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F for MxF Fantasy Romance

Hiii. I'm a fairly experienced, 20 something year old RPer. I'm a chick IRL, and just interested in writing female characters at the present (though I will write male side characters). I'm a sucker for imperfect, well-developed MxF romance, where characters fall in loathe at first sight instead of love. I usually write 2+ paragraphs per post, but quality is more important than quantity. I can reply multiple times throughout the day, some days more than others. I only RP over threads or PMs. I also have no interest in slice-of-life or modern RPs; fantasy and light sci-fi is where it's at.


A witch is hired by a crime syndicate to perform curses on their rivals, instead of hits. I'd like to play the witch. You could portray a mob boss/member, a detective involved in taking the syndicate down, a victim of her curses, or a fellow magic user who is against my witches abuse of black magic. Fun RP mixing elements of urban fantasy and crime.

2.) APOCALYPTIC FAERIE: A post apocalyptic/fantasy AU, where faeries and the mystical Sidhe race have taken over earth, and destroyed technology out of jealousy for humans no longer believing in them. My character is a human woman, a bard, who uses music and singing to overpower faeries glamour, and protect fellow humans. I imagine this as a medieval feudal society, with faerie lords enslaving the prettiest/most artistic humans by addicting them to glamour, average humans working as peasants farming for the faerie gentry, and remnants of old forbidden technology among magical castles and a dying earth. No idea who my partner could play, but I think the setting has a lot of potential.

3.) TELEPATHIC BONDS: A cyberpunk RP, where telepaths/telekinetics exist alongside the normal population. They are basically public servants (some say slaves) under an organization called 'Monarch.' Like X-men mutants, both respected, feared and misunderstood in society; 'mentals' are a slur often used against them. Once tested, drugged and having undergone rigorous training to deem their powers 'stable,' a telepath and telekinetic are paired with each other, and link their minds, in a process known as 'the bonding.' They can see into each other's minds, share thoughts and memories, even feel one another's pain or experience the same dreams, no matter how far away. While this may sound like an intimate union, telepaths are really slave drivers; controlling the telekinetics mind in order to build great statues, monuments and buildings rivaling ancient Egypt that display Monarch's influence and power. Then when the telekinetic reaches their breaking point, the telepath is responsible for emotionally manipulating the kinetic and drugging them with happiness so they don't violently rebel or go insane. Telekinetics often die young, and telepaths experience early onset dementia and pyschological breaks. I'd like to play a telekinetic girl being bonded to a telepathic guy, and exploring their twisted dynamic, perhaps they both decide to break free from Monarch and start a revolt among the other 'mentals.'

4.) HADES AND PERSEPHONE: A modern retelling of the Greek myth Hades and Persephone. Every generation, a reincarnation of Persephone is born on earth, in happiness with her mother Demeter. Then, the harvest of her 18th birthday, Hades comes to claim her for his Realm of the Dead. Every time Persephone returns from the Underworld, she kills her mortal form before Spring ends and Hades can draw her back to his darkness. But in order for the mortal world, and the seasons, to remain in balance, this time Hades must convince Persephone to fall in love with him and remain immortal as his Queen. I'd like to play Persephone in this, and for you to portray Hades. Only minimal knowledge of Greek mythology is necessary. I'd like to do a darker, more adult retelling of Greek myth than the Percy Jackson series.

This is partly influenced by the Companions in Firefly with a steampunk twist. Taking place in a world with floating islands, flying galleon ships and the sky as an ocean. Human beings live in the sky; the ocean is merely a legend from the past, with mages channeling the elemental power from storms for their magic and corporations milking 'cloud farms' in order to provide liquids and drinking water. There are many different floating islands with their own customs and cultures, but after civil war they all now fall under the Empyrean Emperor's rule. A thriving trade route exists between the islands, with merchants and their ships becoming of higher status than born and bred nobility, and the Empyrean Navy defending the sky from all manner of harpies, dragons and pirates. But living aboard a ship often gets lonely for merchants and sailors, who are away from home for long stretches of time - so the most prominent, and wealthiest of merchant, naval and noble ships can purchase Ornaments. The most beautiful men and women born and bred to serve skyships and their Captains, providing whatever the Captain demands; essentially, glorified pleasure slaves with considerable aeronautical knowledge. Only the wealthiest members of the Empyrean can afford Ornaments; they are considered a powerful symbol of a ship's status.

When an Ornament turns seventeen, they 'graduate' from their Ornament House and attend the Adornment Ball; where they are 'Adorned,' essentially, auctioned off to the highest bidder, their 'Decorator.' It's a night long affair, where the Ornaments must be as alluring as possible to seduce the best match, and potential Decorator's must bid and compete for the Ornament they want, no matter the price. If an Ornament isn't Adorned and aboard a ship by their third ball, they are chucked to their death into the endless sky.

But what happens - when, instead of being Adorned by a wealthy merchant or naval captain - an Ornament is kidnapped at the ball by the King of Sky Pirates, and the Empyrean Emperor's sworn enemy?

*This is the only RP I'm willing to play male as my main character.

x x x

So if you're interested, please PM me with a plot you're interested in, or any ideas of your own! I can't send messages yet.
Have you found a partner for The Ornament and the Pirate? That sounds like a really fun and challenging story.

I'm practically new here and have no idea how to send a PM to you (probably because I can't yet). I'm totally sold on "The Ornament and The Pirate" and interested in exploring this plot. Sky pirates, sky cities, steampunk, kidnapping courtesans and possibly a relationship that starts with loathe at first sight? Oh man, this sounds like a story after my own heart.

Let me know if this plot is still available. I'd love to discuss it with you! :D
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