumbled building near the edge of the Wall. Naturally he searched for the place immediately and, after many hours of searching and turning over rocks and rubble, discovered a hidden trapdoor. Inside was a small storage containing a special bow and quiver, which he took home and asked his grandfather to teach him how to use it.

Merek can shoot with incredible accuracy and swiftness. The bow itself is strange in that it cannot be broken, not even its string, no matter what may try to harm it. This allows it to be used for emergency defense against an attack. The quiver never runs out of arrows, seemingly able to create more out of thin air.

Weapons: Other than his bow, Merek usually carries around a knife. However, it is typically only used to open things, not for actual combat. While amazing at long range, he is terrible at close combat.
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Thanks guys. Not as many people as I had hoped, but enough. I'll create my own and kick this off soon, tomorrow the lastest.
Name: Raito Rodou

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Personality: He is quiet, honorable, resolute, and respectful towards fellow warriors.

Bio: Raito is a wanderer, equipped with armor only true warriors can wear. He has seen the tides of battle turn and has lived in this war since he was a boy serving under the Roudu clan. His first battle was in the Battle for Roudu, where he 13 years of age, where he cleaved through the enemies like the wind behind his back, where he saw his mother and father die in the hands of the invaders. His anger grew, betraying the Code of Honor he was bound to. He was treated as a rogue swordsman, a fate worse than death. He wandered throughout the land, in search for a true home, but he was also hunted. He was hunted by the village's greatest assassins, but he cut them down with a sweep of his blade, swift like the tempest. They say that he is but a phantom, endlessly wandering in search for a resolution, a hollow shell filled with anger. However, there is more to him than meets the eye.

Item of Power:


Raito's Item of Power is his trusty katana, Tsujite Suraisu, which holds Quiet's whisper and Tempest's rage, allowing him to cut down an enemy in mere seconds without him/her even noticing it. It was given to him as a heirloom by his late father, who believed that will is more stronger than strength.

Weapons: Raito wields only Tsujite Suraisu, for the weapon is Honorbound, a weapon that cannot be sheathed until it bathes in the blood fueling its owner's rage.

Others: Nothing much. He doesn't like to expose himself to fellow warriors.
Name: Amara Chirus

Age: 17

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/glamorous_12.jpg.4ee6dab6d32ba3c3ab01a3417961e810.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/glamorous_12.jpg.4ee6dab6d32ba3c3ab01a3417961e810.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Shy but brave, Amara always try to see the good in people, for she had seen the horrors that the darkness produce. She's caring and kind and never get angry over anything.

Bio: Amara was raised in a small town near the wall. Her family was one of a few that still passes the legend of Altor down along the generations. She grew up in love from er parents, who were not rich, but made enough to get by without much trouble. She had a peacful childhood, care for by everyone in the town.

When she was 11, Amara, dared by a friend, climbed the Border Wall. But she was small and weak, and by the time she made it up the Wall, night had fallen. What she saw outside the wall, no one knows and she wouldn't talk about it. But unlike others' prediction, Amara did not surrender her mind to the trauma. Instead, the girl came out of it even more kind and loving.

Item of Power: The jewelry she wears on her forehead. If she focuses, She could bend the perception of otheres, rendering herself invisible, or create illusions and fake sound.

Weapons: None

Name: Osilus Patromn

Age: 16

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/693924_2280880_lz.jpg.82d3b897e7487f2d6c84431b659ac1d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/693924_2280880_lz.jpg.82d3b897e7487f2d6c84431b659ac1d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Osilus is an ordinary boy, with ordinary trades. He's none too brave, but can be if the situation demands it. He's loyal and humorous, and makes a pleasant company.

Bio: Osilus was the King's far relative. His family was not particularly wealthy or powerful, and he did not attract any attension to himself until he tried to impress a girl with his Item of Power. The King founs out about this, and he was forced from his normal every day life to attend the Academy. He did not really feel bad about the prospect of new adventure.

Item of Power: Its Power is to summon some minor Gods and put them under his control. It's very dangrous and usually requires him to stay in one place without moving, focusing on comand the god. Some higher Gods can be summoned but can not be controlled.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/fantasy-ring.jpg.06b1344d849bbf67eb71a57c4f3c0f98.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/fantasy-ring.jpg.06b1344d849bbf67eb71a57c4f3c0f98.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: A standard legion sword.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed893c10_tixung.jpg.37a9be0c8e2ea8f0eeef44639eb810c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed893c10_tixung.jpg.37a9be0c8e2ea8f0eeef44639eb810c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Athos Almoris

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Like this but with wider shoulders thick arms and a slight amount of stubble on his chin.

He often wears these clothes.

Personality: Often cold on the outside. He likes the sound of silence time, but will open up if you share a few fights and a couple of pints with him. He dislikes talking about his past and even if he is drunk will quickly shut up if someone asks him about it. He will still wake up letting out a loud yell after dreaming about the burned bodies he buried back at his village. He can't stand the miss treatment of women, forgets about most other things when he sees it, and is filled with a rage. He believes if you have the ability to fight then you should fight for yourself and creature your own destiny and protect those who don't have the strength to protect them self.

Bio: He was raised in a north eastern forest and mountain region in a small village. His family was a very distant relative of the royals so far that no connection might even be made except for his sword. His father was the respected leader of the village and taught him how to use a sword and hunt with a bow. When he was 15 he went out for a hunting trip and while he was gone bandits attacked the village. When he got back he the bandits had already left the burning village behind. He dropped the deer he carried on his back and ran to his family's modest house. Along the way he saw the dead bodies of friends he had known since birth. He crashed through the door to his house and found his mother face down with a gaping ax mark in her back. From near the fire place he heard a gargled voice, "Son come here" Athos recognized this voice as his father's. Athos raced to his father knelt next to him on the ground. His father had killed two bandits with a small ax, but was left with a sword in his gut.

"Un-under the planks by the stones of our fireplace there is a sword..." His father, who was choking on his own blood, said to him. "Take the sword and protect those who can not protect them self. "Get the sword now!" His father commanded coughing on the blood in his mouth. Athos rushed to where his father said it was and pried up the wooden blanks of the floor boards. He found the sword and unsheathed it and it lit the room with a radiance like fire.

"What now father?" Athos asked timidly as tears rolled down his face, but by then his father's life had already left. Athos spent the next week working from dawn to dusk burring everyone in the village and by the end of that week he was no longer a boy, but hardened beyond his years. He spent the next three years of his life tracking down every last bandit that attacked his village that day and a legend grew about a ranger who protected the norther provinces. While he was relaxing in a tavern a messenger of the academy approached him and gave him the offer. He decided half drunk in his sorrows to except.

Item of Power: He carries with him the long sword he found under the wooden blanks called Igmoris. There was a letter with the sword explaining its heritage with the family. He learned that the sword can change its shape from becoming wider like a large great sword or to the hilt extending to five feet and the blade retracting to make it more of a sword spear. Also Athos swears he has seen his sword's blade burst into flames and heard strange whispers from it, but he has yet to master those parts of the sword.

Weapons: He also carries with him a long bow and quiver on his back with often about 11 arrows in the quiver. He carries two daggers. One throwing/thrusting dagger just above where he hangs Igmoris on his belt and the other his hunting knife on the opposite side of his belt.

Others: The three years of tracking the bandits and his father's guidance made him an excellent hunter/survivalist, with knowledge on how to set traps, what things in the forest to eat, how to hide in the forest and so on.
Name: Dahlia Bellerose

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Personality: Editing.

Bio: Dahlia was raised by her Grandmother and worked for her in her potion shop.

Item of Power:(please describe it in detail or post a picture.Also its power) This necklace was Dahlia's mothers before she died. Dahlia wears it daily, in memory of her mother. The necklace allows Dahlia to contact ghosts.

Weapons: A simple dagger, or her hands. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/diamond.png.a5342c0b8ab546f4076c0823e28dede6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/diamond.png.a5342c0b8ab546f4076c0823e28dede6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Kazeka Sizuro

Age: 16

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Random_White_Hair_Guy_by_30_Two.jpg.ac74ae6a03478f474e8ae8f72a736e51.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Random_White_Hair_Guy_by_30_Two.jpg.ac74ae6a03478f474e8ae8f72a736e51.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Has multiple personalities, One completely blank, one completely insane, and one kind. When I am in my blank personality I have no facial expressions, no emotions, never talks, and completely lost in thought. When a grin stretches across my face and my eyes widen, I've gone into a completely mentally unstable state. Has fits of laughing, crying, and yelling random things, random jerks of movement, completely unpredictable, and gets angrier every second. Despite all this, my fighting skill dramatically increases from it's already abnormal state. Other than that I am pretty reclusive but kind, when I begin to trust you I tend to go straight to you and will stick close, and I'm a natural born leader.

Bio: I grew up alone, no parents, no friends, nobody. Just people to worsen my mental state and kill me inside. I usually was in the woods practicing, reading, or just thinking. I was pushed around and bullied so much it began to drive me insane, the thought of how unfair I was treated thrashed at my mind, the thought of how cruel of my mother to leave me just tore at me. Therefore the growth of my insanity began. I never went to school, I was abnormally smart, I would think so far I would go blank, I would become numb and limp, I had to see a doctor once and was given a test in which determined how gifted I was. An IQ test. I scored a 196, at age 12. They were shocked to no words. They began to run tests and study me. They soon gave up and could not figure the reason I was so gifted. One night, while I was sleeping in the woods, an ethereal being appeared, and bestow upon me an amulet. She then disappeared and left me dumbfounded.

Item of Power: An amulet from an ethereal being, it gives me the power to manipulate my body and extend my bones from my body and use them as weapons and tools. I am limited to a certain amount of bone to use and the more I use the amulet the more bone I am able to use. It is a pure white tooth that glows sometimes.

Weapons: My bones.

Other: N/A



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I think I might be a little vague but ill post anyways.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.893c2b3e1cbe9dbb1ec6173340450394.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.893c2b3e1cbe9dbb1ec6173340450394.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She tries to keep to herself but is very one sided and persistent. She can get very violent and defensive when she is around certain people. She left her home at a young age and keeps a nomadic lifestyle but wants to settle down somewhere one day. She likes to learn the environment around her before confronting anyone and she tends to think up very peculiar ideas to deal with things.

Bio: At a young age she left her family to create a life for herself. Shortly afterwards her family was killed in a business deal gone awry. Since then she doesn't trust many people and she tries to hide her past. After traveling and not looking back she found a place at the academy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.18f18d457b2b81459f0786dd56b5c7a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.18f18d457b2b81459f0786dd56b5c7a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She wields her sword "Edelweiss" which was passed down through her family. She also carries around many specialized throwing knives which she carefully conceals around her body. She take great pride in her ability to wield her knife with great accuracy.



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Name: Rin Amaru

Age: (13-22) 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/2136671_1320473904001.19res_214_240.jpg.33b745925f3e81cd20b874a49e35f561.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14253" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/2136671_1320473904001.19res_214_240.jpg.33b745925f3e81cd20b874a49e35f561.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Pretty laid back and easy going. somewhat of a slacker, but will do enough to get by. He's very witty and relies more on out thinking than outfighting. He can come off as arrogant, but is usually pretty nice to everybody.

Bio: Rin grew up in a family that was wealthier than others. They never had a lack of food and therefor Rin always felt safe. His father was a man of great power, but he also grew to have many enemies. Rin did not realize this until one day he was on his way home. The day started nice but it ended with rain as he walked back from a friends house. The wind was fierce and Rin was almost swept off his feet a few times. But he continued his way home. Upon reaching his house he opened the front door. He was greeted by a horrible smell, and his house was trashed. He entered the house reluctantly, and looked around. As he entered his parent's bed room, he almost feinted. Two bodies lay on the bed, his brothers and his mothers. But his father was still missing, so before mourning he went to find him. Rin found his father laying in Rin's bedroom, his hand holding a sword on Rins bed. They never found the murderers or what happened, but Rin swore vengeance for his family. He named the sword Timid, after an old tale his parents used to tell him.

Item of Power:(please describe it in detail or post a picture.Also its power): The sword known as Timid, was the sword that was given to him by his father. It gives the wielder a force of wind and speed, allowing them to move a lot more fluently and a lot faster than one without the weapon. Can also manipulate wind to an extent. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/sword-mystic-116943.jpg.920ae13d5ef2d42f48a009c79dbc1f8a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/sword-mystic-116943.jpg.920ae13d5ef2d42f48a009c79dbc1f8a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: In addition to Timid, rin also carries 2 small knifes on either side of his pants. Timid is sheathed on his back.




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Name: Athis Roan

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Personality: Athis is a fairly easy going guy but does everything he can to further himself while trying to avoid stepping on the toes of others. Always willing to jump into the middle of the fray Athis is not one to leave someone behind. Slow to anger, loyal, trustworthy, and kind but mention his heritage and all these traits will disappear replaced by unquenchable anger.

Bio: Son of a knight and whore Athis's life has been one of constant ridicule. When he was still a baby his mother gave him to her sister who owned a tavern to raise as her own son. For fifteen years Athis's life consisted of endless chores until one evening a cloaked man stumbled into the tavern. The man was severely wounded and since he had enough coin to buy a room Athis's was charged with taking care of him. For months Athis tended the old man talking about the mans life and many adventures. During the mans sixth month he grew gravely ill and named Athis his successor. That very night he died leaving Athis a hand and a half sword, armor, and a single gauntlet. Athis tried on the gauntlet a few days after the funeral yelping in surprise as lighting crackled along his finger tips. In his panic he discovered he couldn't remove the gauntlet despite is greatest efforts. After an hour or two of screaming at the top of his lungs he realized the old man had given him a ticket to a better life. He set out for the academy the next day and has never looked back.

Item of Power: Fulmen- This strange looking gauntlet has the ability to discharge small bolts of lightning and is constantly charged with electricity. This means anyone whose weapon makes contact with Fulmen will receive a shock that can stun for a few seconds.

Weapons: A hand and a half sword as well as a full suit of armour



Andrew Clygain






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/elsword_hq_render_lord_knight_sword_to_the_ground_by_oneexisting-d6wth26.png.efeb4fa23910f8e2023ff2d362fdd813.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/elsword_hq_render_lord_knight_sword_to_the_ground_by_oneexisting-d6wth26.png.efeb4fa23910f8e2023ff2d362fdd813.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Andrew is a quiet boy. He tends to stay near his older sister and not interact with others. He does not trust anyone but his sister and relies on her. When their mother died, Andrew became attached to his sister and saw her as his sister and a foster mother. Andrew does not necessarily hate anyone, which people believe, he just doesn't like to have to talk to more people than he can handle. His quietness is almost like a shield.

He protects himself from others as a defensive. Andrew doesn't want to get attached to anyone in fear they will also be gone like his mother. He can't help being attached to his sister because she was always there for him. He almost believes she is nearly invincible.


Andrew is the young son of Aeria Clygain. He never knew his father but never really though about it. Andrew loved his mother immensely like any child should. His sister and mother were always there for him and he was the happiest boy in the world. Until he turned 6 years old. His mother caught a horrible disease and was bedridden and began to die.

He cried and cried but of course, nothing would help his mother. She just smiled and asked his sister to take care of him and then comforted her son.

"Be brave for me my little warrior. Be brave. I'll see you again. I promise."

She died later that day. Andrew and his sister buried her behind their house, in her favorite spot to tell Andrew stories.

Later the discovered a message left to them. They were told to search their basement and there they found Item of Powers. One for each of them. It was so large, Andrew's axe, and he nearly cried because it reminded of his mother's nickname for him. Little warrior. Well now he had to be a warrior. With his sister's help, they both trained with their weapons and eventually enrolled in the Academy when he turned 13.

Item of Power:


The gloves and Item of Power that Andrew has are called Phoenix Gloves. They give him the ability of fire although it is limited. It also gives him the power to be resistant from any kind of heat and can also heat the gloves to provide warmth or melt through metal.

The fire control is limited to only weapon based. When Andrew holds a weapon, the weapon can receive the power of Fire and will burst into flames, giving the weapon a deadly advantage. If any opposing weapon (A normal weapon, not a Item of Power) locks with Andrew's weapon, it can block the blow and protect the weapon from any scratches or dents. Not only that, it will also burn through any weapon (Not immediately as it takes time but can continuously wear down a weapon). Any Item of Power, if it is a weapon, will nullify the burning affect but will not nullify the protection spell.



Andrew's axe does not have a name but is deadly and two handed. It is large and stands taller than him but he can wield it easily. It is light and can swing easily. It has a thin blade which gives it it's light feature.


Younger brother of @Britt-21 's character.



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Name: Hana Clygain

Age: (13-22) 18

Gender: Female.



Personality: She's fierce and very brave. Sometimes she could be a bit wreckless but thats what makes Hana...well..Hana. She could be just as deadly quiet like her brother, or she could be loud and demanding. When it comes to fighting, she doesnt back down and she keeps her ground. When she's yelled at, she either walks away or she punches the person to shut them up

Bio: She lost her mom when she was 11. What happened was she got bedridden and she got a terrible sickness. Which left only herself and her brother. As they got older, they got their weapons and trained without the help of their father because he was never there for them. Now, they're here and Hana makes sure to protect her little brother at all costs.

Item of Power: Well, her weapons are on her waist. Attached by a thick strap. But she doesnt have a mechanisam to fly through the air. its only the blades. The power that is within them is fire, when she needs to, she'll use this power and the blades catch on fire, making it easy to slice things. But they can also change into solid ice.(please describe it in detail or post a picture.Also its power)

Weapons: (pictures)

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It's on people. Our adventure begins! Fade to Black officially started! 
I'm closing this RP from signing up tomorrow. Those who're interested beware.
Name: Cindia Lambert

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Cindia has mocha colored skin, highlighted with dark, curly brown hair. Her eyes are a honey caramel color that seems black at times. She stands at 5'7 with a slim, slightly muscular body toned from years of dancing and cheer-leading. All of her animal forms share the brown color of her hair as fur and her honey colored eyes.

Personality: Cindia is bubbly and happy. She is always talking to other people and is the kind of person who doesn't pay attention to the idea of someone not wanting to talk to her. She is nice to everyone but can sometimes be overbearing or seem preppy. Some people say she's spoiled and annoying but they just don't know her well enough. Cindia can be calm and dangerous when she needs to or has to train and battle.

Bio: Cindia was born and raised in a larger home near Gofaron. Her parents both come from prominent families and so Cindia was raised in a perfect home. Everything she ever wanted was given to her. She was spoiled and raised as a perfect princess. Her family never thought that she would inherit her Item.

Item of Power: A small tribal sun tattoo that allows her to shape-shift into any known animal form. The shift is very painful though and causes her to go insane with the agony if she shifts often within a few hours.

Weapons: Usually her teeth and claws in animal form. When in human form she has a black dagger strapped to her thigh.

Others: N/A
Name: Adriel

Age: 18

Gender: Female Demoness

Appearance: A thin young women with long black hair and very dark green almost emrald eyes. Always in Black attire and her choker on. and at leats and on her left hand she has two rings on her right three. All silver bands all a difrent jem stone.

Personality: Shy, quiet, reckluse. Get her angry and she'll hunt you down and rip your heart out.

Bio: As a young girl she watched her parents murder unfold in front of her. It scared her for life she lives with her nightmare each day because her own kind killed her parents. She ran from the place she loved grew up alone in solituted. The only thing she has ever loved was her two pets and an uncoming power serge she got from anger. She has never let another person in the world in.

Item of Power: Neclace Of Bail - A choker that inables her to controle her self and not turn from her hhuman side. Has a dragon holding an eye.

Weapons: Duel wealding cross bows

Others: Farrets

Caym: He is carmel brown with dark brown soks and dark eyes

Deumus: She is all white with red eyes<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/RP.png.f06871b718021bf5f4ebe88fd4cf21a0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14564" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/RP.png.f06871b718021bf5f4ebe88fd4cf21a0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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