
Off to a Better Place


This roleplay is part of the Chronology Series.

Please see the group's Discord Server and our Wiki for OOC talk and further info.


If you've ever taken a trip through the pacific northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls.

Well, maybe you haven't. After all, you just randomly awoke in these mysterious woods without even a spec of an idea of how you arrived here. You awake near a shack of some sorts, and upon stepping inside you find some ridiculously overpriced knick-knacks, the host of which is an eccentric old man. And, as you look around, you find a multitude of other people looking around, who seem to be just as confused as you.

What do you do now?


1. Naturally, all of RPNations rules apply here.

2. Please be respectful of me, the gm. As gm, my word is law. If I feel the need to remove you from my rp for whatever reason, I will not hesitate to do so. That being said, I’m sure that it won’t come to that!

3. No OOC talk in the IC, please. A Discord has been made for this rp as well as an OOC chat here on the site which will be made for OOC chatter, so please keep it out of the rp!

4. That being said, please no OOC drama in the rp. If you have an issue with someone, please take it to pms and discuss it in a civil manner.

5. However, if I find out anyone is bullying/harassing someone in my rp, I will not hesitate to remove you from my rp. We’re all here to have fun, guys.

6. This should be a given, but no godmodding/meta-gaming!

7. Players of all posting types welcome! Whether you’re a one-liner, para, multi-para, novella, first person, third person, or second person rper, you’re more than welcome to post here! That being said, please no text speak in your posts (“u” instead of “you”, etc.) and please try and be as grammatically correct as possible! I understand a few mistakes here and there, but please at least put some effort into your posting.

8. Due to the intended speed of the rp, it is almost a requirement to seek out “posting partners.” These are people you will interact with in the rp so you don’t get lost in all the action that’s happening. As the gm, I intend to make several posts a day. It’s encouraged to only keep up with your characters and who you’re interacting with so you don’t get lost!

9. Duos (two characters per player) will be allowed, but they are limited to five.

10. Please post at least once per chapter! Chapters will be updated every week-few weeks depending on how smoothly things go. If something comes up, dm me personally either on here or on Discord so we can work something out. Your character will be removed from the rp if inactive for extended periods of time.

11. A bit cliche, but have fun!


Here is a common theme you'll find among (most) Chronology Events: mechanics! Point Zero was intended to be shorter, more streamlined, and more plot based. And, while that's not a bad thing, I believe we can all agree that having spicy game mechanics would be fun, right?

Anyways! The mechanics for this roleplay are simple. Three traitors, selected at random by me, the GM, will be selected and will kill off one (or two if it's a duo) person per round. Each time someone dies, they will who they kill and how they do it to me, the GM, and it's up to everyone else (the survivors) to investigate the crime scenes, look for clues, and vote. Votes are HEAVILY PREFERRED to be made IC. Vote based off of what your character would think of first and foremost. This isn't required, but again, it's heavily encouraged.

The other role will be known as agents. Agents are much like traitors, in that they work in secret and are once again chosen at random. ONCE per round, ONE agent may dm me and guess who the traitor is. If they guess correctly, I am obligated to tell them. As I said, they work in secret, so if you're an agent don't reveal you are, otherwise the traitors may want to kill you!

Much like Point Zero, there will be an afterlife system in place for those of you (who aren't inactive) that die. So don't fret if a traitor kills you, as you can still have fun in the rp!


Appearance: Self-explanatory. Just a picture is fine.

Name: What is your character's name? Do they generally go by an alias / nickname?

Age: Chronologically, how old is your character?

Canon: What does your character originate from? If your character is an OC, just say "OC". If your character is an OC specifically from an established canon, put the name of the canon and "OC" next to it.

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: What is your character capable of, and if they have notable items they carry around, like weapons, is there anything special about them? While I’ll be lenient with what to nerf and what not to, naturally, you know the drill. In any case, even just a Wiki link is fine. Your powers will be gone for most of the rp, however there will be a point in the story where you can use them so list them nonetheless.

Personality: What does your character act like, typically? Again, just a Wiki link is acceptable.

Short Bio: What is your character's backstory in a nutshell leading up to how they came to come here? Once again, pretty much just a Wiki link is acceptable.

Other Info: Optional. Just basically any extra info you feel is necessary that the GM should know about.


darkred darkred as Sarah and John Connor (Terminator)
T The Man With No Name as Sans (Undertale AU)
SheepKing SheepKing as Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as 2B (Nier: Automata) and CZ (Overlord)
Birb Birb as Epsilo Gamman (Homestuck OC)
Wedge Wedge as Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Morgana (Persona 5)
Jeremiah Jeremiah as Dorothy Haze (VA-11 HALL-A)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Doomguy (DOOM)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as Hopper and Molt (A Bugs' Life)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as K'Thix (DCSS OC)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog) and Hiryu Kakogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Julie Taylor Luckett (OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as Prompto Argentum (Final Fantasy XV)
Crow Crow as Sanjou Nemu (Magical Girl Raising Project) and Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch (Classified)
Rhysie Rhysie as Rhys Strongfolk (Borderlands)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Shadman (Shadbase)
marc122 marc122 as Pichu (Pokemon)
Sleek Sleek as Sergeant Avery J. Johnson (Halo)
Damafaud Damafaud as Lyle Walt and Clara Bulmer (Sevens)
Noivian Noivian as Daxtrien Hartnet (Pokemon OC)
Nightwisher Nightwisher as Felix Combferre Auclair (OC)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fulgore MK III (Killer Instinct)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Slugcat (Rain World)
Zamasu Zamasu as Filthy Frank (Filthy Frank)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising 3)
archur archur as Achilles of Phtia (Greek Mythology)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Buffy the Magicarp (Pokemon OC)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsin Rowe (inFamous)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Dizzy Wallin (Gears of War 3)
Topless Topless as Kanna Kamui (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind as Callie (Splatoon 2)
Veradana Veradana as Scias (Breath of Fire IV)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Ekken Traksa (XCOM OC)
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion as Samantha Ann Whitley (OC)
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow as Zacian (Pokemon)
Clover Clover as Eddie Brock (Marvel Comics)
Hercynia Hercynia as Zenos yae Galvus (Final Fantasy XIV)
Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock as Miguel (Road to El Dabo)
SeirenK SeirenK as Omega (Final Fantasy XIV)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Cole Macgrath (inFAMOUS)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Tenshi Hinanawi (Touhou Project)
Zerulu Zerulu as Sterlok (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Rysesaka Rysesaka as Kawhi Leonard (Game of Thrones)
thefinalgirl thefinalgirl as Valentine (Skullgirls)
Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva as Kung Lao (Mortal Kombat)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Wigfrid (Don't Starve)
DUOS: 5/5
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Name: Sarah Connor

Age: ???

Canon: Terminator 2/Dark Fate

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: Sarah Connor terminator dark fate picture - Google Search

A lot more weapons.

*Military training- Knows her way around a gun and many other weapons
*Survivalist: Knows how to live off grid for long periods of time
*Nightmarish dreams

Personality: She has become a muscled, ferocious warrior. After the death of Kyle Reese, Sarah takes his warnings and the responsibility of raising her son to heart. Her fixation on the disaster and her fanatical desire to keep John safe has made her mentally unstable and very violent, which is aggravated by her fear and hatred of the T-800.

Short Bio: Sarah Connor (Terminator) - Wikipedia

Other Info: Sarah's Dark Fate bio isn't found yet and I'm working off T2 timeline so far.


Name: John "Bear" Connor

Age: ???

Canon: Terminator series/ Adult Version

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: John Connor

Personality: John Connor

Short Bio: John Connor

Other Info: Has a "Y" shaped scar burned into his cheek due to fighting a terminator.


Name: Isabelle

Age: Unknown but can be assumed to be an adult

Canon: Animal Crossing New Leaf

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
Though she has no powers in her original game, In Super Smash Bros ultimate she possess a wide range of abilities using items found in her original game. Through "toon force" Isabelle can cause some nasty damage to her opponents.

Toy Hammer- A shiny plastic hammer that squeaks
Broom- An average broom
Pot- Is quite decorative but Isabelle has trouble holding onto it
Party popper- Perfect for celebrations!
Whistle- Can summon a stop sign when she blows it
Bucket- usually filled with water
pom-poms- A great tool for cheering on teammates!
bug net- A net that can catch the quickest of bugs
Fishing Rod- Wonderful for fishing on a nice summer afternoon

As for abilities, Isabelle is a good secretary I guess? I mean, it's not like she harnesses the power of god to file papers but she does do a pretty great job at it.

Though she's quite the cheerful puppy, Isabelle is infamous among inhabitants for overworking herself to the point of exhaustion. She highly values her work and isn't ever afraid to lend a hand to those in need.

Short Bio:
Isabelle and her twin brother Digby lived the first few years of their life in a cardboard box together. Eventually later in life she becomes a secretary of a small beach side town where the player character gets mistaken for the newly appointed mayor. From then on she supports the player by giving helpful tips and helping them earn a development permit. She can usually be found in the town hall but after being invited to fight in the tournament called Super Smash Brothers, she also can be seen duking it out with other Nintendo icons.

Other Info:
-Her birthday is December 20th
-In the winter she wears a mustard yellow cardigan with a dark green skirt
-The bells worn on her head jingle when she walks
-Isabelle is a Shih tzu dog
-She likes her coffee as a mocha with lots of milk and three spoonfuls of sugar
-Isabelle will know characters that are in Super Smash Brothers
Wikis used 1 2

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Name: 2B

Age: Unknown

Canon: Nier:Automata

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
Swordsmanship: Battle class androids are more proficient with weapons than other models even being able to dual wield them.
Marksmanship: She can accurately fire and lock onto targets with her Pod.


Virtuous contract: Short white Katana
Cruel oath: Short black katana
Pod 042: Floating Box that has a gun. Mainly provides 2B with support.
Pod 042 A100 Decoy: a program implemented onto the Pod that allows it to create a decoy of 2B that draws enemy fire.

Equipment: Flight unit-currently inoperable
fly bo.jpeg

Personality: 2B's personality

Short Bio: 2B

Other Info: Hates Mackerel
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Epsilo Gamman

Species: Alternian (known as a troll)

Age: 7.3846 lternia sweeps (equivalent to 16 human years)

Canon: Homestuck Oc

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: Epsilo being a blue blood, has an enormous quality of strength. All blue bloods do, and he has some of the best his species has to offer.

Personality: Epsilo is a rather shy, gentle giant. He often doesn’t do much when he is at risk, and can’t hurt a fly. But if others are in trouble he is a force to be reckoned with. When angry, he develops a compulsive hulk like rage and will destroy anything that gets in his way. As most trolls have personalities similar to their sign, Epsilo, having the sign of Lupus (the wolf) is a bit of an over sized puppy.

Short Bio: Epsilo is an alien from a planet known as Alternia. He is from a higher part of society, a “highblood”, because of his dark blue blood, which is a noble trait to have. He lived a very average life for a blue blood, but unlike tradition, he followed a more rebellious life, and went against the norm through advocating for low blood rights. Eventually, through several shenanigans of other beings, and tampering with technology of a close friend, he ended up on earth, a vastly different planet. He continued to live life on the planet in an open cave, and is currently exploring earth to widen his own knowledge and growth.

Other Info: As a troll, sun is a weakness for him. On alternia, the sun radiates temperatures of at least 212° F, and almost no troll can survive in its harsh climates. Because of this, Epsilo has never felt sunlight like many trolls, and is vulnerable to the earths sun. He is slowly adjusting and trying to become more used to it by going out during dusk and exposing himself to less bright sunlight.

Voice Headcanon: Nathan Explosion from Metalocalypse

Theme: (I might change this later, for now this is his theme)
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Appearance: A9440589-A815-43BA-8067-D83732709FF8.jpeg

Name: Elios Str'ank. Normally goes by the nickname Gambler

Age: It is unknown exactly how old Gambler is but he is an adult by the standard of his species.

Canon: The Endling

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: Gambler lacks any supernatural powers not shared by the rest of his species. As a Felivet he is incredibly fast, has shown to have almost tireless stamina when running, is stronger than a normal human, and unsurprisingly has catlike agility. To ut it quite simply a Felivet is a mix between a tiger, and a leopard cranked up to the extreme.

Personality: Gambler is a quiet and very solitary soul, he has shown to be loyal and dependable to those who earn his respect and friendship. He loves to laugh at jokes though he rarely ever makes them, he has been known to show a bit of contempt for other races but he seems to have lost that habit in recent times. Normally Gambler knows what needs to be done and would step forward to do it himself as he often discounts other's abilities but when it comes to water he has a borderline crippling fear(Even though he can swim).

Short Bio: Much of Gambler's early life is unknown, he first appeared when he was arrested and thrown into a dungeon on Cora di Schola, he joined a small group who were bent on deposing the dictator of Nedarra. After that it is a blur of questing doing everything from dodging the flame of A Knight of Fire, to traversing a lost cavern housing a lost civilization. Leading him to be one of the Rebel Leader's right hands in the war to save his homeland.

Other Info: NA


Age: Unknown

Canon: Persona 5

Powers/abilities/equipment: Morgana has the ability to summon a Persona however he won’t be able to use it here, so instead he will have to rely on his Slingshot, Saber, and cat like agility and reflexes.

Morgana is determined and friendly and loyal to his teammates and friends and will fight by their side no matter what, but he can be pretty quick to anger at times especially if you bring up a certain touchy subject for him. He also hates feeling useless and he will make fun of Ryuji a lot.

Short bio: Morgana has no memory of who he previously was and his main drive is to find out who he was he believes he used to be a human, so he hates it when someone calls him a cat.

Other info: NA

Rebecca Dorothy Willow Graem (AKA: Dorothy Haze)

Age: Legally 24, physically appears 13



Powers / Abilities / Equipment:

Cannot die...technically: Every Lilim's AI is uploaded and re-uploaded to a cloud known as the Collective Source constantly, so Dorothy will never truly die so long as the cloud remains intact; in the event she were destroyed, her backup AI would simply be placed into a new body.

911 what is your emergency?: Lilim come with an emergency services speed-dial built-in, and it is triggered by emotional or physical duress. If a Lilim is a witness to a crime, they automatically contact the relevant authorities; a Lilim who is the victim of a crime will additionally release tracking nanomachines that will attach to their assailant. However, due to the innately emotional and context insensitive trigger for this system, cases of Lilim experiencing cold feet at their wedding, getting exceptionally rough in bed, or just having a stressful day at work and accidentally getting their spouse or boss arrested have become all too common.

Signal Nyat Found: Being a DFC-72 model of Lilim, Dorothy is highly customizable. It might look like she's wearing any old headband, when in reality it's a powerful all-purpose signal jammer in disguise. It can scramble anything from incoming or outgoing broadcasts of any kind, to radio or GPS signals in a radius around Dorothy while deployed. Also doubles as cat ears to appeal to the catgirl and cat boomer crowds alike.

Finger Guns: No, seriously. Dorothy has modified her fingers to be able to fire low caliber bullets for the purpose of self-defense. The perfect concealed weapon, her fingers are nigh indistinguishable from those of another identical DFC-72 Lilim, whether loaded or unloaded.

Personality: In every sense of the word, Dorothy is bubbly. Approaching the world with a childlike optimism, and avidly flaunting her sexuality, Dorothy lights up any room she enters and sees the bright side of every situation. Kindhearted and charismatic, Dorothy works tirelessly to bring a smile to her friends' faces, even sacrificing her work to give them the support they need. Dorothy isn't naive, however; Dorothy knows the risks she faces as a sex worker, and she experiences harsh bouts of depression stemming from
solipsism - the idea that the self is the only thing that can be truly known to exist.

Short Bio:
Pretty short bio because saying anything would be major story spoilers. Just go play VA-11 HALL-A honestly, it's a chill game about mixing drinks and changing lives.

Other Info: Deathly afraid of dogs and chinchillas

The Doom Marine, Doom Slayer, Hell Walker, Unchained Predator, or simply Doomguy

The Demons of Hell claim he has rampaged through their realm for Eons, but exact age is unknown.

Doom 2016

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
Praetor Suit: A suit of armor created by the Wrench which enhances the Doom Marine's superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. The Praetor Suit also has several items that can be used such as runes, jump boots, and an inactive A.I. all of which are currently unavailable to the Doom Marine. The suit also provides advanced protection not only against physical means, but environment allowing the Doom Marine to prowl places such as Hell.

Various Weapons: The Doom Marine has acquired various weapons after his release from his prison and subsequent rampage through the UAC facility and Hell. He picked up regular weapons such as a pistol with limitless ammo, but does small damage, futuristic weapons like the BFG with massive damage yet only has a couple shots, and a chainsaw for some odd reason. Still useful for cutting off demonic limbs.

Vega Chip: A data chip which contains a back up an inactive program of the A.I. Vega. Should Vega become activate again, he'll provide tactical suggestions, store data, and hack into devices if there is an access point available.

Wiki link to the rest of his abilities and equipment: Doom Slayer

The Doom Marine seems to be perpetually angry which seeps into many of his actions. Door won't open? Force it open. Door lock and forcing it open doesn't work? Find the guy with the keys and tear it off of him, or gently drag the keys along with said guy to open the door. A bunch of scared demons shitting themselves behind closed door? Rip and tear until it is done. He wears a mask of apathy as well, never allowing people to see him become concern and treating his allies with a certain disregard.

He remains on the side of good nonetheless. When Samuel attempted to explain that UAC's operations were for the betterment of mankind on an elevator, he looked down at a corpse as if to say 'do they look better off to you?' before smashing the voicecom. Furthermore, he was hesitant at sacrificing Vega, but as soon as the option to download the A.I. into a chip, he took it.

The Doom Marine has shown a soft, goofy side as well. During his rampage in the Mars facility and Hell, he picked up numerous dolls that resembled him. He collected many of them, even fist pumping some. He also is fond of bunnies. Perhaps he had an pet of one?

He may appear brutal, rage-filled, and apathetic, but when the demons of Hell come marching, expect him to be the first diving into the mass, ripping and tearing the apart.

Short Bio:
The demons of Hell claim that the Doom Marine has rampaged through their dimension for untold ages. Any demon that faced him were doomed in their encounter. Even Hell's greatest champion, the Titian, was slain. Eventually the Hell Priests came up with a desperate plan. Lure him into the Kadingir Sanctum and collapse the temple upon him. The plan worked, encasing him in a sarcophagus and placing so many demonic runes it would have taken even the greatest minds centuries to identify them all.

An untold time past till a UAC team lead by the cyborg Samuel Hayden traveled into Hell and were able to retrieve him. When the Doom Marine finally awakens up, he finds himself to yet another Hell invasion on Mars. Once again, he fought against the demons as a one-man army through the UAC facility destroying Gore Nests and slaying high-ranked demons. He eventually found the Spider Mastermind, the one responsible for the invasion on Mars, and defeated it.

Then Samuel flung him away after retrieving the crucible. What happens now is unknown.

Other Info:
Unbreakable: The Doom Marine has time and time again resist Hell's temptations. Perhaps he's too hellbent on destroying them all, but nonetheless when he sets out to accomplish a goal nothing can stop him. However, this can be turned against him as shown when Hell Priests manage to lure him into a temple and collapse it in upon him.

Fury: The Doom Marine has shown an inhuman rage that has lasted during his rampage through Hell. While this is useful in certain instances, such as directing it against demons, it causes many problems. The fury is such that it has left him unable to diplomatically resolve issues, break technology alot, become single-minded in his goal to exterminate all demons, and give off an aura of apathy. Though this apathy seems to be a mask of some kind.

Mute(?): The Doom Marine has yet to speak thus making verbal communication nigh-impossible unless he willingly equips a device that allows him to speak. However, he can communicate non-verbally quite well! Just don't expect to see any facial expressions so long as he has his helmet on.

Brutal: The Doom Marine's brutally is such that even the demons of Hell claim his cruelty is barbaric. This is useful in terrorizing enemies, but for more humane non-hostiles, they will no doubt balk at the seemingly unnecessary brutally the Doom Marine exercises.

Heroism: The Doom Marine, as difficult as it is for some, is on the side of good. This is shown numerous times throughout the Doom games such as the time he hesitated to sacrifice the A.I. Vega, instead downloading him into a chip. However, this is masked by an personality apathy and barbarous cruelty as if he doesn't want to make friends. Allies perhaps, but nothing more.


Name: Lord Hater and Commander Peepers

Age: ???/??

Canon: Wander Over Yonder

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:


Superhuman strength

Superhuman speed

Superhuman stamina

Moderate durability





Thermal resistance

High intelligence

Force-field generation

Immortality(Skeletons don't age ya dingus)

Ray Gun

Lord Hater is a power-hungry, evil, and cruel dictator. He hates being told what to do by those he declares lower than him, including his own henchman Peepers. What he desires most is an absolute rule of the entire universe under his fist, and no one stands in his way. However, he incredibly hates Wander, the physical opposite of everything that he is, and cannot stand him due to his superfluous optimism, obliviousness to his evil and one-sided friendliness. This antipathy not only infuriates him but also drives him over the edge to complete impulsiveness and attempts to obliterate Wander, even putting his plans aside just to do so. He can also be arrogant and is easily distracted when he believes he has the upper hand. But when worse comes to worse, Lord Hater is not to be taken lightly when he is fixated on a single-minded pursuit. When he realized his other nemesis Emperor Awesome was almost going to receive the chance of universal control before he could, this caused him to abandon Wander and easily took out the entire Fist Fighter army with one punch while rushing to Awesome and defeated him in under a second. Aside from this, he appears to have incredible power and nigh-invulnerability when he is pushed enough that put most opponents at a disadvantage.

Despite his reputation, however, Hater is exceedingly immature, prone to throwing temper tantrums and irrational thinking, acting more as a cranky teenager rather than an intergalactic conqueror. While he does have great abilities, Hater does not use the full extent of them unless it is to prove himself, often wasting his power for minimal purposes. It is also because of this that right after he accomplishes such feats it is his own ego and overconfidence that quickly causes him to lose in a situation with one like Wander, robbing him of intimidation and his dignity. Even most of his plans are somewhat frivolous or out of spontaneous desire, such as trying to prove his reputation whenever he is hinted to be "nice" or torturing others to use their screams for a song. He has also demonstrated naivete and an almost child-like nature, especially when learning of his nemesis' true identity that he fell into a captivated trance and developed an instant crush.

Hater is also shown to be very insecure and appears to desire popularity more than anything else. In "The Cool Guy" and "The Rager", Hater is shown to be quickly distracted by any chance to be seen as cool by others. Wander in particular seems to believe that Hater's cruel ways stem from his insecurity.

What Peepers lacks in size, he makes up for in smarts and loyalty to his boss, Lord Hater, and determination to destroy the only threat to the Hater Empire, Wander, and Sylvia. He is recognized as the brains behind Lord Hater's reckless brawn, so much so that even the other villains recognize his absence when Lord Hater tries to go it alone. Peepers seems able to hold an impressive grudge, second only to Lord Hater's contempt of Wander. However, he seems to despise Wander and Sylvia primarily for acting as a constant distraction to the Hater Empire's plans to conquer the galaxy; constantly arguing with Lord Hater regarding their waste of time and resources trying to capture/destroy the two.

Peepers is both under-appreciated by the overlord and overworked. He is also very strict with his fellow Watchdogs, who are far less competent than he is. But despite their bickering, Lord Hater is Peepers' closest friend, and Peepers on occasion has been shown to grow extremely jealous when Lord Hater has brushed him off for his own attention from characters such as Lord Dominator. Though Peepers and Sylvia are enemies, they are often able to put their differences aside in order to help each other save Wander and Lord Hater from whatever trouble they may be in.

It's been suggested that he may have a Napoleon complex, as he's been teased by the likes of Emperor Awesome for being very small in stature and is elated when gifted with a pair of elevator shoes.

Short Bio:

Other Info:
it's implied that Lord Hater was once an astronaut chimp from NASA.

The lightning bolts on his head are part of his skeleton body.

Hater is around 6 ft while Peepers is around 3 ft

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K'Thix'Rax or just "Kay"

14 (23 by human measures)


Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
Being a human-sized ant comes with several significant benefits, most notably:
Four arms, each incredibly powerful
Mandibles, capable of digging through rock, or being used as weapons in a pinch
Antanae, capable of picking up chemical traces and sound, allowing 'sight' through walls
Stasis: Being so connected to the earth prevents K'Thix'Rax from being teleported, whether by his own will or not

Being a follower of the chaos god Xom gives K'Thix'Rax a wild set of magical powers
Invocation of Chaos: K'Thix'Rax can call upon Xom to discharge a random magical effect
Chaos Bolt: Xom fires a bolt of random elemental power
Chaos Summon: Xom creates a random creature
Hysteria: Xom unleashes several random effects in a confined area

His standard equipment is a set of enchanted plate armour, a tower shield, and a greatsword of chaos

K'Thix'Rax is an honourable if unpredictable warrior, following his god's doctrine of chaos, he's likely to do things for no reason other than feeling like it. He's logical, yet often acts completely against his better judgement. His greatest fear is a stagnant life, and he'll go to any length to ensure that never happens.

Short Bio:
A true oddity among his people, L'Thix'Rax chose not the life of stability most Formicids yearn for, but instead one of spontaneity. He chose to worship Xom, a fickle god of chaos, inviting the insanity his life would become with four open arms.​

Name: Whisper the Wolf

Age: Unconfirmed--Around 19

Canon: Sonic The Hedgehog IDW comics

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
Marksmanship - Whisper possesses a Wispon which she could use as a rifle. She has been shown to be a capable sniper who can accurately hit her target from several miles away.

Variable Wispon ~ a Non-Standard Wispon weapon that appears to be a rifle-umbrella hybrid. This weapon requires Wisps to function and adjusts to whatever Wisp enters the weapon.
Mask ~ The mask she wears is a targeting system for the Variable Wispon and a communication device for her to understand the Wisps. She usually hides her face in this thing in awkward situations.
Wisp Capsules ~ Whisper carries around several capsules which contains a wisp each--she has six capsules, five of them are occupied. She sees these Wisps as friends and would trust their judgement as she would protect them and vice versa.

Whisper is a rather mysterious individual who shows a rather shy and timid personality. Very soft-spoken, she speaks in a very low volume and utters no more than a few words at a time. It is heavily implied that she has experienced some past trauma, likely at the hands of Dr. Eggman. When in social situations, Whisper usually exhibits a rather bashful side of herself.

While Whisper is extremely fearful and mistrustful of other people, she exhibits a strong bond with her Wisps based on trust and friendship, as illustrated by their reception of Sonic persuading her to trust the hedgehog, and the Wisps willingness to stand up to Badniks in order to defend her.

When fighting, Whisper is very focused and determined, preferring to not let her emotions get the better of herself to complete her goals. However, she has shown hints of a greater temperament beneath her calm facade, namely when confronted with something associated with Dr. Eggman.

Whisper is very much a lone wolf. Keeping to herself, she prefers to do her own thing and work on her own rather than cooperating directly with others. This is illustrated by the fact that while she assisted the Resistance during the war, she never actually joined or even revealed herself to them. Despite this, it is shown that she can open up to others if they are nice to her and is willing to join group efforts, like when she joined the Resistance on a mission to liberate Angel Island.

A particular quirk about Whisper is that her eyes are squinting most of the time. She usually only opens them when she gets very angry.

Short Bio: Whisper the Wolf

Other Info: If the Wisps will remain in her possession, Whisper would most likely try to consult them on whether or not she could trust a person. If the Wisps were gone, however, then Whisper would try to remain as far away from the crowd due to some trauma and issues in the past that are yet to be revealed. Call it a hunch, but she'll be the most suspicious of the bunch after the first kill.
Alternate Forms
Full name: Julie Taylor Luckett
Original Name: Heigen
Age: At least three hundred years old
Gender: Female
Canon: OC
At a first glance, Julie is a rather inspiring character. Daring, unafraid to say exactly what she thinks, stylish with a rather expensive taste, yet at the same time, understanding, willing to listen and gentle. The actress is the type of person one would be drawn to, someone true to themselves, persevering, determined and driven. She's pleasant to talk to, sometimes too pleasant and it's quite eager to help and offer advice. Really, a person you can trust!

...Or can you?
What most don't realize until too late, is that Julie's character is a facade. The true Julie is vengeful, possessor of an unstoppable temper and a god complex. Yes, Julie believes herself to be above and beyond all rules, a being so intelligent and cunning that no one could even dream of grasping what her objective is, even less stopping her. Julie's actions are calculated, doing this or that to win the trust of her eventual prey and stay low profile until the right time to pounce. Her schemes can last from months to years, little by little, day by day, guiding her prey to a beast's mouth they're completely ignorant of.
This nekomata takes great pleasure in watching other's despair and loves to move one or other stick to guarantee that things may eventually crumble down. What's the harm in playing around a little if humans are bound to die anyway? Might as well make that time fun, right? And if the poor weak lamb of her's decides to commit suicide, well, more enjoyment to be had and less effort for her. It's nothing but a win/win situation~
(Not a) Short Bio
Gifted to a noble family back in medieval Japan, Heigen, merely a month old at the time, doesn't remember where she came from exactly. The siamese's earliest memories are ones of happiness, with loving owners that fed, pet, loved her and even a human... kitten? as playtime company. Unfortunately said heaven was never meant to last. With war breaking between rival kingdoms the palace had soon been consumed by flames and barbarity. The once kind, warm home had been torn to pieces, her family tortured and killed. They had lost and the victors were nothing but cruel monsters... Yet, a worse fate was bestowed upon Heigen, imprisonment.

In Japanese culture, cats were always associated with the supernatural and as such were just as beloved as they were feared. Thus, instead of killing the miserable creature and warrant its spirit's hatred, Heigen was locked inside a cage and given nothing but scraps to eat in the expectation that the cat would wither and die on her own. But they made a mistake, or maybe they just didn't know better. Well, Heigen didn't die. Even malnourished as it was, barely being able to get up the cat survived, its body powered mostly on its willpower, on its hatred for humanity. Eventually, the humans of the house started getting iffy about keeping the cat there, the darn thing just wouldn't stop breathing! Months, years later, it was still alive! Over the fear that the animal had possibly been possessed by a demon and could attract bad luck, Heigen was at last thrown into the dungeon to never be seen again...

And some years later Heigen would meet them again, turning each and every member of that house into no more than minced meat, then burning the entire place to the ashes. Their mistake? Not cutting off the cat's tail. The cumulative power of curse after curse she had cast upon her captors had given birth to a cat with a long, split-tail, supernatural powers and a long-brewing, earth-shattering thirst for revenge. One that couldn't be sated so easily. Filled with nothing but feelings of betrayal, contempt, disgusted and hatred for humanity Heigen began her rampage, at first with big, explosive displays of fire that consumed village after village seemingly spontaneously, but as things progressed and her existence stated being taken more seriously, Heigen had managed to enslave an entire town by fear. This is where things had started getting fun.
For a small period, there was peace. Giving the brave townsfolk the benefit of the doubt, Heigen had struck a deal with the natives: If they built her a temple and offered a sacrifice each month, she would not attack the town and also protect it from coming to any other supernatural harm. For a place that had been suffering occasionally with the presence of youkai, it was a great deal and to be honest, Heigen had started getting tired of destroying things and killing to her amusement... It wasn't amusing anymore, just daily-life. Maybe she would have stayed there, at least until modern times, but someone had other plans. A supernatural hunter party had been called, one that was led by a monk, and for the first time since her 'rebirth' the Nekomata was scared for her life. Heigen hadn't realized that word about her had spread that far, that all throughout the land people were talking about a merciless demon that disguised itself as a cat and even worse, that some had picked up not only just her ways but counter actions for them. With a convincing act of her defeat, then Nekomata had been forced to flee. That had been the second betrayal of humanity towards her, the Siamese would not allow a new one to exist.

From there on, the Nekomata started being more cautious. She would disguise herself to lure humans to her trap, or even use their own corpses as a distraction. Soon enough, she got tired of it, tired of playing with the humans, so she would stand by and watch they fight amongst themselves and perhaps use the dead for a meal.
After watching them for centuries, she reached a truth, it was pointless! Oh, poor human beings, stuck in an endless cycle they're not even aware of! They fight amongst themselves and the winner gets the fish, there's a long period of peace but soon enough, there will be more fighting. And always for such pointless reasons! "Oh I don't agree with your rule", "Oh my God is better than yours", what a non-nonsensical, boring play.
And then it dawned on her, SHE would free them! Her actions had been nothing more than freedom from this cruel and vicious cicle, and she had been nothing more than a Saviour to them. Humans, however, have been stuck in the cycle for so long they could no longer reach this truth. Huh, she would need a new place to live...

A couple of years later, the United States forced the opening of Japan to the outside world. The Nekomata waited for the perfect opportunity to infiltrate a ship that would take her to somewhere new. Disguising as a little stowaway child, she was allowed to stay within the ship as long as she worked around too. She hated doing something for this lowly humans but had to keep her disguise so she obliged.
After a long time, the ship finally reached its destination, England. She left the boat, disguising herself as a normal cat and from there on kept hiding in vehicles and partaking on their rides, until she arrived at London.
The Nekomata was amazed by all the buildings and machinery, oh! this would provide to be a far more entertaining place than her former home! But first, she had to pick someone to disguise as...

...In the end, she didn't pick it herself, but a woman was stupid enough to take the cat out of the streets and make it her pet. "Oh, you poor poor human, you have just sealed your fate."
The woman was an actress, one popular enough to live an easy life and have loads of fans. Julie Taylor Luckett, or how they called her, Julie the marvellous. It would be an easy target to destroy, the Nekomata just had to make her life miserable enough so that the human would end committing suicide, and that the cat did. It played, charmed and tricked various humans into doing what it wanted to destroy that actress' career, make it seem like she had been hiding scandalous, terrible things behind the facade of a good lady.

Julie didn't resist, when the level of gossip reached a level where she wouldn't be able to work in movies anymore, she gave up. When the woman was about to throw herself out of the second-floor window, the Nekomata came to her, disguised as a young man and promised her everything would okay and that after this she was going to be reborn. Amidst the confusion of the lady, the cat craved it's claws on her and ended her life at once.
The Nekomata then, took on the form of Jul- no. She was now Julie, and she would be for as long as fate would let her.
She fixed the damage she had done to the woman's life and was now, herself, a beloved actress with an easy life, ready to have some fun with those pitiful humans of this new brilliant country.
Magical abilities
Blue Hellfire: Exactly what it says in the tin. Julie can summon a blue fireball wherever she wants to. It can either come to life on top of her hands or float around her like whisps, however, it can't be used in both ways at once. It's either for attack OR defense. The tip of her tails can catch on fire too, normally prompted by high adrenaline and anger levels. Once it is out of her control, the color of the flame will quickly fade back into a typical orangey shade, making it difficult to pinpoint her as the source of the arson.

Shapeshifting: Limited to a human form, an in-between humanoid form and her original Siamese cat form. It's the ability that makes Julie extremely good at disappearing from sight and disguising herself.

Puppeteering: Nekomata are well-known for two things, the first one is causing fires, the second one is being able to manipulate corpses like marionettes and use those to do their bidding and trick people. While not her usual go-to ability, Julie has used of this power to trick, torment and enslave humans before and it takes part in some of her favorite 'moves' to pull. Even with the restriction of only one body at once, there are tons one can do with such a power.

Enhanced Physiology: Being a cat Youkai, Nekomata retain their feline counterpart's agility, balance and enhanced senses. With stealth, graceful movements, Julie is as fit as both an Olympic runner and a gymnast at once, capable of great feats of speed, flexibility and superhuman jumps. She can also tell when something is off somehow, similar to the ways some animals can tell when a threat or natural disaster is approaching. Or just being able to tell when it's about to rain.

The language of my people: Independent of the form, Julie can understand other cats' speech as if they were actually speaking. Not that they say anything useful though, usually, they're just complaining at her. In a similar way, they can also understand her just fine, without the need for actual meowing, the only catch is that cats raised by people speaking different languages also acquire different meow patterns, making Julie have to, for example, speak Japanese to a Japanese-raised cat, English to an English-raised cat and so on...Also yes, cats can have accents.

--Theme Songs--


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This roleplay is part of the Chronology Series.

Please see the group's Discord Server and our Wiki for OOC talk and further info.


If you've ever taken a trip through the pacific northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called Gravity Falls.

Well, maybe you haven't. After all, you just randomly awoke in these mysterious woods without even a spec of an idea of how you arrived here. You awake near a shack of some sorts, and upon stepping inside you find some ridiculously overpriced knick-knacks, the host of which is an eccentric old man. And, as you look around, you find a multitude of other people looking around, who seem to be just as confused as you.

What do you do now?


1. Naturally, all of RPNations rules apply here.

2. Please be respectful of me, the gm. As gm, my word is law. If I feel the need to remove you from my rp for whatever reason, I will not hesitate to do so. That being said, I’m sure that it won’t come to that!

3. No OOC talk in the IC, please. A Discord has been made for this rp as well as an OOC chat here on the site which will be made for OOC chatter, so please keep it out of the rp!

4. That being said, please no OOC drama in the rp. If you have an issue with someone, please take it to pms and discuss it in a civil manner.

5. However, if I find out anyone is bullying/harassing someone in my rp, I will not hesitate to remove you from my rp. We’re all here to have fun, guys.

6. This should be a given, but no godmodding/meta-gaming!

7. Players of all posting types welcome! Whether you’re a one-liner, para, multi-para, novella, first person, third person, or second person rper, you’re more than welcome to post here! That being said, please no text speak in your posts (“u” instead of “you”, etc.) and please try and be as grammatically correct as possible! I understand a few mistakes here and there, but please at least put some effort into your posting.

8. Due to the intended speed of the rp, it is almost a requirement to seek out “posting partners.” These are people you will interact with in the rp so you don’t get lost in all the action that’s happening. As the gm, I intend to make several posts a day. It’s encouraged to only keep up with your characters and who you’re interacting with so you don’t get lost!

9. Duos (two characters per player) will be allowed, but they are limited to five.

10. Please post at least once per chapter! Chapters will be updated every week-few weeks depending on how smoothly things go. If something comes up, dm me personally either on here or on Discord so we can work something out. Your character will be removed from the rp if inactive for extended periods of time.

11. A bit cliche, but have fun!


Here is a common theme you'll find among (most) Chronology Events: mechanics! Point Zero was intended to be shorter, more streamlined, and more plot based. And, while that's not a bad thing, I believe we can all agree that having spicy game mechanics would be fun, right?

Anyways! The mechanics for this roleplay are simple. Three traitors, selected at random by me, the GM, will be selected and will kill off one (or two if it's a duo) person per round. Each time someone dies, they will who they kill and how they do it to me, the GM, and it's up to everyone else (the survivors) to investigate the crime scenes, look for clues, and vote. Votes are HEAVILY PREFERRED to be made IC. Vote based off of what your character would think of first and foremost. This isn't required, but again, it's heavily encouraged.

The other role will be known as agents. Agents are much like traitors, in that they work in secret and are once again chosen at random. ONCE per round, ONE agent may dm me and guess who the traitor is. If they guess correctly, I am obligated to tell them. As I said, they work in secret, so if you're an agent don't reveal you are, otherwise the traitors may want to kill you!

Much like Point Zero, there will be an afterlife system in place for those of you (who aren't inactive) that die. So don't fret if a traitor kills you, as you can still have fun in the rp!


Appearance: Self-explanatory. Just a picture is fine.

Name: What is your character's name? Do they generally go by an alias / nickname?

Age: Chronologically, how old is your character?

Canon: What does your character originate from? If your character is an OC, just say "OC". If your character is an OC specifically from an established canon, put the name of the canon and "OC" next to it.

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: What is your character capable of, and if they have notable items they carry around, like weapons, is there anything special about them? While I’ll be lenient with what to nerf and what not to, naturally, you know the drill. In any case, even just a Wiki link is fine. Your powers will be gone for most of the rp, however there will be a point in the story where you can use them so list them nonetheless.

Personality: What does your character act like, typically? Again, just a Wiki link is acceptable.

Short Bio: What is your character's backstory in a nutshell leading up to how they came to come here? Once again, pretty much just a Wiki link is acceptable.

Other Info: Optional. Just basically any extra info you feel is necessary that the GM should know about.


darkred darkred as Sarah and John Connor (Terminator)
T The Man With No Name as Sans (Undertale AU)
SheepKing SheepKing as Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as 2B (Nier: Automata)
Birb Birb as Epsilo Gamman (Homestuck OC)
Wedge Wedge as Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
BarnaB BarnaB as Gambler (The Endling)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Morgana (Persona 5)
Jeremiah Jeremiah as Dorothy Haze (VA-11 HALL-A)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Doomguy (DOOM)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as Hopper and Molt (A Bugs' Life)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as K'Thix (DCSS OC)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Julie Taylor Luckett (OC)​

Prompto Argentum

20 Years Old

Final Fantasy XV

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:

2)Mechanical Knowledge
(To an extent,as he was able to get a Nifhleim tech-thruster working to help Noctis' during the Battle in Altissia. Him using Tech-weapons and being dubbed a technophile by Noctis' also hints he has a good knowledge of machines)

1)Revolvers x2 (by default he only uses one. Dual firing comes when he's feeling "Trigger Happy")
2)Rapidus SMG x1 (100 bullets per clip)
3)Lumen Flare EMP Grenade (up to 5 of it he equips. And it deals magical lightning damage so it can harm people too)
4)Combat Knife (well, machete)
5)A "LOKTON LX-30" camera (But of course! :D)

I could type it here's a pretty long apologies

Short Bio:
Fast friends with Noctis since they met as teenagers, Prompto is a young man of common birth who finds himself out of his depth when tragedy befalls Lucis. Nevertheless, he strives to carry more than his own weight, lightening his companions' burdens as well as their spirits.

A short exploration around the wilderness had lead to him tripping and falling into a cave,leading him into a different environment from what he had been used to seeing.

Other Info:
1)His ability to summon his weapons out of thin air is dependent on Noctis' royal bloodline ability (hammerspace).Here he has holsters to carry his weapons.

2)Ingame,his revolver has unlimited ammo. In this rp,he would have up to six shots to fire before needing to reload. Well,if he's allowed to have unlimited ammunition for his revolver that is.

3)The equipments he has is a near direct lift from what he can carry when playing as him in FFXV's main game mode. In the rp,he will not have the Alea Bazooka or a sniper rifle (since he already has a SMG slung over his back).

4)He likes taking pictures. (That is all)​
(GM permission given to bypass part of Rule 9)


"Oh? I want to sleep..."

Sanjou Nemu

24 before time of death


Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
The loss of power has caused her to lose the ability to access her abilities that come with her Mahou Shoujo form, Nemurin. However, within the dreams, Nemurin can still manifest.
Nemurin's core abilities are to manipulate dreams. She is described to be on the level of a god in the realm of dreams, able to even manipulate thoughts. Thankfully, her pure, good, heart makes sure she doesn't do this, intentionally, that is. This pure, good heart is also why she won't Freddy Kreuger your buttocks.

Due to the nature of her Mahou Shoujo transformation, Nemurin can only exist in the realm of dreams, but things might change, or environments within reality can be altered intentionally or by side-effect to allow her to exist there.

More information here.

Nemu is a very lazy, stinky, sleepy NEET who loves to sleep and doesn't want a job. She is very lazy.
Nemurin is pretty much the same thing, but a more positive side is displayed, with her showing a good heart as she helps children and adults alike deal with nightmares, giving them advice in the process. She is even willing to train others in combat, and while appearing to be a gentle teacher, her training produces some pretty great students.

Short Bio:
Sanjou Nemu was just a regular old NEET living in N-City. That was, until, a little fishy being named Fav appeared and turned her into a magical girl, evaluating her based on an application game she has been playing that was actually a method to recruit magical girls. Her acquired ability was to traverse the Dream World, which she used well. Nemurin was one of the participants in the Elimination game of N-City, where she was the first to die. However, her Mahou Shoujo form lived on in the Dream World.

Other Info:
le secret~


"I am the Princess of the Night. Young fillies will stay safe in their dreams as long as I stand."

Princess Luna

At least 1000


Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
As an Alicorn, Princess Luna possesses great magic feats present in unicorns, such as teleportation and magic blasts. Naturally, she possesses flight, though, flight capabilities in Pegasi has been established to be 'Pegasus magic'.
Princess Luna can also control the Moon, after all, it is her role to raise it when night comes and bring it down in daytime.

Luna's most utilised ability is her ability to manipulate dreams - entering the dream realm, entering individual dreams, manipulating them to some extent.

Luna is- well... she has a lot of development.

Short Bio:
Yeah I'm just gonna put this here.

Other Info:
le secret~​
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Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Early to mid-twenties


Powers & Abilities
.Exceptional wit and cunning, along with advanced combat training
.Benedict is usually known for having “Them” do his bidding, but during these events, all he has is his pet penguin
.Along with his mental skills Benedict also has his go-to if things get ugly...his military-grade pistol
.Benedicts greatest talent is his stealth, often having the help of “Them” but now he faces a challenge without them

Benedict is cunning, quiet, and determined. He does anything it takes to achieve his goals (Which he always achieves). People on his bad side who have encountered him have never been heard of again. And people on his good side would say he’s quite rude...(How rude).

Short Bio
Before the events of this series Benedict was a high class agent of some sort, in the universe he lived in he had powers unknown, and used them and his access to a top secret organization to hunt down his greatest adversary (Classified) and right before these events Benedict and “They” were on an operative mission to take him down, then go to a nice dinner afterwards.

Other Information
Benedict lacks any sort of fear, in his words: “I’m not scared of monsters, i never see them, I guess they’re scared of me”
.Benedicts pet penguin has a name...Josh and it has been specially trained to cater to Benedicts every whim​

  • default.png
    Lyle Walt



    Equipment: Jewel
    A Skill Jewel that stores the seven ancestors and their skill.


    Full Over: Raise all abilities from ten to twenty percent.
    Limit Burst: Display abilities past a body’s physical limits. It also incorporates a healing factor.
    Full Burst: Ability strengthening and healing several times over one’s innate abilities. Its downside being that to create such effects, it constantly stored Mana into itself.

    All: Lets others make use of your Skills.
    Field: Lets any number of people in a designated area make use of your Skills.
    Select: Avoids enemies, and allows your allies alone to use Skills. The reverse is also possible.

    Mind: A Skill close to hypnotism. It demands quite a bit of ability from the user. What it makes a target see is closer to suggestion than physical reproduction.
    Control: A Skill to manipulate its target to your will.
    Dream: A Skill to showcase illusions.

    Speed: Stably raises you and your companion’s movement speed.
    Up ‘n Down: Raises you and your comrades’ speed, while dropping the opponent’s.
    Full Drive: Increases you and other comrades’ movement and thought processing speed by a large margin.

    Map: Lets you take in and see the surrounding terrain as a map.
    Dimension: Lets you perceive the surroundings as a three-dimensional map.
    Map Model: Lets you see a wide range as a real-time map.

    Search: A skill used to find the location of enemies.
    Spec: A skill that allows one to obtain further information on the enemies and traps located by Search.
    Real Spec: A skill to gain detailed information on the present state of an enemy or trap that updates in real time.

    Box: A skill that allows the usage of dimensional storage.
    Warp: A skill that allows one to teleport over short distance.
    Shuffle: A skill used to switch one's position with another person.

    Experience: A skill that doubles one's experience gain.
    Connection: A skill that allows one to connect telepathically with others.
    Sevens: A skill that summons the whole of one's family.
    • Weapon Proficiency: Lyle prefers to use the sabre, but has shown capability of using his ancestors' weapons with ease. The weapons are a large sword, a bow, a one-handed sword, dual-wielded daggers, a whip sword, a glaive, and a flintlock.
    • Magic Proficiency: Lyle is a prodigy of magic. If not for the jewel, he can easily be a magic knight. His magic proficiency covers all four elements as well as light and darkness.
    After he shown growth with his increasingly large number of women, Lyle had shown maturity beyond his age in regards of politic and business. His personality is often obscured by the need to be a rightful ruler as an emperor and a man with a harem.

    Short Bio:
    He fought his sister Celes in the spring of his fifteenth year of life, and his defeat caused him to be driven from the house. Saved by old Zell, the estate’s gardener, he received the Walt Heirloom blue gem turned Jewel, starting his story.While he was often tormented by the curse-esque nature of the Jewel in sucking up his Mana, he borrowed the knowledge and Skills of the seven ancestors residing in the Jewel to grow.

    After he defeated his sister Celes, Lyle ruled the land as an emperor.
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(Both outfits)

Rhys Strongfork


Borderlands series

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
Equipment: Stun Rod | Cybernetic eye | Mechanical Arm
Abilities: Hacking into almost everything with the help of his cybernetic eye

Serious, Possibly sarcastic yet caring in the case of Vaughn (his bro) and won't hesitate to do some revenge if you ruin his promotion

Short Bio:
Rhys' file

Other Info:

None at this moment.
"I draw good with my Cintiq!"
The Controversy Artist:





Shadman has some trickery under his belt and he's not afraid to use it, he can bluff people by threatening to shoot them or act like he's gonna drop his guard only to bounce back afterwards, ready to fight. His tricks mostly consists on threats and distractions to catch the enemies attention or to scare them stiff but he will not hesitate to use a bullet when needed.
The Controversy Artist is a tough guy, he won't easily crack under pressure or stress because he's confident on himself and always thinks positive when things get a little too rough for him, he might crack if the situation is just too dangerous and life-threatening but most of the time, he keeps his cool and still has time to crack some jokes to lighten the mood.
For a regular everyday guy, he can keep up with others and manage to help at times when he's really needed. He's not bad for a hedonistic artist since he can show himself how capable he truly is when in trouble, he might even be an asset to the team if he wanted to be but he's not really that impressive compared to most of the rosters godlike potential but he's capable enough to hold on his own.

Shadman has a Butterfly Knife and Luger in his pockets, they're mostly for show but the Butterfly knife is actually sharp and pointy and the Luger has about 12 bullets inside it, he's keeping it around just in case anything bad happens or to show off. He also has a crooked wallet filled with money but that's pretty much it, he doesn't really bring much with him other than a few bucks and weapons that are for coolness points but he does bring a sketchpad and pencil around too.

Calling Shadman mischievous is an understatement, this artist is an edgy guy that likes to throw slurs around such as using gay as an insult and make sociopathic jokes for kicks but if you ignore his twisted sense of humor and general edginess, he's a pretty cool person to hang out with, he's calm and always tries to make people laugh even if his attempts to get a little giggle out of them would just make them uncomfortable because of his dark jokes but he mostly has good intentions, kind of wise for somebody as edgy as him. He's often just trying to relax and draw whatever pops into his mind, he's mostly harmless but won't hesitate to defend himself when attacked by somebody, he's not a coward nor does he want to bottle up his emotions or keep his opinions hidden for only himself.

Shadman is aware that he's kind of a weird dude and doesn't really seem to mind it, he kind of likes being the eccentric person that he is, acting like he's having a fun time even when just sitting around drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, he's the type of guy who wants to have fun no matter what others think of his ways to have a good time and he only really takes criticism by people who he thinks is cool but when somebody is pretty annoying or just lame overall, he might not listen to what they have to say until they finally gain his trust and respect then maybe he'll listen to their criticism but it's kinda hard to gain his respect because he just does not care about strangers most of the time unless they're his fans.

Short Bio:
Shadman does not have much information about his past other than he got arrested in Switzerland for a while and he's had a pretty tough life on the internet with people constantly bashing him and calling him a degenerate but this did not faze him and he quickly adapted to it and decided to use this to get more fame and notoriety, that's pretty much all we know about the guy. He does not give much information about himself, maybe he has more to him then he wants us to believe.

Other Info:
Shadman might recognize a few of the characters in the RP​
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[class name=pkmn]display: inline-block; color: #FDD001;
-1px -1px 0 #2766B1,
1px -1px 0 #2766B1,
-1px 1px 0 #2766B1,
1px 1px 0 #2766B1;[/class]

[div class=pkmn]Pichu (Age Unknown)
Pokémon (Mainline, HG/SS)
[div class=pkmn][/div]

[div class=pkmn]Powers / Abilities / Equipment[/div]
Pichu, as a level 8, has the following moveset:​
  • Thunder Shock (Pichu sends a jolt of electicity towards one of his assailants.)
  • Charm (Pichu gazes at his target in an endearing way, in an attempt to make the enemy attack a little less forcefully.)
  • Iron Tail (Pichu charges towards his enemy and whacks his tail against the target.)
[div class=pkmn]Personality[/div]
Pichu is a young, naive Pokemon. Although hardened from having separated from his trainer due to wild Pokemon, he is still prone to deception due to inexperience, and has become a little clingy. Also due to inexperience, he is a bit curious, as he does not know a lot of what things are. That said, he does know the difference between a clear-cut friendly person and a clear-cut not-so-friendly one, though he is a lot more oblivious to those who act as a blur between those lines.

[div class=pkmn]Short Bio[/div]
Pichu was bred in Johto's Day Care center. Together with his trainer, he would go on to battle several wild Pokemon until that fateful day. Once, while the trainer made his way through Johto Route 38, he happened to encounter two Rattatas. Initially thinking his Pichu could power through them, he eventually realized his mistake as he tried to call back Pichu while pulling out a more powerful Pokemon. However, one of the Rattatas tackled him, as the other one chased Pichu in his path. However, by the time he had successfully gotten away from the enemy Pokemon, he was unable to relocate the trainer. Thus, the Pichu proceeded to go his own way, but reminisced about the trainer.

[div class=pkmn]Other Info[/div]​
  • Pichu has a given name going by Allie.
  • Any sharp uptick in emotion, be it in the form of surprise, excitement, or startlement, can make Pichu shock itself.
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Age: Unknown

Canon: Overlord
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Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
CZ is specialized in long-ranged combat, shooting foes from afar. She has a fairly strong physical attack power while the value of her other characteristics, especially physical defense, is quite low. CZ has the lowest level among the Pleiades.
Standard Pleiades maid armour
Magic Gun (looks and pretty much functions like a Steyr AUG) (one of many but this is her main one) can alternate between Burst, Semi-auto and fully automatic.
Shizu scarf: The scarf helps her move stealthily and to conceal her appearance and presence. It can also help her cast spells that can conceal others but she'll struggle with that.

Personality: CZ

Short Bio: CZ

Other Info:
She carries a lot of 1 yen stickers she'll put on things she likes

Name: Hiryu Kakogawa

Age: 18

Canon: Kamen Rider Zi-O

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
Zi-O Anotherwatch -
Purple watch engrained with the power of Kamen Rider Zi-O. With this Anotherwatch, he takes the form of a monstrous version of Kamen Rider Zi-O with the strength and 5 second clairvoyance of Zi-O II. Another Zi-O uses two clock hand blades which can combine into one spear. He can also call upon the powers of other Another Riders that were contracted before him.
Another Build - Based on Kamen Rider Build, Another Build can use fullbottles to absorb the essence of a person, object, or an animal into an impure bottle which he devours 2 best match bottles in order to gain their abilities. Another Build also has the abilities of Build's main form of RabbitTank. Hiryu is unaware of Another Build's essence absorbing bottled and chose to fight normally.
Another Ex-Aid - Based on Ex-Aid, Another Ex-Aid has great speed, mobility, and strength. He can also identify hidden blocks which he can stand on or throw someone onto. Another Ex-Aid had the ability to create an unbeatable game which infects the user with the Bugster Virus which he could then summon Bugster mooks afterwards. The virus is only cured when he is defeated or chooses to and he could only infect one person at a time. Hiryu's unaware of Another Ex-Aid's Bugster traits and chose to focus on his more athletic feats.
Another Ghost - Based on Ghost, Another Ghost can steal other peoples souls and absorb. He can remove souls from people's bodies to do so, although Hiryu isn't aware of that trait. Another Ghost can releade the absorbed souls to power himself up and can split himself into several parka ghosts and reform in another location.
Another Gaim - Based on Gaim, Another Gaim can open up zipper portals to a distant planet's forest known as Hellheim in which he can toss whatever and whoever he wants, although Hiryu doesn't know about that trait.
Another Wizard - Based on Wizard, Another Wizard can perform all sorts of magic--from conjuring fire, lightning, wind, earth walls, water spouts to dismembering himself through teleportation circles to reach greater distances, and turning invisible.
Another Fourze - Based on Fourze, Another Fourze calls upon the power of space through energy modules from Astroswitches. He currently has access to Chain Array, Launcher, Rocket, Chainsaw, and Drill. Another Fourze also has the ability to absorb a person and give their life force to someone else. The original Another Fourze, which was the outer shell of Another Faiz, used this to reanimate the dead so that she could finish high school. Hiryu isn't aware, nor does he care about that trait as he'd rather focus on killing Sougo.
Another OOO - Based on OOO, Another OOO possesses the traits of a Hawk(Headwings), a Tiger(Claws to slash shit), and a Grasshopper(Legs to hop high). He can also summon zombie like minions called Yummies to do the fighting for the original Another OOO.
Another Faiz - Based on Faiz, Another Faiz can perform Faiz' Rider Kick, 'Crimson Smash'(A kick which phases through the opponent by a fired beam which drills into them) independently without the need of the laser pointer attachment on his ankle. Another Faiz shares Another Fourze's power to absorb a person and give their lifeforce as Another Faiz was the inner skeleton of Another Fourze.

Hiryu can be described by his obsession for vengeance and overall animosity towards Sougo. This vindictive nature emerged following the sequence of traumatic events which resulted in the death of his parents, to which he has long since held Sougo responsible. The impact of this tragic event was substantial as Hiryu developed immediate resentment towards Sougo for his comparative good fortune.

His single-minded enmity for Sougo and his lack of understanding over the actual circumstances of the events, made Hiryu easily susceptible to manipulation, as Swartz was easily able to recruit him upon discovering Sougo was a mutual target. This singular focus makes Hiryu a troublesome, and deadly adversary for Sougo and his ferocious drive makes him one of the more dangerous Another Riders. Yet beneath the darker emotions, Hiryu is an essentially emotional-wounded man consumed by grief as evident when Sougo extends his sincerest apologies, invoking deeply rooted sadness.

Short Bio: The tale of Kakogawa Hiryu

Other Info: Hiryu can turn into Another Riders without absorbing their respective Anotherwatches by activating them. He can only be 1 Another Rider at a time. He's one of the villains in Kamen Rider Zi-O.[/Tabs]

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