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Fantasy ~ FableWood

SilverFlight said:
Hey @Lioness075 Did you see Crooked's post about switching up the characters for this fight? He sent a list of pairs and Luness was paired with Achyls, Leandra with Arianne, if that's ok with you I think we should try it, give our characters some interaction with people they don't normally associate with.
Don't change your post, you can just do stuff in your next one.
Yeah, I didn't know where Arianne was exactly so I put Leandra in a significant location. As for Achyls, I'd have to read back to figure out where she is right now. I don't remember where she is in the camp currently.
Back in Norway guys ^^ But don't worry, work schedule is definitely not going to be as crazy. I will have time to keep the pace. Its so awesome, the beekeeper I am staying with is so nice. I got hugs and apple pie, and even the cat remembered me!..and then I was given a moose antler he found when he and his wife were on vacation....I swear Norway...
So, I'm kind of dealing with some stuff IRL right now and can't really guarantee if I'll be able to post this week. Or if I'll really be in the mood to do so.
Lioness075 said:
So, I'm kind of dealing with some stuff IRL right now and can't really guarantee if I'll be able to post this week. Or if I'll really be in the mood to do so.
You take care of you first Lion. Don't worry about the thread.
I know its been silent, and its entirely my fault...my inspiration for FableWood has completely dried up...posting has become a chore...it feels terrible..I'm about ready to call it guys.
Your call, Boss. No matter what you decide on doing know that it has been an honor and was amazing.

Dwell not on the past, fear not the future just move forward. Do what must be done, let the chains of pain shackle you no longer.

The world change and so do we: forget your burdens and embrace new opportunities.

Well that was more dramatic than I intended it to be but you get what I mean :P
DawnAntalios said:
Your call, Boss. No matter what you decide on doing know that it has been an honor and was amazing.
Dwell not on the past, fear not the future just move forward. Do what must be done, let the chains of pain shackle you no longer.

The world change and so do we: forget your burdens and embrace new opportunities.

Well that was more dramatic than I intended it to be but you get what I mean :P
I get it...I don't want FableWood to end like this but...I just can't write it anymore...I think I need a break at least, perhaps I'll start the final battle in a new thread once the Christmas break has started.

But let's hear people's opinions about it. I'm really sorry @general ostruppen , I know you just started.
Of course I don't want this to end because it has been so awesome in the little time that I have been in it.

However if you can't post any more then you shouldn't post. Maybe this dry spell will clear up after a good break and some time to get your inspiration back. From what I can see most of us are pretty loyal to this rp, so if you take a break then come back later we would still be here (that's just what I figure not sure if that's the case)

So what I'm saying is I don't want it too end, but if you need a break, take a break. Just don't end it please TT-TT (of course if you honestly can't do this anymore I guess it can't be helped)
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SilverFlight said:
I know its been silent, and its entirely my fault...my inspiration for FableWood has completely dried up...posting has become a chore...it feels terrible..I'm about ready to call it guys.
I am not gonna lie to ya boss, but I know the feeling. I love Fablewood with all my heart, and you guys have been an AMAZING group to RP with. I count my lucky stars that I was able to be a apart of this fantastic story, but I too have found it hard to get motivated about posting for Fablewood. It is gonna kill me to see it end this way, truly it will. :( Perhaps we can call for a break, see how people are feeling in a few months to attempt to conclude this. I agree with @Peaceswore, we are loyal to this RP and if a break is whats needed to jump start the RP again, maybe thats not a bad idea.
I'm still dealing with personal and school-related stuff IRL so I'm on break already, but I'd much rather see FableWood take a break for a bit than just end right before the grand finale. Especially with plans for a sequel, ending the main RP before it's even officially over would be rather detrimental to the sequel starting off nicely.
Forcing someone to so something he hates can only backfire. Trust me, I know how it is and probably all of you do.

Let our beloved leader rest for now. It is not like we are powerless to act tho!

I am really glad that I have met all of you talented writers, it is not like we can not make a new RP to keep contact whilst Silver rests. ;)
OK. So I think a break is definitely the plan. I will start a new thread and begin it with the approaching final battle. The end of this quest will be the prologue for it. Thanks for being so understanding. I agree with you, FableWood has been absolutely fantastic, thanks to all of us and it deserves to be finished with a bang. That means all of us plus new heroes, new villains and more twists and turns in the plot. This will also give me a chance to come up with ideas for how this will be set up...the battle with Caraboss is going to be a full-scale war.
zCrookedz said:
So are we finishing this arc @SilverFlight?
Believe me I want to, I just can't find an ounce of inspiration or motivation left...I don't think trying to post now is going to lead to very good places. I'd like to call the break as effective immediately. But, I will certainly not stop you from continuing.
Well I can't really continue without you~ So I guess I'll be taking a break. Is this going to last til Christmas vacation or do you not know when you will start this again.
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