Off to a Better Place

This roleplay is part of the Chronology Series.
Please see the group's Discord Server and our Wiki for OOC talk and further info.

If you've ever taken a trip through the pacific northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls.
Well, maybe you haven't. After all, you just randomly awoke in these mysterious woods without even a spec of an idea of how you arrived here. You awake near a shack of some sorts, and upon stepping inside you find some ridiculously overpriced knick-knacks, the host of which is an eccentric old man. And, as you look around, you find a multitude of other people looking around, who seem to be just as confused as you.
What do you do now?

1. Naturally, all of RPNations rules apply here.
2. Please be respectful of me, the gm. As gm, my word is law. If I feel the need to remove you from my rp for whatever reason, I will not hesitate to do so. That being said, I’m sure that it won’t come to that!
3. No OOC talk in the IC, please. A Discord has been made for this rp as well as an OOC chat here on the site which will be made for OOC chatter, so please keep it out of the rp!
4. That being said, please no OOC drama in the rp. If you have an issue with someone, please take it to pms and discuss it in a civil manner.
5. However, if I find out anyone is bullying/harassing someone in my rp, I will not hesitate to remove you from my rp. We’re all here to have fun, guys.
6. This should be a given, but no godmodding/meta-gaming!
7. Players of all posting types welcome! Whether you’re a one-liner, para, multi-para, novella, first person, third person, or second person rper, you’re more than welcome to post here! That being said, please no text speak in your posts (“u” instead of “you”, etc.) and please try and be as grammatically correct as possible! I understand a few mistakes here and there, but please at least put some effort into your posting.
8. Due to the intended speed of the rp, it is almost a requirement to seek out “posting partners.” These are people you will interact with in the rp so you don’t get lost in all the action that’s happening. As the gm, I intend to make several posts a day. It’s encouraged to only keep up with your characters and who you’re interacting with so you don’t get lost!
9. Duos (two characters per player) will be allowed, but they are limited to five.
10. Please post at least once per chapter! Chapters will be updated every week-few weeks depending on how smoothly things go. If something comes up, dm me personally either on here or on Discord so we can work something out. Your character will be removed from the rp if inactive for extended periods of time.
11. A bit cliche, but have fun!

Here is a common theme you'll find among (most) Chronology Events: mechanics! Point Zero was intended to be shorter, more streamlined, and more plot based. And, while that's not a bad thing, I believe we can all agree that having spicy game mechanics would be fun, right?
Anyways! The mechanics for this roleplay are simple. Three traitors, selected at random by me, the GM, will be selected and will kill off one (or two if it's a duo) person per round. Each time someone dies, they will who they kill and how they do it to me, the GM, and it's up to everyone else (the survivors) to investigate the crime scenes, look for clues, and vote. Votes are HEAVILY PREFERRED to be made IC. Vote based off of what your character would think of first and foremost. This isn't required, but again, it's heavily encouraged.
The other role will be known as agents. Agents are much like traitors, in that they work in secret and are once again chosen at random. ONCE per round, ONE agent may dm me and guess who the traitor is. If they guess correctly, I am obligated to tell them. As I said, they work in secret, so if you're an agent don't reveal you are, otherwise the traitors may want to kill you!
Much like Point Zero, there will be an afterlife system in place for those of you (who aren't inactive) that die. So don't fret if a traitor kills you, as you can still have fun in the rp!

Appearance: Self-explanatory. Just a picture is fine.
Name: What is your character's name? Do they generally go by an alias / nickname?
Age: Chronologically, how old is your character?
Canon: What does your character originate from? If your character is an OC, just say "OC". If your character is an OC specifically from an established canon, put the name of the canon and "OC" next to it.
Powers / Abilities / Equipment: What is your character capable of, and if they have notable items they carry around, like weapons, is there anything special about them? While I’ll be lenient with what to nerf and what not to, naturally, you know the drill. In any case, even just a Wiki link is fine. Your powers will be gone for most of the rp, however there will be a point in the story where you can use them so list them nonetheless.
Personality: What does your character act like, typically? Again, just a Wiki link is acceptable.
Short Bio: What is your character's backstory in a nutshell leading up to how they came to come here? Once again, pretty much just a Wiki link is acceptable.
Other Info: Optional. Just basically any extra info you feel is necessary that the GM should know about.

T The Man With No Name as Sans (Undertale AU)

DUOS: 5/5
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