Extras & Piercing Attacks

Forn Clakes

ECR Refugee
If a extra, with all the baseline stats from the core book (no matter the difficulty of the extra), is struck with an attack that does lethal piercing damage, would it be reasonable to just figure they don't soak at all due to having no natural lethal soak, rather than trying to work out the armor they had on?

How about if they are struck with a bashing piercing attack? Half soak as normal?

would it be reasonable to just figure they don't soak at all due to having no natural lethal soak' date=' rather than trying to work out the armor they had on?[/quote']
It would certainly be easier. I don't know about reasonable.

Halving the armor is my usual course, so, obviously, that's my recomendation. 8)
That's what I initially thought, but then that would make it the same as the bashing soak, and, er..... :?

They're only extras, dammit :twisted:

You could do it like Feng Shui does it: If you hit them, they die. If you roll really well, a couple of them die simultaneously.

That's what I initially thought, but then that would make it the same as the bashing soak, and, er..... :?
They're only extras, dammit :twisted:


 Piercing damage halves armor soak, with no effect on natural soak, correct?

 And mortal extras soak bashing with full stamina, yes?

 Therefore, isn't bashing soak for a mortal extra wearing armor equal to the mortal's stamina plus the armor's bashing soak? And the mortal's soak against piercing bashing damage would be the mortal's stamina plus half the armor's bashing soak?

 Are you confusing the rules for piercing damage and aggravated damage?
By the rules, mortals have:

  • A Bashing Soak = Stamina
  • A Lethal Soak = 0
  • An Aggravated Soak = 0

These stack with armor as per normal.

Unless they have specific Mutations that allow them to soak lethal damage with half or full Stamina or any of the 'armor' mutations that increase natural soak by a set amount  (as it is part of the entity in question, it is considered natural soak [doesn't interfere with certian Charms but does nothing against aggravated damage]).  As I never use extras, I consider it immoral to have any living creature serving as just a target for a player, I never really have to deal with that question.
Stillborn said:
You could do it like Feng Shui does it: If you hit them, they die. If you roll really well, a couple of them die simultaneously.
I like this idea.

We do it for ever 3 die of raw damage you do 1 automatic health level. so if you do 9 die raw pre-soak damage you kill 1 extra.
We do it for ever 3 die of raw damage you do 1 automatic health level. so if you do 9 die raw pre-soak damage you kill 1 extra.
You could just carry any extra damage over to the next extra... so if you do 18, 2 extras die, etc.

In our game we just don't roll the HLs against extras.  So whatever's left of your damage roll after soak is straight HLs.

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