Experiences Face claims vs voice claims vs neither

Face claims vs voice claims vs neither or both!

  • Face claim

    Votes: 17 44.7%
  • Voice claim

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Both!

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Neither, description only

    Votes: 11 28.9%

  • Total voters


Legally mischievous 😈
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Probably a gripping title, but I'm not calling any of these worse or better than the other at all! This is probably a topic that's been discussed often... But I haven't seen someone share my opinion/view.

I rarely like face claims, because I have face blindness. I'll only remember the hair color and race often. Nothing else. It's extremely rare for me to remember anything more than that. I'd prefer a full body shot, I recognize people more by clothes and body types. So, face claims fail me completely. I'll only "remember" faces with interesting skin features, say, vitiligo, big freckles, or interesting skin patterns. Of course, interesting unusual hair helps too! But that's few and far between for me. I can tell animals better apart than humans, so I guess I wouldn't mind animal face claims LOL. Static images for face claims make my face blindness worse.
In this case, I prefer description. These stick in my mind way better and abstract descriptions are more appealing to me.

I like voice claims occasionally! I don't always "hear" voices of characters (only applies to visual mediums) unless I'm 120% in, hell, I don't hear my characters' voices from time to time as I write! But if I do hear them, I think I'd like my version often more than what the author intends. If the writer never details how the voice sounds or focuses on that, I think I wouldn't mind being tossed a voice claim.

About neither, well, I tend to do this the most! I sometimes dabble in voice claims or share art of my characters, but rarely. I feel like I detail my writing enough that it's not necessary.
I like having faceclaims, though I can work with description only as well. There’s no big special reason here it’s mostly just they look good, they give an easier/quicker way to picture the character that’s more consistent across different people, and sometimes the picture itself can influence the character. Often faceclaims help me work out some of the final details, typically minor things like a few extras likes or dislikes. There’s also specialized vocabulary about things that I sometimes lack and don’t how to find - let alone describe in a way others know what I’m even talking about- but a picture can help.

Unless there is something very specific I am gunning for that impacts the vision for the character dramatically , voice claims are a just quirk that I don’t mind but am not particularly for either. So I’ll go along with it if that’s what’s asked or what everyone is using, but I’ll seldom if ever go out of my way to include them.
The only time I do voice claims if I am trying to describe an accent to someone from a different country.

I do like visuals or descriptions but it’s mostly just to help myself get a feel for the character in my head.
I'm personally anti any sort of X-claim. Just write out a description. Hell: you don't have to give hyper-specefics if it's not your style. I've read published works where character details are given in very broad sweeps because it's not actually that important. You just got to give enough for the reader to create an idea of a character.
I'm fine with face claims. I use them myself so it's all good as long as they fit whatever type of roleplay. I'm also fine with descriptions. With those, I like to be able picture what is being described in my mind. I don't bother with voice claims.
As someone who did RP on a message board (as in the format was similar to that of 4chan), faceclaims were super common. I see no problem with them, but I prefer to use obscure characters for them or characters from anime as opposed to a western cartoon.
It would be weird to see someone RPing as a character who is meant to be an OC but is using a well known character like Naruto or Goku.
I generally do a face claim + description! I don't think I've ever done a voice claim.
I used to appreciate faceclaims. I still do to an extent. Yet they also trouble me. On one hand they are helpful. But they can also be a bit... odd. Using real photos of people is a bit creepy in my opinion. Lack of consent and other issues. AI art is another can of worms as is more traditional art simply 'found' on the web. It would be awesome if everyone could do their own art or afford to commission pieces but that isn't realistic. So personally I think relying on written descriptions is the best option.
I don't much care for face claims primarily because I struggle to find one that looks like what I have in mind. I've found success with Artbreeder, but I plan to continue to offer descriptions.

As for voice claims, I think I can manage that much better. When I read books, I already hear the characters inside my head. For example, in the X-Men Mutant Empire Trilogy, I hear the X-Men Animated Series/97 cast or when I read my Star Trek books, I hear those characters.

If only I could find a genie, drawing really well would be one of my wishes.
I prefer using faceclaims. Mostly because I've run into the issue that different people interpret written descriptions differently which can lead to some, admittedly minor, troubles.

Voice claims I couldn't care less about though, I don't think a character's voice is going to be relevant enough to justify it.
I prefer faceclaims because I like having a visual reference accompanying a post but can do fine without.

I find voice faceclaims to be fun trivia, but outside of maybe musically inclined RPs, are unnecessary.
Definitely face claims! I GOTTA have a visual for characters.

As for voice claims I don’t ever do those.

But ALWAYS face claims for me.
I only do face claims if my partner(s) require them. Otherwise, no. I prefer writing these things out. Voice claims, never. Didn't even know what was a thing people did in RP.
I never have voice claims for anyone. I could tell you vaguely what qualities their voice has, how they speak, but I don’t have someone else’s voice in mind.

For face claims - I’m an artist, and a pretty good one at that! So my characters get reference sheets, doodles, etc. I don’t use realistic face claims/other people’s art because it doesn’t match the character design in my head.
I never used voice claims and I use FCs only when my partner/s are on the same page with the visual aesthetics. I rather have no reference at all, especially in a group, than a mix of irl actors and cartoon or anime faces.
It honestly depends. I normally draw my OCs, but when I'm feeling too lazy to draw I use either a faceclaim or a description; I love voice claims when I can find them, but looking for them is hellish. My voice claim process is mostly watching a TV show or movie, or listening to a song, realizing "OMG that sounds exactly like x!", then obsessing (frothing at the mouth) over how much it sounds like my OC, and then holding onto the link to that voice claim for future use. Whenever I've tried to actively look for voice claims, it's been an absolutely miserable process.
I like faceclaims since it provides me with a simple reference. I prefer drawn over photos. But if like we use photo then i prefer fake AI people over celebrities. If I know the celebrity I have a hard time separating their irl persona from the in RP one. I don't really do canon/fandoms, but I used to be that chica that would include outfit and accessories pics too lol

I always like to provide a small written appearance blurb at any rate. Oh and like i can't stand a Mish mash of FC styles and rather all written appearances than have rp with some anime, some Pixar, some realistic photos. Just bugs me.

Voice claims not so much cuz it's like when I read a book and then see the movie version of it. Idc too much about looks but voice never sounds like how I envisioned. Same with how i think a charrie sounds in my head in the rp. It kinda annoys me but I will provide a voice if needed.

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